I love seeing couples pull through hard times and still cherish each other and are still deeply in love. Makes my heart smile. True love still exists and is out there it is up to you to find and keep it :)
Counting down the days till tattoo therapy lol. Getting my half sleeve done Tuesday and I am so excited can't wait.
Spent eight days in the hospital. Four of these days was spent in ICU on a breathing machine and feeding tube. Makes ya step back and think and appreciate everything that's in front of u. Glad I survived it. Even if it did mean having to spend four days in the Looney bin lol.
I am soooo glad you are okie honey. I missed you!!!
And I miised u
im glad you did too,GOD BLESS YOU,Peace Elviscat
18:10 Jun 03 2014
I heard that sweetie!! Kind of reminds me of the fight that my old man and I had last night. But we overcame it :)