Vodka's Journal

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2 entries this month

11:17 Sep 24 2024
Times Read: 158

Well it is that time of year again!! Happy Birthday Girl Crush!!!

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Now bend over and let me spank ya!!! 😋🤣🥰



17:01 Sep 24 2024

Awww! Happy Birthday to our wonderful Ratty!!!!!!

Need me to hold her down for ya or do you think she will just bend over willingly? lol

17:37 Sep 24 2024

For V? Willing! 😀

Thank you V. 😊

19:44 Sep 24 2024

Happy Birthday, my Rattie Rat!!! ❤❤❤

00:34 Sep 25 2024

-rubs my giddy little hands together-

I knew it would happen one day!!! Lolol


23:47 Sep 11 2024
Times Read: 348

Change, a topic that has been in a lot of my conversations as of late. Must be something in the air, the changing of the seasons being that catalyst. People tend to fear change or just flat out reject it. But change itself is neither good or bad, all depends on what we do with it...how we use it. Personally, I will never understand why it is such a scary thing. I embrace change, allow it to form as it will and enjoy the flow, learn from it what I will as I can. Though not always easy, it has always been worth it.

Now to the crux, how can we change when there are so many who either won’t allow or accept it?? I am not talking about changing your location but changing as a person, who we are, what we believe, how we react and behave. So many say they have changed, that they are not the same person they once were, yet refuse to believe or allow in another the same. Feels a bit like hypocrisy does it not?? Also makes me wonder if their change was a true change or just wonderfluff. I for one would not want to be judged based solely on my history as it is quite colorful. Isn't everyone’s?? Turn the page.

True, there are some that will never change their stripes, a skunk is still a skunk, no matter how well groomed they may be they will always have that stank. But it is their choice to remain as they always have been and they have the right to choose to remain in their stank ass ways. They can only affect you as much as you allow.

So here is the question I pose, if you can change, why can’t anyone else?



00:45 Sep 12 2024

They don't want to leave their norm "per Say". comfort zone or they do not realize there is an issue. change means drastic results in some people

12:37 Sep 12 2024

Some of us are more accustomed to change. That is ironically a constant in our lives. And some are now NPCs. They're locked into the programming and it would take a breaking of their paradigm to do so. Usually, that breaks a mind to harshly. So then is it fair to Crack open those heads?

16:17 Sep 12 2024

It's hard for people to accept someone else's change because we tend to cling to the narratives we've written for them, even if those stories no longer serve us or them. It's difficult to reconcile our perceptions with someone's evolution and can even feel threatening because the idea that if someone else can change we too might have to at some point confront our own need for growth in areas.

None of us should be reduced to a past that no longer defines us. We all have our colorful histories, some more vivid than others, but they're just parts of a larger, ever-changing picture. The reality is, though, we can’t control others’ perceptions or their willingness to allow us to grow. What we can control is how much power we give their judgments. Letting go of the need for others to validate our change can be liberating. At the end of the day, true change is a deeply personal journey, and not everyone will come along for the ride... and that’s okay.

16:19 Sep 12 2024

🖤💜💙 That False AND 100% AGREE

16:52 Sep 12 2024

Ah, now I see where you're coming from. Yes, I do agree, and I think it's important to also challenge those who are locked into the frozen picture of the other to find something of their own change. For them to have an independence of thought and write a narrative for themselves that doesn't always revolve around a static impression of who they think that other is. They'll just end up circling a dead star and never be able to escape. And then when the other eventually embraces their change, or has drifted so far from who they were, the sudden realization leaves them lost and adrift.

02:37 Sep 13 2024

I believe change is possible for anyone if they want to put the work into doing so. Along with change comes a newness. A newness of thought, self belief, different ideals, etc. Some people do not find comfort in that. Whether it be those that surround them, or themselves. With venturing into change, or a 'newness', it can be the start of letting go. Letting go of old habits, old thoughts, old feelings and even old friendships. They would rather stay in that comfortable place and keep repeating the pattern.

It's like if you were to keep a rose bush covered by a glass dome. It would stifle itself. It wouldn't be allow to grow, the dead petals wouldn't be able to either be plucked from the vine or nurture the soil. They would just hang heavy in their death, injuring what could be new and beautiful. It would become toxic to itself- slowly losing the fullness of life.
Removing that dome, that's change. To watch the bush bloom and grow. To watch each petal raise up to the sky and drink in the newness of the day. To smell their scent on the breeze. To watch them become stronger, more resilient, creating so much. They will grow with other plants that surround them. They will all change each other and the plants that cannot handle that change will wither and fade.

A person has to WANT to change. To remove that glass dome and let themselves flourish. Too many times I have seen someone disappear. or at times even emerge from some form of hibernation, and then come back claiming that they have changed. Only to find out that they didn't. They will keep on being who they were before in private and then use the 'new' face in public to rewrite them into a more favorable light. In the end, the realness of the change always let's itself be known-whether it happened or it didn't. They have a choice in changing. We have a choice in embracing the journey and not letting those who choose to turn away from change, turn into our own personal albatross. .

Some of us want to encourage those we admire and cherish to be fruitful in their change; if that's the decision they've decided. Often times we will change along with them. Even if that change includes drifting apart, we still support them and watch them grow. Because that's the beauty of change. We grow. We Evolve. We Live. We Rise.

06:09 Sep 13 2024

I agree with that as well all the way!! And wow, beautifully put!! You my dear have a way with words!!

22:18 Sep 13 2024

Awww, thank you. 💜

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