Times Rated: | 583 |
Rating: | 8.841 |
Showing: | 101 - 125 of 583 |
Thank you for the welcome message. Greetings from me!
nice profile
great colors
Welcome and enjoy your stay here among us
I give you a ten. You seem to think the same way I do on a lot of things and your right, most people don't understand it. I read and understood that in about fifteen minutes. I am normally a slow reader but for some reasont hat was easier for me to read than most things... so I guess it means I really like your views. Good luck.
SecludedBlood enjoy your stay
Merry Yule to you,SecludedBlood
Nice reading come over and read mine sometime!
I took the time to read about you and what's inside your heart. The thing is congratulations on being human and enjoying it! We all have things we don't like and do like. I loved your honesty here is a 10 for you.
Meeeeow! Thank you for your welcome into the VR site, l'm sure my Immortal Kitty fangs will come in handy around here :D
Great reading. I'm glad I stuck around.
Showing: | 101 - 125 of 583 |