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9 entries this month

19:06 Jan 28 2010
Times Read: 745

Arg! Where'd voodoochili go?



01:37 Jan 29 2010

sshh....he's tied up...in my basement. Heh heh.


22:01 Jan 23 2010
Times Read: 768

Here's a bit of physics porn inspired by CarnelianMyst. I might develope it more later.

"M-Theory, it wraps me up in its equations and holds on tight, while its physical applications penetrate me deeper than anyone ever could, so deep my very quantum nature shivers."



22:04 Jan 23 2010

What are the odds on...me, an old rusty dusty from the Midwest, having a physics chat on a vampire site with a gay southern man? Off the charts!!

19:13 Jan 28 2010

You are just a freak...I tell ya *laughs*

19:21 Jan 28 2010



07:24 Jan 22 2010
Times Read: 793

I just finished watching a show about objectum sexuality (having sexual and emotional feelings toward objects) and I gotta say I don't understand it.

I'm a seriously open minded person and can find a way to justify and normalize almost anything (even if I don't personally approve or condone) but in this case, I don't think so. I think that these people are seriously mentally ill and emotionally confused with a lot of deep problems. Now I don't think they're a bunch of dangerous people, on the contrary they seemed very nice and fairly passive but they're not normal. No regular forms of thinking or logic can lead to developing strong emotional bonds with objects to the point of excluding any potential relationship with another person.

Honestly, it's sad.

It's one thing to have fetishes, enjoy the use of objects for sexual pleasure, have some form of attachment to an object with special sentimental value but to "fall in love" with or only want to have sex with some inanimate object, to think that it has feelings etc is well beyond me.



07:29 Jan 22 2010

You know you have a special relationship with your computer

22:03 Jan 23 2010

I know some guys who have sex with mattresses...does that count?:P

19:17 Jan 28 2010

Oddly enough some guy got arrested for having sex with his table.

19:19 Jan 28 2010

Once on the local newspaper I read about a man who married his car.


23:54 Jan 21 2010
Times Read: 801

The notion that time doesn't exist is total bull and anyone who thinks that either has no clue of what they're talking about or is grossly perverting the meanings of various theories etc.

Things happen therefore time exists. Without time there is nothing within our universe.



01:42 Jan 22 2010

Ah...but the question exists , did things happen before there was time? and if so who was/were there beings who percieved it?...think of temporal mechanics theorys.

01:49 Jan 22 2010

It depends on what dimension you're in. In our universe time has always existed and there was nothing before time. The very act of creation initiated time here. And beyond that, since this universe didn't exist time, although it was,was irrelevant and was not linear as it is now.

21:33 Jan 22 2010

Hm. This sort of thing makes my brain hurt. Time is such a vast and looming concept, i just can't grasp it. . . .

04:37 Jan 23 2010

but just as in temporal mechanics theory up is down and forward is backward....the notion that linear time has always existed might unto its self be the outside the box kind of thinking needed to understand what "time" is.....remember even at the quantum level which we are at in some demention , you can change the enviornment by just observing something...(looking at it)...time is a property of the universe and therefore subject to multiple laws of physics according to what demention you are observing it from.....it made sense in my head that way anyways lol

04:49 Jan 23 2010

Babe, the point is time exists, it can't not. The fine details will be up for study and debate for decades I'm sure but there can't be serious denial or "evidence" that time isn't real. Time is the moment between two periods or actions, that's it (at least on the most basic level). And it's what allows movement and communication between particles, allowing the universe to function.

22:24 Jan 23 2010

im not saying it doesnt exist , all im saying is its subject to different physics and nature depending on where its being observed from (focal point)....unless its possible to occupy mutiple or every point in the universe at the same time , then we are getting into a discussion that might be better talked about over the phone ....it just doesnt translate from my head to the keyboard lol

19:21 Jan 28 2010

When I'll have wrinkles and grey hair, I'll tell you what I think!


01:31 Jan 21 2010
Times Read: 817

*sigh* I don't really know why I log in every day.



02:28 Jan 21 2010

because you are addicted to vampirerave.

04:06 Jan 21 2010

because there are actual people here that care about your well being HUgs

04:27 Jan 23 2010

Because people actually care & love you xoxoxo :)


14:49 Jan 12 2010
Times Read: 845

Peace has come to VR! At least a little corner of it.

Message To: Xzavier from: DarknessandShadows

Then perhaps I needed to write it in Romany.

Because it's a hopeless cause, Jacob. You knew how I felt about you. I worked my ass off, I was never here. I told you on Yahoo where I was, and that I was working two jobs to help you out. This was around the time you told me tha your mother didn't believe that you were sick.

So understandably, I was MAD. I felt betrayed because I thought you were dying, and I wanted to preserve your life as long as I could.

I do not speak out of hatred.. You hurt me deeply. And some wounds will NEVER heal.

Whether or not we ever become friends again is not my decision. I would like to be. I never turn my back on those I trust, and those I once befriended.. Because what I saw in you, why I fell in love with you, and why I befriended you hasn't changed. It never will. And that is why it will never be hopeless, that is, if you ever wanted to be my friend again.


On 06:54:33 Jan 12 2010 (-0 GMT) Xzavier wrote to: DarknessandShadows

I've unblocked you as well. Not surprisingly I can read a number of languages. My syntax and spelling tends to suck but I can read just about any common global/ semi-global language, at least enough to get by.

I don't know why you feel the need to always berate me and I don't really care. What happened, faults etc, doesn't matter. What matters is I'm sick and tired of it. What matters is that we're two freaking adults on a site dedicated to the understanding of cultures and people long suppressed and hated by the outside world. I know one thing, at one point we did used to be friends and I did like you as a person.

I'm not sure we can really be friends again but we don't have to be enemies either.




17:39 Jan 13 2010

May things get sorted out.


06:02 Jan 12 2010
Times Read: 859

When did I need an operation? I needed a test sure but an operation? Don't think so.

I talked to you for maybe 6 months then stopped for over a year and then again for a few weeks until you acted liked you owned me. That's the full extent of our "relationship" as any one who's followed this tale since day one can attest.

Call me a fag all you want, hope fuckxthisxshit goes to hell for being the single most important person in my life for the past 4 years (far longer than I've even known you existed) and for actually defending a friend *gasp* But threatening us with physical harm, hoping I get AIDS? That only goes to prove the truth of your real self.

I don't like a lot of people but I would never wish HIV/AIDS on anyone, even you sir.

Someone on here once said they hoped Micheal Jackson's kids get rapped because they believe he had molested those children. Within 48 hours that person was begging for forgiveness and came to understand that her feelings toward Jackson had nothing to do with his kids and that desiring something like that to happen to anyone was beyond wrong.

Lie all you want, call me a fag, liar, bitch, cunt, fool, moron and all those other words you so love to describe me as. But seriously, anyone who says they want someone to get HIV and repeatedly says so...that's just low and I find it hard to think that anyone but you would think that's ok.

I said I didn't want to date you, a person 2,000 miles away, that's all and that's where all of this started. And because of that you wish to condemn me to a life like this?

That's YOUR words and I hope people can see the actual nature of things.

I won't be posting anything else and I hope you will actually let an absurd episode, months old, alone. I've been quiet and mature since then, you have no excuse to be otherwise.

No worries, I'm not going to trash you to your friends, I never have, and I'll even accept your right to not like me. So long as you don't violate TOS again or again you won't be forced to deal with me.

It's not hard to just stop, especially of even the thought of me makes you sick. So why get sick spending so much of your time and energy on some ill conceived trek of paranoia aimed at hurting me or those around me. It ain't gonna work baby doll.

Though this does seem to be an interesting testament to the hold I can have on people, good or bad right? lol



06:32 Jan 12 2010

People need to think before they speak or not say anything at all.

17:38 Jan 13 2010

Does your testament include your knowledge and intelligence?

In that case I want them!



01:43 Jan 12 2010
Times Read: 878

I'm not going to yell or scream just ask some questions and make some points.

The last time I talked to or about "DarknessandShadows" was around 4 months ago. Then the other day someone asked me about a journal entry he made regarding me and my health. So I went to read it, nothing more.

I make no mention of anything in my journal and I only tell the person that it's beyond me why he'd talk about me after such a long time. Then he goes and makes entry after entry saying he hopes I die, get HIV/AIDS, how he wants to kill me and others. Then he makes a kismet that I and others felt was in violation of TOS and guess what, it was. Proper action was taken and that's all that should have been.

Of course he can't help but bitch about me to the Admin and even get mad at her simply because he assumed that we were in league together, conspiring to have him suspended or some such.

I use my kismets for all kinds of things and I don't remember once ever using it to attack another person, let alone him.

It amazes me how, after I post a screen shot of his apology and admittance that all of this was is fault, he started it yadda yadda 4-5 months later he brings it all up again as though I were the cause of his newly infused hatred of me.

We never dated, I never took anything from him or lied. I've not tried to get others to turn on him and unlike him I don't go to his friends and send message after message bitching about what a "faggoty little liar" he is...to use his words.

If someone tells me someone is speaking ill about me I go look. I don't seek it out but I do like to know who's talking and why. In this case it happens to be from a person who's made his "decent nature" known very well to the world. It's funny how he's the "good, sweet natured, mature" guy and yet he continues to talk about things that are pure fabrications and his deleted journal entries and mine remaining ones (and various screen shots etc) prove. But because I don't aggressively attack him, don't try to seduce others to my evil side of things...I'm the bad guy?

Oh well. I just ask that people follow the rules and that they at least pretend to be mature. According to him he always lets past drama alone right? Then why does he always bring it up? I simply ask for the right to reply to it from time to time, which I do. At least as far as decent behaviour goes I don't berate him every chance I get. True when all of this started some time ago I hurled some insults, who doesn't, but at least I stopped and I'm perfectly happy to keep things on a more modest level.

I don't respond to every single negative word a person says to or about me but in some cases I feel like I should. Especially when they not only use their journal but go to person after person, spamming their in boxes and trying to inflict as much hurt and pain on me and mine as possible. Thankfully, this fagot doesn't get hurt by total and key word here...obviouse nonsense.

On an unrelated topic. I'm working on a very extensive paper on ideas and actions we might take as a species to protect our future, advance our nature and thrive.



01:53 Jan 12 2010

The paper sounds interesting, I just wrote a paper on the personification of the concepts of sin and evil in John Milton's Paradise Lost...which is obviously a topic that has been done to death...but hey, I thought it was interesting haha.

06:32 Jan 12 2010

Yeah, I'd be interested in reading the paper fo sho.

17:34 Jan 13 2010

I won't interfere on what happened but I find no sense in using kismets for Drama.

Anyway I'd be interested to read the paper.


23:14 Jan 08 2010
Times Read: 895

I found a cool site. It's a 3D interactive map of the known (422) exoplanets.


You'll need Java to use it but it's a pretty fun trek across the galaxy.



00:27 Jan 09 2010

W00T! Thanks man

01:43 Jan 09 2010


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