I have been thinking about writing this for a very long time
I write it out then delete it
For a huge part of my life up till now I have had a online stalker
It all started when I was 15 in school on a chat site called MSN messenger
I received a few random friend requests on there and added them as a naive kid I was
There was one that stood out to Samantha Briggs the picture they used was of a blonde girl whom was the same age as myself back then
I remember staring at the picture whilst I was up in the computer room on my break
Then out the blue they start messaging me and texting like they know all about me and my hoobies and everything
As a child this did not freak me out or raise red flags so we kept on talking daily
There was also times I felt watched and they would do this thing we're they say they could do magic by saying what I'm doing and wearing
Again naive and stupid I thought it was cool and real magic
We continued talking for 5 years on MSN messenger
Then nothing
It was 2004 I was on Facebook and on here by then and I know this will sound crazy but that same person who I used to talk on MSN messenger messages me on here and FB
They didn't state or say they was that individual but everything they knew about was no coincidence at all
I don't know why they are doing it or who they are but they are always in my life and I'm 39 now
Yes this makes me paranoid and I don't ever talk about this as I'm suspicious it might be them
And now very recently they are back messaging me
I want to know who they are but how do I do that and find out who they are? I'll appreciate any advice please
In this section I shall post true stories that happened
Some to me and some to people I know or have worked with.
This happened probably 5 or 6 years ago, I think I was 18 at the time.
For starters, I lived in a city where neighborhoods and forests kind of blend together. There are plenty of wooded areas where people go to have bonfires and parties.
One night, after discovering that all of our usual spots were crowded with people, I suggested we go to a spot that I had been to a few times nearby. I had been there multiple times, but only during the day.
The street where we park is maybe 200 feet from the tree line, it’s your average middle class neighborhood, nothing crazy is really known to happen there.
So we walk in, start a bonfire and we’re all having a good time. Some of us are drinking and smoking a bit, myself included.
About 45 minutes pass and I’m a little intoxicated, but nothing major. And over the sound of our quiet music and my friends talking, I hear something odd. I can’t make out what it is so I figure maybe I’m just hearing things. Maybe another 10 minutes go by and I hear it again, a little better this time. It still sounds relatively far away but it sounds like velcro tearing.
I stop and just kind of sit there trying to listen while my friends carry away laughing and talking. They haven’t seemed to notice. And that’s when I heard a sound I was very familiar with.
A zapping noise, like you hear from a taser. Very brief, but unmistakable. My stomach drops, and I started looking around a little frantically. My girlfriend at the time was the first to notice my distress.
She asks me what’s wrong and I explain and she immediately starts worrying. She gets my friends to quiet down and we all just sit there and listen for a bit.
Then we all hear it. An electric zap. Brief again, but we all know that sound.
We all start panicking a bit and we quickly put out the fire while asking each other what the fuck that was or where exactly it was coming from.
We’re all scared to walk out, it’s only maybe a 5 minute walk to the street but it’s dark. We all muster the courage to finally walk the path out and we don’t run into anyone.
We finally get to the street and start walking to our cars, nervously laughing and relishing being under street lamps again.
I see him first. He’s walking towards us, not at us, just walking in the direction we just came from. Slightly to the right of us. He’s holding a stick of some sort.
It scared me at first, but for a brief second I calmed myself, it was a pretty safe neighborhood that I knew really well and it was really common to see people out walking at night. But then I notice he’s looking right at us. That stare is burned into my mind.
We pass each other, my friends and I are all silent as we’re having this stare down with this random man.
And that’s when it happened. He doesn’t break eye contact, holds up the pole and smiles this creepy fucking smile. His eyes are open so wide. The end of the stick lights up bright and that same zapping sound happens again, much louder this time. He’s holding a fucking cattle prod. We live in a city, no farmland nearby, no reason to have a cattle prod.
My friends and I are silently shitting ourselves as he walks past us, maybe 20 feet away and goes straight into the woods without a flashlight or anything.
We all got into our cars and peeled out of there. We never went back to that spot.
23:51 Feb 20 2023
I have no clue how to find out. Wish you the best in finding some answers .
23:56 Feb 20 2023
Thank you
I don't feel in any harm as obviously they could have hurt me many years ago I just want answers from them and to know why as they took a lot of time and effort to know me for what though? It's just weird I know but thank you