queenofdarkness73's Journal


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more on my job

01:28 Mar 25 2008
Times Read: 579

So the first story I told about where i work wasn't exactly correct I found out the other day. It is true a woman actually killed herself on her wedding night but she wasn't married yet when she killed herself. Apparently she was left standing at the alter. The man never showed up. She went searching for him and found him with her maid of honor in room 409. She actually killed herself in room 410. I took pics of both rooms and got nothing in either of them. Now I know there is a little old lady that walks around in the laundry room. I took pics of that too and found nothing, but she has been seen more then once. Also someone has seen a long blond haired woman in a white dress walking around on 4. I have seen anything yet. There is supposed to be a man dressed in a civil war uniform on 4 also. Now the two new ones I found out about the other day was:

al capone actually stayed there and had two people killed in the library room in the balcony. I have pics up there and there are orbs. The other one is behind the desk there are stairs leading up to the offices and there is alittle boy that plays with his ball. He has only been seen out of the corner of someone's eye. She has seen him alot and everytime she turns around he is gone. I guess when he stayed there he was playing with his ball and walking backwards, eventually he fell down the stairs and broke his neck. I am going to be taking pics of those stairs and on the 3rd floor. I am taking pics on the third floor because that is where everything happenes to me. Only the energy transfers take place on the 4th floor.




eh a part im thinking about for my book

04:18 Mar 22 2008
Times Read: 582

So Im writing a book and I need some excitement for it so Im going to do a kidnapping thing.

Julian walks down the deserted road to her house because her car just stopped running. It is dreadfully hot out and she is stuck wearing a velvet evening gown. She has just finished a business deal that would set her up for life. As she is walking she sees headlights comming from behind her. She steps over to the side of the road and stops walking. The car pulls up beside her. She walks up to the window as it is rolling down and is suprised.

" Mike what are you doing out here tonight?"

" I have to go and talk to Jacob about some stuff. You want a ride?"

"Yes I want a ride. I am glad that you came along it is burning up out here."

Julian gets into the car and shuts the door. Mike takes off down the road. Neither of them says much to each other because they don't really like each other. As they are pulling up to the entrance to the ranch Mike doesn't stop he drives right on by it.

"Mike what are you doing? You just missed the entrance."

"Julian I am not taking you back I have other plans for you."

"Mike stop this car this instance!"

"Julian shut up. I've sat and watched you with Jacob since the day you got here and I'm not going to watch it any longer. I am going to give you two choices, You can either forget him and give yourself to me, or nobody will ever find your body."

"What are you talking about Mike you don't even like me."

"Oh you are wrong about that the first time I saw you I wanted you, but I could see the look of disgust on your face when you looked at me. I camn to the decision tonight about what I was gonna do about that and now im doing it. So whats it gonna be?"

Julian was scared she didn't know what to do just as he looked away she reached for the door handle.

"You bitch you aren't going to escape me."

He back handed her.

Julians head snapped and she saw stars. She tasted blood in her mouth. She reached out to grab the the wheel of the car but as her hand went up her punched her. Then there was nothing but blackness.



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