When even the Advertisements are breaking TOS...(screenshot below is censored)
I noticed that too.
Brilliant! Love it!
Ok.... now that is hysterical!
Bloody brilliant! *begins a jig*
TheNameGame2, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. To imitate someone is to pay the person a genuine compliment — often an unintended compliment. Thank you for the referral points!
Can I imitate you next? You are my idol! lol! :D *giggles*
YAY! *jumps up and down with excitement!* Absolutely chuffed!
Good now go forth and name game!
*puts on a cloak and grabs my big spoon*
Stir the pot!
Bubble bubble toil and trouble...
My tolerance for stupidity is at an all time low. I will still honor those that ask nicely for a rerate once achieving a significant amounts of ratings...if I feel like it.
It's been a pleasure, Enjoy your stay at the Vampire Rave!
17:45 Jan 30 2019
Ditto... Same thing with me. Randomly blocked me as well, never spoke to nor rated the profile! lol
18:17 Jan 30 2019
![Real vampires love Vampire Rave.](https://www.vampirerave.com/premium/files/drayton/thecrucified.png)
18:52 Jan 30 2019
19:07 Jan 30 2019
It's one of the profiles that went on a blocking spree a while ago and then self-deleted or was suspended and now their blocks are about to expire and it can't make any more fake profiles so it's using this one to re-block and to sacrifice.
![source: imgur.com](https://i.imgur.com/alqwVZ2.jpg?1)
![source: imgur.com](https://i.imgur.com/G0zknpU.gif)
![source: imgur.com](https://i.imgur.com/G0t6CRt.gif)
See the trend?
It'll be self-deleting or getting suspended in about a week probably. Oh, and it's a female.
Can we have some ORIGINAL shenanigans? This blocking and low rating have played out.
It's like....Ooohhh...We can't communicate with each other.
She figures if no one is going to chat with her, she'll prevent them from even accidentally doing it.
19:25 Jan 30 2019
Wait she thinks the word "Coven" is offensive?
19:33 Jan 30 2019
Well my Psych Profile of her is that she was probably once in some sort of a Group and later kicked out or tried to be in one and was rejected so now anything that resembles a Group of any kind is a trigger for her.
20:09 Jan 30 2019
I didn't realize this is a site wide ordeal lol
20:37 Jan 30 2019
Been block by thecrucible as well for no reason.
02:02 Jan 31 2019
Blocked by them as well.
01:54 Feb 01 2019
"Stupid is as stupid does"