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When one is faced with the world today wherein thousands of young living already born children are dying via disease, hunger and war, the debate over whether we should be rushing to the rescue of a barely alive and totally unconscious cluster of cells (like a blastocyst) or the as yet unaware foetus seems to be not only a distraction from real suffering but another club with which man tries to exercise his dominance over female reproduction and sex.
Therefore, while you may in fact be right that a foetus is by definition alive, I would say the moral choice is still very very grey indeed if not outright hypocrytical by most pro-life activists.
You have been rated by FYRECHYLD.....feel free to stop by and check out my profile. And never hesitate to send me a message, or comment.
Enjoy the addiction, rate me, bite me, come on by....Or I could use I'm new in town can you show me around..*blink blink* Sweetness and sass thats me he he he he.....
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