Xzavier's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


15 entries this month

20:21 Jul 29 2009
Times Read: 839

Ah, it looks as though the evil "Orphan" has died or at least broken a leg. I guess this means I'm back now :)

It'll be great to move about VR without seeing that retarded ad everywhere.



20:32 Jul 29 2009

*shhhhh* she might hear ya and come back.

21:34 Jul 29 2009

lol we can only hope that vr has scared her away for good :)

06:08 Jul 30 2009

Glad to have u back sweetie:D

12:11 Aug 01 2009

She got adoted ... so expect to see the Orphan 2 The adopted coming to your browser soon!


01:06 Jul 28 2009
Times Read: 894

I come to VR to get away from MySpace. I don't care that ads are ran through a 3rd party site, what is on VR is Cancer's fault, directly or in-directly, good or bad.

There has been a lot of trouble with 3rd party ads since the days of Sci-Fi birth, there are other ways of getting revenue. Hell I've been in control of organisations and sites with 3 times the members as VR (as in 45,000 individual separate accounts, not multiple ones) and never once used a "pop-up" and had 5 people on full-time staff.

People bitch about ratings: Well Cancer made it this way so get over it.

People bitch about status: Cancer made it, get over it.

People bitch about societies: Cancer made it, get over it.

Third party ads on the site causes genuine problems for the members: Well it's not Cancer's fault....rriigghhtt.

Sure I could change browsers and deal with all the crap it brings, transferring preferences, passwords, fav lists etc or I could go to a site I pay to be on for nearly 3 years and all of a sudden (the past 8 months or so) pop-ups show their ugly face for the first time? Come on seriously, Cancer and 98% of the Admins are some pretty damn smart people the issue can be fixed permanently and still make a nice chunk of change.

I'm not really bitching I'm just annoyed but I think I've got the right to be. I remember reading how Cancer wouldn't allow pop-ups but here we are. Should I not voice my opinion?



01:50 Jul 28 2009

Wow that pretty much said it all


03:41 Jul 23 2009
Times Read: 970

Mentorship, hmm... I'd rather be a Mentor than have my own Coven to be honest but I'm not sure if I'd want to do it. If enough people ask me to, would like me to be their Mentor then I probably would but, I'm not going to set up something and then have to search for pupils.

So if you would like me to and either are interested or know someone who would be interested in being my "pupil" then by all means send me a message and I'll set it up.



06:02 Jul 26 2009

I wish that I was a low enough level. You would have an amazing amount of information to teach us/them.


07:19 Jul 21 2009
Times Read: 977

I'm thinking of compiling all the many questions people have asked me over the years into a nice little "info pack". Basically so it's easier for people to find answers to usually common questions that don't have simple or easily accessed answers.

If you have a question, of any sort (so long as it's a serious questing and not some joke), please let me know.

This really has no purpose other than organizing things and like I said answering questions. I absolutely love it when people ask me things about the world, myself, philosophy, anything, and I try my darnedest to answer them as best as possible and if I don't have the answer to at least point them in the right direction.

Plus here's a chance for all my "special friends" to try and stump me up lol.



08:39 Jul 24 2009

After our last conversation are you sure about all of this ? lol And for the purpose of that statement mind you i said No Man.... hehe


12:36 Jul 18 2009
Times Read: 1,019

How a Sire doesn't understand how the site works is beyond me. How on Earth is it possible for someone to have reached Sire (and above) and not know the proper usage of the forums, what images are allowed, have no grasp of the rating system and lack any kind of understanding of just what exactly VR is and it's purpose?

It's one thing if you've only been here a few weeks or months it's something entirely different when you've been here a year or more.

We need "stupidity" rules!! lol



13:09 Jul 18 2009

Damn kids...run before you can walk!

16:56 Jul 18 2009


19:48 Jul 18 2009

Lmao. That's beyond stupidity. lol. That's just plan ignorance.

08:37 Jul 24 2009

Yes it does make you wonder sometime's doesn't it lol


21:37 Jul 17 2009
Times Read: 1,028

I stole this from DarkWolfman's journal.

I know I say ratings doesn't matter and they don't but I think it is sad when people with make believe lives on their profiles will rate you low because you tell the truth about yourself on your profile.Everything is ME on my profile...pictures...ABOUT ME...layout etc.Yet these people who claim to be vampires,demons,werewolves,GODS, etc.Have utter bullshit on their profiles,being born 500 years ago and shit.Last time I check the site was about collecting as much info on Vampires...not a role playing site.

Anyhow that is my rant for the day.

Xzavier Comment:

I totally agree. I rate people who claim to be gods, lord of the vampires etc all less than 5, no matter their status, it's completely foolish in my eyes. What's worse is when they come to my profile, rate me low and then either block me or send a nasty message asking why I rated them low. All I have to do is tell them to actually READ my pro before acting like an ass and they'll find out why.

I don't rate a profile low if they just claim to be a vampire, lycan, past life something etc as long as the profile looks nice and has some actual info on it. But the dozens of lords, gods and masters on here is just pathetic.

You're totally right, VR is about information not role-play, and anyone who disagrees needs to do a bit of reading because they don't know crap about the site.


Main Page

What is Vampire Rave?

Vampire Rave was designed as an online resource for the vampire community. Our goal is to catalog everything there is to be cataloged about vampires. This is an immense task and we have a long way to go. With your help we will become the largest vampire database, resource, and community on the Internet.


1. What is VampireRave.com?

VampireRave.com is the largest online database about everything vampire. We endeavor to catalog everything and anything about vampires.


My original intent for Vampire Rave, although now somewhat on the back burner, still remains. It is my goal to have this site catalog every occurrence of the vampire throughout history.

I hope I made my point :)



21:43 Jul 17 2009


But good point

17:54 Jul 18 2009

i don't even rate anymore. Because i do it honestly. And people get so very upset about it, and worked up, and retaliate with their ones and blocks and threats and friends. . . . It's not even worth it! lmao. i wish people would realize it's not an insult, it's just what you think.

So, if i would rate a profile less than 10, i just don't rate it. i came here to have fun and learn and comment on genius' journals. not to bicker.


11:04 Jul 16 2009
Times Read: 1,044

How much would the Parthenon have cost in today's Money? By Xzavier

The Parthenon cost about 469 silver talents which corresponds to 12,190.248 kg which has a value of $5,578,257.30 today.

Now since total global net-wealth grows over time the true cost of the Parthenon in today's economy would be equivalent to $104,328,431.02

However, the modern restoration project of the Parthenon has already cost $100 million and they are no where near finished.


*Talent = 25.992kg or 914.92oz

*Today's silver price $13/oz

*Ancient eqv. $243.13/oz

*Modern Carpenter earns $25,060/year

*Ancient Carpenter 2,886g of silver per year




09:51 Jul 15 2009
Times Read: 1,105

I made these, not sure why but I like them. Tell me what you think and if you'd like to use them just ask :)

Version 1 by Xzavier

Version 2 by Xzavier

Version 3 by Xzavier



10:22 Jul 15 2009

Pretty 'and' pink .. lol

Great work .. VR pride!

10:49 Jul 15 2009

Ooohh...sharp. I LOVE the top one, Xzav...very nice!

12:02 Jul 15 2009

:) Very cool

12:54 Jul 15 2009


16:05 Jul 15 2009

good work...Zav

22:17 Jul 15 2009

Wow love them the top one is my favorite very cool!

22:50 Jul 15 2009

LOL!! "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like 'It's better than yours' Damn right! It's better than yours! I could teach you but I'd have to charge..."

Yes, your royal Xness, these are pretty damn faboo... Did Cancer recently put you on the payroll?

08:25 Jul 16 2009

Groovy work my brother

15:25 Jul 16 2009

Yay...I'm loving the top one hon....well done you *hugs*.

13:00 Jul 17 2009

i wicked love the middle one

08:41 Jul 24 2009

oh yes very cool Doc...muahahha


09:09 Jul 14 2009
Times Read: 1,149

Why Can't I Own a Canadian, the REAL Reason

After so much inquiry, including an E-Mail from Fmr. President Carter I have the actual reason why you can not own a Canadian, at least in the US. Mexico is a whole other story and it has to do with calorie content.


The main reason why you can't own a Canadian is their rabies certificates don't transfer down here very easily. It's a whole long process and in the end your potential new Canadian will have died waiting in line to get his/her updated shots. *giggles*


Why Can't I Own a Canadian?

October 2002

Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr. Laura penned by a east coast resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative:

Dear Dr. Laura:

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other specific laws and how to follow them:

When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15:19- 24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

****Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?****

I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?

A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?

Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?

I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? - Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.

Your devoted fan,




09:28 Jul 14 2009


09:51 Jul 14 2009

Xzavier: Yes?

MBK: That wasn't a good enough reason for my why can't I own a Canadian? D:

Xzavier: Ugh fine. I didn't want to say this because I didn't want to be responsible for a global panic but...*come close....closer...even closer..* Canadians STINK! There I said it. Now calm down and don't freak out. It's not the end of the world, but close. I mean ever wonder why they happen to live up north? The cold air keeps smells at a minimum. I mean why do you think Yankees are so grouchy and most of the border states struggle with environmental issues? It's because of the Canadians and their wretched smell :)

Happy? lol

MBK: ... Yes. :P

14:15 Jul 14 2009

I think the real problem comes down to Metric vs Imperial Measurement standards. Canadians are all "liters, kilometers, and grams" and we Yanks are all "gallons, miles, and ounces". Conversion charts and tables are necessary to have ANY conversation. We can't even talk about the weather without drawing pictures and hastily calculating Celsius temperature in our heads. Forget about telling a Candadian how far to go, or how much milk we want him to buy at the store. They do not know what a gallon is. And they refuse to learn. And they have animals on their coins.

It makes ownership of Canadians impossible. For this reason alone, I believe that it is the Canadians themselves who have prevented us Yanks from dwitching to Metric.

There, I said it.

15:58 Jul 14 2009

It is because Canadians would not like being owned I bet. It is that whole slave thing that turns them off :P

16:21 Jul 14 2009

This person's friend is misinformed i think. i want to know where they got their info. . . .

10:51 Jul 15 2009

MBK & Xzav.

Oh, O.o ...

You two are awful! Funny, but awful...RofLmao.

22:55 Jul 15 2009

No shit, is that why? This whole time I thought Jim Carey made Canadians undesirable.

19:38 Jul 26 2009

*goes cry emo style in a corner as a good canadian* to think I use american deaodorant and soap. Ok!!!OK!! I use canadian shampoo..sorry.

Wait?! I just realize, you can't own a canadian *grin* but I can! I am already there loll

(disclaimer: I do not own and do not wish to won, I am to happy bein free of repsonsibilties and have fun enjoying the vrness of vr)


01:22 Jul 14 2009
Times Read: 1,157

The idea that a person has to have seen/been somewhere directly in order to classify something or say "this is or isn't" is really rather silly.




00:49 Jul 12 2009
Times Read: 1,194

If you're on my friends list and you spell Bible "bible" intentionally I'm going to remove you from my friends list.

If you can't manage to be an adult and spell it properly (Bible is a proper noun after all) then I don't care to have you as a friend nor do I deserve to see your ignorant face.



01:26 Jul 12 2009

'Heard that!

02:04 Jul 12 2009

*nods* Amen

02:46 Jul 12 2009

... Even me? :(

03:26 Jul 12 2009

Hehehe this is exactly what the Bible does to people. Can't manage to be an Adult and spell it properly? what does the adulthood extended in possible "maturity/professional ethic" has to do with spelling? the notion that is a noun doesn't take any ground on human intensity. And then Ignorant? contradictory much? you are the ignorant one; judging (as counter-action by banning others from your majestic friend list) based on a word.

05:04 Jul 12 2009

It's just plain grammar. It's as dorked up as not capitalizing a name, a country, or the first letter of a sentence. However, most people who don't capitalize the word are trying to be derogatory, that's his point, here.

23:02 Jul 14 2009

This came as a surprise to me, after the intelligence you've shown in what I've read of your journal. You have come across here as not only ignorant, but also hypocritical.

Bible is not exclusively a proper noun. The Latin root, biblia, was used as a general term for books or scrolls, while biblia sacra meant holy book and referred to The Bible.

The word bible remains a common noun used for purposes not pertaining to religious texts within the English language, with its capitalized variant being a proper noun.

And while I can understand a desire for your beliefs to be respected, it is very difficult to do when those beliefs include tolerance and forgiveness and are seemingly completely disregarded in this entry.

01:00 Jul 15 2009

You're right bible as a word isn't exclusively related to "The Holy Bible" and that biblia is the root word for many others.

However you're also very very wrong. When a person spells The Holy Bible "bible" intentionally they are being disrespectful and childish. This entry came about from a thread and in the thread Bible, bible, the Word etc ALL refereed to the Christian Bible.

Tell me this, when a person(s) spells Quran, Zoroastrianism, Moby Dick, Satanic Bible and then bible and the only title of a book to be misspelled remains the Bible does that not say that they are trying to make some point against it? Does that not mean they are doing it on purpose?

I don't care if a person didn't know bible is Bible or if they misspelled it on accident (heck I've done that before) but I do care when it's done on purpose for the purpose of being disrespectful.

That is not ignorant or hypocritical.

The Bible says we are to forgive people but if they refuse to correct themselves, you are to still forgive them but not associate with them. Now I asked politely for people to not intentionally misspell Bible and they refused so should I condone their activity? Not at all, there is nothing that says I have to.

Tolerance does not apply to poor behaviour nor does it mean I can't defend and uphold my beliefs.

It is MY friends list after all and when a person(s) blatantly disrespects the foundation of the greatest faith on Earth, the holy book for 2 billion people I have every right to knock them off my list. This isn't a hard thing to do, spelling it correctly. And how I decide to run my friends list isn't going to change or disrupt anything.

Again I ask, how hard is it to understand the word *Intentionally*?

Those who intentionally misspell it are exercising their beliefs and yet when I ask that they spell a word properly I'm the intolerant and hypocritical one? Give me a break.

06:44 Jul 15 2009

I need to apologize. I misread your journal entry by missing "intentionally," which left me completely in the wrong with my comment. I feel, and I'm sure also look, like an ass, which doesn't often happen even when I am being somewhat of one.

I was wrong, and I am sorry.

10:54 Jul 15 2009

Of course, they could have simply been in a hurry and didn't capitalize anything in the sentence. Hence, not so much derogatory as too fast a type to pay attention...

Sorry, Xzav. I couldn't resist...Lmao.

12:26 Jul 15 2009

I'm a bit curious about this one.

I mean, you see alot of people talking on the net. And the good majority of them can barely string a sentence together let alone be grammatically correct.

So, how do they qualify as "intentionally being disrespectful".

Unless they go "RARGH! I'm not going to capitalize the word 'bible' because I want to degrade your faith! mwah hah hah hah!"

But how often would that happen?

I doubt it's really a conscious effort.

I my self, don't capitalize it simply because it holds no weight to me.

Doesn't mean I'm being degrading towards it.

I just don't care.

We have an understanding, I leave the warm fuzzy wuzzy religiosity alone, and it leaves me alone too.

Oh. But again with the curiosity.

Do you test your friends on this? Just wondering how you would find out. Unless bible comes up in conversation alot.

03:13 Jul 16 2009

*clears throat but realizes drama only required from text* bible, bible, bible, bible, bible, bible, bible, bible, bible, bible, bible, bible, bible, bible, bible. And bible. That is all.

Love you with all my Biblical little heart *runs away*

If the whole world were ordained, God would be bored with the conformity.


02:00 Jul 05 2009
Times Read: 1,262

Upir' and Dabbler my two best Forum friends. I make statements and they question them because I am not worthy of trust it seems. Upir' makes statements and acts as though he is to be believed off hand because he has no related education and makes claim of grand encounters with insiders who secretly uphold his notions. Yes Upir' Lovell, NASA and all of academia supports you and your claims of a hollow Moon and your lunatic understanding of the universe.

Folks like Upir' make me soooo glad to that our educational system is working, ha! lol

I've never met someone who stands so firmly behind their double standards of "reasoning". It seems as though VR is full of them.



02:08 Jul 05 2009

Can you provide a link to the article from which you have taken this information from?


02:28 Jul 05 2009

No Comment

14:54 Jul 05 2009

oh boy.

15:03 Jul 05 2009

Ohhh da X-man is bein a biatch...*grins*.

19:16 Jul 05 2009

Hey I'm the nicest person on Earth, I'm allowed to be a bitch every once in a while.

20:44 Jul 05 2009

Sexy AND smart! It shall be your downfall *winks*

17:44 Jul 06 2009


18:20 Jul 10 2009

I'm trying to be nice.

The old me would ask if you had....ahhh hahaha! You almost roped me in there!!

I'm with DWM...no comment :)

15:08 Jul 18 2009

Ehh no comment either.


06:33 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 1,291

I used to think a certain individual was a rather intelligent person, not always mainstream but of sound mind nonetheless. However, after reading a few of their recent forum posts I've been forced to rethink my opinion of this person.

I never like having to do that.



08:34 Jul 04 2009

its hard to not be a snob and judge people huh?....i feel your pain .

08:36 Jul 04 2009

Must you always bug me? lol It ain't being a snob if there's supporting evidence!

10:00 Jul 04 2009

Don't you love it when you make a completely anonymous entry, yet someone still has to sep forward and admit to being the pillock you are referring to.

Kind of odd really...

10:07 Jul 04 2009

VR instills collective paranoia - it cracks me up lol


07:00 Jul 03 2009
Times Read: 1,301

I forget, who came up with "VR, the internet's favorite addiction"? I know I started using that soon after I joined (Sept 06) but it's hard to believe I could have been the first. Any ideas? Or was I?



08:09 Jul 03 2009

Hm, I have no clue on this...lol

06:45 Jul 04 2009

BleedingMassacre did I believe.

01:14 Jul 12 2009

They (whoever 'they' are) started that in 2004... you can find it in the comment sections of people who joined then if you go way back :)


02:55 Jul 02 2009
Times Read: 1,316

I'd like to thank Posion for allowing me to design his Coven's "The Coven of Dragonsblood" crest, mark and representation.

I've worked with some 7 Coven's and helped set-up 4. Anytime I'm able to pitch in just makes me all happy.

Again, thank you and if anyone else would like some help just let me know.



05:16 Jul 02 2009

see...thats just one of the reasons we love our xzavier.

03:14 Jul 16 2009

Aww, munchkin-butt -- you are so cute when you get "all happy"

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