Alot has been going in my world
abit more then I want to explain at this time
but for my readers I give you something to think about more so then anything else...
What are you attracting in your life?
In my world WEG
We were told to dress professionally at work for there was a company that was supposed to big wigs coming into town. So I dressed the part like when I was in New York.
Well I walked in and there was a whole bunch of causal folks in the house and I was not impressed at all. Then I was to train upper management on what I do and what tens is about. I was like uhhh okay did it and I was throughly impressive somehow.
He took my views seriously and wow I was amazed. :) So I am glad I actually dressed up but the fact still remains do I continue on the path of dressing up or not? LOL I dressed better then the others did even management was not as uh dressed as I. :)
I was in a proud moment and for a moment I was heard which is more then I can say then others.
Then I almost had given my friend a heartattack and the look on my friends face was priceless. She picked me up and her daughter also did the ummmmmmmmmmm wow. I dress business causal not business normally so they were like holy moly tehee
I should have taken a picture lol but that is a moment that wont happen in awhile so I might go witchy spring tomorrow.. Or hippie tied tunic like..
Let the tattoos hang out lol
hell you can see nine in that one :)
Jason is going to be out of the hospital today or tomorrow which ever I cannot wait for I want to see how much he has healed :)
Yeah does the happy dance I get to snuggle and not have to do a thing lol
wooohooo snuggglinnggggg a cat's favorite thing
kisses and sandpaper tongue licks
Life has been really crazy as of recent .
wellllllllllll I am still waiting on that. I cannot wear silver now..:( All my silver is true silver and I cannot wear the crap now...
omg drama queens and well it is a whole new world of the vampire world
I think I actually attracted a man who actually really cares about me over his own life.
He is spiritually nummy and yet I have never met him in person.
I will meet him on thrusday
I am looking forward to it.
twilight party at walmart...
Yes they had a cake painted like the movie
ontop of that they had trailors and bits and pieces of the special addition case.
I got my bag and then I got myself also a jacob team dog tag andddddd the movie LOL
my god daughter was crazy with all the teenagers and it was funny.
I realized there were three vampires actually in the line and one was looking at me like I am seriously yummy . My friend guarding my back not realizing and noticed him before and shielded up did not get hurt dont intent to.
so I am just glad I got out of there lol
other then that my life is busy teaching reiki and wicca two students
sorry readers for it being so long
Okay alot has been going on and the lack of being online can prove that theory!
Was disband from one project back into where I came from Tens. O.o okay it is cool peeps are awesome.
So I am stress free at work busy as heck but stress free! I like what I am doing that is all that matters.
ehhh okay cyst surgery went well, they removed and a week later checked why I was bloating. Was told not to work on an incline on the tred mill for awhile ummmm okay..
They got my fangs fixed and shined they are pretty now :)
Have been training some new people in ways of pagn world who are real new.
I also am training Dezzy a 12 year old whose family wants me to train her on her abilities for she is dark and light. So I am starting her on basics and she is really wanting to learn and grow which was cool. She now seems to get right with me on things and wants to learn which is neat. I mean this child has zeal..
She even wants to learn Reiki. I said I could but it has to be when she is a tad older.
I am not getting paid for any of ths and I told her we normally charge something in return for the reiki training. Since her mother techniquely cannot stratch two dimes together I cannot do that for her and told her that she would have to wait. The mother tweaked and said she would have to hold off.
My own Reiki experience
Did some on self where wounds of cysts were and they noticed that I healed alot better then they thought from the pcos!
proud mment is all..
When I did fasting I learnt alot about honing in and releasing alot of garbage as such via christain techinque but affective
Joined church group to learn so it has been fun. Seeing the empowerment of a lady on her way to growing strong.
So far 5 members bible study is small so when it gets big I will leave lol
Jason the one who had led posioning in the blood is healing nicely and out of a comma and I have only been working distance on him and he can talk and is not on any machines as of wednesday. All I had was a picture and the mother asked for it so I did for he looked shakey.
Now I am the daughter inlaw in her eyes..
Somehow engaged to Jason and did not know it. I said no ring no way. She laughed and got most of her family on it.
ummmm yeah weird I know.
My uncle sent me a book on Jewish lore very cool old book the chumash which is the torah and prayers which is neat for I was looking into urim and thummin and boom in the bible they had it and lol he decided he was going to save me from paganism and catholicchurchs and such.
Snickers it is a neat read so far I see where the old testment gets some of the stuff from and where they took out alot. None the less learning something new.
ahhh there you go my readers
you are up to date.
Purrs and happy paws
With my life they changed our ca group to other areas of the company which is good however bisbanded from the work but placed elsewhere and not told what to do for a week was um hard
Then I had two days off for drs to tell me I am totally stressed out to the max and they upped my dose of pain pills and such.
Blinks my back is hard as a rock and according to her she was like yeah nnnnneeedddd to get that worked on.
thennnnnnnnn my best friend marilyn.. her oldest child gets shot not only did the hosiptal not find the right bullet there were two not one. So he had infect and pain and led poisoning because the drs did not see it the first time. I went with her to the hospital after all these drs and well there were nuns and such and I smiled they smiled back she was like what is up with that. Reiki mastership glows to people and well I was being respectful to them by smiling and nodding and the nuns all smiled back which they needed.
She saw my eyes change colors so how can you tell your best friend um I am more then I seem and most christians see more in me for I am um gnostic ?
So she thought I was going to cause trouble when I was calm and cool and collective. I waited for her to break down and she did and somehow not only did they loose her son they did not have her in son in the system right at all. SO after pulling her away from that she took me to my appointment and I told her since she is chirstian to stop making the devil win. I said say you can not you cant! Say I can handle everything and be okay. SHe did not believe it so of cousre she calmed down and realized I was right . She is talking fear and pain and anger and if she does not calm down it will get worse. not better.
For one her son was lost two she had to go to ny and back to stop the cousin who shot her son from getting anything money wise to getting him out of jail.. So she signed papers and all. thennnnnnnnnn she lost her mind in the cab and I told her she can do it she can get thru the night sign the papers and get back on the plane and get home. She did . SO the cousin and the mother who were aiming at the grandmother for covering her son inturn shot Jason a 6'9 man who is weaker then a kitten right now and got transferred to another hosiptal without knowing it. In the midst of all this she told her oldest sister in new york that Jason was engaged to me. The sister was like my god son is engaged and no one told me? so what does the sister do???? call the mother the grandmother who was supposed to get shot and didnt.. So marilyn lost it fully and they believe Marilyn knows that her son is getting married and it is to me. SOOOOOOOOOOO that has caused a whole new ball of wax for the sister wants to meet me and see how come I am the one her god son is marrying and how come she knows and no one else knows. SO grandma is cooking up a storm marilyn is going to the drs for she is in huge pain and then I am going to work on her for good goddess she needs to relax and calm her nerves down. For she could not say my name to her sister but now I am engaged and did not know it lol. A white girl engaged to a spanish italian who is 6'9 and we have only met in spirit not phyiscally ever. blinks wow is all I can say to that one. So the faimly wants to meet me. All of them um about 50 people were called to the grandmothers house.
more life......
I am off today for I have to wait for the bugs guys to come and raid my house so my dog doesnt kill them. SO I am off again because I cannot confine my dog for that long and work on about three hours of sleep.
So there you have it my readers
So I hope that makes sense if it doesnt my apologizes.Lack of sleep for Raja gives lack of energy to write and brings out the dyslexic in me. :)
flops on bed and looks up at readers
waves at them
To my readers I am sorry ..I have say that ahead of time. I lack the courage to write my feelings out until today.
My friend Jason got shot on saturday and he was harmed by his own cousin for protecting his grandmother who was protecting her son.
He had so much infection that he was put back in the hospital on tuesday and they found another bullet that had given his blood led poisoning these bullets had harm a 6'9 man one for the lack of the hospital's seeing it and two for him not noticing it. SO he is now in a different hosiptal and the cousin and the mother may have a chance of getting out if my friend does not close and hold a family bank account for all grand children. Which would provide easy access for the assholes to get out on bail so the mother marilyn who is my friend and her son is a friend had to leave her son who is being pumped with blood flushing out the old. ON top of which if she fails to these papers, the cousin and mother may get out on bail. SO my heart is torn into pieces for one Marilyn knows her kids well enough if the eldest goes they will hunt him down and no shit all will go to jail. There are five other children. And no shit Spanish and Italian oh god they are all ready to fight and kill.
I have been going thru crap myself I had cyst removals and found out that they are not done getting rid of the crap. I am not worried about the pcos or my fibromyalgia. I am worried about Jason for he is easily able to leave his body and I felt him with me all day. I told him to get back into his body and said stay there. I know it hurts but if they put him back on a breathing machine that will kill me more. As soon as I did that they moved him to another hospital to which they found out he is a 6'9 man who you have to drug worse then a horse. For one he can breath on his own and two the hospital he was in almost killed him.
So this close knit family will either fall because of him or grow stronger together.
I am hoping stronger then the other.
I had called out for work tomorrow for one I have a bug person going to come here and then I have to watch leo not attack the bug people lol
My dog will lick someone to death but if he doesn't know you know omg he is freaky....
my ebil dog....oh so ebil he will lick you with his tongue lol
God and goddess blesed me with wonderful furry friends and children..
They guard us and love us and without them my heart would be so black it would be worse then the night.
curls into a ball of fluff.
I have not picked up a pen and paper in a 15 days
Not sure why
I guess I am waiting for a sunny day?
one that is not too hot and not too cold
my thoughts are all over.
okay for example
I have alot of new stuff to learn in tens since they moved me back there.
At work
Home life is nice. I was like ahhhhhhhhh peaceful. I can work on clenaing the home and still show love to the furries.
Coven wise I was changed to trade and forum master which is cool still learning stuff and it is always nice that is for sure to grow with the coven.
Noticed in the coven others have partners either within the coven or outside of the coven and it is weird I feel like an outsider looking in. Max has been gone for a few months now but I still dont see the need for a partner nor a mate. Is that wrong? I am not sure...
Then I fasted for peace of mind and well though I did it the reiki way I am getting christian like which is odd. I mean I was asked to go to a church and went. it was new and umm alot of people. They want me to work in a minstrey with them and thought why not?
Then sundays I go to another church that is a bible study more like it and I go home and realize afterwards there is a reason why I am seeing both views.
Where I fit in not sure yet either.
Then there is the health stuff pcos Fibromylgia
and nerve damage the doctor's dont know how I am walking at all less alone working out.
:D can you say sheer will power hehe..
They removed some cysts and well I was told by an ex my boobs look better and bigger. I looked at him like he needs to go to his girl friend and leave it at that. I guess less tummy means it looks like more. Who knows I dont..
I feel weird on face book for I have abunch of people from the past finding me and wow it is like they are all married and such and well wow freaky too..
So I am guess I feel like I fit in no where completely and I should somehow...
it could also be I need bed time lol
happy paws Raja
01:44 Mar 31 2009
hon, you can be professionally dressed and still be comfortable a pants suit with flats or nice jeans and a jacket over a shirt is still professional .( use to do this for a living) but hair and a light makeup must be done. and I hope you enjoy your snuggling.