by Blanche Barton ©1997
(some parts of it.p.s. if you dont agree with any texts,then it's not my fault!i have here things that i find interesting-clever-right or even very wrong.if you wanna know about what i believe about them,then ask first and then say that you dont agree with me.its not me.i just give you some points of view)
The smartest, most passionate, most beautiful women I've met have been Satanists. I don't mean "beautiful on the inside where it really counts;" I mean gorgeous, vibrant, curvy women. Most non-Satanic men find Satanic women intimidating - too intelligent or too pretty, or worse yet, both at the same time. It takes a special woman to be a Satanist. Only the most truly liberated are summoned to Satan's legions. Up until quite recently, the ratio of Satanic men to women had been about 10 to 1, but that seems to be shifting……………………….
Satanists have an innate complexity of mind that hungers for uncompromising examination and speculation, not superficially-comforting pap. We don't need to be comforted; we prefer the invigorating, bracing winds of truth and terror………………..
Satanic women don't want to gain their strength by castrating men, or by making themselves out as victims. Whether they're providing healing and inspiration to those under their roofs, cracking the whip in corporate circles, managing their own home-based businesses or maneuvering whatever they need to survive, all are applying and increasing their power - not whining about why they don't have any! We don't need "feminism" on our sleeve as our primary identity. We have our identity as Satanists. Satanic women are fierce; fierce defenders of their men, of their children, of their ideas and values. Wiccans understand the female archetype in a completely different way than Satanists do. We know that Woman is Nature - Darwinian law as well as peaceful, awe-inspiring sunsets. Women can be conniving and ruthless, plotting and vengeful. "Mother Nature" isn't loving and all-embracing. She's selective, cruel and unyielding…………
Our decisions are based on real-world concerns, not in defense of an inadequate ego. When a Satanic woman and her mate decide if they'll have children, or who will work in the outside world and who will stay home with the kids, it's a pragmatic question - who has more earning power? Who's invested more money and time developing their career? Who's more capable of earning money at home as opposed to in the workplace? Who's better able to have the patience and other attributes necessary to raise a child? The Satanic woman doesn't need a job to define her capabilities; nor does she need to have children to feel fulfilled. She reserves her "nurturing" for those who deserve her help and encouragement - namely: herself, her mate, and those few she chooses to call friends. She finds a man who can express her Demonic or she conjures up a Lover for herself; she isn't desperate for love, vulnerable to ploys from fast talkers.
Many young bottom-of-the-clock women who are looking for gothic strength in a man, can't find it in the simpering she-males around them - so they manifest their Demonics themselves, dressing in black leather, black stockings and carrying a big black whip. A compleat, Satanic witch can best spend her time in constant, intimate spiritual and sexual contact with her strongest Demonic archetype – Satan Himself. In practicing her arts of enchantment, manipulation, inspiration, and protection in the real world, she strengthens both herself and those she chooses to love. She becomes a direct line to our Source. That's why a powerful sorceress must be cautious about aligning herself with, and transferring power to, unworthy men.
Identity and stimulation. Dr. LaVey has pinpointed these two elements as primary commodities. Satanism provides us with both. I don't need to be pigeonholed as a "feminist," or any other convenient label. None of us are so charitable to the weak-minded that we allow ourselves to be so easily categorized and dismissed. I am proud to call myself a Satanist, thereby aligning myself with the strongest minds, bodies, and Will on Earth.
by Blanche Barton ©1997
This article first appeared in The Black Flame, Volume 6, #1 & #2, 1997 c.e.