Xzavier's Journal


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9 entries this month

07:14 Apr 26 2010
Times Read: 800

Very cool, my profile has been viewed over 27,000 times and my journal read more than 33,000 :D



18:09 Apr 28 2010

Seems like you're quite the popular person :-)


20:38 Apr 21 2010
Times Read: 829

I'm watching "Space Cowboys" and I noticed something fairly neat. During the scene where they're getting their physical and Tommy Lee is having his blood drawn, well if you look at the vial you can actually see it fill up. In most movies they either don't show anything or are done with that part in like 2 seconds but with this one you could see it all, in what seems like real time, and you can see the darn thing fill up with "blood".

I just thought that was an interesting bit of attention to detail.



07:25 Apr 23 2010

Gotta love detail ... At least in more and more films now you get to see the characters take a dump now. I use to think actors didn't use the loo.


01:23 Apr 21 2010
Times Read: 834

"Compared to a gamma-ray burst a supernova is but a cosmic fart."




03:43 Apr 21 2010

Um. . . . perhaps my ignorance is showing, but isn't that what's supposed to happen in 2012? A gamma-ray burst?


08:05 Apr 19 2010
Times Read: 843

This is kinda freaky. Nevermind the last part of the video but do pay attention to the actual body of it.

Even if this is totally "not evil" there is still zero reason for it and even less reason to spend at least $17.5 million/yr on Obama's private army. You can find part of this HR 3590, Sec 5210 [Sec 203].



19:08 May 13 2010

A civilian army with the motto:"I pledge to be a servant to our president"? here i thought that the president was placed on office to serve us...


08:31 Apr 11 2010
Times Read: 863

"A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?”

Robert Browning




04:15 Apr 11 2010
Times Read: 874

"Hey you, yeah you vegetarian!

You know how you and those environmentalists are always complaining about CO2 and the Earth warming and how to take care of it?

You blame us meat-eaters because every time a cow farts the Earth gets one step closer to burning to a crisp. You people are always trying to come up with Beano for cows but you know what the real problem is? YOU!

If you want to save the Earth you eat a steak. Ever heard meatloaf fart? So the next time you pass up a cheeseburger or Big Mack just remember, a Polar Bear is dying. "

Random. But funny.




00:13 Apr 09 2010
Times Read: 934

**This is kinda long but I REALLY want your opinions**

I've been having this conversation for the past two days. I thought the person I was talking to was intelligent but perhaps I was wrong. I'm not going to mention who it is but I'd like you all to read this and tell me which one of us is the rational person?

I'm sorry if some of it doesn't make sense. I tried very hard to keep him focused and answer my questions/counter-points directly but he kept ignoring them or trying to change the subject.

I'm not "compelled" to defend myself but the argument that only those who defend their points of view are the ones in the wrong..that's just retarded. All I did with my article is try to explain things, open peoples eyes and give *hope* to those going through a hard time.

When having a discussion one person takes a side and the other another side, they both defend/support their positions. That's called a debate.


Xzavier: BTW, you were joking in your comment to my article right? lol I may have bad fashion sense (which I don't you're just straight) but I aint wrong! :P

Man: according to the church (rome) reguardless of the scandals and drama the church is involved in, that homosexuallity is a sin....im not saying its my belief but i believe that the church sees it that way and things have become to liberal in the spiritual awakening of humans...in a nutt shell people just want to cherry pick what they can and cannot do, doesnt work that way , it cant!.....it would be like saying its ok to kill a man if it was in the best interest of god....no matter what spin you put on it , deep down you know its wrong...unless you are a sociopath and in that case its ok lol

Me: Rome thinks the act is wrong but being gay isn't. And that was the whole point of my article, that the bible itself doesnt actually say anything about homosexuals and that it is indeed ok to be gay. And that many churches/denominations think it's ok.

How can you disagree w that? lol

Man: actually if you sin in your heart its the same as action in the churches eyes.....so if the act of homosexuallity is wrong which it does say in the bible then its pretty self explanitory....most people who are christians are luke warm anyways and only practice what they like about it ....its harder to actually live it day to day....think about it if it wasnt hard to live a strict way do you really think it would have any value?....i could go on and on but dont want to offend anyone, its a touchy subject with most .

Me: No you're right, if we "sin" in our hearts then it is a sin. But, just bc the church (Rome or otherwise) says something it doesn't actually make it right/wrong. All that matters is what Gods word says (aka the New Testament) and that doesn't say that actual homosexuals are sinful.

You should know better than to be afraid to offend me :P

Man: one could argue that it goes against the very biology/nature of our design and that if its not written its ok?......a thinking person with even a small amount of reason knows better, its funny when we want something bad enough how we restructure our moral compass to suit our conscience....but its the conscience that is talking to us to let us know, and to ignore it is just as bad as turning your back on god.....i know i sound like a bible beater but im really not , im just aware lol

Me: Ok you're gonna need to type a lil bit better for me to understand you lol.

Are you saying that you think being gay goes against nature? And that people like me are trying to "adjust" things to fit our own desires?

I just want to know what *you* actually think.

Or are you playing devils advocate in an attempt to get me to further defend my position and move from using faith to science?

Man: defense is only needed if you are guilty of something...i have certain views on the subject yes, but i dont want to give the wrong impression here.

Me: Just tell me what you actually believe. Are we not friends? That means that no matter what you think, we'll still be friends.

Man: i can disagree with you and still be your friend , hell ya cant have the exact same views as your friends , life would be so boring ....this does not in any way mean you are not my friend goofey lol

Me: Exactly.

I just want to know specifically what you disagree with me on and why.


how much of the churches history are you familiar with?

Me: A fair amount.


He sends me a very long article he copy/pasted from some place and all it does is repeate "scripture" (the same ones I talk about in my article) and then goes on to say that God made Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve and that every homosexual needs Jesus to be "cured".

Me: think I covered most of this this in my article.

A) Genesis has no more bearing on Christianity than does Mickey Mouse. Christianity starts with the book of Matthew onward. Genesis states that the universe was made in 6 days, it says the earth was covered by a flood and the rest of the Old Testament goes on to say that we should kill adulterers and beat our children.

B) Just because DNA evidence hasn't been found to support a "gay gene" as it were doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The Human genome is made up of approx.30,000 genes and some individual genes play a role in over 400 biological processes.

C) The whole gay/alcoholic argument is absurd. For one being a homosexual and having homosexual sex no more hurts the people involved than heterosexual sex. Drinking does. That argument is based on the presupposition the homosexuality is inherently wrong. It is not. Examples of it exist not just in humans but all across nature.

D) Diseases and being gay? Please. The only reason HIV spread in the homosexual community was because at the time it came on the scene gays weren't using condoms, there was little reason to. Add to it the months and years governments and institutions took to actually say it existed and you have the "gay plague". All leading populations for HIV transmission growth rates today are among heterosexuals. As for other diseases, there is zero evidence that a gay man is going to become infected more easily than a straight woman.

E) There may not be a gay gene but there is plenty of other evidence that supports "gay by birth".

F) Every verse in the Bible that talks about homosexual activities is not talking about gays. It's talking about rape. Every verse that's saying things like "leaving the natural use.." is talking about heteros having sex with a member of the same sex. The KJV of the Bible is riddled with translation errors and a simple check of the Greek (for the NT) you'll see that what KJV says isn't what was written.

G) In the beginning there were very few people, we needed to go forth and multiply, we don't today. Throughout history there seems to be a fairly stable % of homosexuals and the amount doesn't really risk population growth. The very fact that there does seem to be a stable percentage actually supports a biological foundation for homosexuality. All that matters is our soul right? Humans aren't only a body, we're spiritual beings. Our physical selves only serve to carry our brains around (the brain, that thing that gives us thought and soul). There isn't a male spirit and a female spirit, there's just energy. Even God is sexless in his true form, we just use the word "he" because our physical universe is made up by he's and she's..the he's being the more dominant of the two. If 2 souls love each other I kinda doubt it matters what equipment their bodies have. Yes men and women are complementary but thats because of breeding purposes. I don't want to have kids, I don't need a chick.

If 80% of the population was going around saying they're gay, ok there might be something to it but they're not. It's 3-7% and all we want is the same human rights as everyone else. SCIENCE says being gay isn't a disease, I'll stick with that because God just happens to be quiet on the matter.

That entire article was written with the idea that being gay is wrong from the very first word, it was more biased than Al Gores take on Global Warming. At least I provided actual facts and not just opinion in mine.

Man: ya take one part of the bible ya take the whole thing....cant cherry pick what you like.

Me: Exactly. So agains I ask, what do YOU believe? lol

Man: "That entire article was written with the idea that being gay is wrong from the very first word, it was more biased than Al Gores take on Global Warming. At least I provided actual facts and not just opinion in mine. "

stating that because they have not found a "gay gene" is not a fact nor is it based in any scientific method ive heard of, if thats the case an argument can be spun in so many ways morallity is no longer a human issue.

Me: No I was saying that I provided facts, as in the facts of the original language of the Bible. I can also provide facts for a biological foundation of homosexuality, just not DNA..which we can't do for a lot of things but no one doubts those aren't natural.

Man: i believe in a grand arcitect....nuff said.

Me: Blah, no I wanna know if you think being gay is ok or not and why?

Like you said we can still be friends, I just want to know.

Man: question...is it wrong to steal?

Me: Define steal... But generally yes it is.

Man: and just as its a choice to become a bank robber its a choice to be gay.

Me: No there isn't. For one who would want to choose to be gay? Pretty much no one. And secondly there IS scientific evidence supporting that being gay is not a choice but biology.

Heck even the Roman Catholic church said that being is not a matter of choice.

Man: if sins of the heart are just as bad as sins of action (deed) then it kind of boils down to choice (freewill)...are you saying being gay is beyond your freewill?

Me: Yes just like having blue eyes is beyond my freewill. It's up to me to decide to have sex but it's also up to a person to decide to play music, both actions are choice but neither choice is wrong, sinful or unnatural.

You have a choice to live and have sex with someone you're not married to. That sorta goes against the Bible explicitly and without translation error.

Man: in that case same excuse could be used for pedos.

Me: A pedo is someone who has sex with a child under the age of 13.

That is wrong because it hurts the kid. Being gay doesn't hurt anyone.

Man: hurts the soul.

Me: Um no it doesn't.

How would being gay hurt the soul?

Man: first thing is to admit its a sin, otherwise you just wont get it...its a lot like telling a drug addict they need help, they either listen to you and seek help or they remain in denial and die or end up in jail ect...if you consider christian morality subjective then its not worth trying to argue the point.

Me: You have yet to prove it's a sin. The Bible, as was written, doesn't mention a thing about homosexuals.

I'm an ordained minister remember? I graduated Liberty University heck.

You said you can't cherry pick the Bible right? Then you must believe that 1) you are living in sin, 2) it is ok to stone children, 3) the Earth is less than 10,000yrs old, etc

Man: yes i am, never said i was perfect or a bible beater either...just thought id enguage you in what ive learned and heard, cant say im better than you other than my fashion sense that is lol

Me: lol well at least you admit it :P

I'm just really interested in where it says being gay is a sin.

As for fashion sense..babe, you're delusional lmao

Man: wouldnt matter if i did show you where it said being homo is wrong in the bible you would just make an excuse like a drunk says i dont have a drinking problem lol

Me: Blah. If it's actually wrong, I wanna know. I am a Christian afterall and if the way I'm living my life is wrong I want to know about and work on making it better.

But you have to provide facts.

Man: •Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1

•Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"

•1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

•Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

Homosexuality is clearly condemned by the Bible. It goes against the created order of God. He created Adam and then made a woman. This is what God has ordained and it is what is right. Unlike other sins, homosexuality has a severe judgment administered by God Himself. This judgment is simple: They are given over to their passions. That means that their hearts are allowed to be hardened by their sins (Romans 1:18ff). As a result, they can no longer see the error of what they are doing. Without an awareness of their sinfulness, there will be no repentance and trusting in Jesus. Without Jesus, they will have no forgiveness. Without forgiveness, there is no salvation.

Me: First: 1 Cor 6:10, it does NOT say "homosexual" it says "abusers of themselves with mankind", aka prostitutes.

And the rest, I used facts to prove it's not gays at all.

The New Testament was written in Greek, yes? So read the ACTUAL text of the NT and you'll find the truth.

I proved the same for the OT verses. And I'll state again, if YOU believe that you can't pick what parts of the Bible you believe in and what parts you don't then you MUST believe it is ok to kill people like yourself and stone children.


This is the exact argument I had with my mom a while back. And it all comes down to the fact that you don't care what fact is, all you believe is what you've either been told or believe based on your own prejudice.

The indisputable facts is the Christian text do not condemn homosexuality and that in order to believe Lev. you must also believe it is ok to stone children and that eating pork is a sin.

You can believe whatever you want but I'll believe in the facts of Science and the facts of the Word of God, neither of which says being gay is wrong.

I don't understand how a person could look at proof and still think the Earth is flat. That's exactly what this is.

Man: like i said no such thing as a perfect translation.

Me: It was written in Greek, Greek hasn't changed since the time of the Bible. There is a perfect translation between Greek and English where these matters are concerned.

But I'm tired of talking to a brick wall that happens to be a bigoted hypocrite :P

Like you said we're still friends.

Man: no need for name calling here, see i told ya its a touchy subject...its my mistake for thinking a you could hold a conversation like an adult.

in certain south american and african languages there is no translation for "maybe" you either DO or you DO NOT do something....same goes for the bible you take it all or nothing, no grey areas no this and this but not that .

"You should know better than to be afraid to offend me :P"

i guess that is not the truth either, im sorry if i offended you...its why i dont like discussing this topic, no good can come from it.

Me: Dude, get over yourself.

I'm not offended. You equated homosexuality w pedophilia, you said it was like talking to an alcoholic or drug addict. I'm not allowed to describe you with words? Words that happen to be truth?

As for your South American languages with no translation, what does that have to do with anything? I'm not talking about them I'm talking about GREEK.

You're using belief to support and idea, I'm using facts. Facts = truth.

You also keep ignoring the fact that IF you take all the Bible, you must also think its ok to stone children. Do you believe that's ok or not? Do you take the book of Revelation literally? Monsters and all? Do you think the universe really is less than 10,000 years old?

Come on.

Like I said you can believe all you want but that doesn't change reality.

If a person can't alter their *opinions* or misunderstandings when confronted with evidence then they are closed minded and what they believe doesn't matter, it's worthless.

And by the way, I don't recall it saying in the Bible you either believe all of it or none of it.

Man: your denial not mine... im a bigit for expressing my knowledge on a subject and you obviously have emotional issues and cant think rationally nor can you hold a conversastion without allowing your said emotional issues to cloud your thinking then why should i continue?....seems to me its you who has the "god problem" and if you find yourself defending your point of view all the time then maybe your doing something wrong...ever think of that? people who live the truth dont have to ....and furthermore about you being a minister or chaplin or whatever the hell you think you are, big whoop! hell for 45 bucks i could be too and get a tax break.....i should have known better than to try and have a rational conversation with a looney christian who thinks he have have his cake and eat it too...no sir you are troubled and i no longer wish to talk with you about this subject untill you put your big boy pants on and can act like an adult.


All I see is a guy who can't support his own argument with anything but repeating it over and over. He can't counter, he can't even answer each question I ask.

You know, I admit I may be wrong (something he doesn't even consider) but at least I can back up my beliefs with something more than "just because".



01:51 Apr 09 2010

why would anyone want to give you there opinion?...you would just call them names if they dont agree with you.

01:54 Apr 09 2010

If they admit that their disagreement is based on opinion then fine, they can disagree. But, if they claim their disagreement is based on truth, then I'd ask they prove that claim.

I don't care if people disagree with me but if they can't back it up it really doesn't matter to me.

02:05 Apr 09 2010

hey i can spin too, prove god exists lol

02:06 Apr 09 2010

Thank you for your opinion.

03:24 Apr 09 2010

I didn't get through all of it because the guy annoyed me. Anyhow- for him to say other people cherry pick with the Bible??? Something tells me he doesn't think it is a sin to shave his beard, or to get a tattoo- but damn skippy if it isn't considered an abomination in The Bible!

Fact is, those people want to put a focus on some things more than others. They'll agree the world has evolved in some ways, but won't budge with other things.

This is from the Oxford Dictionary of the Bible, true scholars' point of view... intelligent people from several denominations come together for these explanations:


The condition of sexual attraction to a person of the same sex. There does not exist a precise or unambiguous Hebrew or Greek word for this inclination, though it may be implied by the relationship of David and Jonathan (2 Sam 1: 26); but fear of sinking to the mores of Egypt and Canaan may have led to the condemnation of homosexual genital activity in Lev. 18: 22. The word ‘sodomy’, derived from the story of Gen. 19: 1–29, is inappropriate for individual homosexual behaviour, for the story is one of intended gang rape (see Sodom). In the NT Paul cites homosexual relations as an instance of human perversion in the Gentile world. Paul shares contemporary Jewish revulsion at what was not merely usual but socially approved male behaviour in the Graeco-Roman world. The intellectual élite of Athens had long been accustomed to making love to attractive boys; it was part of normal educational life. The same culture prevailed in 1st-cent. Rome. Homosexual relations, however, were far more widely practised—slaves sometimes being forced to play the passive role, according to Seneca. So common and so generally known were homosexual practices in the Gentile world, that Jewish writers were shocked. Philo condemns homosexual activity as almost as bad as bestiality (Special Laws 3: 37–42), and Paul in Rom. 1: 24–32 shares this Jewish disgust at what, no doubt, many of his Gentile converts had some experience of (1 Cor. 6: 11), and at the least he has in mind the exploitation, as he would have seen it, of minors and male temple prostitutes. His condemnation must also embrace the deviation of heterosexual men and women from their procreative function to a homosexual relationship (Rom. 1: 26–7). Many scholars hold on the basis of Paul's ‘natural’ . . . ‘unnatural’ that this is the extent of his Christian judgment and that he is not uttering a blanket condemnation of homosexual inclination or activity. At any rate, as with medical knowledge in general, much that is now understood about the psychology and biochemistry of this condition was unavailable in the 1st cent. Nothing explicit is recorded in the teaching of Jesus; but according to Matt. 8 Jesus responded to the request of a Roman centurion to heal his paralysed ‘servant’ or boy (Greek, pais). Since it was the accepted practice for officers on foreign assignments to be accompanied by youths for sexual recreation, his disease may have been related to this. At any rate Jesus acted compassionately.

03:26 Apr 09 2010

Oh yeah... I forgot to add "Neener, Neener!" toward the man you spoke with after I posted The Oxford Bible Dictionary stuff ;)

03:58 Apr 09 2010

I sounded mean-spirited, and I will annoy someone else I am sure. But core values are personal and it is hard not to get aggravated- as we've all displayed here, right?

04:35 Apr 09 2010

Oh yes, I have been aggravated but it isn't that this person thinks being gay is wrong that did it. I don't get upset over opposing views. I get annoyed when facts are ignored in favor of clinging to some idea.

12:55 Apr 20 2010

If someone is gay it does not make it wrong. If they are comfortable with being gay.... then let them be so. I have no problems with it because I am an open minded person... I was brought up to be open minded.

That is my opinion.


09:22 Apr 06 2010
Times Read: 945

I was reading about the evils of the Catholic Church and how rich it is and yet so many poor people in the world.

Why is the church "rich"? Because it's been around for 1,500 years or so and has over 1 billion members today.

The Bible tells us to give 10% of our income as a "tithe", that's it. If you add up all the taxes we pay in the US your avg person will have had to give the government around 30%! God just wants 10.

Now why? Because God isn't stupid and understands that the world works on money. If we didn't give to the church the millions of people that works for it (in one fashion or another) and their families would be hungry and homeless, the light bills wouldn't get paid and the billions the church has GIVEN away over the years would never have happened.

Thanks to the evil Vatican the world has thousands of additional hospitals, thousands of education centers, medical research, aid groups, many thousands of doctors & therapists have jobs and can serve humanity, many victims of things like earthquakes get medical attention, food, clothing and housing etc.

Heck I myself have received around $15,000 in free medical care thanks to the Catholic Church.

And you can double the amount of good done by the Catholics because of the Protestant church which is about the same size as the Roman Catholic church, just not centralized.

Yes there's been corruption but there always will be in every single organization that deals with large sums of assets. But you know what, I'd take all the bad the church has ever done and then some for all the good it's done and the millions of lives it has saved directly. Christians aren't perfect, we're not supposed to be. All we (and the church) are required to do is to do our best, end of story.

Without the "church" (Christians in general) there would be a far greater number of homeless, poor, sick and dying. So be thankful.

/end rant




06:12 Apr 04 2010
Times Read: 979

Ok so here's a lil VR participation thing with my journal. So read and help :D (jewelry inside)

I'm wanting to sell these (and other variations) but I have no clue how much to charge.

This is a bracelet made of 12 genuine Tahitian black pearls and 26 Swarovski white crystals.

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave

How much would you expect/be willing to pay? I want honest answers be it $5 or $500 (and some have actually said more).

What do you think of the overall design etc?

And finally would you be interested in buying one for very near what it cost me to make? (since you're VR members)



06:15 Apr 04 2010

*grins* but of course Darlin, you know I just loves things that are sparkly. *bats eyelashes*

06:59 Apr 04 2010

Black pearl, nice, in between he pearls kinda sets me off. idk. about 100 i would say would be a fair price for that. lol mind ya, i don't have cash like that, just for what you have in it lol

08:50 Apr 04 2010

I am in no way, considered a "girly girl", so I honestly have no idea about quality and what to charge. It looks nice from the picture. I think the best thing I could suggest is take the price of the bag of beads that you used, and count how many beads were in there. Divide that by the price and that will be part of your cost. Do the same with the Pearls and anything else you use. Then simply add $10 to $30 dollars to the top, depending on how hard it was to make.

But that is my logical mind at work. :)

09:11 Apr 04 2010

my friend lizz in florida makes something like those and her cost is about 40.00 in materials she sells em between 75-100.00 and uses sterling silver clasps along with exotic crystals...so im guessing 80-85 bucks.

18:18 Apr 04 2010

I love them...My honest opinion i would say 85-100. Seeing is how you need material costs. They are really awesome looking honey ^^

01:11 Apr 06 2010

I make alot of stuff too Zav.Now mostly feathered fans.But AYW has the price just about right for that.80-100$And its very nice btw.

03:54 Apr 07 2010

I didn't see it in your entry but family gets a discount *wink* Just joking....

I agree with everyone else on the $85+ range.

Looks good :)

04:46 Apr 11 2010

I love black pearls. I also love crystals. I am not sure though if I like them together.

As far as value goes, I do know that Tahitian Black Pearls are very expensive. If they are uncultivated... I doubt anyone on VR could afford one of these bracelets.

08:58 Apr 11 2010

**uncultured** oO

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