ThePinja's Journal

ThePinja's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


16 entries this month

A day half lived.

21:55 Mar 31 2012
Times Read: 535

Honestly, fuck today, today is worth nothing. Then again neither is my word... so am I honestly saying fuck today? You tell me. Some things you can't hold back, you can't keep all emotions at bay forever. Eventually no matter what is on your plate, you will have to deal with all the leftovers in your fridge, some have become their own new living organisms. Others still fresh enough to give off the scents necessary to break you down at the worst times.

I'm fucking miserable, this life, this city, these people, my family.... I didn't miss them, I couldn't miss these like I miss you. Whether you believe it or not, you consume my minds thoughts, every step, and thought with action is half lived. You are the other half, and the worst part is I really don't think you'd ever accept me again no matter what changes take place. Facing reality isn't hard, it's facing the numerous possibilities that is. Hypothesis, there is only one mutually wonderful outcome. Fact, there are an infinite more devastating possibilities. I hold on for the one, because I do want that fully, but if you have no expectations this fight is so much harder.




21:37 Mar 31 2012
Times Read: 539

....I know what kind of Old person I'm going to be if I get there.... My grandmother repeats things i've heard 20 times. I know I have a habit of doing the same from time to time. Though often I have the presence of mind to ask if the person I'm talking to has heard this story. God help me, I just want to be rainbow suspenders crazy dancing old man, not super repetitive old man.....




00:22 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 560

Already tired of Washington drivers here. Getting honked at for giving pedestrians the right of way they are legally supposed to have. FUCK YOU Old lady, take the damn handicapped tag out of your window we already know you aren't quite right.



03:00 Mar 28 2012

Hey now, don't be talking about me like that :P



00:21 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 561



23:32 Mar 25 2012
Times Read: 603

I'm alone, amongst friends, family, and former coworkers I am ultimately alone. One day, and I understand more now than I did the day we were finally living together. You are everything, my best friend, my love, my therapist, my food critic, all the support I ever really needed.

I am ashamed that I wasn't more for you, I have to do better, I'm capable of better for you. You deserve more, you don't deserve to be so hurt, not by me, and not by anyone. I love you so much.



00:25 Mar 26 2012

21:24 Mar 26 2012

Aww, that is a lovely thing to say to Pandy :)



07:37 Mar 22 2012
Times Read: 614



05:16 Mar 19 2012
Times Read: 637

Don't push Rick to the edge, he'll stab you in the fucking Heart LOL. Season conclusion was awesome. But yeah, everyone needs to get off Ricks Nuts.



14:22 Mar 19 2012

I just watched it- loved the zombie army, and the person in the black cape, with the sword, the two zombies on a leash... Who is that?

And the full moon light on the jail? Oh hell..just give me a few hours in there with a camera in real life.


01:38 Mar 21 2012

OH Yeah

21:25 Mar 26 2012

I'm waiting for him to come back as a zombie!


Do you like apples?

21:55 Mar 15 2012
Times Read: 671

Tick Tock, Tick Tock it seems the time came and went where you proved the truth by your action, and then your inaction. Nothing to rebuke, silence, as it goes is a wonderful noise.

The proof is in the pudding, or in the last day, the lack there of. If not you, then a sycophantic follower, and probably at your request. True love is not lying for someone, it is holding them accountable for their actions. Guess no one truly loves you. Words can hurt, without them being crass and four lettered, and directly unrefined. Though you expect me to care about your feelings when you have ONLY thought of yours?

How do you like them apples?



23:39 Mar 15 2012

I know a vampiric stormhorse around here who likes apples..lucky for US!

23:41 Mar 15 2012

I like apppples.

23:42 Mar 15 2012

LOTTTTTS of appples.


21:28 Mar 14 2012
Times Read: 702

LAWL Yeah, that's right, I quote Emerson, a wonderful amazing poet. I also have the bravery to speak my mind publicly, and do both my negative and positive actions in the eye of all. While you seem to be unable to. I fear no public opinion of myself, that is how self confident I am. I do not need a multitude of profile persona's to hide behind, I used to have one other, but fuck it. What I have to say, I will say all here. My foul mouth is the emphasis of how you disgust me. The adjectives of common and simple minds display an exclamation larger words cannot. So I use them, so I am vile and pierce through the barriers of indifference through to your outrage.

THAT is who I am, everyone knows this, my tongue draws more lacerations than any blade I could wield. Because I am not the brute you might think, not for a long while. Like i've said before, My words are weapons. As can yours be, except I am well trained with mine. You are like a child picking up a sword for the first time. I place myself out in the open because I don't fear you, because I don't need to, and because I would rather be known for my faults alongside my proofs of mettle, than to slink around playing games with peoples emotions, and friendships. That is why I am better than you.



22:09 Mar 14 2012

Wow.. MR. ADJECTIVE! *you rock!*


Like the car, oh Christine... oops guess I fibbed.

07:38 Mar 14 2012
Times Read: 740

I see you are back up to your old tricks. The numbers match, The data fits, I was giving you the doubt. Not jumping to conclusions. You are a fucking cunt. A pathetic lowlife two faced dip shit without any sense of what honor really is, what being honest and decent is. Give honor with your big profile, then take it away with all the ones you claim aren't you. I will not put your name. You know that it is you. There is a reason you are on my list of people I neither trust or like. God forbid you lose anymore standings on the list. LOL I thought you were smarter than that. Not really, I can't even think that without calling bullshit on myself. You aren't smart, then again you aren't honest or a friend either. You are that nasty greasy feeling I get on my hands when I'm putting dirty dishes in the rack at work. The nasty smell of rotten shrimp I have to toss. The crap I have to give TWO courtesy flushes for every once in a while. I wouldn't have as much disdain for you if you just do it publicly. I have more respect for the enemy that shows themselves to me, and my kin than try to get chummy and stab us in the back later.

Like the evil car I'd like to exorcise you and have you gone from my thoughts. Alas, you will continue your cunty mccunterson ways, continue to give all the guys rusty trombones, and the ladies the scissor me Xerxes special. By this I mean your kiss ass methods. Fuck, I wish I could out you the way bugpiss outed TRT. I will give you credit, you may get caught in your lies, but you leave essentially little written bits of them.

When will you stop being so childish? Why do this? Does your standing in the Honor matter that much? Is there so little in the real world that matters to you as much as a number on a website that will long forget you after your death? We are dust, from once and to again it shall be. How we travel matters more than whether or not we get there I believe. You travel in moors of shit and distrust.



12:51 Mar 14 2012

wow, sorry hun,I knew that the Honor thing would be trouble , just something else for people cause trouble with.


07:26 Mar 12 2012
Times Read: 799

PerfectlyWicked... You seem just as incapable of being calm and sane, as your lovable CM, if in fact you aren't TRT in another profile. I rated your profile a 7 simple. You could have given me the same, and I wouldn't have cared. But instead you rate me a 1, and block me. Then I start getting a bunch of negative honors.. now i'm not saying the honors are you and your ilk, they could be WickedWitch since my public discovery of her Sweetie profile. Then again, you and your coven are the kind to really attack en masse. If you don't want a less than 10 rating, don't be on VR AT ALL. Honestly you won't get what you want otherwise. Unless you Recreate your profile get a bunch of friends to rate it 10's, then put it in the self deletion queue. That would be what AUG did, until it fully deleted. Why start something off of an honest rate? I rated that profile a 10 ONCE, it must have earned that 10 at some given time. Whatever you did to it only earned a 7. Sorry, thats the truth. So at the end of the day, why stir up the dust when it is just going to end up leaving a bad taste in your own mouth?

Oh yeah, you should probably take some blood pressure medication if something like this is going to get you so bent out of shape, don't want you blowing that vein on your forehead.... actually, don't take the meds, I want a video of that.



07:48 Mar 12 2012

I love the last paragraph. xD "I want a video of that." LOL! Next on 1,000 ways to die... :P

10:26 Mar 12 2012

It looks as if you have committed a horrible crime. I am sure you will now be listed as a "cyber bully" now. LMFAO. Hell they claim I am mentally unstable. Yet here they are blowing a gasket over a rate score lol I agree Rose the last sentence of this entry was the best lol

01:29 Mar 13 2012

She rated me a 5 because I rated her an 8.


05:07 Mar 12 2012
Times Read: 806

The Walking Dead tonight, damn. Awesome episode. Revealed a very interesting twist. The Zombie Virus has changed. Even if you haven't been scratched, bitten, or ingested zombie bits, upon death you become one. Unless of course you obtain a massive brain injury. Fuck...Shane shouldn't have fucked up.



22:12 Mar 14 2012

I love this series... it's not on British television, but I get to download it and watch it all the same! :)



05:20 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 818



02:39 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 834

As I see things, I laugh. I do hope you won't be so outraged if you do something that the public mob doesn't look too kindly upon and makes similar member pages about you. I mean, hell I'd chuckle and snort all the way down to the brimstone arch if you made a member page with half the things i've ever said on here. I'd love to make member pages of you guys, with all your contradictions, asinine comments, and blatant stupid public behavior.

With all of your abilities to justify all of your own actions through some jaded sense of justice seeking, while defaming others for the same mentality I don't understand how you can believe your own shit doesn't stink. Just remember, you can't learn anymore, if you believe you have nothing left to learn. A full cup cannot be filled.

I can take pride in what I am, even if it isn't the greatest. You see, at the end of the day, I am still me. I am not two faced, I don't feel like I have to suffer through a conversation, I just won't have a conversation with you if I don't like you. I don't lie so that people like me more. And I don't switch factions depending on how heavy my flow is. And I don't need to talk like a fucking skank all the time to boost my self esteem. I am not stating names, because I don't have to. You are probably so self absorbed you think i'm insulting you even when i'm not. But, when you take offense when something isn't about you, perhaps your mind is telling you that there is some truth to that. Your own mind will protect you, and will be brutally honest to you. Yet you live in denial, you all do. When will you grow up, when will you act like functioning members of society and be civil.

Civility isn't so much a guidline of social behavior. It is an expectation of adult hood. Thirty somethings, and twenty somethings, and even fourty somethings should not act like teenagers. We are not children anymore, and we cannot continue to live as such. Keeping our youth is not the same as acting like immature snots. I laugh at farts, the words of sexual organs sometimes and sexual innuendo. Doesn't mean I hit Jadee to show her I love her, or scream around and thrash on the floor if I want something. Being an adult is making a balance between keeping our childhood intact, and still doing all the obligations we have in every day life.

Doesn't seem to matter how much you "learn," or think of yourselves, you aren't really all that respectable when you think and act like such a child. Idk, I can't even go on with this thought now. I think my don't give a damn switch flipped.




Good acting will be harder to find, as semi-original ideas more sparse.

07:58 Mar 09 2012
Times Read: 851

While I'm on a roll. Leonardo DiCaprio needs an Academy Award, he's been shafted more than a gulf of Mexico oil site.

I'm not a huge fan, but the man can act. And Has acted some intense mental, and emotional thrillers. Not the best at action, but if a guy can get one for suddenly hearing noises in a silent film, then why the FUCK has he not gotten one? Seriously, who in the HELL did he piss off to get snubbed this much? I've seen lifetime achievements given to people who haven't evolved in their acting ability beyond changing which eyebrow to move. This guy goes from being a pretty boy with his shirt off the first half of his career to being two different historical figures, one humanitarian eye opening role, and at least two mentally distraught, and damaged men who ultimately make huge sacrifices with probably a sad ending.

I mean... Money Ball was nominated, Brad Pitt was nominated.... Here is a trivia for ya, name the most famous movie Brad Pitt did that he wasn't half, or almost ALL naked in.

I took a look at the 2011 list, Inception was nominated for a lot of areas, but Leonardo DiCaprio wasn't up for best Actor. The Only movie he has been up for was Blood Diamond. GREAT FUCKING MOVIE.

Idk, I watched a few of these movies on the lists, some are great, some really aren't. I liked Midnight in Paris, for me it was Woody Allen's best in a long while, but not worth anything involving an Oscar. Whom ever is black listing Leonardo needs a shot to their flaming nuts.



08:07 Mar 09 2012

Moneyball was ok, watched it last night...ending sucked.


Life is what YOU make it. Why make it so hard for yourself?

01:47 Mar 05 2012
Times Read: 899

What bothers me isn't that I get burned. I know it's going to happen. What pisses me off is how I stuck my neck out trying to be a decent person, and you cut my head off, axe in hand trying to tell us it wasn't you. I thought we were past pathetic lies. Want everyone to be an adult, start with yourself first. I'm not a child and my mentality is what I choose, when I choose. Someone wants to try and butt heads with me like a macho alpha male, I can do that too. Or I can squash them with words. I'm not stupid, but I'm also not a cold hearted bastard. A bastard yes, but not cold hearted. I've lived life, not a great one, not a horrible one, JUST life. All of its trials and tribulations, the common factor that makes us all human. We are ALL just human, but apparently forgiveness is not something a lot of people are capable of. I'm capable, but after so many burns, i'd just as soon FORGET you.

Thou Shalt Not KILL

Thou Shalt Not STEAL

Thou Shalt Not Bare False Witness(means don't Lie)

Thou Shalt Not Covet thy neighbors wife or anything else he has earned.

Basic tenants whether you are Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or some new age bullshit. Fuck Even Satanists have similar tenants. A man takes 18 years to come to terms with who he is, he chooses not to run under cover of night knowing he will be tortured and killed. For us, he taught important lessons, to turn the other cheek, to hug thine enemy as a brother, to love even a leper.

I can't hate that much anymore. No, hate has been replaced with disgust. Disgust for humanity, and pretty much everyone here. Doesn't mean It is like that all the time, but some of the things you people write just leave me in shock. All the bitterness, jealousy.. don't tell me its not fucking jealousy cause you bitches just can't get along unless you are all your own fucked up barbie versions of one another in mentality, anger, deceit, and general disdain for one another over arguments and disagreements had well over a years time in passing.

Lets see, I can put it in the open right now who I don't really like, and definitely don't Trust.

Mechanical Animal









That being said, doesn't mean we don't share conversations with some of the same people, except I'm not going to get pissy with the people I talk to, that also talk to them.

BUT if you say something that rubs me the wrong way, I probably will speak up about it. That is who I am, I don't claim to be perfect, and I am far from without sin. But at least I can recognize sin for what it is in its entirety. Yeah, I can make mistakes, and I have. Assumptions with only half the story, but sometimes that is part of being a good friend, is even if you end up with egg on your face in the end, you know you did right by your friend. If I knew the whole story sometimes, chances are my words would be very different. I'm not a psychic though, and won't always know both sides of the story. What I know is what I have to go by, and the same goes for you. What I do know, is that there are far too many overreactions for simple actions.

Albert Einstein was a brilliant man, however for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction does not apply when human minds, hearts, and ego's are involved. The exacting of justice is relative to the pain, and anger of the exacter. Frankly, i'd love to see the day when all of you will just let it go.

I don't always follow this plan, then again i'm fairly easy going in most of my endeavors here. It is when I see full cowardice and overbearing punishment that I get outraged. Perhaps this is due to a personal struggle, when I held my tongue too often, or was beaten too much for trifles of wrong. Perhaps I know that while many are down _ I am well aware we can all be up ^

Fact of the matter is folks, this is my opinion, and sometimes I take my opinion as fact. Because that is how I perceive it, and perception is reality. My reality is fact, and the reality is grow the fuck up.

Let go of all this stubborn, petty hatred, feuds, and pain. If pain and anger are all you have to hold on to then there is not much of a life. Life is meant to be lived in the pursuit of much better. Life pursued in the effort of bringing others down is usually only a happy one for sociopaths. Is that what you are? Incapable of empathy, so intent on destroying others perceptions of the world around them so that you can get your rocks off? It doesn't matter what you could say in response. My time of being open to hear arguments is long over. You've obviously all made your decisions, and judgements. I don't want to hear cries for help, and poor me I'm being attacked. Not when you also do the attacking. Whether for right or for wrong you attack, and truly that is always the wrong.

I attack, but I ask for no help, and expect none. So I cannot cry if things do not go the way I wanted. I WILL NOT, because that is my choice and I have to live with it. Some of you though, run from your choices, and expect a mob of people to help you hide from it. That is what children do, that is not being an adult. Explain that.



04:34 Mar 05 2012

We cool and all, but I got a giggle from the "Albert Einstein was a brilliant man, however for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction," that was Newton, Foo'!!!


04:50 Mar 05 2012

Dammit... you caught me. I mix them up on that one once in a while. *is foo of the day*

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