Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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117 entries this month

21:11 Jan 31 2008
Times Read: 2,077

Most days I say one of the three:

Shut up.

Get away from me.

Fuck you!

Today I have said all three to several people.

And I still have a hour and 15 mins of work left.

I need some new sayings for people who are pissing me off, or just plain stupid.



21:16 Jan 31 2008

"Why don't you make like a clown and fuck off and die?"

22:02 Jan 31 2008

Our favorite saying at work is H.B.Y.B.M?

Which translates to: "How 'Bout You Blow Me?"

Try it, you may like it!

23:57 Jan 31 2008

Go forth and copulate? Confuses the hell out of the less literate!

00:15 Feb 01 2008

Somehow I cant imagine my Rat telling anyone FUCK YOU, lol....


Email from sister.

20:59 Jan 31 2008
Times Read: 2,084

Two women friends had gone for a girl's night out. Both were very faithful and loving wives, but they had gotten over-enthusiastic on the Bacardi Breezers.

Incredibly drunk and walking home they needed to pee, so they stopped in the cemetery.

One of them had nothing to wipe with so she thought she would take off her panties and use them.

Her friend however was wearing a rather expensive pair of panties and did not want to ruin them.

She was lucky enough to squat down next to a grave that had a wreath with a ribbon on it, so she proceeded to wipe with that.

After the girls did their business, they proceeded to go home.

The next day one of the women's husbands was concerned that his normally sweet and innocent wife was still in bed hung over, so he phoned the other husband and said, 'These girl nights out have got to stop! I'm starting to suspect the worst... My wife came home with no panties!!'

'That's nothing,' said the other husband, 'Mine came back with a card stuck to her ass that said.....

'From all of us at the Fire Station. We'll never forget you!'




20:45 Jan 31 2008
Times Read: 2,097




00:48 Jan 31 2008
Times Read: 1,636

Quote: Vamprye, i need the blood of the yound

I am a teenage boy who fels no pain i see and feel the aura of humans, i can band them to do my will. i can put events in there head that never happened and make them bieleve.

Band? Yound? fels? bieleve?

Gods... these people make me feel smart.

"Im a single female that lives in ny. I have no kids i love 2 smoke as u can tell by my sn im stayen wid my friends sister right now cuz i just woke up with my bf of 2 years and now it time to FUCKING PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish u could join me so if anybody has anymore questions just e-mail me and ask me"

She just woke up with her boyfriend of two years? Damn.. that is one hell of a sleep. I am green with envy.



02:41 Jan 31 2008

LOL I thought it might be green from being ready to puke..... :P


21:19 Jan 30 2008
Times Read: 1,649

FortunateFool is like fresh air. If you think this woman is not worth a ten- you have a freaking problem.




16:26 Jan 30 2008
Times Read: 1,677

Hell... I had to switch accounts to answer that comment. Do you know how much work that is?





Thank you for the ear... and the shoulder.

03:23 Jan 30 2008
Times Read: 1,683




You ask and my girly side will tell...

20:47 Jan 29 2008
Times Read: 1,704

The secret is out. Or will be when I get done writing this. You ask me how I get my eyes to look that way. Fine- let me tell you. Practice, lots and lots of it. I love to play with makeup. With the use of it you can go from sweet and innocent looking to a big O hooch mommy. I have always played with makeup, and been known to spend hours playing. The above is 30 years of playing around with the stuff. My only part of “girly” I have always gave into. LOL I got that from my father when I was wearing mom's red lipstick at age 5. "Girly" is what he always called it, and even today if I sit and put makeup on in the office in front of him he tells me I am "girlying" up.

But I will share a little of the things I have learned. One- do invest in a good makeup remover. A brand called philosophy is the only beauty cleaners and lotions I use. Has been for over ten years and I love that stuff. I have used the high cost and the low end- this stuff is the best for me. And its not that bad cost wise. Yes- more then most but one large bottle of face cleaner last me for 10 or 11 months. Just takes a drop about the size of a quarter to clean off all the makeup I have on, verses way more of the other stuff.

If I make a mistake putting makeup on, like the liner smeared on my skin, I just wet a Q tip with the cleaner and dab at it. It removes it without me having to start all over. And if you do any heavy makeup on the eyes you have to get a cleaner that is easy on the eyes. I use the Q tip trick to remove my liner when I am taking off my makeup. Truly this cleaner is the best out on the market- gently for the eyes, but it will clean the heaviest makeup off in one wipe. I can not sing its praise enough.

Here is a few tricks that you might not know to give you the eyes you want: Mac Cosmetic makes a shade stick called sharkskin. “ It’s a smooth and silky, rich and creamy eye shadow delivered in a sophisticated stick-style format.” is what the website tells you. Let me tell you it is the best thing since fake eyelashes. I use it as a base color. Yes… base color. I make my lids black before any other color goes on them. You think I am kidding? Its under that gold/brown color above. Do you see any of it? Undercoating of black makes any color you put on top POP like crazy.

When I start my eyes, after the foundation, I take this pencil and put it between my hands. You rub it between your hands and the heat warms so it spread smoothly. (warming trick works with any pencil, by the way) Then I cover my lid, working my way up and outward. I make sure I get the inside of the eye, near my nose. The place you want color- you put this but I do not put it on my upper eye as that is covered by a very nude shade most times. If you look at the picture above, the browns have the undercoating. I also underline my bottom lash. This shades stick is a item I refuse to be without if I am doing any kind of “drama” look.

Now- eye shadow. Trick on shadow is the place you put the brush first is going to have most of the color. I put my color on the center and work my way into my nose. Then reload my brush and do center and work my way toward my ear. Another color for the crease, usually a darker shade. Last thing - I use a lighter shade on the upper portion of my eye. I start at the outer edge of my eyes, as that is where I want you to look at first. My eyes are small, and close together if you see them without makeup. I then work the color inward, making sure I go along the side of my nose with a little, as that brings my eyes out more even.

Ohhh I will not even go into foiling with eyeshadow, or how to use a wet brush to make the eyeshadow have a different hue... I can go on and on about this subject, but lets stay on track Rat... ok... what is next?

Then you blend. Most people don’t bend and you can spot those lines a mile away. The above picture has four or five shades of color. Do you see where one starts and the other’s end? Well I hope not. Lol I meant you do not see any lines. Blending for me is a brush bigger then most eye shadow ones, but smaller then a blush brush. I just rub it over the eye, side to side, then up and down one or two times and the lines blur.

Under the eye is a place you can bring in more color or bring out some of the ones you have used already. Cover the black shade stick line with color, remember the first place you put the brush the color will be heaviest. But you know what? I don’t really pay much attention to that under my eye. I put two or three lines on of different color, one just under the first. And blend these with a clean liner brush, just one or two swipes.

A must for any makeup bag is a great eyeliner. As before I have used cheap and I have used the higher cost kind. Right now the best on the market that I can find is Smashbox cosmetic. Look for smudge proof, water proof and that is the one you want. The best kinds are the creams that you put on with a brush, or at least they are for me. My eyes get watery when I put eyeliner on the inside of my lid, its just the way I am. With a good eyeliner you just brace your hand on your cheek, and use the brush to line the eye with no tugging of a pencil, and use your finger of you free hand to help with the lower rim of your eye.

Taking a minute I wanted to tell you the most unused part of a woman’s face- the eyebrow. Like a frame to a picture they are used to highlight the area. You think I am kidding then do this. Clean off your face of any makeup and use a eyebrow pencil or shadow on one eye only. Then leave it. Go do something- fold the clothes, wash the dishes, enjoy a movie. And the next time you go past a mirror, I want you to see what eye you notice first. I bet you that your eye goes to the one you have the eyebrow darken. It makes your eyes stand out, make a statement even without the makeup. I wish I had done mine darker ont the shot above. If it had been jst a few shades darker... Oh well. :)

Mascara is important to me. When I was eleven or twelve I cut my eyelashes off with a pair of scissors. I had thin ones and …well I don’t know why I did it, but they grew back thick and long. Don’t try that one at home kids. I use Mac long lash if I am going all out, but for every day at work and play I use Almay waterproof. It gives me nice lashes and when I sweat I don’t have raccoon eyes. Lips- If you are going “drama” you have to get the Mac’s Viva Glam red. That is what I had on, and I love this lipstick. Also every cent raised goes to the Mac Aids Fund. Got to love that. One thing that bothers the crap out of me is woman who use a brown or dark lip liner and then use a nude lip color. Did God mean for you to have lines of brown around your lips? I don’t use liners much but it you do- please keep them in the same color tone. If not go with a lighter shade, will you?

Hmmm… that is all I can say. Thanks for the comments on the picture and anyone wants to ask me about makeup please do. Not that I know it all as makeup is like painting- everyone has their style of doing it, and what they see as beautiful. Nothing else I will learn from you. In fact- I look forward to it. I love to talk makeup.

If you got some hints for me- give me a shout. :)




Damn that Bush Baby...she makes me want chocolate.

15:07 Jan 29 2008
Times Read: 1,708


| Block |

Date: 10:55:54 - Jan 29 2008

Rating: 10

Comment: If you give me a one..I will rub yer tootsies with chocolate and...


I will taste one.

HAWT! ;)

She got her one... Mmmmm




20:12 Jan 28 2008
Times Read: 1,736

*Not having the talent for words as she- all I can say about imagesinwords is "When she is bad, she is even better." ;)



01:11 Jan 29 2008

You not having the talent for words??? *coughs* BULLSHIT!!!

01:25 Jan 29 2008

Man, you really 'get' me! I am a HUGE Bob Seger fan :D

03:26 Jan 29 2008

NO Arguement! Hands down you got it right.


02:30 Jan 28 2008
Times Read: 1,766

*OMG! Never ever give Liebe a ideal again. My mouth will get me into so much trouble. *hides from Cancer*



02:52 Jan 28 2008

*pouts* I LIKE your ideas, they are funny :D

03:18 Jan 28 2008

Not to mention that Cancer's not a douche..and therefore won't care lol

You're safe;)

03:25 Jan 29 2008

Don't sweat it Rat! You know you can get away while he's rolling on the floor laughing.


Can I get a Halleluiah?

22:00 Jan 27 2008
Times Read: 1,783

*The lights comes up, the choir starts to sing… and I steps out into the spotlight, facing the crowd of Vampire Rave members*

Now… we are here today to sing… I say SING the praise of high rates.

*choirs starts clapping, giving a low halleluiah*

With a high rate- you will never need to do housework. Yes…you will always have clean underwear. You clothing will always fit as you will never gain weight. And when you get done cooking the dished will clean themselves! Can I get an AMEN?

*crowd starts to nod, some starting to clap*

With a high rate you will always have the job of your dreams, but only if you wish to work at all. The bank will shower you with money… and you will want for nothing money can buy. All you will have to say is these words “I have a 9.9 on Vampire Rave, so you need to do as I say.” Holy is your name!!

*cheer goes up in the crowd*

With a high rate on this site… this wonderful site… you will never get old, unable to walk. You will stay young, and never ever be ill. When you wake up in the morning your body will be of a nineteen year old. Give me a HALLELUIAH!

*older members cheer, the clapping getting louder, as I pull out a handkerchief to wipe my wet brow*

With a high rate on this site, the Coven or House you are in will be at the top of that list*points up to the sky* and you will be able to say “Look! I am upon high. I have reached the top!” and bright light of heavenly proportion will shine down on you.

*some stand up in the crowd, cheering as I hold out my hands, throwing them in the air*

Let us bow our heads ALL HAIL THE POWER OF HIGH RATES!

*smirks… and goes to wash her dishes*



00:16 Jan 28 2008

LMAO!!! Wiseass Rat!!!

14:07 Jan 28 2008

Too damn funny. Too bad the humor will be lost on some.

03:22 Jan 29 2008

Rat you're killing me! Bows to your wisdom.


Good Vibrations

16:39 Jan 27 2008
Times Read: 1,808

For all the drama going on...I just want to send this to my friends. Moonie- can't wait till you are back in full form. And to those who are just going overboard- take a second, step away from the computer screen and freaking enjoy LIFE!



16:59 Jan 27 2008

*cries* why did he goto Hollywood and get all scrawny *pout*


19:55 Jan 27 2008

I ♥ you and your good vibrations.

20:10 Jan 27 2008

GOOD Vibrations?

Shit...I was ready for the Beach Boys not THAT dude!


Talk about not reading on the site.

16:03 Jan 27 2008
Times Read: 1,814

House Eternal is my home, not the Coven of Sangre Fidelis.

Me- House Eternal.

You- Coven of Sangre Fidelis.

Message from him:




Jan 27 2008

hello i am a new member apart of the same coven as you.


And no- none of my extra accounts are here either. New had anything to do with this Coven.



16:41 Jan 27 2008

Ha ha wow...A for effort though :P

19:25 Jan 27 2008

Gotta love the attention to detail! :P


04:04 Jan 27 2008
Times Read: 1,843

*rat sit, waiting for her first #1... waiting... waiting... pouts*

I better be getting a one from someone or else... my stamp will go to waste. And that will make me a unhappy Rat. O.o




04:27 Jan 27 2008

You can stamp me even if I don't give you a 1. It rocks! Hey that ain't the same spoon you dip ice cream with is is? *suspicious*

04:56 Jan 27 2008

LMAO that works

22:22 Jan 27 2008

Hahaha.. well wooden spoon don't bend with that real hard icecream. :0

Speaking of.. I just notice where the ;) is on that stamp. LOL

Ohhh my.


22:32 Jan 26 2008
Times Read: 1,863

Abstract is one rocking ass woman. Enough said. ;)



22:36 Jan 26 2008


*hands the rat some cheese*

23:30 Jan 26 2008

teehee, I must try that too.. *feeds rat more cheese* "tweet tweet" n' flies off xx

04:15 Jan 27 2008

lmao I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!

04:16 Jan 27 2008

i wont give you a 1 but will you stamp me with it anyways??????


16:50 Jan 26 2008
Times Read: 1,884

This just made my day, coming from someone with as much talent as she has.




Jan 26 2008

I added your portfolio to the spotlight portion of my portfolio. It is reserved for the various portfolios I have encountered so far on VR that have really blown me away, I hope you don't mind and if you do, please let me know and I will remove the link to your portfolio right away, no hard feelings ^.^


Awwwww.... can I get a *snap* :)




While I am in the mood...

16:42 Jan 26 2008
Times Read: 1,890

And while I am in the mood to tell people what I think- this is for the person last night who would not let the subject drop. (Now I was speaking to several last night, and so no mistake is made- this person is new to the site)

You get as pissy as you want to. I have built some friendships here that you will not come between. You kept pushing for information and I would, nor will I ever, give it. You knew nothing of my other account till I made the mistake in posting in the forum.

COD is a place I am welcome with open arms, and YOU will not take that away from me. If that means we don't talk again...then screw it. In fact... think it is best as I DO NOT play the VR game. Hell- I did not even know of the thread till others told me. Me- enjoying VR. You- playing the game and trying to learn all you can to use against people.

My eyes was open last night and I thank you for showing your true self.



16:58 Jan 26 2008

I am truly sorry that the experiment has had this effect on you as well.

It seems it has brought out many people's duplicity in a very clear manner. That was a side effect I did not anticipate.

04:07 Jan 27 2008

You never worry about that. Better to learn true colors now then later when it could of hurt more.

Besides... I luvs my Doe, and she never has to say she is sorry about being herself.



15:48 Jan 26 2008
Times Read: 1,907

It's scary when you start making the same noises as your coffee maker.




15:58 Jan 26 2008

is rat doing the same thing deer does? Brew faster, faster, FASTER O.O

It's almost like you think you can get the coffee sooner :P

15:59 Jan 26 2008


Or I Go To Starfucks...:D

16:01 Jan 26 2008

I usually just stand there and wait until enough for a cup is made and then get my cup and walk away.

*is impatient for coffee*

16:55 Jan 26 2008

The Bull CAN'T wait.

So we have a coffee maker with a timer so it's ready 5 min before I wake up!

05:43 Jan 29 2008

depends on WHERE you are making those noises...



03:04 Jan 26 2008
Times Read: 1,929




02:10 Jan 26 2008
Times Read: 1,930



00:50 Jan 26 2008
Times Read: 1,944

Want to know what is HOT? Friends online-






and I am under them all...











then me.

Double ;) ;)



03:56 Jan 26 2008

You're a nut dearest!!!

06:09 Jan 26 2008



00:03 Jan 26 2008
Times Read: 1,961

I am reading my favorite journals to catch up on friends when I see his comment on my sister's journal.


I so want to make this comment to him: "No, not really."


I really really really do want to tell that little suckup prick this. Ohhhhh.... *rat sits on her hands*

Don't start the drama... not like you can read his journal.

*rat laughs*

Oh god but I really want to post that.

*rat lets out stream of cuss words to let it go*

O.O Ok- that is better. But trust me... it would be soooo funny if I did.


Moving on....




Meow and Turf.

22:40 Jan 25 2008
Times Read: 1,971

Yesterday I went to town to take care of some business. Snow was falling as I started back home and I called home to see if I needed to stop at the store on the way back to the office. I did. Having had a very long week, and feeling a little down I treated myself to a nice NY Stripe steak. A nice $8.00, just a little fat to keep it juicy as it cooks, steak. I could just see it- nice bloody steak, some cooked mushrooms cooked in a little wine on the side, baked potato with butter and cheese. Slice of onion cut into the salad. My mouth was watering just thinking of it.

I stop at mom’s house, taking in the groceries they needed as the snow got thicker with the wind blowing. My sister car is in the shop, so I have been leaving my car at Mom’s in case they need it. I grab my three or four bags and started walking to the office, leaving them in the back of my pickup as I walked by it. It was in the low 20’s so they would be fine till I got off work.

Lunch time and I ate a small cup of soup, leaving my appetite for the steak. I left work with the snow stopped, but the wind really blowing. I left the office, seeing the little black and white stray cat sitting on the hood of my truck, licking its paw. I tell it to go find a place to get warm as it was going to get cold tonight. Knowing my brother takes care of the cat, I shoo it off the truck and get in to go home after I see it walking away from the tires.

I drove home, got out, and went to get my bags when I find one had been rip open. Guess what was missing????? Damn cat left the package at least. O.o

Instead of surf and turf…. I was thinking meow and turf. LOL But knowing my luck I would choke on a fur ball. Well…at least one of us ate well last night. :)



00:16 Jan 26 2008

That is the sexiest thing you have ever written. I am lusting after an eight dollar steak. *drools*

00:21 Jan 26 2008

Damn four legged children! ;)

04:11 Jan 26 2008


Our son was helping Gina put the groceries away on Tuesday as he was off from school. The cats got the pacake of stew beef and drug it into the living room and shared it with the dog while he was putting stuff away in the basement fridge!

Damned fur balls!


Its the Otter's fault, I swear it.

21:38 Jan 25 2008
Times Read: 1,983

*Ok- VR is being a little butthole to me. :( The new pictures works on everything but the profile. What is that??? I know its the right size. It is working on messages, house members, posting, members articles, and who is online. Why will it not change on profile? Oh well.... may be for the best as its not that pretty up close. lol Thanks to those who have notice it, and made such nice comments. I think a visit to the optician is in order. Hey- group rate!! Cool. lol

Anyway- got the "love" profile up, or what I think love is. :) Kind of dark. Duh, right?

And the new picture is all Morrigon fault. She gave me the urge to take some pictures. So go blame the Otter for that one. :p



21:48 Jan 25 2008

Photoshop has a mind of its own. Anybody who can do anything with that program has my awe.

22:04 Jan 25 2008

It shows on Firefox, not on IE. *huff* KCRC thanks for trying to help me fix, but if you say it show fine then I will leave it till Cat is able to look at my computer and fix it. Must just be me. :)

23:53 Jan 25 2008

I already told you, your hawt picture has nothing to do with me!

You're just that good...


Big Thanks goes out....

21:08 Jan 25 2008
Times Read: 1,988

*rat eyes lite up* Looky at what I got. Bunny is so nice to me. I love her tags that she makes and really love this one as its got all that I love- darkness, birds, a fire, full moon, the ocean. It just stoke to me. Making a comment in her journal of me wanting that one of all she has done, look what she gave me. :)

Note the little rat on the rocks. lol Thank you Bunny. I love it. *hugs and pinch on the ass*

With Abstract help I am starting to get the hang of the layers you can do on photoshop. Ferret is always willing to help, as is LadyChordewa who took what I did, and made it pretty. She put the frame on this one. :) Owl knew just what it needed. Thank you both for helping me. *hugs*




23:45 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 2,028

Really- who is shocked by the economics news in the US? I mean.. its been coming for years.

Yes- let me buy a 200,000 house when I only make 40,000 a year. Then when the low rates run out... and my payment is increased to three times as much... you are going to lose it. And that will effect the banks, the builders, insurance.... it works its way down to everyone. Add the cost of fuel, healthcare, utility cost. You get so far in the whole you can not dig yourself out.

Leaving thousands of people with ruined credit. And that cost all of us. Those losses have to be made up... and guess who is paying it? Those who can pay the bills they make.

Be years for this mess to clear up.

Just stupid how common sense is never used when dealing with money.



01:55 Jan 25 2008

I can't use common sense when you're avatar is so sexy...

02:39 Jan 25 2008

It's the adjustable rate that they sign up for that gets them.

20:56 Jan 25 2008

I WISH you could find a $200,000.00 house in this area! They have been building houses that were selling for "The low $700,000.00's" here for the past 5 years. Both members of a couple working and they could only afford it with the "low interest" ARM. Now that is has "adjusted" they can't afford it at all. They were all trying to "live beyond their means" and everyone is now paying for their avarice.

The bigger issue is the way mortgages have been transformed from loans that a single institutions would make and hold over their life, into "investment products". The hunge ARM mortgages were sold by the originators to Wall Street investors. The investors payed, expecting the returns when the rate increases hit. Now they end up with nothing as the people who borrowed can't pay. You will notice that the majority of the "bail outs" the government will propose will help the investors, NOT the people who foolishly bought more house than they could afford.

Didn't take a rocket scientist to know this was comming. But then no one ever accused politicians of being rocket scientists.

21:28 Jan 25 2008

But people should of seen it coming. What did they think was going to happen when the rates shot up? Not only is it going to effect the homeowner- it will effect all. The builders, banks, insurance, it will filter down to all of us in one way or the other. I am feeling it now as people can't pay for movers.

And all the people who will have to file bankruptcy, all from the low rates they offered back then.

Kind of unfair I think.

And Otter... *blush* I got you something.


Son of a Bitch.

17:09 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 2,039


A violent Eastern Kentucky home invasion is now a murder investigation, after the 91-year-old victim dies from his injuries.

91-year-old Bill Taylor died at the University of Tennessee hospital Wednesday, a little more than a week after robbers broke into his Bell County home and beat him up.

Police are still looking for those responsible. Taylor's son says he thinks the robbers were looking for prescription drugs.

Taylor's son also says his father likely had a loaded pistol and rifle by his side when he was beaten. But he probably couldn't react fast enough to use the weapons in self defense.

A $2,000 reward still stands for information leading to arrests in the case.

*He had put a ad in the paper for a housekeeper. They think that is how they/person got into his home. If you can prove to me that a person beat this man to death, like shoe prints, selling things from his home in pawn shops on film, bragging about it to people, even say to the judge "Yes I did it, but was crazy at the time. I am all better now." I would so vote to put your ass to death.





14:57 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 2,045



I was FIRST this time. :P Tell me I don't notice shit again. LOL

03:17 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 2,061

Hot Damn... I notice the new New Journal Comments thingy FIRST! LOL :P Birdy is slow... and the Cat is sleeping.

Ok- Night all


I was first.



03:28 Jan 24 2008

Um hate to disillusion ya.....ok no I don't ....but my comment on it was way earlier tonight....lol.....like around 07:32:24 - Jan 24 2008 to be exact. :) But you DID notice.....so things they are improving.

14:58 Jan 24 2008

Oh... :( But no one told me... I found this one on my own. Soooo... :P



You pick.

01:26 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 2,070

Is this a ad for a car...or the main forum? Just saying.... LOL



04:03 Jan 25 2008

Aside from the general intelligence of the commercial, I would say it is about the tone if the general forum...


01:19 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 2,081

Ok.. I have a picture of me that I want to put on black silk background for the Valt profile....and the damn Photoshop is being a pain in the ass.

Grrrrr......How the hell do you do layers?

I give up. Guess the avatar I have now will have to do.

Better looking anyway. lol




00:45 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 2,084

Just watched Nip Tuck from last night. WTH is it with the ending? lol Have to say I did not get the whole sex part with the lady and the copy one. Fun in that is...???? :)

Long day, with a screaming two year old that had a great set of lungs. Let's just say I took the storage shed outside in the 20 degrees.

Of course I would of taken the job to pack it anyway- I LOVE the cold. But still got more then enough of that kid screaming.

Going to rate some and watch Ghost Hunters, then bed. Just hope I don't dream of ducktaping the kid to the wall, cover her mouth with it to shut her up.

O.o What? Might of been the fantasy I had for hours today.

Now you know why I am not a mother.




In honor of the Full Moon, counting my blessings.

03:24 Jan 23 2008
Times Read: 2,109



03:37 Jan 23 2008

:looks at the full moon. Strolls over to rat. humps her leg. Then hops away like nothin happened:


03:44 Jan 23 2008

Nice..always liked that song. :)


I am Loved and Hated .

19:07 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 2,132

I was looking at ChemicalxReaction profile the other night and the list she has on it of "I am Loved for..." "I am Hated for..." has been rolling around in my head.

I been listing a few to each in my mind and I find it strange.

I am hated and loved for a lot to the same reasons. Guess the old saying of "In the eye of the beholder" is very true for me.

Don't laugh... let's see what your list is.



19:49 Jan 22 2008


21:02 Jan 22 2008

I guess I'll now have to go check out her lists.

But remember...The Bull lubs ju 'cause you're HAWT!


15:54 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 2,148

Cat made it thru the operation. And no pins in the kneecap! All went well, her sister tells me. :)




16:40 Jan 22 2008

Awesome news!

She'll be dancing up a storm in no time!

17:57 Jan 22 2008

Please tell the Cat that the owl is thinking of her and will be lighting some candles for her quick recovery.

04:04 Jan 25 2008



15:47 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 2,153

Did not take long for the comment boxes on journals to become drama makers, did it? What... a week? :)



16:12 Jan 22 2008

And it is only Tuesday.....O.o


15:29 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 2,155

Thinking about the other sites Cancer is making. As our status are being keep on the others...

If they have clubs/groups... does that mean we don't get to pick? While this account I am a Sire the others I am not.

Wow. Could you not see the action if the site is turned on and its a all out snatch and grab for members? LOL Lie shooting fish in a bucket.

Just please let me end up in a Sci Fi club. And one that talks of ghost and hauntings. Please..

*rat begs to the computer gods*

The other sites I don't care as I don't plan to visit them. Hell- blind my ass even.

And favors? How will that work? Are they going to carry over from site to site?

Sorry... I just love trying to firgure out how this is going to work. ;)





15:17 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 2,157



13:59 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 2,176

It's time to play "Spot the Looney!" aka rating.

*cheap show game music*

First up:

"some say that we arnt real,but we r so tonite if your a wolf on this website come to my house tonite ok,cause last nite u came and tryed to spy but im ready to fight"

Damn... and I though I was slient like the wind last night. hahahha

Now on to a nicer gal:

"im mexican an there are not meny people around here that like the things that i like. im about 5'9 an a lil bilt. i party all the timke cus there is nothing els to do around here i guess its just one of those party towns. if u think im going to lie just to make u feel beter u think wrong. cus ill tell it like i see it. i never have a prob with people cus of it most like the truth but there is always that one person that dosnt like it. i dont give a fuck thow. an i dont realy giv a fuck about much. thats just me thow!!"

:) Party right thru school...and into the real word. Can you not see the work force in 10 years? *shivers*

"Gangaster emo hair with cool eyes or so im told i love to talk and complain and i love bitches and hos"

One because You called me a ho...only my friends can do that. And two- I hate Gangaster emo hair styles. lol

And the one who needs med's:

"please someone stop this pain and this fight thats called family

iam aabout to give in to all my PAIN but i have another family now and they will protect me and not hurt me

oplease help me someone as i scream out i cant take it any more grabs my razor puts it to my throat closes my eyes as i feel the cold blade on my skin then i feel a hand grab my hand and pull it away ang hugs me and says ill never let u die not on my watch

will anyone stop me befor its to late

this spot is for my protecters and my family"

Funny how she put a spot for the protecters and family on this site. If you really wanted to kill yourself..... you would not make a profile and try to find those people who give a shit. Just saying. I know...it's a call out for help and blah blah blah. Attention seaking I say.

"I am a servant of the lord jesus christ here to deliver a omen I am 6'0 feet tall man and weight at 217 pounds and I am on a mission from God (I know blues brothers go f**kin figure) and I am also a caring and thoughtful person and my dislikes are those who think they know everything,people who abuse or beat up women trust me that is a low blow to me and it sickens me enough to beat them down to the ground, and if I come off with a bad attitude I am sorry I try not to and if you wish to know more about me just ask oh yea p.s. I am christian not catholic and second of all I am a real laid back guy"

Deliver a omen? Can he do it in 30 mins. or less, I wonder? O.o



14:42 Jan 22 2008

If he can't deliver in 30 minutes or less does that mean I get a free pizza?

14:42 Jan 22 2008

How about a free pizza?

16:43 Jan 22 2008

But you only get 1 topping.

15:34 Jan 23 2008

not with domino's new deal. put as many toppings on as you can fit in the box for only $9.99 and its still got to be there in half an hour or its free

02:51 Jan 24 2008

Damn it... you guys are making me want a pizza.

Stop that! lol


Not saying anything, but...

02:19 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 2,211

Went back to the goverment housing apartments today. Temp was 11 when we start. So they went to the first apartment as I went to the office and report we was on the lot. I return in a few to find the guys coming out and start hunting gloves. I asked if we was walking the items, as sometimes it easier then loading the truck and unload- like when the buildings are only 40 feet apart.

They told me yes. I made some kind of comment about them being babies with the cold weather. One smiled at me and said "You will see." So I went into the apartment, and ...well... I went back out and walked to my pickup looking for gloves.

Sometimes in our jobs- gloves are a good thing. They, along with my clothes are in the washer. Shower was heaven, and hair washed three times. Why? Because I keep my gloves on for all 5 moves. But it was a day's work, so....

Song that played in my head all day: Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap.



02:39 Jan 22 2008

Lice treatment - they have it at Rite Aid.....just saying. :)

03:24 Jan 22 2008

Next time....Tyvek suits.

You will all look like walking sperms, but it will keep off the ickies. I use them at work when I have to make a batch of adhesive or ink.

07:26 Jan 22 2008

Damnit woman! Sounds like you need a bar of cold tar soap! I used to use that for after flights from Cairo to Amman..we all came home with loads of human flea bites over our body! Ugh.


Email from sis.

01:25 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 2,212

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly , Love Truly, Laugh uncontrollably.

And never regret anything that made you Smile.


If I Didn't Have Dogs...

I could walk around the yard barefoot in safety.

My house could be carpeted instead of tiled and laminated.

All flat surfaces, clothing, furniture, and cars would be free of hair.

When the doorbell rings, it wouldn't sound like a kennel.

When the doorbell rings, I could get to the door without wading through fuzzy bodies who beat me there.

I could sit on the couch and my bed the way I wanted, without taking into consideration how much space several fur bodies would need to get comfortable.

I would have money .... and no guilt to go on a real vacation.

I would not be on a first-name basis with 6 veterinarians, as I put their yet-unborn grandkids through college.

The most used words in my vocabulary would not be: out, sit, down, come, no, stay, and leave him/her/it ALONE.

My house would not be cordoned off into zones with baby gates or barriers.

My house would not look like a day care center, toys everywhere.

My pockets would not contain things like poop bags, treats and an extra leash.

I would no longer have to spell the words B-A-L-L, C-A-R, F-R-I-S-B-E- E, W-A-L-K, T-R-E-A-T, C-O-O-K-I-E, B-I-K-E, G-O, R-I-DE

I would not have as many leaves INSIDE my house as outside.

I would not look strangely at people who think having ONE dog/cat ties them down too much.

I'd look forward to spring and the rainy season instead of dreading "mud" season.

I would not have to answer the question "Why do you have so many animals?" from people who will never have the joy in their lives of knowing they are loved unconditionally by someone as close to an angel as they will ever get.

How EMPTY my life would be!... if I didn't have dogs.



04:07 Jan 25 2008

SO very true. :D ♥ to puppies, even the old ones :)


How I would love to meet a few of you...

22:44 Jan 20 2008
Times Read: 2,269

There is some people I would love to meet on this site. Just so I can stand in front of them and say these words:

"Get the hell over it... you petty, delusional, spiteful, needy child. It's a website and the threats you hand out just show how stupid you are."

Really.... I understand you can't be on this site for any time and not stir up a little trouble, but some people on this site just live to do it. Yes- I say a few things on my journal- but do you see me on the forum, in the vamp box pulling the shit?

And I sure don't just keep going and going and going on the same thing. I don't make it a way to be known, or to advance in the VR game you play.

I was so looking forward to the new sites Cancer is making but then.... they are going to be there to, doing the same old shit as here.


Well hell....



22:47 Jan 20 2008

Well exCUUUUUUSE me!


22:51 Jan 20 2008

Not you Otter...or any of my friends. I am talking about the trouble makers. :)

Gosh...maybe I should make this private.

23:02 Jan 20 2008

Those people are on every site possible. There is no escaping them

*hand the rat a cookie*

23:05 Jan 20 2008

No I think we all feel like that sometimes :-)

23:09 Jan 20 2008

Too late :p

Come join me.. derail a few threads in the forum. A daily rant in the vampbox is fun.

I troll therefore I am.

23:14 Jan 20 2008

O and rest easy. I have no intention of going to the other sites. You are safe there.

00:54 Jan 21 2008

*hands my rat a ballbat to "whack a mole" with or in this case whack an idiot.

02:30 Jan 21 2008

Who you talkin' 'bout?

Stop being all grumpy just because you don't have any snow!

12:59 Jan 21 2008

*Tiger Growls*

Hey Now Some Of Us Aren't So Bad???



Ohhh Ferret...

21:45 Jan 19 2008
Times Read: 2,292

Hope these give you a smile and makes the day better for ya. And I think all the zoo will like these.


If this did not help your mood- might we more on to the warning. WARNING! Elmo Ferret is here!!



21:49 Jan 19 2008

OMG that is so funny. It did brighten my day.

Sad thing is I love Mt. Dew, and I used to work for Anheisur Busch.

*starts a search for a chainsaw*


21:28 Jan 19 2008
Times Read: 2,291

In case you have to ask- those are mine. ;) Working on pictures for Feb. profile.



22:51 Jan 19 2008

Stop it! D'ya know I'm addicted to porn? And there's *nothing* innocent about that warpaint.



23:09 Jan 18 2008
Times Read: 2,306



22:23 Jan 18 2008
Times Read: 2,317

Well fuck a duck!!. I am stuck at work... waiting for the last crew to get in. Called them on their cell and they said around 6:30.

Of freaking course ... on the one night I have a party to get to.

Fuck it.

Fuck Fuck Fuck.

*rant over*



22:33 Jan 18 2008

No, do not fuck a duck. Someone will notice.....

22:35 Jan 18 2008

Too bad you're not a cupboard drinker then you could party all on your own LOL


I say lets put assholes like this in zoos. Coasted the Tiger's its life.... Grrrr

18:20 Jan 18 2008
Times Read: 2,330

Mauling Victim Taunted Tiger, Police Say


Posted: 2008-01-18 10:42:25

Filed Under: Nation News

SAN FRANCISCO (Jan. 18) - One of the three victims of San Francisco Zoo tiger attack was intoxicated and admitted to yelling and waving at the animal while standing atop the railing of the big cat enclosure, police said in court documents filed Thursday.

Police say tiger mauling victim Paul Dhaliwal, seen leaving the Jan. 8 funeral of a friend who died in the attack, was drunk and had yelled at the Siberian tiger before the mauling. The animal escaped from its enclosure at the San Francisco Zoo on Christmas Day.

Paul Dhaliwal, 19, told the father of Carlos Sousa Jr., 17, who was killed, that the three yelled and waved at the tiger but insisted they never threw anything into its pen to provoke the cat, according to a search warrant affidavit obtained by the San Francisco Chronicle.

"As a result of this investigation, (police believe) that the tiger may have been taunted/agitated by its eventual victims," according to Inspector Valerie Matthews, who prepared the affidavit. Police believe that "this factor contributed to the tiger escaping from its enclosure and attacking its victims," she said.

Sousa's father, Carlos Sousa Sr., said Dhaliwal told him the three stood on a 3-foot-tall metal railing a few feet from the edge of the tiger moat. "When they got down they heard a noise in the bushes, and the tiger was jumping out of the bushes on him (Paul Dhaliwal)," the documents said.

Police found a partial shoe print that matched Paul Dhaliwal's on top of the railing, Matthews said in the documents.

The papers said Paul Dhaliwal told Sousa that no one was dangling his legs over the enclosure. Authorities believe the tiger leaped or climbed out of the enclosure, which had a wall 4 feet shorter than the recommended minimum.

The affidavit also cites multiple reports of a group of young men taunting animals at the zoo, the Chronicle reported.

Mark Geragos, an attorney for the Dhaliwal brothers, did not immediately return a call late Thursday by The Associated Press for comment. He has repeatedly said they did not taunt the tiger.

Calls to Sousa and Michael Cardoza, an attorney for the Sousa family, also weren't returned.

Toxicology results for Dhaliwal showed that his blood alcohol level was 0.16 - twice the legal limit for driving, according to the affidavit. His 24-year-old brother, Kulbir, and Sousa also had alcohol in their blood but within the legal limit, Matthews wrote.

All three also had marijuana in their systems, Matthews said. Kulbir Dhaliwal told police that the three had smoked pot and each had "a couple shots of vodka" before leaving San Jose for the zoo on Christmas Day, the affidavit said.

Police found a small amount of marijuana in Kulbir Dhaliwal's 2002 BMW, which the victims rode to the zoo, as well as a partially filled bottle of vodka, according to court documents.

Investigators also recovered messages and images from the cell phones, but apparently nothing incriminating in connection with the tiger attack, the Chronicle reported.

Zoo spokesman Sam Singer said he had not seen the documents but believed the victims did taunt the animal, even though they claim they hadn't.

"Those brothers painted a completely different picture to the public and the press," Singer said. "Now it's starting to come out that what they said is not true."



19:06 Jan 18 2008

Just goes to show once again.

People should not screw with animals that can make a snack out of them.

The zoo must share some blame as the wall was too low. They should also have some manner of preventing asshats like these kids from being able to taunt the animals.

But I have no sympathy for these guys, just like I have no sympathy for that crock hunter dude or the "grizzly man" guy. Don't fuck around with large carnivores or poisinous creatures!

21:05 Jan 18 2008

I suspected all along that something was done by them to instigate it, yes the Tiger paid for it in the end but after it mauled 3, killing one there was no way it could return to normal captivity. People need to leave wild creatures alone!

14:09 Jan 19 2008

it still is partially the zoo's fault. the moat was empty and was only 12 feet deep. i don't think that's much of a jump for something that when stretched out is 10+ feet long.


15:23 Jan 18 2008
Times Read: 2,351

As you enter into old age I wanted to take a minute to wish you Happy Birthday Connie.

When you start wearing slip on

as it’s too hard to bend down to tie your shoes.

When you wear stretch pants to be comfortable

And your breast sag no matter what you do.

When you teeth are nice and clean

sitting in that glass.

When the house looks spotless

because you just can’t see.

When the bengay’s heat start to turn you on

And you break out into song.

When you really just want to tell people

to go straight to hell.

Then we know it’s your birthday

Or so we hope.

Maybe its just another day.

Who the freak knows?

Either way know we love your ass

Because you are the sexy Cat.

*Rat grins, and runs before the cat can find her*



15:42 Jan 18 2008

Okay, the sweat pants are cause it's too damn cold and my bifocals still work I'll have you know.

Now the Bengay, I cannot deny -

Oh heat me up baby, make me cry.

My go to hell attitude is my own pride and joy

I don't need a special reason for it to be employed.

My friends are in danger, this they sure know

for the whippings tonight won't be for show.

*set's the Rat traps & fills the Birdie feeder*

15:56 Jan 18 2008

*claps and bows to the cat*

That right there is the reason I luves ya. You a such a cool ass woman. lol ;)

16:35 Jan 18 2008

You better watch out Rat.

When her knee is all healed your ass is going to get a good kicking to break it in! lol


For the Cat.

15:02 Jan 18 2008
Times Read: 2,357

Her Souvenirs

© By Steven Mossburg

She had another birthday

And she sat before the mirror

She contemplated her gray hair

Her wrinkles and her years

But she didn't need to fret

And she really shouldn't fear

Cause her gray hairs are memories

Her wrinkles are souvenirs

Each strand of silver shows a worry

That never came to pass

Each deep line upon her face

Is there because she laughed

There have been times of trouble

And there have been days of stress

But life has really been quite good

For she's been truly blest

And so it's Happy Birthday

She is so very dear

For her gray hairs are memories

And her wrinkles are souvenirs



15:18 Jan 18 2008

Beautiful Sis, you find the best words ever.

*the dye bottle does great work with the grey* lol


20:07 Jan 17 2008
Times Read: 2,395

The hardest writing to read is that written on the wall.



21:13 Jan 18 2008

How true. How often what's written on the wall is the truth that we dont want to face.


Just for the sockpuppet. ;)

17:19 Jan 17 2008
Times Read: 2,408



21:39 Jan 17 2008


That is so my story.

23:59 Jan 17 2008

As long as he doesn't tell us what's on the sock... it's ALL good :P

14:53 Jan 18 2008

rofl that was funny


I don't know what it is...

17:00 Jan 17 2008
Times Read: 2,415

But this picture has made me stronger these last few days. I have kept it in my message center and just looked at it. And know what it represents. Thank you Morrigon, my friend.

That and her offer to bite a few asses for me. lol That has made me smile for days now.




06:57 Jan 17 2008
Times Read: 2,446

Can we teach Moonie to do tricks like these? ;)



07:09 Jan 17 2008


Screw that.. this bunnie just likes to sit around and be a fluffy tubbykins.

The only way I am jumpin over all them things is if someone puts a naked person, candy and some porn at the end of that course.

07:57 Jan 17 2008

What I'd like to know is how you came across the video. Search of all videos involving 'Bunny's Tricks' LOL

13:07 Jan 17 2008

Who knew they had bunny hurdles?

People really have way too much time on their hands to come up with this crap.

13:28 Jan 17 2008

She Already Knows Tricks..That We All Know...

To Fuck Like Bunnies!!

(Ok I'm In A Mood To Be Dirty... If I Offend Anyone..I SAWWY!!)

16:02 Jan 17 2008

Sock- I was looking for bunny porn, but... ;) *reachs down and fluffs his yellow yarn hair*

Tiger- you don't worry about what you say in my journal. If someone doesn't like what you say- they can just stop reading it. :D

And why does the image of me runnning with a fishing pole, a dildo tied to the end saying "Jump Moonie.... come on...run"


Sorry- no sleep last night.


Now for my night.....

05:56 Jan 17 2008
Times Read: 2,447

So I say goodnight to birdy, put the last load in the dryer on the way to bed. I put the timer on the tv for the last twenty mintues of Ghost Hunters and curl up in bed, giving my last yawn...when the phone rings.

Its my sister with a courier run. Wanted a pickup in Middlesboro ASAP. She said she could wake Dad up....but I have a heavier foot. lol So I got dress and left my nice warm bed. *sigh*

47 mins later I was sitting at the pickup place 54 miles away. I do love to drive fast. :) So here I am at 1:00am back in bed.... and not able to sleep. Kind of bad as I have to be up in 6 hours to take the package to Harlan.

Did you know the movies are no longer on film? Gone are the two 45 lbs metal cases of film and in its place is a small little case that weight is about 20 lbs. Hard drive. I have seen the machines for the film, now I want to see the one they use the hard drives on.

Ok....time to fall back on the old reliable for putting me to sleep. *goes to rate*



13:11 Jan 17 2008

Very interesting.

My grandfather and my dad were poth projectionists. I remember going to work with my dad and he taught me how to work on and maintain the arc lamps and the film handleing part of the projectors. And learned how to splice the local trailers ono the film. Brought back good memories!


My day went well....

22:13 Jan 16 2008
Times Read: 2,469

Guess what came in the mail today? *holds up the fist season of The Tudors* I LOVE this time period- and the Costume Designer is one of the best of the best. They are going to sell copies of them to the general public- making a clothing line in Spring of this year. :) Can't wait to see that.

Today went good- Sister was able to work up four bills and I did the math, typed out the bill, made the copies, and they are sitting her on my desk ready to mail. :) Makes me happy. Now if only I win the lottery in the next two days. Guess I will be hitting the bank - and taking a loan out to pay the insurance down payment after all. But that is alright.... no need to cry about it, right?

Mom is better. She is not sleeping as much, but still unable to walk any, so that has not changed any. Still weak, but she is eating more now. And not as sick to her belly.

Ummmm... Dad is starting to stay in the house during the day some. This cold weather is hell on his bones. I was at work a good hour before he came in this morning. :)

Did anyone watch the Sarah Conner's on Fox Sunday and Monday? It was great. The lady off Firefly is the new Terminator and she kicks some ass. Wonderful actress. Just need to work on the clothing, and the grunge part of it. At least for me.. my opinion only on that.

Ok- I am going to get me some food, throw some laundry in, and enjoy my DVD until Ghost Hunters comes on. And here is the reason I brought this DVD site unseen. That and a good friend told me I would love it. Sort of Nip & Tuck of its age. lol



22:21 Jan 16 2008

You can watch it tonight but by golly come Friday, we is hitting the town and don't you forget it! Have fun sis, umm nice


What is the Zoo?

16:15 Jan 16 2008
Times Read: 2,508

Khayman asked me a question that has been rolling around in my mind since. She asked “What the hell is the Zoo?” At the time I said it was a group of ladies off this site, and sent her the little cube so she could see who the members are. But now I wanted to answer that question the way I should of.

What is the Menagerie? Started as a dig between Elemental and I. We was on vacation together about this time last year and I would get up early to see the sunrise on the beach. Safe to say she is not a morning person. Making the noise of getting dress and finding my camera she named me Rat.

She got Birdy because the one morning I slept in, she woke up demanding the plate of sweets I always brought her when I returned from the beach. Like a hungry bird she kept reminding me how long till they stop serving breakfast. I named her birdy.

Then Nightgame, who is one of our best friends, named herself Cat. Then the puppy, doe… and it just bloomed. Others joined and we became the Zoo- The Menagerie sisterhood. For someone who does not like to be in a “group” it seems I am. But this one I am honored to be in.

Ask me what these crazy animals mean to me and I will tell you they are friends, my support group. When I came online to VR I looked to see which one is online. They are the ones I turn to when I want to talk, to just relax and enjoy myself. I read their journal to see what is going on, learning from them how to handle life’s problems. While I don’t talk to them everyday they know I am here for them, as I know they are there for me.

They are the ones I run to when I need help. Yes- most has been here longer then I and know this sites in and outs, but its way more then that. This sisterhood are strong women who have lived life. They have the ability to understand my problems and not just say sweet words to calm me. They say what they think, and are able to back it up. These ladies are REAL, not a character on this site. Sisters, daughters, mothers, wife, and girlfriends. They have jobs and families. Spiritual leaders, and healers. Professional woman and business owners. Each of them have a wealth of experiences I can call upon to help me. Its not just the website, its life with these ladies. Reason you will not see a whelp 13 year old in this group.

If I say I think I am having hot flashes they would understand and make jokes about it. Then talk to me about it. Its how they are….and I am very lucky to be in the family. And by the way… *fans self* If its 25 outside and the heat is office in the office, why am I burning up? Grrr 41 is to young to have these…right? lol

As in any family we will fight, we will have disagreements, but when push comes to shove- each others back is covered. Another point of sisterhood is forgiving, fresh starts. Why? Because we care for each other and life has taught us that a true friend is to be treasured and held close to your heart.

To the Zoo - I hold you close to me always. Just stop biting and licking me…. Ewwww. And you guys better not have any fleas, little blood suckers. LOL

Create Your Own



16:50 Jan 16 2008

I didn't let me leave a comment before *pout* :P

I love this concept, and I'm glad you let me be part of it...

17:12 Jan 16 2008

Sis you put it so perfectly. It's a pleasure and an honor to be friends and among these cool women.

Hey they are saying 1-2 inches of snow by morning. :) Remember zoo is just easier to spell than menagerie. lol

17:34 Jan 16 2008

this is lovely and so well done :)

18:04 Jan 16 2008

We Lubbs You Too Dearie...

And Oh By The Way...There Will Be More You Tube Vids Of Me TONIGHT!!

18:53 Jan 16 2008

just me or are the males in the thing never mentioned, guess they just must put a girls only sign we didn't see

21:21 Jan 16 2008

Sorry... you are the Male Tiger and KCRC is the Bull. We just don't have many males. But I could make a list of them...who I think is some of the strongest males on this site. :)

22:15 Jan 16 2008


What HE said.

22:40 Jan 16 2008

Ah.. Women's talk *finds something urgent to do*

09:58 Jan 18 2008

I am honored and proud to be a member of this menagerie- one of the bestest things in the world is having girlfriends who "know"

And the guys do too...lol


14:14 Jan 16 2008
Times Read: 2,514

Just had a lady call- she asked if we had any rental homes empty. No.

Then she tells me her life history, her income, and how she has known my parents for years. As she is alone in her life now, and older, she tells me she wants the next house that comes free, leaving her big house that she had to take care of alone.

And she would let us move her also.



But all the homes are rented by ladies. We made comment about this the other day- how all of them are single, or divorce but for one. And that one's husband worked out of town and is only home on the weekends.

We have not had a house empty in ... 4 months? That was a shack up that did not work out. Before that at least 9 months.

For the first time its all ladies in the homes, and we have had little problems.

Now what does that tell you?



22:16 Jan 16 2008




Thank you guys.

21:19 Jan 15 2008
Times Read: 2,540

Played hookie all afternoon in the box...and I loved it. Needed that so badly- Just some fun, joking around. Thank you Cat, Tiger (both male and female), Owl and Wolfy. You guys are the best.

*rat blows you a kiss*

Loves ya all.



01:20 Jan 16 2008

*Brings You Wine And Cheese*


13:31 Jan 16 2008

Loves the rat too - BUNCHES! *pushes a large wheel of cheese to rat's mouse hole with her nose and leaves it as a present for Rat to find*

17:14 Jan 16 2008

I had a blast with you guys! Thanks for the wonderful time. *shares my ice cream sundae with Rat*


19:35 Jan 15 2008
Times Read: 2,554

Now if you are going to down rate me- do it like this guy.


Date: 00:47:22 - Jan 16 2008

Rating: 6

Comment: *he left a stamp, no smart ass comment*

I might not go over and see what I gave him......who am I kidding? I am bored, out of lurking... I am so going over to see his profile. LOL

**update- I went, and he has a great profile, and a paid member. Reason he knew what I gave him. Ahhhh....

Oh well- if you can't come over here and say "Please rerate me" then screw you and the ass you rode in on. And don't give me the "I dont have to ask you again, I don't have time" shit either.


Left him his #6. Not in the mood for VR games.



20:02 Jan 15 2008

Reminds me of the old holiday song:

"Then one foggy Vampire Day Cancer came to say... Vampirewitch with your rate so bright won't you guide my....

:P finish that little diddy how ever you choose hahahahahaha!

02:05 Jan 16 2008

* looks up at the Doe*

Ohhh bite me. ;)


02:09 Jan 16 2008

"Then one foggy Vampire Day Cancer came to say... Vampirewitch with your rate so bright won't you guide my....

"hunters tonight. Then all the others gather... as she took careful aim. A flash of white doe tail and boom ...."



17:16 Jan 16 2008

LOL Damn this is the best result of a downrate I've ever seen!


Annie- Tomorrow

18:24 Jan 15 2008
Times Read: 2,560



21:26 Jan 15 2008

I remember singing that song for my family when I was little. hahah it's amazing how high our little voices can go...


21:54 Jan 14 2008
Times Read: 2,594

The new comment thingy on the journals has a big problem. If you edit the posting- it will delete any comments made to it.



Grrrr... and freaking Grrrr.



22:47 Jan 14 2008

*hands the rat some cheese*

Give it time, it will get fixed.

01:05 Jan 15 2008

That's easy!

just don't edit your journal entries! We like them warts and all!


Victims come in all shape and sizes.

21:08 Jan 14 2008
Times Read: 2,598

Whatever Happened to Meredith Emerson's Dog?

Submitted by WDEF News 12 and AP on January 11, 2008 - 10:13am. News | Crime

The parents of 24-year-old hiker Meredith Emerson will adopt her dog Ella and take the retriever back to their home in Longmont, Colorado.

The black Labrador retriever mix was with Emerson when she disappeared while hiking at Vogel State Park in north Georgia on New Year's Day.

Authorities charged 61-year-old Gary Michael Hilton with murder in the woman's death after he led them to her body Monday night in a wooded area of Dawson County.

Emerson family spokeswoman Peggy Bailey said during a telephone interview yesterday it was an easy decision for Emerson's parents, Dave and Susan Emerson, to decide to adopt the dog.

In Bailey's words the dog is -- quote -- "a part of Meredith that they'll always have."

The dog was found last Friday wandering around a Kroger parking lot in Cumming.

Bailey says she spent a few days being checked out by a veterinarian.

The future of Hilton's dog, Dandy, a reddish Irish Setter, is less certain.

He was taken into custody the same day that Ella was found.

DeKalb County police officers found the dog with Hilton at a gas station.

Police spokeswoman Mekka Parish says the dog has been staying at a DeKalb County animal shelter in a separate area from the other animals because the dog is considered to be evidence.

She says the dog is not eligible to be adopted while the case is being investigated.




I love this man. :)

15:12 Jan 14 2008
Times Read: 2,609




17:52 Jan 13 2008
Times Read: 2,660

Ever had a friend that sets you up? They know you will say what you think, will let it loose with both barrels about something, then they will turn that anger they have about that something and turn it onto you?

So it ends up they are mad at you for being the person you are, and now you are the bad guy?

Been there- done that- and I am unwilling to have it done again. While I love you and wish you was not hurting... I will not take the anger.

*rat keeps mouth shut, and takes care of her own life issues.... that is all she can handle.*



18:34 Jan 13 2008

*Wolfy brings Rat big hunk of her favorite cheese and licks rats face affectionately. Loves my Rat.*

03:30 Jan 14 2008

*Brings Rat The Wine For The Cheese*

A Rat Drunk Is Always Fun...:D

00:17 Jan 15 2008

*wipes her face, and smiles at her sisters*

Ain't that the truth...

*drinks *


17:24 Jan 13 2008
Times Read: 2,658

Look around you- see the problems others face.

Then ask youself if your life is all that bad.

Bet it isn't.



21:16 Jan 15 2008

So Very true, that is the problem these days, few actually look beyond themselves, but rather wallow in there own self pity without understanding of the pain of the world....


16:32 Jan 13 2008
Times Read: 2,677

Life goes on. Its going to change, its going to hurt. It is going to make you unhappy. But you know what? You need to grow the fuck up and stop making it all about YOU.

Others in this life is hurting, and you need to see that. You need to understand what you want to do in this life, what you need to come of it and freaking work toward it.

Stop being a whinney ass child and do it. Others are not going to show you the way- only you can. You know what you need to do, stop crying and bitching about it, and fucking man up. Act like a adult and not a child who's feelings are hurt.

Bottom line- Deal and move on already. Pity party is getting old, really old.

*my judgement only... but as this is about me, its the only one that matters*



17:21 Jan 13 2008

Damn straight!

We know you've been busy, you work your ass off and then come here and be an awesome friend. Taking care of family is rough...

But that's why you're family :) and they're lucky to have you.

Nothing wrong with having a bitch fest when you have a bad day, but if someone is being an ass because you're not in the mood to listen to their whining then they can shove it where the sun don't shine.

18:31 Jan 13 2008

whohoooooooo Kay! Tell them how it is you sexy wench!


03:51 Jan 13 2008
Times Read: 2,719

Can we have the flashing system message and other back? Please?

Or am I the only one who can't tell they have anything in them??? That bold print is damn small. I need the flashing, damn it. lol

And I am enjoying the comment boxes on the journals. I might of rushed to judge on that one. ;) So comment away. But be warn, I am not afraid to block you if you leave a rude comment.




Waiting for the show....

03:14 Jan 13 2008
Times Read: 2,724

*sits and waits, drinking her soda, for the first journal comment fight, journal entry about a comment made on the person's journal*

Oh come on... you know it will happen. Question is how soon till it does?

*goes to get popcorn as she waits for the drama/show to start*



04:03 Jan 13 2008

:slides Rat over some Cheese:

mm hmm I think it's gunna happen.

:leans in really close and whispers:

and I know how to use it.


04:28 Jan 13 2008

And I'm going to point and laugh at it too. ^_^

I give it a few hours. Its the weekend.

05:47 Jan 13 2008

I owned the forum and when I spoke, water sprang out of gray rocks, cows cast their calves even when they had none, and hard rushes grew soft in the remotest corner of Erin, so eloquent was the writing and so awful. Now there is a new forum called 'comments' and not yet policed by comment police.


Somethings that make me go

02:59 Jan 13 2008
Times Read: 2,733

Been reading and rereading this message for a while now. Just don't know what to make of it. Or how to answer.

Hey, sis.

I wanted to invite you over to turtleislandpa.com

If you want your own column there, let me know.




And I learned my silly Night Before Christmas funny I did for House Eternal was picked as one of the top three.

I just....I know you guys get tired of me saying this but it's just hard for me to believe or understand why anyone would ......

*rat runs to hide in her hole*



13:41 Jan 13 2008

...We DO because your work is DAMNED GOOD!

So stop being so....so....so....modest.


A Big Welcome to the Zoo: Khayman

14:52 Jan 12 2008
Times Read: 2,758

Rat wakes up to the earth shaking... she runs out of her home and looks around. Four huge legs was in front of her, long white fur at the base of the hoofs. Her eyes slowly lifts upward.. and more up... finally she is bent over backwards to see the top of this horse. The biggest horse she ever laid eyes on. The horse brings its face down, and the Rat is almost knocked over by the hot breath coming out of its nose. Not from the odor, but the power it contained of it. This was no little pony- this is a Clydesdale.

Beautiful Clydesdale

She reaches up and it lets her places a small rat paw on its nose . "Majestic beast. You are like a god." Then it spoke, the lovely brown eyes looking at the little Rat. "More like a Goddess...Rat." That voice.... the rat's eyes widen and the horse blinked at her, then turned to run meet the others.

Rat held onto the rocks around her home as the ground moved with its hoofs hitting it. The other animals calling out as they see the newest member, welcome her into the sisterhood. Rat watched, then had a question. She runs out to ask "Did you bring any Bud Light with you?"




11:07 Jan 13 2008

YAY!!!!! new CRITTER!!!

*puppy bounces around clydesdale, nipping at her heels*

And if she a-wanted bud light, why didn't she ask me? I may not be a St. Bernard with a barrel, but DAYUM

13:31 Jan 13 2008


*Tiger Prowls Up To The Cyldesdale And Sniffs*

She Smells Like Pretty Perfume And Frilly Undies...

13:31 Jan 13 2008

And That Comment Looks So Wrong But Its From Her Journal..:D


Email form sister.

14:12 Jan 12 2008
Times Read: 2,759

Wanda's dishwasher quit working so she called a repairman. Since she had to go to work the next day, she told the repairman, 'I'll leave the key under the mat. Fix the dishwasher, leave the bill on the counter, and I'll mail you a check .'

'Oh, by the way don't worry about my dog Spike. He won't bother you. But, whatever you do, do NOT, under ANY circumstances, talk to my parrot!' 'I REPEAT; DO NOT TALK TO MY PARROT!!!'

When the repairman arrived at Wanda's apartment the following day, he discovered the biggest, meanest looking dog he has ever seen. But, just as she had said, the dog just lay there on the carpet watching the repairman go about his work.

The parrot, however, drove him nuts the whole time with his incessant yelling, cursing and name calling. Finally the repairman couldn't contain himself any longer and yelled,

'Shut up, you stupid, ugly bird!'

To which the parrot replied, 'Get him, Spike!'

See - Men just don't listen!




My day...

02:55 Jan 12 2008
Times Read: 2,784

Lunch spot:

The hills in winter:

And end it with chasing the sunset home:



06:48 Jan 12 2008


03:44 Jan 13 2008

Beautiful sis!


02:21 Jan 12 2008
Times Read: 2,805

Ok... what the hell is this thing in the journal?

Comments? You got to be kidding me....

At least I can delete the things.... and sorry Tiger- I used yours to see what happen when I did.

*smiles at her Tiger*

Yeah.... long day. Thanks for caring. :D

So comments.... don't know if I am going to like those things. The one place I can be myself now people can make rude comments? Grrrrr.....

But as it is mostly my sisters and a few friends reading so I guess I have nothing to worry about.

Just don't see the need for this.

*rat hides back in her hole*



21:38 Jan 12 2008

It's here so we can bug you now on SEVERAL levels

*flutters eyes in innocent manner, flicks tail and bounds off*


As usually.

05:36 Jan 11 2008
Times Read: 2,819

After not sleeping well last night I faces a movie run tonight. Not a bad one- local pickup at 11:00 pm. Cat talked me into a nap around 7:00pm but I could not sleep. Tossed and turned thinking of my mom.

I get to the movie theater and find a few cars in the parking lot, doors locked but a man mopping the floor. I knocked on the door as the only ones open by now have no handles on the outside to open with and he looks up at me then goes back to mopping. I knock again and he yells to me that they were closed. Now come on… I used my foot (always pisses them off and they will come to the freaking door)

He does and opens it and I say “Here to pick up a movie- Charlie’s War.” He looks at me and said “Do I look like Block Busters to you?” in a snippy mood. “No, that is entertaining. I am with DHL.” He looks at the parking lot, my truck right in front and said “I don’t see the yellow van anywhere.” I could not help it- I turned around and threw up my hands “It was there just a second ago. Who would steal an ugly yellow and red van? Oh the injustices of it all.”

I turned back to him to see him just still looking at the parking lot. God golly Miss Molly this one is a keeper. “The movie?” He lets me in and I get the canisters and carry them out as he goes back to his mopping.

So now it’s after midnight and I have to be up in a few hours to head to VA. And like most Thursday nights my sleep time is all messed up. *yawns* I hate this time- the I have a few hours to sleep and wake up wishing to sleep more, dragging my feet. Or I stay up and just deal with the foggy mind and burning eyes all day. Either way I will give you a heads up- I will be in total bitch mood with only a few hours sleep today. *yawns* Think I will try and get some sleep.

Good Morning to ya.




Thank you Bunny...

21:58 Jan 10 2008
Times Read: 2,839

CountessMoon + bunny = this image.

Pink satin, with a fluffy white tail. Fishnets with pink heels. And those little headpiece bunny ears that all Playboy Bunnies wear on her blond hair.

Now that is what I think when I think of her as a bunny. And if you don't then you have not laid eyes on Moonie. Sexxxxyyyyy with ten toes.

*rat smiles, hugging the cheese bunny left her*




Told ya!

21:49 Jan 10 2008
Times Read: 2,842

HUH! See... I am a angel, damn it!
What Arch Angel Are You?
MichaelMichaelYou are the warrior angel. You are in Armegeddon fighting along side Gabriel. You are the "war-cry of God" and the leader of His Army. You are an elite, fierce, noble, and strong. You weild your sword against the evil, and are feared by the wicked, but are still good.
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic




Sexy Rat

20:33 Jan 10 2008
Times Read: 2,852

So I am surfing the journals as I do and find this:

Dream Helper - RATS

Times Read: 3

Rats are almost universally despised in the modern world. Their reputation as disease-laden scavengers seems to precede them wherever they go. Some people own rats as pets and will, of course, perceive them differently.

For most people, dreams of rats reveal concerns of becoming destitute scavengers themselves-friendless and outcast. Another potential scenario is that the dreamer feels his or her social security is being gnawed away. In contrast to theft, when all is quickly and dramatically taken, the rats gradually erode their environment.

In your waking life, do you view rats as potential pets or potential predators?

In your dream, are the rats a serious threat to your health or possessions, or are they merely an uncomfortable presence?

Well... if any of my friends dream of a Rat- its about me. So its more of a "Damn she is SEXY!" dream.

*picture a rat putting her paws behind her neck, twirling her body to the music, giving a little butt wiggle just for you.*

"I’m bringing sexy back

Them other rats donno know how to act

I think your special whats behind your back

So turn around and is that cheese?

Take em’ to the bridge

I'm a Dirty rat

You see these shackles

Baby I’m your rat

I’ll let you whip me if I misbehave

It’s just that no one makes me feel this way"

O.O Can you tell I got little sleep last night?

LOL Gods..... that was stupid even for me.




18:06 Jan 10 2008
Times Read: 2,862

The Vampire in My Attic.




Nose Sticking.

17:24 Jan 10 2008
Times Read: 2,869

Wondering...with Cancer's new sites is he keeping the same "crew"? I mean...adding four more sites. Are the Vampire Rave Admin to watch over all of them? If they all have a main forum... and you have to follow the same rules about profiles..... now that would be a job and a half with four? five? sites.

*eats her lunch*

I know I know... nothing to stick my nose into. But you know me... I have to firgure out how things work, see the plans, the big picture.

Rat's are known to be nosey you know.


*goes to read the news*




17:05 Jan 10 2008
Times Read: 2,874

To those who help keep this site running: "Volunteers are unpaid not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless"

*hugs from a thankful rat*




May God have mercy on your soul..... Right.

14:19 Jan 10 2008
Times Read: 2,887

Go down to the 8th to see where this gem started. :)


Date: 04:42:16 - Jan 10 2008

Rating: 10

Comment: wow

you really made an effort to reply

well then, one thing i know for sure, that you don't understand nothing of the bible...

do you consider yourself better than others to rate them low? i guess so...

and your kind of reply to what i did is not the first...

and i only learn with the bests...

do you think that God will take it so easy? i can see what type of person you are from that type of reply...

blackmail people??? uhhh, the irony again!!!

when i gave you a 10 you did not complained, so why now??? oh, that's right, you are better than me, right??

don't worry, i will not come here again

and to show that you don't understand nothing of the bible i will give you a 10 for your effort...

may God have mercy of your soul



Ahhh... looky. The god loving vampire ask for mercy on my soul.

I read this and take it that the guy had rates me before hand. Now - see.... here is the thing.

OK- he joins this site and I rated him a 5 within two days of this. He returned the rate and I guessing he gave me a ten. As he tells us everyone gets a ten from him, so he did not "judge" my profile as its not his place to judge. And I do not remember him rating me, just so you know. I don't remember every person who does as its all a "rate to level" game.

All is well in our little lifes.

Now fast forward months and CryingMist paid for his membership. He goes thru the people who rated him and finds the ones that did not give him a ten. Instead of asking those people to revist and rate again- he starts handing out lower numbers on profiles he had already rated a ten. He becomes revengeful, and full of wickedness.

And when he is called upon it- he falls back on the bible to "try" and show people he is the innocent one in this horror known as ratings on a Vampire site.

Yes- Let's hope his God saves one of us. And helps him get a freaking life outside of the computer screen.


I know enough of the bible to know spite when I see it. And we know what God says of that. Difference between you and me is I am not selling myself as a "God Fearing" person. People like this are the killers who use the "God forgives me and you shall too...or you are the sinner" shit. Bible is full of judgement or you would not have sinners, and the devil, now would you?

OK- that was going a little to far....but I hate people who throw God in my face. Keep your God to yourself and we will get along fine. Wish the guy had just given me a five and went on and nothing would of been said about it. But he had to push my buttons. Hell- only other thing that gets me madder is talk of ending Death Row. Anyway.... nuff said.




And the Zoo grows.... :)

01:32 Jan 10 2008
Times Read: 2,906

Rat comes into the zoo yard as she walks home and looks around to see her family and spots a new member of a bunny. She walks toward her to say hello when the bunny turns suddenly and runs over the rat. Rat lifts herself up off the ground and wipes her backside. Turning the rat sees the rabbit near the doe, looking up at her. She starts toward her when the rabbit turns into a bundle of fur as she runs over her for the second time.

Picking herself up again, spitting grass out of her mouth, she waits until she sees the bunny coming toward her as she gets use to her new home. She holds out her hands, turning her face to the side, closing her eyes… and nothing happened. Rat opens her eyes to see the bunny sitting in front of her, just looking at her. “Ehh What’s up…Rat?” in a total Bugs Bunny tone.

The Rat smiles and reaches out to touch the bunny’s fur. “I just wanted to welcome you to the Zoo. We are all friends here…” a loud sound from the Birdy interrupt the Rat. “As I was saying…” She speaks a little louder “…we are friends here. Only rule is we treat …” The Panther lets out a roar “…each other with respect and be...” The Tiger’s cub let out a loud roar from such a little girl and Rat turned to see the cub with her proud mommy. A few seconds later she turned back but the Bunny had disappeared. “...there for each other.” She finished to herself.

Putting up her hands, she wonders why she even tries. She turns to go to her home when the bunny runs over her again. Rat just lies on her back, thinking to herself.... the bunny was going to be trouble.


Welcome to the Zoo Crew- CountessMoon




23:25 Jan 09 2008
Times Read: 2,915

Petty? That was not petty. Childish of me? Yes. Mean? Hell no. I was nice, and not a single cuss word made it to his profile.

I was not petty. If I was petty I would ask my friends to go rate the guy a one. But I would not want them to get the rating back, so I will not.

But if you would want to…

Petty would be me linking his profile in BIG BOLD LETTERS

*rat grin and winks*

Now THAT- that is petty.





Gosh... I got long winded on that Screw you. LOL

22:21 Jan 09 2008
Times Read: 2,924

*read about the rating from this guy a few post down to get this in content*

"Ask you to rerate me? Honey... you have a lot to learn about me, and if had read my profile you would of known that. You speak of helping your Coven. Lets see what happens to your rating as you do this little "eye for a eye" that is ratings from when you was a little whelp- with nothing on your profile. I guess you wanted me to give you a ten back then, being dishonest on my rating. You wanted me to... lie?

What would your God of said then? Thinking of the deadly sins I can see a few you need to work on-

Pride as you think your new profile was worth a ten. Now be honest with yourself at least... was it? Really? Now--- don't lie. God will know if you do.

Wrath as you have taken it upon yourself to judge others as they have judged you. Not very forgiven now is it? *shakes my head... sadden*

Greed as you want to try and ..what? blackmail people into giving you a ten? so you will have a higher rating, and help that coven as you are using as a excuse?

Envy is surely shown. I will not even go into that one.

It saddens me to see this site has belittle what you hold so dear... as I see a sinner before me. Shame.... but hey what do you expect on a Vampire Site? Holy Mary?

Now... You run on over to my profile and leave me a one. Then stay away from me, and my profile. I will do the same for you.

O-daijini right back at ya. "




Can I give him a one with a comment of Screw You?

21:59 Jan 09 2008
Times Read: 2,924


Date: 02:12:19 - Jan 10 2008

Rating: 5

Comment: hi

i will reformulate my point of view about rates

i do not want to ask people for a re-rate

so i re-rated every profile that have rated me lower... because this affects the coven where i am...

now, some persons think that giving the same rate that i received is bullshit...

well, not accordingly to the bible:

Luke 6:38 "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again."

if you want a re-rate you know where to find me, i will gladly return to do it...


O-daijini... (take care of yourself)

And FYI- I have not changed my 5 rating from his whelp profile.


*rat pauses.. rereading this guys comments*

You know if he just gave me a five and left. But NOOOOO he did the whole- I return what I get. He makes a POINT of not rating a profile. I am not saying mine is worth a ten, but by the gods its not worth a five either.

It's the whole "Eye for a eye shit."

*rat sits and thinks*

Screw it- I can live with a level 12's one.


Please note I had not given him a one, and told CryingMist I would leave it be....but then the little shit came back and started giving me quotes from the bible about a PROFILE rate on a vampire site?

WTF? *laughs*

I am going to enjoy giving this little fuck a one just because it has been that kind of day. I will say a few Hell Mary's later to make up for it. Swear.

*runs to give the shit a one*




I am not above begging... trust me.

19:06 Jan 09 2008
Times Read: 2,932

Look at the pretty Abstract made for me. :) I can not do photo stuff, and she said she had the time and wanted to do it.... so I begged. lol

I love it, and thank you Farret.

*slides her a shinny thingy*




DELL or HELL You pick.

16:33 Jan 09 2008
Times Read: 2,953

This morning I start off with problems with the laptop. First freaking thing was a call to the phone company. After a charming 30 minutes I am told my router is working fine, they show a signal going thru. But still I did not have internet. No IE, or Firefox. Nothing.

With a heavy heart I called DELL. Notice how that rhymes with hell? Just saying…

After telling my numbers, name, address, email, size of shoe, cousins molar count, and the last time I went to the bathroom if it was a 1 or 2 WE- meaning the man that I could not understand, and I- got down to figuring out what was wrong with the laptop.

I answer the stupid questions- yes, its wireless, yes the router and DSL is working. How do I know that? I explained what they did. Then he tells me to do this and that…and guess what- same freaking ass shit I just did with the phone company. Little black box… “Type in this please.” And is it me, or do they just piss you off with the P as in Paul, O as in Oscar, ect… I did, and does not recognize code.

After ten or so I said “Let’s try this command- F U C K T H I S.fig” Guess what? That did not take either. The guy said “I do not think that is a program it will take madam.” “Yeah but it made me feel so much better.”

Two hours later, with another tech support member because the first one could not find anything in his little manual that would fit it, I still can not get it to open IE. We plugged the DSL direct and she started to pop off commands for me to do. Just see me going “WHAT? Listen.. I don’t know what a manage internet bull shit code enter type in this list that refigure this shit is. I JUST want it to work. Is that so freaking much to ask for a new computer?” Between this three hour phone call I had one crew called that can not get the larger truck in, send smaller. Seven phone calls, two freight drivers come in, AND a bathroom break.

I was getting pissed off.

So the lady told me we was resetting the internet connecting hardware. She will take me thru the steps. WTH? “No. You know I brought this thousand dollar computer and before I even got the damn thing it was a problem. DHL and I had a go around to even get it delivered to me, with me going out to the hub and picking it up myself. Then first day- first FREAKING day I turned it on the damn thing froze up. It stops typing at times, like the keyboard stops working even as I push the keys. I have had at least seven calls into Dell about it, and trust me when I say I got the $75.00 worth of warranty from those calls. But I AM NOT going to reset programs and interconnections and commands. That is what I paid DELL to do. Its time to replace this thing with a new one.”

She said I would have to wait the 21 days for a new one to be built, so it would be best if I did as she asked. *gives the phone a “You got to be fucking kidding me” look* “No, it is best you switch me to someone who had the ability to do as I asked.” She refused and kept pushing me to type this, enter that, and click that thingy. Nope. I hung up on her. Sorry- but I warned her I was done with it.

A call to Dell and I get the same shit- 21 days for new one, or longer. I need to return this one, the one I paid for and wait for refund. I raised holy hell and got a manager. Still not a person I understood well, but still. Reminded her what a lemon law is, and how if I had to wait 21 or more days I will be working on a new HP within a day. I will send this one back with a few dents and they can kiss my ass. And by the way- this makes the 7th Dell in our family.

I am to have a new one within 7 days, to send this one back, postage paid. Now I unhooked the DSL cables from the laptop, I put the router back as it was, and closed my laptop up and waked over to my desk, putting the thing down hard on the desk. “Screw you and the mother board you came from.” I started it, to use the word doc for a letter and guess what… the fucker went online.

You piece of fucking shit! LOL I just had to share that with ya. Now I am going to lunch.




My very own WTF? LOL

04:40 Jan 09 2008
Times Read: 2,969

Sent to CryingMist, as she is his Coven Master. And FYI asshole- I give all whelps a five or LOWER unless you are:

Paid member

Have a kick ass profile.

Anyway- back to the message:

Hello there. :) Hope you had a wonderful birthday. Woot! to another year of life, huh? lol

I just got this from one of your members. Understand- I rate the new whelps everyday. I have to keep my rating up, so I do them when they first join. As you know we stamp with "Tell me when you update and I will rerate."

Your member left me this, and used your name even as a part of his little "You rated me this, I rated you this" payback he felt the need to do.



hi, i do not consider myself better than everyone,

but, no one is better than me either...

so, my rates are always a 10* but,

i don't care about rates and since i'm in a

coven and this affects them i will change

my rates accordingly to:

"what you give is what you get"

nothing more nothing less...

and it was my coven master

that gave me a one year P.M.


O-daijini... (take care of yourself)

Now- at a level 12, not too smart to go around and rate Sires with a five if he really cares for his coven. I plan to revisit his profile soon and give him the rate he is asking for.

Hope your day is going well and sorry if I bother you with this as it seems you have backed his actions. Bye for now.





Welcome Abstract ... a very nice lady to all.

04:14 Jan 09 2008
Times Read: 2,973

*opens the zoo gate to let in a friend*

Come on... they want bite. I swear.

Well... watch out for the doe, she steps without looking, Otters like to get you wet if you go near the pond. And the bull leaves some big piles of...well..you know. *rat covers her nose*

But come on in.

winter farret

*rat watches as the ferret climbs on the rock, looking at the animals*





00:38 Jan 09 2008
Times Read: 2,985

Why does this make me want to go for a drive? J/K But still... lol




VR gives me many feelings in a day....

21:44 Jan 08 2008
Times Read: 2,988

Catching up on the polls and thinking "Who comes up with this stuff?"

What has experiencing and being a part of VR made you?

[Poll # 3128]

1/. More in tune with what I already suspected to be there, but heightened senses of care and responsibility toward others.

*lips curls*

2/. More inclined toward gaining power, particularly over others, as my higher position, albeit only an online one, gives me that right.


3/. No appreciable differences.

*looks comes over my face like I am having trouble getting the turd out*

4/. A wiser, more 'balanced person who has learned much in people-management and the correct ways of dealing with things.

*all out laughter* Yeah uhh huh... that's it.

5/. Far more creative, and more inclined toward enjoying and appreciating the output of others.

*Ding Ding Ding... as close to a winner as we get*




21:15 Jan 08 2008
Times Read: 2,991

Right Now


Mostly Cloudy

Humidity: 57%

Winds: S at 19 mph

Yesterday we set a record high with 76.

Care to guess what is wrong with this picture?


*Hears the A/C running*




Some of what I do during the day...and night.

20:49 Jan 08 2008
Times Read: 2,996

Surface Deployment and Distribution Command has put out a “short” 79 page, front and back, report on the updates to the FRV (full replacement value) on military household shipments. I have to have it read and understood not later then Monday. The understand is not that hard. I just have to cut thru the bullshit and see the point that is covered in it.

Don’t believe me?

Example: Claim Filing Part B- section F1. (less then 1/4 of a page. Did I mention the freaking small print?)

“ For the purpose of filing with the TSP (Transportation Service Provider- aka the mover) within the (2) years, if a claim for loss or damage accrues during war or an armed conflict in which an armed force of the United States is involved, or has accrued within the two years before war or an armed conflict begins, and there is good cause for delay in filing due to that armed conflict or war, then the claim must be presented within a reasonable time frame after the cause no longer exists, or after the war or armed conflict ends, whichever is earlier. An armed conflict begins and ends as stated in concurrent resolution of Congress or a decision of the President. This same exception will apply to the nine (9) month filing period required to trigger the TSP liability for FRV. Any extension granted by this provision will be at least as long as the duration of the good cause and may be longer, at the discretion of the TSP. If the TSP anticipates the denial of an extension, they may contact the appropriate Service Military Claims HQ for an advisory opinion.”

These people must of gotten paid by the letter… I swear. Bullshit free meaning- If we are at war they get as long as they want to file a claim. I understand it but the problem will be if I can stay awake enough to read this shit.

*yawns* Now I got to pee….





14:32 Jan 08 2008
Times Read: 3,005

No matter what Images said... the otter, puppy, bull, bush baby, doe pictures are starting to creep me out. lol

Thinking its time that Moonie gets in the zoo. What would she be? ;)




Yeah... but.....

00:15 Jan 08 2008
Times Read: 3,016

The old saying of “God does not close a door without opening a window” keeps running around in my head. Thing is- does it have to be on the 20th floor with no fire escape?

I am just saying….





05:54 Jan 06 2008
Times Read: 3,044



22:13 Jan 05 2008
Times Read: 3,044

Did you know a cat sleeps up to 18 hours a day? Guess what animal I want to come back as? *yawns* I am going to bed- been tired all day, not felt good.

Night all.




Thank you QueenMorbid, you're a real Jewel!

22:02 Jan 05 2008
Times Read: 3,053

The Zoo is growning by leaps and bounds but with real classy creatures.

Create Your Own




Ohhhh RedQueen, my dear puppy. :)

21:29 Jan 05 2008
Times Read: 3,055

I got stopped for speeding the other day. I thought I could talk my way out of it until the cop looked at my dog in the back seat.

A Sign You're Driving Too Fast...




Susan Enan- Bring On The Wonder

02:15 Jan 05 2008
Times Read: 3,073

Every been at this point in your life?




Isn't it cute???? Ahhhhhh.

21:44 Jan 04 2008
Times Read: 3,094

This extremely rare and beautiful "pink dolphin" was spotted and photographed by Capt. Erik Rue of Calcasieu Charter Service on June 24th, 2007 during a charter fishing trip on Calcasieu Lake south of Lake Charles, LA.

It appears to be an uncanny freak of nature, an albino dolphin, with reddish eyes and glossy pink skin. It is small in comparison to the others it is traveling with and appears to be a youngster traveling with mama.




Something to do?????

17:37 Jan 04 2008
Times Read: 3,103

Paying the Rentals bills and I come across a few I had to ask Dad about, as he was the only one charging on them. Now- its the slow time for the rental, too cold to work on them outside, and they are all rented and no problem so far. (I know- I just asked for it, didn't I? lol)


"What now?"

Yes- he has been helping me off and on in the office, so by this time it's... what now?

"Why did you charge on our account at Hibbitts $1.86?"

"Why not?"

Yes- you can see where I got my smart ass.

"BECAUSE it was a dollor and eighty six cents. It costed them more to send the bill then what you charged. Must less my time and cost. And why did you charge $2.43 at 84 Lumber? I know you have money in your pocket."

He just shrugs and tell me...

"Gives them something to do. And you something to do."



Never let it be said I am not my fathers daughter.




14:18 Jan 04 2008
Times Read: 3,109

Delt with one man short on a crew- too cold for him to work even if its to be in the 40's today.

Told two men we was working in the morning and listen to the whine, but when told I can use others they hushed.

Call the AFJ about the items I recieved last week that was damamged, then a call to Overnight to make appt with claim rep.

Called National on the fax on the fax pile this morning- seems I am not to take in any more for the resturant we are handling. Someone ran out of money it seems. I am to have all items pulled and ready to reload, ship back out.

Wrote checks for five people.

Made bank deposits up

Answer Insurance company request for square footage on building #3 on the policy. Would of helped if they just fucking told me what building instead of making me pull the damn policy. But nevermind....

Sorted out the bills and papers on two desk and have a stack of billing I need to do today, leaving the military for sister.

One estimate done with two still to do

And booked two jobs.

All within a hour and a half.

:) Damn.... I am not bored now.


*goes back to work after her short VR break*





01:56 Jan 04 2008
Times Read: 3,130



Sometimes I just get bored.....

21:31 Jan 03 2008
Times Read: 3,144

Check the last few people who rated me and find member petitor left no comment, but a 7.

Ok. Must be a member who got a membership, and playing the "You rate me a 7, I rate you a seven " game.

*clicks over to see the persons updates*

And what do I find? Still a free member, still a shitty profile. So I go down to the comment box and smile. I type out-

Hello Miss petitor. See you have been to my profile and rated. Mind if we take a look at yours? *turns her to see her own profile* Gosh... a one sentence profile. How original. One picture. And that is it. You have been on the site long enough to know that is a shitty profile.

Reason why I gave you a one. But that is ok. Some members here are... *looks her in the face* ... lacking in certain areas, so I will leave you with the rating of one.

Only thing I ask of you is... don't step foot back on my profile. *smiles* Ok? Thanks honey bun.

*sighs....cuss word....hits delete and leaves the profile alone.*

LOL- What? I was bored. :)

And doesn't that just sound so vain? O.o

Well hell. LOL




I wonder....

19:00 Jan 03 2008
Times Read: 3,154

Have you ever had a message from someone on VR that you just don't know that well? And it feels like the person is doing it just to see what you will say? Like it is a test... to see if you react to them? And you having a feeling its not who they lead you to believe they are? Like something is just....hidden, a trap being set?

Have you?


Then you have not been on this site long enough. Give it time.

*hits delete*





15:41 Jan 03 2008
Times Read: 3,156




05:12 Jan 03 2008
Times Read: 3,163



Email from sister. :)

22:31 Jan 02 2008
Times Read: 3,179


1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time. Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?

2. People who are willing to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to get up and change the channel manually.

3. People who say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?

4. People who say "it's always the last place you look". Yeah, I tend to stop looking once I've found it.

5. When people watching a film say "did you see that?" Do they think I paid $12 to look at the floor?

6. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?". Did they give you a choice?

7. When something is 'new and improved!'. Which is it?

8. When people say "life is short". Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?

9. When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here?




First snow day in three years!!

12:25 Jan 02 2008
Times Read: 3,190

Phone calls made as the customer called off the job due to ice and little SNOW on the roads, Crew told to stay home. Dad tells me to stay home..... so I am curling back into bed to sleep a few more hours.

yes......ITS A SNOW DAY FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woooooooo Hoooooooo!!!!!






04:17 Jan 02 2008
Times Read: 3,197



The Newest Zoo animal.....Sapphire.

02:43 Jan 02 2008
Times Read: 3,210

Sapphire is going to be such a bad influence... but what fun. lol

*reachs up to pet the newest zoo animal and talk with a little*

On 19:41:13 Jan 01 2008 (-6 GMT) Sapphire wrote:

I love your background...

also wanted to say hi:D


On 19:44:22 Jan 01 2008 (-6 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Look... its the newest member of the Zoo.

:) So glad you joined bush baby.

I am very happy you are with us.

Bush....LOL... she said bush.


On 19:45:47 Jan 01 2008 (-6 GMT) Sapphire wrote:

hugs..I'm glad too:)

Haha..speaking of bush..you need to go look at the offensiveness I just put in my journal hahaha..

I've abused the VR thong...on VR.

On 19:53:31 Jan 01 2008 (-6 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

OMG!! That is sexy. And I wish I had your shape. *Sexy growl* Nice. Cancer should put that picture in the store. ;)

On 20:02:50 Jan 01 2008 (-6 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Hmmm.... You know it just hit me. As everyone picked the animal they are... I wonder what Cancer would pick if he was to pick one.

Ram? lol

On 20:03:45 Jan 01 2008 (-6 GMT) Sapphire wrote:

Lol...he'd be the stallion..

I guarantee the stallion.

Hahaha...He may not say it..but he'd so be thinkin it.

On 20:05:30 Jan 01 2008 (-6 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Well I sure the hell ain't asking him, so...

Ahhhh But he would make a cute one.

On 20:07:07 Jan 01 2008 (-6 GMT) Sapphire wrote:

*has running through my head from Shrek*

"I'm a noble steed..I'm a noble steed"

On 20:09:21 Jan 01 2008 (-6 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

LOL. Well then...

*thinks of riding Cancer... the steed, that is*


On 20:10:46 Jan 01 2008 (-6 GMT) Sapphire wrote:


*pictures you using his dreads as reigns*

On 20:14:50 Jan 01 2008 (-6 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:


Ohhh that is bad.

*thinks of heels digging into his sides... steady motion*

Fans self... is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?





00:49 Jan 02 2008
Times Read: 3,218

Morrigon is my favorite Otter.


Thank you for the video my friend. Made me laugh out loud. :)

*slides her some kelp*




23:29 Jan 01 2008
Times Read: 3,235

Cinnamon, in her Coven, has put a lot of useful codes and such. Note the background on the journal. Last night I was working on it and could not get it to show. It did for me when I was on that account, but not if I went over on another account. Around 6:00am this morning I woke up and it hit me- Dah! I had it under a private entry. Once I put it in a public one it showed. Now you see why I was drinking. lol

Anyway- I wanted to thank Cinnamon for all the codes she offers people and I will be sending anyone who ask me about it to them.

CHORDEWA, my lovley sister, had given me the code but when my computer crashed, so did it. I hated having to ask again, so when I found FF code sheet, I tried it on my own. Hey- I am trying to learn. :)

CHORDEWA coven has a code for the glowing letters. That is my next project to try and master. This time without the drinks. O.o But you never know. Have I told you I hate codes? lol But its nice for these two ladies to offer the knowledge to anyone who is trying to learn, improve their profiles and such. Way cool.

Went to Krogers, and stocked up the pantry and ref is full. What ever happen to the days when they would offer to help you out? I mean- I never let them help me, but what happen to them asking you? Instead I get the cart "shown" to me and left. Not even a "Have a nice day." Nothing.


Damn Jack Daniel's watermelon spike cocktails. But mmmm . And no- I was not drunk, just very very relaxed. And yes- I remember what I said in the vampbox. :) Trust me- I did watch what I said. All I can say is Moonie is the cat's meow and wonderful fun to play with. Sorry if I offended anyone.




Question stolen from Images.

23:26 Jan 01 2008
Times Read: 3,239

'A picture of one item that reflects you and your personality.'




Its 2008. :)

20:06 Jan 01 2008
Times Read: 3,245



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