I am too lazy to print screen right now, have to go to work soon. Will do it later. LMFAO. This will have to do for now. I think I know who it is, I rated them earlier today, and they think they are so smart by avoiding visiting my profile. Tsk tsk, some people just have no common sense.
Honor: 117
[ Give / Take ]
Mar 12 2012 akashabloodvenom 4
Mar 12 2012 -9
Mar 12 2012 -9
Mar 12 2012 -9
Mar 12 2012 -9
What, no block? That makes me kind of sad. =/
[ Members Who Have Blocked You ]
For Lullaby.
... You have so many new friends. ;P
Damn, you've got me beat by one. A lot of the people who've got you blocked also have me, and for the same reason. TRT really hates getting anything lower than a ten. It's kind of funny.
Well damn girl - 6 people from TRT's coven. I bet you are just crying over that. I am sure by now you have been added to her bullylist. I am curious as to how many other VR members have the same people blocking them.
[ Members Who Have Blocked You ]
Well Hot Damn Ding Ding You are in their radar now. I bet your on the Bully List. Theseer is therealthing, I guess she didn't want anymore blocks on her main account.
I think she's also ladyscreams as well too
The way a lot of the profiles are designed and written in that coven, are so similar....you could think they are all her LMFAO. Either that, or she has a really strong really bad form of influence or mind control on people! Though a lot of them don't seem very bright to begin with, so, I guess it'd make things easier.
My rate
The return
They obviously blocked me as shown in the first image and below, the stupidity I'd like to show for this one is this excerpt from their profile.
Yeah you're busted, I do actually read, since I'm capable of doing so!
My rate
The Geminess
Well, at least this one got something right, they read an image! It's a miracle. Still fail to realize, their level means nothing to me, I'm not sure what point you are trying to get across but it fails regardless. I'm just saying.
On a totally unrelated topic..
But, pants are so restricting! -sobs-
You two can't see eye-to-eye on this.
...My jokes are so lame...
Oh no, if you don't rate her a 10 she will have a melt down. I am shocked she didn't refer to you as a cyberbully for rating her an 8. Because as we all know, it is the end of the world if you don't get a 10.
That, one person down there who's name was so long I couldn't be asked to type it and the name I will still not be typing....changed their name and I couldn't resist leaving this on their profile.
"I'd leave my stamp but I can't be asked to type this after leaving it, I'd just have to spend more time on your profile...ANYWAYS what I wanted to say was. You know why I'm rating you a 6 again. And I know how you will react so...HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME! ♥"
I'm such a troll.
[ Members Who Have Blocked You ]
Details coming soon. LOL
I got revisited for a pretty pointless re-rate.
I was bored and revisited her profile to update my rating.
I copied my old comment, and stamped her pasted my old comment back, I then proceeded to say something along the lines of..
"Rating Update -March 3rd- Don't worry didn't actually change your rating, just stopped by to leave my stamp."
Sarcasm for the win.
I got this message from her........LOL!
Rating you a 1 again only "hurts" a score if you do a name change. lol Which you haven't. People like her don't understand the system.
I guess rates are important to her.Not to mention some are just vengful,and expect everyone to rate as they would.
Personally,The rate you gave me didnt really matter,although it wasnt so bad.But what I DID like, was your comment.It was well thought out and was much appreciated.
First.....the name so ridiculously long I'm too lazy to type it.
My rate..
My comment since some of it is cut out and I'm blocked.
I cuss, a lot, but damn...would have given this an 8 for being informative but with all the complaining, just couldn't do it.
IDK, about you, but with a name like that, I thought there would be a bit more of some creative creepiness to your profile. And telling people to go away and not rate you if they want to give you less then a ten...I'm just wondering if all of your coven is like that or is it just a few of you?
HAHAHA! You'll end up on their bully list like I had at that rate. Congrats! :D
♥ Yay!
The funniest part - the first person will change their name in two or three days. u gun don maek them sad.
Some people get way to upset about little stuff.
Rated him a 5 after he rated me then got this message gem.
I almost messaged him, just to ask him why he went through all the trouble just to tell me that...when my profile says...
"I don't care what you rate me, my profile is perfect! And that's all I need to know. Rate me what you see fit leave a comment or a critique if you'd like. "
Then I realized...most people are lazy and don't bother reading, so then the reason behind the message made sense...but I'm left with these thoughts....
05:57 Mar 17 2012
I am this mans doppleganger