I don't think I could put into words exactly how much I truly loath Southern California summers. I was out in the desert today, which already sucks because my air conditioner is acting up and it loves to blow hot air more than it does cool air, and the temperature was pushing 110 degrees. I get back in my car after one of my stops and the temperature reads 121 degrees. And it stayed in that range until I got closer to home. The sun is awful, the heat is unbearable, and just everything about summer is gross. The absolute worst. Give me my cool breezes and overcast days, my rain and days where I can see my breath.
When everything comes crashing down so you just lie in bed in the dark and cry for an hour.
Yeah... Life is pretty fantastic...
Such a relief! I got the results for that second test back, and I'm negative. I can finally go out, go back to work. I have a slight headache still, but other than that I feel fantastic. It's so good to know that I'm Covid free.
That is wonderful news! Now you don't have to stress. The not knowing is the worst. Now to enjoy your weekend wootwoot!!!
Good for you!
Well, that was short lived, haha.
In other news, I'm finally feeling like myself again! If been dealing with Covid-like symptoms for over a week, and I'd had a lasting headache for the entirety of that time, which was awful. I still have one, but it's minor and much more tolerable than what I've been dealing with since last Thursday. It's nice to actually be feeling better. I should be able to return to work come Monday.
I'm glad you're better. You will have the weekend then back to work so enjoy:)
Welp, interesting. Negative result, but unfortunately the test I took is not the most accurate and gives false negatives. So, I'm testing again tomorrow, and I'm going to take the rest of the week off. Hopefully this other test comes back negative as well.
So, the hope that this is just some summer cold has gone. I have multiple symptoms of Covid, headache, fatigue, runny nose, sore throat, and I picked up a cough yesterday... I'm getting tested on Tuesday, but results will take days. So, self quarantine it is for the next two weeks or so... It was really only a matter of time with my job, but, that does make me wonder what's going to happen with that. With me getting sick, I know Francis won't want to go out into the field, not when he's got his parents staying with him. He can't chance it. I couldn't really, either, because my mom, but here we are. I think she's got it now as well, as she's been coughing a lot since yesterday. So... Fun times. I haven't had a fever, though my temperature has been higher than normal, and I haven't had any shortness of breath, so I hope my mother and I can come out of this without any serious complications.
My mom is sick to and the dam doctors are slow getting her tested, she is in her mid 70s and has Parkinsons so they seem not to see her as a priority, these days. My sister and I are both sick we are her Caregivers, I'm going to get tested next week so until then same thing with our house hold quarantine and wait.
Omg. I'll be keeping you in mind and prayer. You got this, babe. Just hang in there. Increease Vit C intake. Pls take care!
Take care of yourself hun...
Trying to find a test site that can do same day results in my county is proving to be difficult. If LA County can do it, while also making testing free to all residents, what's your excuse, San Bernardino? This is a matter of grave importance as it determines if I can go into work on Monday. I can't afford the 6-10 day wait.
I simply do not understand that it should be free no matter what. It is free testing up here in all the provinces.
Yup exactly. I hope you find one soon.
I decided that I'll be getting tested at some point this weekend. While I am feeling somewhat better than I did yesterday, in these uncertain times, I need a definitive positive or negative. It's too risky to chance things right now, and I sure as hell don't want to be the reason someone else gets sick.
That is a good idea hun. You need to know either or and need to take care of yourself. Get better soon.
My thoughts will be with you Immy :::huggs:::
Got home today and my voice is so hoarse. I haven't been feeling the best, minor headaches and stuff, but this kind of scares me. I'm really hoping it's just a cold and not Covid. But, depending on how I feel tomorrow morning, I may have to call off work. I won't knowingly put anyone at risk to get sick.
take care of yourself Immy :::huggs:::
Tayke care
I hope it's just a 24 hour bug, dink plenty of water and get plenty of rest. If your still feeling bad go get tested just to be safe, take care hun.
Yay, I finally got Photoshop on my new laptop! This means I'll be creating some new art. Though, it mostly just means I can do some solid graphics for HisFelina.
:::raises hand:::
Is requesting a custom graphic from you to show off in my profile hehehe:)
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with...
So uh... Is that new account I created yesterday just gone? Because, if so... Do I get a refund on the year PM I put on it?
PM Cancer.
I just shot a message to Cartomancer on Facebook who'll ask Cancer about it. It's just weird to have it completely gone, but hopefully he can recover it for me.
I put a pm on a profile and it looks the same it was my profile from years agao just got it back yesturday. IT DOESNT EVEN LOOK LIKE ITS BEEN TOUCHED.
I went back a level which isn't a big deal but if I had paid a years premium that would be a different story. I think that they'll make it right.
It's like we went backwards 1 day. All events that happened yesterday before the crash, gone.
It was a crash, which caused Cancer to use the restore for the 12th. Unfortunately my profile was created after the restore took place, so the account was lost. Thankfully after talking to Cartomancer and her talking to Cancer, I'll get the PM back, I just had to remake the account.
So the account name wont be locked?
because it will be like it never existed.
No, the account name wasn't locked. The reset made it so it was never registered in the first place, so it was free for me to use again.
I'm glad things worked out in your favor. :)
Amazing,I'm glad cancer got your stuff squared away.
I'm not going to rate you, I'm not going to add you. I will not contribute to Cat's levels in any way. So, unless you want ones, I suggest you stay the fuck off my shit. I don't like you, I don't like her, I want nothing to do with any of you garbage people.
There was a fire outside of my hotel this evening due to fireworks. It was pretty crazy. And the fireworks lasted up until 3. Fun times...
So, my dad came out here a day early. After getting the brakes repaired on the car, I came home to find him smoking in the garage. He actually spoke to me, and he was decent. But, even so, being nice now doesn't take back the last year of radio silence from him, the last 32 years of mental abuse he put me through. So, I'll be civil, but I'm not staying here while he's here. I asked John if I could spend the night there since my hotel room won't be good until tomorrow. So, that's where I'm headed. After work tomorrow I'll come home, collect my stuff, and head off to the hotel. I'm annoyed, but less angry than I thought I would be upon seeing him. I guess it's because he actually spoke to me like a person, as opposed to the last time he saw me where he just ignored my very presence.
00:37 Jul 31 2020
I have been through parts of California where the temperature was at least 112 in the mornings. I am glad not to live there. Take care and stay cool.
02:55 Jul 31 2020
Keep a pallet of water in the trunk along with salt tablets.
03:20 Jul 31 2020
I lived in southern California In Vista it was hot as hell, Zarr is Right lots of water and salt tabs...