mtsoul77's Journal

mtsoul77's Journal


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4 entries this month

05:29 May 31 2008
Times Read: 714

I'm pretty peeved right now. I just spent about 10 minutes typing out a long journal entry about how much I've been missing conversations with a friend after almost 2 months of not talking to him, and how badly I've been sleeping lately. I read through it a couple of times to check for spelling and grammatical errors, then clicked the "Submit Entry" button. Lo and behold... I'm not logged in. :(

Now I know damn well that I was logged in when I first started typing that entry, so WTF happened? Maybe it took me too long? I don't know, but GRRRRR!

I don't feel like retyping the whole thing, so I won't bother. I doubt I could convey things exactly the same way again anyway. It was too heartfelt, too spur of the moment, to ever be redone. It just wouldn't have the same feeling behind it.

Lesson learned: Always copy the journal entry before clicking the submit button, just in case! :P



14:38 Jun 02 2008

Well aint that some crap.

Anyhow, it's good to see you active again. :)


A perfect Friday night

01:35 May 31 2008
Times Read: 722

We had a great night tonight. We had pizza for dinner, then went outside to the picnic table to enjoy the warm weather. We had some sparklers left over from the Fourth of July last year, so the kids did some of those, and then they had Icee pops. My younger son is extremely fond of caterpillars, and he found one that he swears followed him home from school. I know it isn't possible, but I played along with it anyway. Why crush the poor kid's dreams? :)

After I convinced Cole to put the caterpillar on one of the bushes, we played Red light, green light, and then we played Simon Says. We had such a blast! While my older son was Simon, we had to "get set on fire," so my natural reaction was to scream a little and "stop, drop and roll!" I'm still trying to get all the grass off from that one. :P

Now, the boys have settled down and are watching a movie on the Disney channel. (Chicken Little, if you're curious.)

This was a Friday night spent exactly the way it was meant to be. Who needs to spend a night on the town when you can have a great time like this right at home? Not me, that's for sure. :)



10:27 May 31 2008

Yep sounds perfect


02:00 May 30 2008
Times Read: 740

Okay, I know I haven't been around much in the last couple of months, but I'm trying to get things back to the way they were before.

I wish I could say that I've been doing something constructive with the time I haven't been spending here, but that would be a lie. I also wish I could say that I've been working on my next brilliant novel, but unfortunately, no, that hasn't happened either. I have a severe case of writer's block. :(

So, what exactly have I been doing, you ask? Damned if I know! It seems like one minute I'm waking up in the morning, and the next, I'm going to bed at night. I blink and the day is over. Ever have that happen? It sucks.




Sticklers for routine

01:37 May 30 2008
Times Read: 743

I know that the majority of people prefer to stick with what is familiar instead of trying something new (such as a different route home from work), but I'm convinced that the people in my neighborhood take it to the extreme. Their routines never vary. I swear, I could set my clock by my neighbors actions. I know that when my one neighbor drives by every day, on his way to the golf course, I have exactly 10 minutes before my older son's bus arrives to pick him up. I know that when that same neighbor's son drives by on his way to college, I have exactly 3 minutes until my younger son's bus arrives to pick him up. When the elderly lady down the road walks by on her daily (rain or shine) walk around the block, I have 15 minutes until my younger son's bus drops him off.

Okay, so that's fairly normal stuff. People leave at the same time, or close to it, every day of the week. No big deal, right? Well, that's what I thought too. Honestly, until this week, I never put any thought into it at all. It was something that I noticed in passing, because I always notice stupid little details like that. This week changed it for me though. In a normal week, we put our garbage out on Wednesday nights for Thursday morning pick up. Any week with a holiday, such as this one, puts our garbage pick up a day later, making our pickup Friday morning during those weeks. So, last night, at exactly 7:15 pm (same every week), the people across the street put their garbage out. I looked around and noticed that everyone in the neighborhood had their garbage out. Why?? The only thing I can figure is that they're so set in their routines that they can't even change that one simple thing. Nope, not me. I put my garbage out tonight. Leave it to me to be the oddball. :P

If I EVER become that set in a routine, please shoot me!



23:07 May 30 2008

Not a oddball- no way no how. :)

Glad to see you are alright.

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