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...symbol of the rosy cross...

03:43 Feb 06 2007
Times Read: 490


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(egyptian cross)

The cross is a symbol that is about as universal and ancient as any symbol that has emerged out of man's psyche.The cross, as been frequently noted, did not become a Christian symbol until the 6th century. It has a long history before that, in many civilizations, from India to Egypt. The cross symbolizes the meeting at right angles of horizontals and perpendiculars. Forces going in quite opposite directions but meeting at a central point, a common ground. It can symbolize the union of opposites and the dualism in nature. It can be the outstretch archetypal man with the infinite possibilities of growth being immortal.The cross can symbolize the decent of Spirit into matter. Its main symbolism appears to be the conjunction of two worlds, human and celestial..It is the intersection of the level of time with the Eternity of the Spirit.

The cross is the axis of the cycle of the year whose spokes are the equinoxes and solstices. It is the crossroads where the four directions meet. In a Christian sense the cross signifies acceptance of sacrifice, suffering, and death as well as immortality. There is a legend that the cross of Christ was made out of wood from the Tree of Knowledge, the cause of the Fall, making it the instrument of Redemption. In the Egyptian mythos the crux ansata or - a type of cross - was a symbol of life, immortality, and health. It is held by the gods and goddesses. It also represented the union of Isis and Osiris.

Numerologically, the cross is sometimes represented by the number four.

Within the teaching of the hermetic order of golden dawn "No.4 is the Mystic number, and indicates the operative influence of the four elements. Under this number, or the geometrical square, Pythagoras communicated the Ineffable Name of God to his chosen disciples." In the Hebrew alphabet the last letter is called Tav. And Tav means "mark" or "cross" and its original form was written much like ankh or cross. I could go on with many more examples but I think we can see that the cross transcends human culture in both time and space. It is a symbol that ties us all together as a Brotherhood of Mankind. It is a symbol that goes to the very root of our being.

The cross, like the triangle and the circle, is one of the primary symbols of our consciousness. No complete explanation of their meaning can be given, because they are embedded in the deepest levels of our mind.

---THE ROSE---

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(the alchemical mystic marriage-notice the red and the white roses)

The rose (Latin, rosa, in Greek, rhodon) also is a symbol that has a rich and ancient history. And like the cross, it can have paradoxical meanings. It is at once a symbol of purity and a symbol of passion, heavenly perfection and earthly passion; virginity and fertility; death and life. The rose is the flower of the goddess Venus but also the blood of Adonis and of Christ. It is a symbol of transmutation - that of taking food from the earth and transmuting it into the beautiful fragrant rose. The rose garden is a symbol of Paradise. It is the place of the mystic marriage. In ancient Rome, roses were grown in the funerary gardens to symbolize resurrection. The thorns have represented suffering and sacrifice as well as the sins of the Fall from Paradise.

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(egyptian and greek harpocrates)

The rose has also been used as a sign of silence and secrecy. The word sub rosa "under the rose" referring to the demand for discretion whenever a rose was hung from the ceiling at a meeting. The ceilings of Roman dining rooms were decorated with roses to remind guests that what was said there under the influence of wine (sub vino) was also sub rosa, under the rose, privileged and not to be made public. In the Mysteries roses were sacred to Isis. It is also the flower of her son Harpocrates or younger Horus, the god of silence.

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Numerologically, the rose represents the number 5. This is because the wild rose has 5 petals. And the petals on roses are in multiples of five.

Geometrically, the rose corresponds with the pentagram and pentagon. Our teachings state: "No.5 is the emblem of Health and Safety; ...it represents Spirit and the four elements." The Pythagorean brotherhood used the pentagram as the symbol of their school.

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The number five being associated with the rose has linked them with the 5 senses. In an absolute sense the rose has represented the expanding awareness of being through the development of the senses.


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The Rose Cross originated as a Christian symbol in the first century, as a symbol of the blood of Christ.

The rose and cross later was later adopted as the primary emblem of the Rosicrucians, an esoteric secret society that originated during the Renaissance. The rose symbolized the redemptive power of the blood of Christ; the symbol as a whole illustrated the triumph of spirit over matter. A deeper, hidden significance of the symbol is the union of the rose of Mary with the Cross of Christ, the union of the divine feminine with the divine masculine.

According to Rosicrucian philosophers, the whole Rosicrucian philosophy could be found within the symbol.

The rose cross was adopted as a Hermetic occult symbol during the Middle ages, and was later popularized by the Nineteenth century magical order the Golden Dawn.

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The esoteric meaning of the cross is quite similar to the original; the cross symbolizes the material plane, and the cycle of death and rebirth. The rose represents the unfolding nature of spiritual growth. When the equal armed cross is employed, it has a secret significance: the word lux, or light, can be found hidden in its arms.

In the Golden Dawn, the rose also functioned as a device for creating sigils, with twenty two petals representing the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

The Crucified Rose

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The original symbol of the Rosi-crucian Fraternity was a hiero-glyphic rose crucified upon a cross. The cross was often raised upon a three-stepped Calvary. Occasionally the symbol of a cross rising from a rose was used in connection with their activities. The Rosicrucian rose was drawn upon the Round Table of King Arthur, and is the central motif for the links forming the chain from which the "Great George" is suspended among the jewels of The Order of the Garter.

The Golden & Rosy Cross

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It is made of spiritual gold & each Brother wears it upon his breast. It bears the alchemical symbols of salt, sulphur, and mercury; also a star of the planets; and around it are the four words faith, hope, love and patience. The double-headed eagle, or Phoenix, foreshadows the ultimate androgynous state of the human creature. None could reach Rosicrucian adept-ship until he had performed the supreme experiment of transmutation by changing the base metals of ignorance into the pure gold of wisdom and understanding.

Order of the golden dawn

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(golden dawn lamen)

The basic rose cross symbol is that of a rose appended to the junction of the two lines of the cross - the center point. But the traditional Rosicrucian symbol is a cross of 6 squares whereon is a red rose of five petals. The cross is of 6 squares for a number of reasons. It relates the cross to the number six which is the number of the Tree of rife Sphere to which it corresponds, that is, the Sphere of Tiphareth (Beauty) also known as the Sphere of the Sun. The cross of six squares is also the unfolded cube of six faces. The perfect cube has been used to represent the Holy of Holies since Old Testament times. We know the tabernacle was 10 cubits in length, breadth, and height. The Sanctum Sanctorum of Solomon's Temple likewise was cubically shaped using the measure of 20 cubits. In Revelation (21:17-18) the New Jerusalem is likened to a perfect cube of pure gold. Gold is related to the cube, cross, and Sun sphere for a number of reasons. Gold is the metal associated with the sun. But also Qabalistically, the cube unfolds to a cross of six; this means that the units around the cross (the perimeter) add up to 14. The Hebrew word zahab means gold and the letters of the word add up to 14 (Zain + Heh + Beth or 7 + 5 + 2 = 14). In addition, all these symbols that correspond to six correspond geometrically to the hexagram.

The lamen of the golden dawn is a cross with each arm representing one of the four elements: Fire - red, Water - blue, Air - yellow, and Earth - citrine, olive, black and russet. Each arm is depicted with an upright pentagram crowned with Spirit representing that he who wears this is Master of the Four Worlds. This is confirmed by the glyph of the hexagram surrounded by the planetary symbols with the sign of the sun at the center.

The ending of each arm of the cross is triple with each segment assigned to one of the three alchemical principles: sulphur, salt, and mercury. The three segments upon the four arms allude also to the 12 signs of the zodiac. At the center of the cross is the rose of 22 petals. The rose is divided into 3 petals at the center, 7 petals in the second circle, and 12 in the outer circle. They are depicted in the appropriate Hebrew letters and colors as such: the three so-called Mother Letters in the primary colors (yellow, blue, and red), the 7 double letters in the secondary colors, and the 12 single letters in the chromatic color scale. Of course they also represent the 3 elements (the fourth being an admixture), the 7 planets of the ancients, and the 12 zodiac signs. In the midst of this rose is another rose-cross. Behind this Rose-Cross lamen are rays of white light with the signs of L.V.X. and I.N.R.I. written thereon.

great care was taken in the design of this symbol. this lamen synthesizes the entire First Order teachings as well as embodies that of the whole Rosicrucian Fraternity as well. It contains the Kabalah, numerology, the elements, the pentagram taught in the Zelator degree, the four worlds , the Hebrew Divine Name, the color symbolism found in the Theoricus grade, the alchemy taught in the Practicus grade, and alludes to the esoteric connections of the world religions, ancient philosophies and the deep mysteries of I.N.R.I.

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(Harpocratic eros)

The rose is, as mentioned before, related to the number 5 and the pentagram. It is the flower of Venus, the Goddess of Love. Also as mentioned before, it is a sign of secrecy (Cupid, Venus's son, is sometimes represented holding his finger to his lips as was the Egyptian Harpocrates.) Being the number five, it also is related to the hypotenuse of the 3-4-5 right triangle.

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Erman points out that the rose is also a symbol of love, “Amor” in Latin, which can be interpreted as “A-Mor”, that is the negation of death. The rose embracing the cross thus represents immortality, and the way to achieve it, which is love.

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But when considering them as a whole,then we can assume that they symbolize the secret of eternal life, the secret of beauty, spread to the four directions, to the whole world. The rosy cross can symbolize the immortality of manking, the immortality of our spirit, and the secret of acomplishing this. The male and the female side of ourselves, you can find so many definitions, as symbols can never be explained totally, rosy cross is a symbol, a wonderful symbol which hides its meaning only from those who dont pay attention, those who cant imagine and leave themselves free to think...





04:42 Feb 04 2007
Times Read: 540

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"In the science of magic the pentalpha is called the holy and Mysterious pentagram. ...the pentagram in the star of Magians; ...by virtue of the number five, it has great command over evil spirits because of its five double triangles and its five acute angles within and its five obtuse angles without, so that this interior pentangle contains in it many great mysteries." (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, pp.762-763.)


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The pentagram or pentacle. It has five points and the number "5" has always been regarded as mystical and magical, yet essentially "human". We have five fingers/toes on each limb extremity.

The pentagram has five spiked wards and a womb shaped defensive, protective pentagon at the centre.

We commonly note five senses - sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste.

We perceive five stages or initiations in our lives - eg. birth, adolescence, coitus, parenthood and death.

There are five elements, four of matter (earth, air, fire and water) and THE quintessential - spirit. These may be arrayed around the pentagrams points.

There are five pillars of the Muslim faith and five daily times of prayer.

Five were the virtues of the medieval knight - generosity, courtesy, chastity, chivalry and piety as symbolised in the pentagram device of Sir Gawain.

The Wiccan Kiss is Fivefold - feet, knees, womb, breasts, lips - Blessed be.

Five were the Stigmata of Christ on the cross.


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It has long been believed to be a potent protection against evil and demons, hence a symbol of safety, and was sometimes worn as an amulet for happy homecoming, a symbol of conflict that shields the wearer and the home.

The pentagram has been found on potsherds from the pre-cuneiform Uruk period of ancient Babylon (3500BCE). In later periods of Mesopotamian civilization it appears in cuneiform writing to represent the four cardinal directions with the fifth point representing “above;” as such, it represented the dominion of royal authority extending to “the four corners of the world and the heavens above.”

In the Jewish kabbalistic tradition, which borrows many Pythagorean ideas, the pentagram represents the five upper sephiroth on the tree of Life; five numbers, which being indivisible by any but themselves, represent pure archetypal forces: justice, mercy, wisdom, understanding, and transcendent splendor.

To the ancient Hebrews, the Pentagram was the symbol of Truth and the five books of the Pentateuch. Ameth, the Hebrew word for Truth, is associated with humanity by the kabbalistic technique of temurah using the Aiq Beqr system, which utilizes letter substitution according to specific rules. Later it will be seen that the very geometry of the Pentagram also encodes the idea of mankind and Truth.

To the Gnostics, the pentagram was the 'Blazing Star' and, like the crescent moon was a symbol relating to the magic and mystery of the nighttimes sky.

For the Druids, it was a symbol of Godhead.

In Egypt, it was a symbol of the "underground womb" and bore a symbolic relationship to the concept of the pyramid form. The symbol also appears in Egyptian hieroglyphics, associated with the Goddess Sopdet, who was represented in the night sky by the brightest star, Sirius, the so called Dog Star in the constellation of Canis Major.

Interestingly, the name Sirius is from the Greek word seirios, which means “burning,” and brings to mind the Blazing Star of Masonry.

The Pagan Celts ascribed the pentagram to the underground goddess Morrigan.

Because it could be drawn in one continuous movement of the pen, the Alpha and the omega.


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It is thought by some occultists to trace its esoteric significance to an astronomical observance of the pattern of Venus' conjunctions with the Sun and has had many meanings in many cultures through the ages.

A curious, and somewhat astronomically irrelevent, occurance of cyclical positions of Venus will determine the points of a pentagram figure in the morning or evening sky during certain times of the year. Plotting the recurrence of Venus' westward elongation from the Sun, over six consecutive synodic periods, will create the points of a pentagram.


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A circle around a pentagram contains and protects.

The circle symbolises eternity and infinity, the cycles of life and nature.

The circled pentagram is the passive form implying spiritual containment of the magic circle, in keeping with the traditional secrecy of witchcraft, and the personal, individual nature of the pagan religious path, of its non-proselytising character.

A pentagram without a surrounding circle is the active form symbolising an outgoing of oneself, prepared for conflict, aware, active.


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(alpha and omega)

Early Christians attributed the pentagram to the Five Stigmata of Christ (the wounds of Christ on the cross) or the doctrine of the Trinity plus that of the two natures of Christ and from then until medieval times, it was a lesser-used Christian symbol .

Webber tells us that "...the five-pointed star signifies our Lord’s Epiphany" and that it is a symbol of the "revelation of the Christ Child to the Gentile wisemen." He warns that "It must not be used as a Christmas symbol." He also defined it as the Star of Jesse, or of Jacob and assigns it the meaning of Heavenly Wisdom. He illustrates it with one point up but doesn't define the alignment in his text.

Christian Kabbalists were especially enamored of the pentagram- to them, it symbolized Christ as the Holy Spirit manifest in the flesh. A favorite gematric feat was to add the Hebrew letter Shin (symbolizing fire and the holy spirit) to the Biblical four letter name of God (YHVH) yielding YHShH- Yehoshua, or Jesus. Gnostic amulets contained the pentacle which contained the ineffable name YHWH within it. (There is a secret biblical connection, as well, in the name of the Christian holiday of Pentecost- the day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles of Jesus.)

Becker refers to the pentagram as a symbol of Christ as Alpha and Omega, and again as a symbol of the five wounds of Christ. The five-pointed star is also defined as a symbol of Christ, "the bright and morning star": and, inverted, one point down, it represents the descent of Christ — i.e., His Incarnation

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(baptistory of st.john)

There are a number of examples of the pentagram found on buildings of a religious or semi-religious nature in Europe.

An early depiction, reproduced by Eckhardt, from a carving on a wall in the Baptistory of St. John at Split in Yugoslavia is dated from the eleventh century. The site was originally the Temple of Aescielapius, a god of medicine.(Encyclopedia Britannica,vol. 11, p. 107, terms it a Temple of Jupiter.)


In Ancient Greece, it was called the Pentalpha.

That it was used in Greece during antiquity is commonly known and agreed upon. Few, however, make mention of the fact that it was always made with two points up!

The true Pythagorean pentacle was (and is) two points up and was considered a Pentagrammon - a house in the center, a pentagon (pentagonas) representing the Self, and the five points or blazing angles (pentalpha) represented the Pentemychos - inside the angles, and outside of them - every single line has meaning in this Master Glyph.

Pythagorians (after Pythagoras 586-506BC) considered it an emblem of perfection or the symbol of the human being. The upright pentagram resembles the shape of man with his legs and arms outstretched. Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician and philosopher, was known to have traveled all over the ancient world from the mysteries into which he was initiated, and it seems likely that his travels took him to Egypt, to Chaldea and to lands around the Indus. There may be a connection here with the presence of the pentagram in Tantrik art .

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(the pythagorean pantalpha with the word υγεία-health)

This is a scan of the symbol from the actual 1533 AD edition. The image shows a pentacle inside of two circles. Between the circles, but not at the points of the pentagram, are what Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (a theologian, physicisn and legal expert) sees as the five beginning letters of "elements." The letters on the image are not all too clear to see, but starting at the top point and reading them clockwise the letters are "upsilon," "gamma," "iota," "epsilon and iota," and "alpha." The "elemental scheme" was typical of medieval thinkers and even found in some earlier exoteric teachings. However, the letters actually spell UGIEIA (often rendered Hygieia), which means HEALTH. The Pythagorean pentacle was absolutely a symbol Health seen altogether in all its complex meaning. Agrippa, and others, recognized the letters as being the five beginning letters of the words: udor (water, often transliterated as hydor), ge (earth, Agrippa used gaia), idea (idea as in The Platonic Idea), eile (sometimes written as heile, heat, it meant that in the Greek known to Agrippa), and aer (air). However, note that even if one uses the "elemental" scheme that Agrippa used, it's a definite stretch because it uses heat (heile), which is not an element but a quality OF the element fire. Had Agrippa used the Attic Greek, which is the language Pythagoreans back then actually spoke and wrote, he could have used (phonetic) "empreesis" for fire or conflagration.

Finally, for the final proof that this knowledge was still around in the 1500s to some extent: Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (a theologian, physicisn and legal expert) had a drawing of a two points up pentacle where he informed the reader it is "Pythagorean," in his Occult Philosophy, first published in 1533 AD. He had other drawings, too, of pentacles one point up with a man inside, with astrological symbols. But for the two point up pentacle, he specifically informs us that he knew it was Pythagorean.


The Ugieia, Health, is ancient Pythagoreanism. "The pentagram has always been prominent in magic and apparently owes its position to the Pythagoreans, who called it "Health," and used it, According to Iamblichus, as a symbol of recognition of members of the brotherhood and held sacred as a symbol of divine perfection. It seems that it owed its properties to the fact that the dodecahedron has pentagons for its faces and is in some sense a symbol of the universe."The Greek Goddess of Health was Hygeia, or the Roman Salus. Both of these names appear on talismans from Greek and Roman periods, with the image of the pentagram central.

The Pythagoreans called the Pentagram Hugieia, with the combined meanings of “health,” “wholeness” and “blessings.”


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At that time the well-known Masonic symbol of a square and compasses surrounding the letter G had not yet replaced the older Masonic symbol of a square and compasses surrounding a 5-pointed star. This star, called by Masons the "Blazing Star," is said to represent the Great Architect of the Universe, namely, the creator-god. (This older symbol of a square and compasses with a Blazing Star is still a preferred Masonic emblem in Europe and in American Co-Masonry.)

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(square and compasses with the ''G'' and right the eastern star)

The blazing star is also an essential accutrament of every Masonic 'Temple' where it is displayed in the East of the Lodge room, along with the 5 pointed star or pentacle of magick, and the intertwined triangles which result in the 6 pointed 'Star of David', along with, of course, the large brass 'G' which is the symbol for 'the Great Geometrician of the Universe'.

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The Freemasons have a tremendous interest in the 'Blazing Star' that is also said to represent Sothis, or Sirius. They have this Star motif placed in prominent places in their Temples, or Lodges. Many of their rituals are derived from Isian rites, and ancient Egyptian symbols feature strongly in the Craft, even though many of their degrees are actually Mosaic, or sometimes Christian, in character. There is emphasis placed upon the appearance of a bright light in the darkness, derived from the 'Black Rite', described by Isis in 'The Virgin of the World'. This celestial entity known as the 'Night' "weaves her web with rapid light though it be less than Sun's" .

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The alchemical image shown here contains Masonic symbols. The five visible planets and the Sun and Luna make up the standard set of planetary symbols, but the rebus is stood upon the alchemical dragon, Azoth, who breathes fire. He, in turn, lies upon a Winged Disc that is evidently neither the Sun nor Mercury.

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At the degree of the secret master (the 4th,after the end of the 3rd symbolic degree) the answer to the question -What does "light" and "darkness" in Masonry symbolize ?, is "Knowledge is Light, as Ignorance is Darkness." . So maybe that is what the star symbolizes..the knowledge which will bring the light as a star does and vanish all darkness (ignorance).

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This star positioning is clearly shown in the Eastern Star used today by Freemasons, some of whom claim their tradition is Pythagorean. This fact was elaborated upon in Western Roots Part One, which explains Pythagoreanism and clearly separates Plato from Socrates and shows the clear distinction between the two of them. It is called “Eastern” because the East is the source of light, and light symbolizes the divine wisdom, strength, and beauty to which Freemasons aspire.

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(eastern star)

The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organization in the world that both men and women can join.

The order of the Eastern Star is a society designed for the wives, daughters, and female relatives of men affiliated with Masonry. Affiliated Master Masons who are in good standing may also join. According to the Order of the Eastern Star, they claim no association with Masonry and It is based on teachings from the Bible, but is open to people of all monotheistic faiths. However, the causes and doctrines are extremely similar.

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Some say that the order utilizes the inverted Pentagram, the symbol of the fallen (wo)man, and the goal of Initiation is to be Raised Up or Upright, like the Blazing Star..Others say that the five-pointed star, with one point down, is a represenation of the Christ, descended to earth and has NOTHING to do with "fallen" (wo)man.

But what makes it (the star with one point down) "inverted?" Why isn't the star with one point UP Inverted and the one with one point down, right?

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Most modern sects and religions that use that symbol say it symbolizes the spirit descending into matter, or the Divine "touching" earth.




-----Wolf’s Hook-----

04:09 Feb 02 2007
Times Read: 560

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The Wolfsangel (German for "wolf's hook") is a symbol originating in Germany. It is also known as the Wolf's Hook or Doppelhaken. The upright variant is also known as "thunderbolt" (Donnerkeil) and the horizontal variant as "werewolf".

It is claimed to be the 13th rune of the Elder Futhark (the oldest known set of runes). Runes are occult symbols, mysteries representing the yet unknown.

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(Eihwaz rune)

While the symbol and the name Wolfsangel are claimed by some Neopagan groups and the symbol itself bears a parallel to the Eihwaz rune, the symbol now called the Wolfsangel is not historically part of any runic alphabet.

The Wolfsangel sometimes appears listed as the 34th rune in esoteric contexts, but the Futhorc actually only has 33 runes.

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Wolf Trap

In accordance with the symbol's name, there is an oft-repeated folk legend pointing to the symbol's origins in an iron trap that was used to capture wolves.

The Wolfhook is also called the Death Rune because of its relation to the longbow, the most deadly weapon of its day. It is a talisman of power representing nature in perfect balance, predator and prey, creation and destruction. It is a perfect symbol to utilize while throwing a curse.

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(I made it as better as i could to show you the meaning of the hands of baphomet,the wolf's hook and the exagram's ''as above so below'' you can see it clearly in these pictures and think about for a while it's esoteric meaning)

As with the Celtic Ogham and the Greek alphabet, most runes are associated with relevant trees. The Wolf’s Hook represents the Yew tree (Yggdrasil—The World Tree). It connects the three Norse realms: the heavens or consciousness, the humanity or life, and Hell or death. Its shape (when on its vertical axis) connects all three, with roots in Hell, branches in the heavens - something like the tree of life - and the crossing point (or balance point) in the human realm. It resembles the arms of the Levi Baphomet, one up, the other down (as above so below-see last month's entry i have something about that,the magician of tarot cards) both proximal ends connecting the human element. It signifies the synthesis of opposing forces in a balanced environment—communication between the extremes.

isn't it BEAUTIFUL??????

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here it is in sterling silver surrounded by the trapezoidal Oroborus, Jormungand, crafted by Magister Robert Lang.

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Much of the Wolf’s Hook symbolism is derived from the fundamental properties and uses of the Yew. It is the longest thriving European tree, mostly found in undisturbed lands such as graveyards, hence the 13th rune’s association with longevity and protection of the dead. Yew was the wood of choice for the making of the Norseman’s ominous longbows, due to its flexibility and strength. In its day, the longbow was a most feared and awesome weapon and, when in the hands of a skilled archer, made available the ability to kill and thereby protect its own from afar. The longbow itself represents the potential energy (tension) contained within the Wolf’s Hook. It embodies one’s own ultimate potential, stored and waiting for the skill and discipline (pushing the limits of personal power) to release this potential resource and focus it into a kinetic creative force. To do so, one needs balance.The 13th rune has long been known as the “death rune.” Again, this relates back to its association with the Yew tree. The bark, leaves and berries of the Yew are extremely poisonous, bringing on death when ingested. Its sap, the tree’s life force, is a deep red color and when cut was thought to resemble a bleeding body. And let us not forget the awesome death rendering longbow, made from the wood of the Yew tree. For a magician, the Wolf’s Hook can be used as a powerful archetypal symbol during a curse (destruction) ritual. In summation, the Wolf’s Hook symbolizes creative potential, extremes in natural balance, discipline and strength of will, protection and longevity, cursing and death.





01:15 Feb 01 2007
Times Read: 505

by Blanche Barton ©1997

(some parts of it.p.s. if you dont agree with any texts,then it's not my fault!i have here things that i find interesting-clever-right or even very wrong.if you wanna know about what i believe about them,then ask first and then say that you dont agree with me.its not me.i just give you some points of view)

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The smartest, most passionate, most beautiful women I've met have been Satanists. I don't mean "beautiful on the inside where it really counts;" I mean gorgeous, vibrant, curvy women. Most non-Satanic men find Satanic women intimidating - too intelligent or too pretty, or worse yet, both at the same time. It takes a special woman to be a Satanist. Only the most truly liberated are summoned to Satan's legions. Up until quite recently, the ratio of Satanic men to women had been about 10 to 1, but that seems to be shifting……………………….

Satanists have an innate complexity of mind that hungers for uncompromising examination and speculation, not superficially-comforting pap. We don't need to be comforted; we prefer the invigorating, bracing winds of truth and terror………………..

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Satanic women don't want to gain their strength by castrating men, or by making themselves out as victims. Whether they're providing healing and inspiration to those under their roofs, cracking the whip in corporate circles, managing their own home-based businesses or maneuvering whatever they need to survive, all are applying and increasing their power - not whining about why they don't have any! We don't need "feminism" on our sleeve as our primary identity. We have our identity as Satanists. Satanic women are fierce; fierce defenders of their men, of their children, of their ideas and values. Wiccans understand the female archetype in a completely different way than Satanists do. We know that Woman is Nature - Darwinian law as well as peaceful, awe-inspiring sunsets. Women can be conniving and ruthless, plotting and vengeful. "Mother Nature" isn't loving and all-embracing. She's selective, cruel and unyielding…………

Our decisions are based on real-world concerns, not in defense of an inadequate ego. When a Satanic woman and her mate decide if they'll have children, or who will work in the outside world and who will stay home with the kids, it's a pragmatic question - who has more earning power? Who's invested more money and time developing their career? Who's more capable of earning money at home as opposed to in the workplace? Who's better able to have the patience and other attributes necessary to raise a child? The Satanic woman doesn't need a job to define her capabilities; nor does she need to have children to feel fulfilled. She reserves her "nurturing" for those who deserve her help and encouragement - namely: herself, her mate, and those few she chooses to call friends. She finds a man who can express her Demonic or she conjures up a Lover for herself; she isn't desperate for love, vulnerable to ploys from fast talkers.

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Many young bottom-of-the-clock women who are looking for gothic strength in a man, can't find it in the simpering she-males around them - so they manifest their Demonics themselves, dressing in black leather, black stockings and carrying a big black whip. A compleat, Satanic witch can best spend her time in constant, intimate spiritual and sexual contact with her strongest Demonic archetype – Satan Himself. In practicing her arts of enchantment, manipulation, inspiration, and protection in the real world, she strengthens both herself and those she chooses to love. She becomes a direct line to our Source. That's why a powerful sorceress must be cautious about aligning herself with, and transferring power to, unworthy men.

Identity and stimulation. Dr. LaVey has pinpointed these two elements as primary commodities. Satanism provides us with both. I don't need to be pigeonholed as a "feminist," or any other convenient label. None of us are so charitable to the weak-minded that we allow ourselves to be so easily categorized and dismissed. I am proud to call myself a Satanist, thereby aligning myself with the strongest minds, bodies, and Will on Earth.

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by Blanche Barton ©1997

This article first appeared in The Black Flame, Volume 6, #1 & #2, 1997 c.e.



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