TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


45 entries this month


04:37 Oct 31 2010
Times Read: 719

YES! It worked. You didn't comment. Good demon. Now keep it like that and this will all be over with.

In other news I changed the music on my profile. That song from the last entry and a bunch of Castlevaina game songs. Enjoy. :P

Yes VR reminds me of that game too much. lol



10:14 Oct 31 2010

Woo for no comments, and the song, I can't hear. :P

My computer hates musical profiles. D:

12:05 Oct 31 2010

LOL, It might have to do with the diffrent country thing. Its fine. Nothing that great. lol



02:27 Oct 31 2010
Times Read: 739

If you keep acting innocent and playing stupid then I will tell your CM again on you. YOU have done enough. So if you'll kindly fuck off and get on with your life then I will drop it. If you come to my journal again which I bet you will and leave your bullshit comments then I WILL block you.

I'm not naming names but people who wanna know, just scroll down and look at a few entries. You'll see what I'm talking about.

Anyway I was on for a bit but not for that long. I wish everyone a happy Halloween and more to come.



03:04 Oct 31 2010

*leaving bullshit comments*

03:08 Oct 31 2010

-giggles- Not you. Some person without a brain. :P

03:14 Oct 31 2010

Did you eat their brain?? ^.^ Nice song btw

03:20 Oct 31 2010

Haha nope. They just want to play with peoples heads and got another profile just to come back and act like nothing happened and leave bullshit comments. Well I'm not playing. I don't think that their old CM's would like to hear about this too. This devil spawn isn't even going to hell if this keeps up. I hardly block people but after dealing with this sad shit.. I really will block them.

Thanks about the song. I really like the movie. :P Just finnished watching it.

10:12 Oct 31 2010

Sadly, I bite when they do this. But, I'm all for telling their ex-CM. This is stupid~


Taking a break: Leaving a note.

11:16 Oct 29 2010
Times Read: 786

So I just wanted to leave a note for my friends on here. On saturday and ALL day on sunday, Halloween, I will be sleeping or spending the day trick or treating.

I didn't think that I'd be writing anymore in my journal for this month because its ending but I knew that a note was needed.

I'll be back, don't worry about it. I'm a VR addict but nothing can rip me apart from Halloween. I love it too much.

So I guess today will be the last day of this month to really catch me if you want to talk. Love you guys!


Cool cat Rose



19:01 Oct 29 2010

Have Fun! ^.^

01:19 Oct 31 2010


Have fun, be safe!

01:32 Oct 31 2010

I will! At the moment I'm watching some movies and for Halloween I'm going to have crazy fun! :P


TheArtistRose is a Sire

02:38 Oct 27 2010
Times Read: 831

Well I reached sire. I never had a kimset asking for help nor did anyone else have one for me. That doesn't mean that people didn't help though. So I want to take this time to write out a thank you speech.

First off I would like to thank a wonderful friend of mine, Yoshimitsu. I wouldn't be a sire if it wasn't for him right now. I can't thank you enough. You're super! An angel even. o.o

Now I will go through the list of others who have helped me along the way...

JUNY, JUNY, JUNY! Thanks for being there for me when others turned their back on me. Love you!

My current Cm's JunyCrist, thanks for helping me with my other profile and letting me help out on Pad.

I'd like to thank the CM for this profile. MBK/Catharsis, a wonderful CM that has a great coven to go with it. As a sire, I still want to stay there. It's Superman's Fortress of Solitude! So to speak. ;) I really feel at home there.

I'd like to thank DrCullen for helping me find such a coven. I had followed her not knowing what to expect but surely was a great choice for me. No drama at all. I'd also like to thank her for being a cool friend.

I'd like to thank MyArmyLife for helping me with this profile in the first place. I know that things have changed between us being friends but I give credit where credit is due.

Also whatever her name is now because she changes her name ALL the time.. thanks carmen sandiego.. for fighting with me in the first place. Things just wouldn't have been the same if that had never had happened. It was a lose, win situation. It shal be thanked.

I'd like to thank any past CM's that I've had. Thanks for giving me a chance.

Lastly all of the 579 people on my friends list... I'd love to name you all but that would take forever. X_X Thanks for being a friend.

Now my status and all the time that I've wasted here loving it! :D I started this profile on April 5th, 2010. It wasn't my first profile but its the profile that I'm best known for. From then till today, I have finaly reached Sire. "Sire TheArtistRose"

Update Your Status

Your Status: Sire (Level 102)

You have completed 52% of the next level.

Pages Viewed Score (Pages: 181,687): 78 x .50 = 39.00

Time Spent Score (Time: 49.07 days): 81 x .50 = 40.50

Base Score: 79.5

[ Bonuses / Penalties ]

Ratings (Ratings: 2,949): 79.5 x 0.0074 = 0.59

Database (Submissions: 0): 79.5 x 0.0000 = 0.00

Forum (Posts: 1,478): 79.5 x 0.0369 = 2.93

Profile (Rating: 9.964): 79.5 x 0.0300 = 2.38

Journal (Read By: 172): 79.5 x 0.0172 = 1.37

Friend (Lists On: 579): 79.5 x 0.0289 = 2.30

Blocked (Lists On: 2): 79.5 x 0.0000 = 0.00

Overblock (Blocks: 1): 79.5 x 0.0000 = 0.00

Society 79.5 x 0.0100 = 0.80

Mark 79.5 x 0.1500 = 11.93

Mentor 79.5 x 0.0000 = 0.00

Referral (Points: 91): 79.5 x 0.0091 = 0.72

Total Bonuses / Penalties: 23.02

Total Score: 102.52

[ Bonus / Penalty Percentages ]

Ratings (Ratings: 2,949): 0.74%

Database (Submissions: 0): 0.00%

Forum (Posts: 1,478): 3.69%

Profile (Rating: 9.964): 3.00%

Journal (Read By: 172): 1.72%

Friend (Lists On: 579): 2.89%

Blocked (Lists On: 2): 0.00%

Overblock (Blocks: 1): 0.00%

Society 1.00%

Mark 15.00%

Mentor 0.00%

Referral (Points: 91): 0.91%

[ Members Who Have Blocked You ]




Hello TheArtistRose!

Status: Sire

Level: 102.52

Pages: 181,687

Time: 49.07 days

You have completed 52% of the next level.

Love you all!




02:43 Oct 27 2010

And don't forget, world peace. :P

02:51 Oct 27 2010

HAHAHA! Thats the next step. I wish for world peace. lmao Nice one.

04:04 Oct 27 2010

Awwww! You thanked me! Btw... I don't hate you, whatever you may think. Oh, and you should totally join my penguin army. :D I have something about it in this profile, portfolio, journal, AND in the main forum in the sandbox called Penguin Army. Should be easy enough to find. Check it out.

04:43 Oct 27 2010

Wooh! Personal mention! XD

Congrats, and all that. :P

I assume the Sire race is over for us now though. -sobs-

04:49 Oct 27 2010

I'm glad to hear you'll be staying in IS, too.

You've done much to work towards Sire, and though it's technically an artificial level, well done.

Have fun~!

04:52 Oct 27 2010

Just by reading your speech, i've would've swore you won an academy award! :P

05:15 Oct 27 2010

Army- Glad to know that I'm not hated, of corse I'd thank you, silly.

DrCullen, uh yeah, you saved me from shit, I know that I'd mention you. lol Also yes, I'm not an offical sire, sire with all the bonuses but I'm still working on it. No need to quit the race, theres still a ways to go.

And Jenn, thanks. :P

12:25 Oct 27 2010

Congratulations, LittleMonkeyRose. =)

11:38 Nov 30 2010

Catharsis = ? >_>



08:29 Oct 26 2010
Times Read: 846

Talking to you makes me see that there really are good people in this world. That I don't have to be inhuman and that there is hope for just about anything. Thanks a whole bunch. You didn't have to but you did.. it means alot to me. Heck, even talking to you made the day that much better. Cheers to more conversations to come.

I don't expect the right person to comment on this so no comments please. Thanks.





21:55 Oct 25 2010
Times Read: 855

YAY YAY YAY! So I don't know but I was talking to mommy and she said something about my friends... AH! Now I remember...

Okay so mommy's home attendent was saying oh your daughters always on the computer. So after the bitch left I was like, pfft wtf, so what if I'm on here.

Then mommy said that if any of my friends ever visited that they could stay over here for a night. :D I was like huh? -in disbelief- She said that if any of my close friends from here came to NY that they could stay under the conditions that they don't blah blah blah.. I don't remember the rules. xP

Ah, the catch.. this can only happen after the child services closes its case.. so.. yeah that might take a year. :/ Oh well..



13:39 Oct 26 2010


Well... hah! Mum said the same thing to me the other day, but in reverse. She accepts that I am mature, and she trusts me to go to another country on my own, given I stay with someone I know. Heh. I win, and she admitted it.


Guess the man knows his movies. o.o

14:27 Oct 25 2010
Times Read: 877

Aww and here I was hoping on the 'Dark network' that he would join.


Transgressor (54)


Oct 25 2010


Block User



To Saved

Email to Self

i will never join the darkside

Message To: human20

Luke skywalker.. I AM YOUR FATHER!

On 14:18:31 Oct 25 2010 (-0 GMT) human20 wrote:

u know my uncle

On 14:14:46 Oct 25 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:


On 14:13:31 Oct 25 2010 (-0 GMT) human20 wrote:

wow rose

On 14:12:08 Oct 25 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

As fine as your uncle was last night. word.

On 14:10:44 Oct 25 2010 (-0 GMT) human20 wrote:

how are u



14:35 Oct 25 2010

LOL you know his uncle?

14:47 Oct 25 2010

-snickers- no. xD It was a joke. xP

14:55 Oct 25 2010

lol wow rose

18:13 Oct 25 2010

lol wow he seems to believe everything you say. Are you using a jedi mind trick on him rose?


School sick. Is there such a thing?

05:59 Oct 25 2010
Times Read: 887

-sighs- See I have to take care of people at home but I thank the computer for having Face Book. There are some people that I haven't talked to in a long while after the graduation. I know that I was so outgoing and a smartass and talented with words but after high school ended some people just moved away and I hardly get to talk to them anymore. :/

Guess it just feels as if time went by too fast... growing up sucks. xD

Cherry-Lan Robina Alzed just adores funny people XD

October 9 at 4:29pm · Comment ·UnlikeLike

You, Marcel Krasner and 2 others like this..

Rose Nizami They say that they adore you back! lol

October 9 at 11:41pm ·

LikeUnlike.Marcel Krasner thanks...o wait...

October 10 at 12:51pm ·

LikeUnlike.Cherry-Lan Robina Alzed ROFL!

Friday at 12:05am ·

LikeUnlike.Rose Nizami YOU! Missed you!

Friday at 12:05am ·

LikeUnlike.Cherry-Lan Robina Alzed ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!! I missed me? what the heeeeeeeell? LOL

Friday at 12:13am ·

LikeUnlike.Rose Nizami You are missable. :P

Friday at 12:30am ·

LikeUnlike.Cherry-Lan Robina Alzed roflmfao!!! that can be taken is different ways, man!!! LOL

14 hours ago · LikeUnlike.

Rose Nizami How so? O.o

14 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Cherry-Lan Robina Alzed If you were to walk by...you wouldn't notice me. Or people would miss me if I were to leave. Or everytime someone would want to throw something at me [literally or figuratively] I can easily dodge them. Or maybe something else 0.0

13 hours ago ·

LikeUnlike.Rose Nizami AWWW come here!!! You aren't so small that people would miss you! Your easy to spot! I meant that people miss you when you're gone! I miss talking to you. You're fun to chill with.

13 hours ago ·

LikeUnlike.Cherry-Lan Robina Alzed ‎*hugs!!!* XD aaww *squeeeeeze* I miss talking to you too *sigh* I totally need to stalk you someday....I will.....I will...HEY! YOU ARE FUNNER TO CHILL WITH! If funner is even a woooord X) AND OMFG WE FORGOT TO CARRY OUT THE PLANS FOR THAT BURGER KING PROM THING!!! DX I wanted a crown....v.v

13 hours ago ·

LikeUnlike.Rose Nizami Ahh, don't worry about that. Some bitch fucked up all the plans so I um... Went all G on her ass! >:D xD

13 hours ago ·

LikeUnlike.Cherry-Lan Robina Alzed WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!??!?! roflmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMFAO!!!!! WHAT IN THE WOOOOORLD!??! LOL!! You are sooooo silly XD ugh....I gotz work to do....BOTH SCHOOL WORK AND WORK WORK DX I will bother you later!! Do you have aim, msn, or something of the sort that is a messenger thingy? :3

13 hours ago ·

LikeUnlike.Rose Nizami I have my e-mail. I still don't know how to use msn yet. X_X



06:06 Oct 25 2010

... Eh? o.o

06:44 Oct 25 2010

wow o.o

09:27 Oct 25 2010

What? You guys don't like my friends? lol



12:56 Oct 23 2010
Times Read: 922

So maybe I'm not that much of a jerk. I've been thinking that I'd come back to see that I did something really wrong but hey.. I don't think that I'm that hated.

Snuck onto a group chat bewteen my friends and saw that they missed me. ^_^ It feels good to feel... whats the word... loved? Yes loved. It feels damn good. Its a feeling where one doesn't have to prove themselves or act like someone that they aren't. Its a really good feeling.

Sorry that I wasn't on. LOL, they must know that if I'm not on then it means that something happened? Naw, that wasn't the case. :P I had overslept.

I guess after taking my mom to the doctor's and pushing her plus standing there for hours; it must have drained my usual energy. I don't know why I have alot of energy most of the time but it must be because I'm young or something.


By the way I think that the 'real' vampires were from transylvania and Hungry. Guess they've moved around since then huh? LOL, Well it helps to be part hungarian. JKJK!



13:11 Oct 23 2010

...likes you a little too Rose :P

14:33 Oct 23 2010

Thanks. PAGAN, I also see someone readin my stuff. I want to say that I'm truly sorry. You can even bitch about me if you like.. I don't mind, I'm pretty much used to it, Z.. although I know that you're so sweet.. I didn't deserve it. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry , sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.

16:33 Oct 23 2010

Feeling loved is such a good place to be in : Yay for you!



20:17 Oct 22 2010
Times Read: 948

Well another visit and shit and I'm so damn tired from helping my mom at the doctor's. I feel as if I've let you down. It's not you, its me. I'm sorry but I just think that I'd end up hurting you. It might be time to call things off. :/

Damn me, I'm too much of a chicken to even send you a message. You don't want me, you'd have a better time with a woman who'd have time for you. I just plain old, suck. Nothing much to say about that.....



20:47 Oct 22 2010


20:53 Oct 22 2010

He didn't even read it yet. I don't even know if he will.

23:07 Oct 22 2010

It's ok Rose, I understand.

02:23 Oct 23 2010

Chin up, eyes forward!

It's hard, true, but you get points for effort. You wrote this entry, and you acknowledged that it may be time to call it quits.

And, you know you don't suck. :P

14:08 Oct 23 2010




LOL. DrCullen sounds like such a mentor.


-small fake laugh-

06:40 Oct 22 2010
Times Read: 965

Un-Fuck You.

That is all.



09:03 Oct 22 2010


09:17 Oct 22 2010

ROFL, I wasn't about to put fuck you in my journal. Yuck. xD


New Pet Peeve

11:40 Oct 21 2010
Times Read: 995

People who rate you EVERY day just to stalk you. Not only is it annoying but its just that obvious. Stop it. I can tell who rated me. I look at ratings. I am not blind. If I've missed rating you just inform me. Thank you and GTFO! GOD DAMN WHY MUST YOU STALK ME? Go steal something and leave me alone already. Just saying. >_>



12:35 Oct 21 2010


I like salking you hehe

12:40 Oct 21 2010

LOL. Its not you just a few bitches that I'd rather not see. :P You're fine Storme, you rock!

14:14 Oct 21 2010

I make exceptions if my stalkers are incredibly sexy.

*shifty eyes*

18:33 Oct 21 2010

Also annoying is a daily bite from someone that sends no other messages, and has NOT rated you.

WTF are you doing? If you want to go to my profile daily, you could at least rate it. And if you want my attention, send me a REAL message.

00:28 Oct 22 2010

No I don't mind bites, and they DO rate me. I just don't want them to rate me every day. I know that they are keeping watch on me and its just plain creepy.

08:57 Oct 22 2010

This drives me nuts! There are quite a few people that do this to me, and I feel like blocking them and giving them a one, just 'cause I can. "UP YOURS!"

03:22 Oct 23 2010

THis makes me want to pick a random number and rate you each day with a new shiny number.

=) heh.



12:31 Oct 20 2010
Times Read: 1,019

I remember BlackWarloc showing me this video a long while ago. Thanks a bunch. I am totally the girl asking for brains. As you can see form the entry below, I had an influence. :P





Damn dirty humans! Tryin' ta put steaks in me! :P

04:09 Oct 20 2010
Times Read: 1,080

LOL! So this crazy artist just wanted to see again how he likes to anwser things in a funny way. So if I eat his brain I don't think that he's gonna put a steak in this sparkly vampire's heart. ;P


Obtruder (51)


Oct 19 2010


Block User



To Saved

Email to Self


On 04:02:39 Oct 20 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

i eat brain 1st. k?

On 04:01:42 Oct 20 2010 (-0 GMT) human20 wrote:

if i can put a wooden steak in your heart

On 03:59:30 Oct 20 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

can I eat ur brain?

On 03:58:23 Oct 20 2010 (-0 GMT) human20 wrote:

never mind

On 03:56:41 Oct 20 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:


On 03:56:00 Oct 20 2010 (-0 GMT) human20 wrote:

want back down



04:17 Oct 20 2010

I can see him sitting in front of his desk...

good. I have her right where I want her.......... Wait....

04:23 Oct 20 2010

bwahhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa

04:29 Oct 20 2010

i well find a ray back

04:31 Oct 20 2010

How the fuck would you find a way back? O_o You'd be a zombie and not a human.

04:43 Oct 20 2010

make a deal with the devil

04:48 Oct 20 2010

that was a joke

04:53 Oct 20 2010

You will always be a friend to me.

04:54 Oct 20 2010

You've been speaking to my devil friend? O_O I think they only speak English sorry.

04:56 Oct 20 2010

all i can say is wow

04:58 Oct 20 2010

I always make 'wow' entries. ;D

05:14 Oct 20 2010

LOL! (Giggles at the "wow") WOOOOOOW WoOoOoOoOoOw (Wows Rose's journal) :P

08:14 Oct 20 2010

I eat steaks but they are not of the wooden kind... eerrr umm, they nornally fit in the tummy and not the heart. Rare doh... lol

09:23 Oct 20 2010


"i eat brain 1st. k?"

I love that you even spoke his language to him. ;)

13:17 Oct 20 2010

wow lmao

06:46 Oct 22 2010

i don't think any hairy shawshank sasquatch redemption should be "DISS"-ussing makin' a deal with the devil....

just a good advise...


Again and again and again and bleah..

17:28 Oct 19 2010
Times Read: 1,101

Is it sad to say that I really don't miss much here during the day. The box is full of idiots or nothingness. I'm tired as fuck but I truly miss some people that I used to talk to when I had been at school.

What do I do for most of the day on VR? I read a bunch of journals. Sometimes I read some of my friends, sometimes I make new friends that way. Sometimes I raid the older members journals too. Got rated by a guy who I always wanted to see on here for some reason. I saw him in the box and told him what a great profile he had. Why did I like his profile? He's been here for 6 years. THAT is a very long time. PLus his name is on Aleks profile. Thats like wow in itself. So I was reading his journal and he seems like a really cool kinda guy.

I've been spening my days on face book and VR. Face book is the underground VR. ;D Anyway, I've been trying to look for my old buddies so that maybe I could talk and hang out with them... but I don't know.. I have to do so much shit for people that it hurts to think of what I just can't have. I used to live on friendships in school. I also used to be such a loner. Is there no one out there to call a best friend? Yeah probably. -sighs- I'm usualy too nice to some people. Here it is my first best friend used to be such a prick when it came to my drawings and I hated her for it. Now she's all grown up and I'll probably never see her again. My 2nd best friend was always a shit head to me and I ended up doing a faceplant because of her badly scratching my face and breaking a front tooth. Then there was my recent 3rd best friend. The one from high school. The one that I used to try to share secrets and jokes with. :/ We ended up fighting because she didn't put her real friends first and she badly insulted me.

I don't know maybe there is a chance for me to make new friends but I just haven't been anywhere good to make them. I've only helped my mom still with things so that my little sister doesn't get into trouble.

Today:: Take mommy to her class and wait like a dick outside in a waiting room for a few hours. snorsevill.

Wensday::: Wake up early because your home is always getting visits and you need to do chorse and then take everyone to the .. theripist. Not that I'm going. I have to wait... like a dick outside in a waiting room for an hour. -_-'

Thursday::: Go to court and hope for the best. :| Everytime is always scary but it feels great to have my sister back. Ugh, she's a pain in the ass but I hope she knows how much I did for her. :'(

Friday:: Bring mommy to the Doctor's again for whatever. I can't even keep track of everything that this woman needs. She's very sick and I do so much for her. -sighs- when will I do things for myself though? :/

Saturday? God knows wtf I'll be doing by then but I hope I die on my bed and call it a day.

You know what sucks? I do so much pushing and helping my mom and she won't let me be free and hang out. What does it feel like to have everything handed to you? What does it truly feel like to be free? We don't have much but I try to have fun on here and VR. I get kicked off by my sister or mom to do things for them and all that. I only wish I knew what a vacation felt like. Ugh.. Why do I even bother sometimes?

Here I am writing this big damn long journal entry and no one will read it. lol Thats the good part. I can express myself and no one will care. Love it!

I'm always one to have so much on my mind.

So here I am lurking and wondering to see if I'm a bad person or not and you know what? No messages, no nothing. What was the point in that shit that I was worring about? HA! You can't talk. You are rather boring. It still hurts me but I must be blunt, you made me loose my spark in what I had seen. Where is all my loving spam? Not there, too bad, too late, I've moved on. Go play with the undead. They seem to care. :/



18:52 Oct 19 2010

Well, I read it which goes to prove that even 6 year(ers) still mosy into the private life of some commendable members :)

21:56 Oct 19 2010

Hey friends read friends journals. I dont think your a bad person at all. Everyone wants freedom, I was the same way when I was your age. God now I feel old since I said that! XD

22:52 Oct 19 2010

I'll always be a friend to you

02:10 Oct 20 2010

lol. The bad person thing wasn't aimed at anyone who commented. In fact its funny.. the person was lurking too and had posted a journal entry near mine. IRONIC yet sad. See they can express themselves to their friends more than me and thats fucked up. Oh well, proves their character. Meh, can't talk much more about this..

^_^ Thanks though. I never expected any of you to read this. lol. I may seem weird in my writings. Alot of people won't understand it, sorry. I do love you guys too and what you all said was very sweet.


True Story

05:36 Oct 19 2010
Times Read: 1,108

Dear Mr.Strasser,

You were a wonderful math teacher that taught me well. I know that you were gruff with the kids in the room and that some kids were even a little intimidated by you. I wasn't scared. :)

You once told a story about how you had tricked a teacher into thinking that you had done book reports when you noticed that the teacher didn't really check but rather looked over it and gave out good grades. Well what can I say.. you were a GREAT teacher. ;) All those math home works? They were just lessons from the day before. No wonder why my home work was so great, huh?

I enjoyed you saying goodbye and wishing me a well summer vacation and not the whole class. Plus that small math award for doing well in your class didn't hurt as well. lol

Its a shame that my sister didn't do well in your class. It was just that much easyer to pass when tricking you.

With much love,





Proof. I wonder does their CM knows about this?

22:23 Oct 17 2010
Times Read: 1,159

So I just wanted to show some proof to go along with my last entry. I mean this is just plain crazy. I remember the bashing; I wasn't blinded. I could see who joined in with the hate and tension. I'm glad that I had escaped that drama. I never want to go back there again personaly. Not saying its a bad coven, just saying that they shouldn't have bothered.

I'd also like to thank DrCullen for donating her messages to this. Seriously, 'vampires' get a grip on reality and STFU. Okay so read bottom up for each message. :)

------------------------------------------------------------------------Twisted words::

On 18:43:28 Oct 15 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

I don't think the rest of AEM hate's yolu. I'm in AEM... I don't hate you... And I don't think Gaulder hate's you ether... its just not a like...

On 07:32:13 Oct 15 2010 (-0 GMT) DrCullen wrote:

Of course he's mad, and I assume all of AEM is mad, but if he won't talk to me about it, then there is nothing I can do about it.

On 05:23:09 Oct 15 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

He is mad with anything considering Ryu... Unless it's his (Ryu's) current health state... But I cannot comment on that for I have been told not to...

On 05:11:08 Oct 15 2010 (-0 GMT) DrCullen wrote:

I mean, it may be of some closure for him. He is angry still, from what you have said, and yet he won't actually talk to me. -shrugs-

On 05:06:48 Oct 15 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

I shall try to get him to talk to you... But I am unsure he would be willing...

On 04:43:18 Oct 15 2010 (-0 GMT) DrCullen wrote:

Don't be sorry.

If Gaulder would wish to talk to me, I'm fine with that. I've never even talked to him. If he's still mad, then he should talk to me.

On 22:43:40 Oct 14 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

I am sorry... I was just curious...

On 07:32:18 Oct 14 2010 (-0 GMT) DrCullen wrote:

Lord messaged me, when we had never talked before, and started going off about Gaulder one day, totally randomly. I didn't know him at all, and all I told him was that Gaulder was in AEM, which he already knew, and that Gaulder seemed a little gloomy. I said nothing of value, and I was a loyal member of AEM. I was much more interested in finding out why Lord wanted to know about Gaulder.

I don't talk to Ryu because I have no reason to. I got blinded, lost my mark, and traded out of a coven I loved a lot for something he was involved in. I am not happy about this. The last time I 'talked' to him was a while ago. Well over a month.

I really don't know why this is being bought up again, as I've tried to drop it.

On 16:12:58 Oct 13 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

-sighs- Because... Because Gaulder dose not like you, and ses that's the reason why... Because you know Ryu, and were a spy for him...

I still like you, but I'm trying to see how I can fix it... You say you don't talk to Ryu anymore can you tell me why?...

On 08:17:49 Oct 13 2010 (-0 GMT) DrCullen wrote:

I know he isn't in AEM. I haven't talked to him since I left AEM. May I know why you wish to know this?

On 08:07:53 Oct 13 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

He's not in AEM... He's LordOfNoctemAeternus... Lord Ryu is his outside Night side name...

On 08:04:10 Oct 13 2010 (-0 GMT) DrCullen wrote:

...I do, but we haven't talked much since I left AEM. May I ask why?

On 08:02:25 Oct 13 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

Do you know Lord Ryu?

On 08:01:36 Oct 13 2010 (-0 GMT) DrCullen wrote:

Sure, fire away~

On 07:55:39 Oct 13 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

Hi Hi... I have a question for you.


No reply after::

On 08:11:14 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

why would you not want to come back?... No one hate's you... Gaulder's willing to talk...

On 07:03:53 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) DrCullen wrote:

I did like it in AEM, but I don't want to return~

Do't be sorry. It was just a slight misunderstanding~

On 06:56:01 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

O.O but... But you told me you liked it there in AEM... and if you could you would come back... -sighs- I'm sorry... Maybe I'm doing what you don't like... I'm sorry... I was only trying to help...

On 05:05:16 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) DrCullen wrote:


I don't ever want to go to AEM again. I never wanted to go back. When I was there last time, I didn't want to be there.

I've wanted to be in the coven I'm in now for a LONG time.

I just want people to stop misreading what I say, and to have Gaulder get over it all.

On 04:58:45 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

I have talked to Gaulder, and begged him to let you back into AEM.... But... He wishes to talk to you 1st... He's not on right now... But at least drop him a message...


My message:::

On 09:10:29 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

yeah... going to bed now... ni night...

On 08:57:40 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

Ah, I see. Well I remember when I was in a past coven and traded out. The coven ended up dead so the CM disbanded. VR can be boring when no one posts huh?

On 08:55:21 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

He make's joke, and tells me abou them latter... but... idk..I don't care wht he dose anymore... VR has gotten boaring as of late... -sighs-

On 08:52:40 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

You're in a fine coven. Whats up with Gaulder? O.o

On 08:50:49 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

-sighs- I see... so they do hate her... why am I in a coven that hates the innocent... oh yeah... to see what Gaulder's p to... -sighs-... what ever....

On 08:47:34 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

Its when someone in a coven can't post or see any coven chats. They are blinded from anything that has to do with their coven. An ACM or CM can blind someone. Rouge wasn't too happy with DrCullen. I felt as if there was alot of drama and brainwashing. She also made it cost alot for her trade.

On 08:44:55 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

no... that's why I asked...

On 08:44:18 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

Blinded, its a coven term. You know what that means right?

On 08:42:59 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

blinded how?

On 08:41:59 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

Naw, its okay. COven brainwashing is normal these days. I don't think that Rouge would let her back in. DrCullen was blinded before she had left.

On 08:39:59 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

yes... you guys left, and no one talks anymore....

And really KJI want to know who I should watch out for.. they were mean to Cullen, and then made you leave... I mean.. I I was not Gaulder's sister they most likely would of done the same to me...

On 08:38:00 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

So question: There are less posts because of that? Just asking.

On 08:36:44 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

Becuse I liked you, and cullen... You were nice to me, and talked to me more then the other's ever have... then you 2 dissapeared, and I missed you... I would see you on, but you would not be in the coven...

On 08:30:31 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

Aww I'm not going to get into that. What I do know is that I want to know why YOU want to know why I left AEM?

On 08:28:37 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

I don't forget... I never new..I always wondered why the 2 of you left... and only just resnetly new that Gaulder said she had something to do with Ryu... that's all I know... who else has been mean?

On 08:26:59 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

You forget too easly. Well I was there to see the harsh words. Plus she ended up blinded. Why do you ask why I wanted to go? Do you think that I want to go back?

On 08:24:46 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

O.O cullen was bashed by everyone? Who bashed her?

On 08:22:34 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

Yeah, do you think that I enjoyed seeing Cullen get bashed by everyone? I wanted to go. I don't like drama.

On 08:20:10 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

there was drama?

On 08:19:42 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

I didn't like the drama that was there.

On 08:16:45 Oct 17 2010 (-0 GMT) FrodoMadon wrote:

Why arn't you in AEM anymore?



01:56 Oct 18 2010

No need to thank me~

I agree. They need to STFU and take it like real people. They blinded me, and said some pretty cruel stuff. Now they want us back? Hah.

03:02 Oct 18 2010

Ah just to defend myself and my coven *sighs* again.

1. You broke my rules Katie so that is why you were blinded its stated pretty clearly in my rules page.

2. Your not hated, in fact like life we have moved on and forgotten about it. I know your happy in your coven and that makes me happy to.

3. No fucking idea what Frodomadon is going on about but the coven is perfectly fine (not that I would be believed) but posting is fine, everyone is happy and content. What ever Frodo is up to it will be stopped now and you will be BOTH left in peace.

Sorry for the trouble and good luck with everything.

03:18 Oct 18 2010


04:36 Oct 18 2010

Might wanna add cliff notes for those of us who don't give a shit

05:10 Oct 18 2010

Indeed, Rogue. :)

I broke rules, probably all of them, and I got what I deserved~

05:14 Oct 18 2010

-whistles innocently-

I didn't break anything... }:)

13:34 Oct 18 2010

Stranger and stranger...

18:57 Oct 19 2010

And then Frodo was blinded the end..

21:51 Oct 30 2010

O.O Holy cr@p.... Was it really that bad... So this is what you to are talking about in the journal...

22:02 Oct 30 2010

Hey Frodo, looks like it wasn't the end. Sort of like one of those horror movies where the bad guy comes back. Well aren't your old journal entries interesting. Thats right. Devil spawn have back up. Ya dig?

So cool cat's gonna get her back. Especialy when you brang me into it by messaging me. Your # 1 mistake. }:) Now stop bitchin' and get with the program or just fuck off. I really don't like blocking but if I have to...

01:33 Oct 31 2010

Uh, yeah, I'll have to go with Rose on this one, and say FUCK OFF. I really don't like blockinhg, but it's being called for, and I WILL tell Rogue if this goes further.

01:41 Oct 31 2010

Okay, this keyboard is stuffed.


01:48 Oct 31 2010

No need to worry; people can read what you said.


Attention Whores

11:22 Oct 17 2010
Times Read: 1,178

A diffrent kind of button to push. So really I get a bad vibe about one of the old coven's that I've been to. Don't think that I'm stupid. I've been through that shit before. I know that CM pimps like their attention whores all to themselves. Used and abused is not my cup of tea.

Awww what happened? Its been a while now and for some reason people haven't been posting. So what happened? You want DrCullen and TheArtistRose back? Too bad; we don't want to go.



12:28 Oct 17 2010

heh hoes been botherin' ya Rose? heh

12:38 Oct 17 2010

An old coven. I'm about to post the rest of the story tomorrow. Stay tuned. This is to be continued. I just wanted to get my thoughts out first.

14:02 Oct 17 2010

For the love of god, they need to leave us alone. It's been almost two months.

They just can't understand that we're happy where we are, and have no intention of leaving.

21:37 Oct 30 2010

-nods- Wow... I understand... I can't believe something like that... A person bothering you like that would happen...

22:38 Oct 30 2010

Um WTF??? What is wrong with you, hahahaha good luck with your new profile. Seriously. DUDE WHERES MY CAR??? ROFL you're reading EVERYTHING right now aren't you? Go have your fill. I just want to say no hard feelings now fuck off.

01:39 Oct 31 2010

YOU bothered us, and it's not going to go away even if you have a new profile.

I can't believe you're commenting here, acting like a fucking bystander.

Piss off. Wemade it perfectly clear that this was to be over. And I'm pretty sure that your old CM said the same thing.



03:51 Oct 17 2010
Times Read: 1,200

hahaha life's a blast. I'm getting good mail instead of hate mail and I'm not getting cought up in drama no matter how hard people try. There are some people here that I still have to write about on my "In Memory Of' page for my mentorship. I've been lazy forgive me. Hey if anyone wants to be included there and you know that we are on good terms then feel free to ask. Just give me a few words about yourself.

LOL, the entry below makes me laugh. The right people read it. hahahaha! Damn I'll go to hell for that. }:) ---->

Oh yeah I'm still trying to learn these new computer tricks. I found this image when I found these Japanese computer slang words.

_, ._

( ・ω・)


|:::::::::\, ', ´

、、、、、、、、し 、、、(((.@)wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww



04:15 Oct 17 2010

Nuh drama is gud drama! :D

I'm so hyper, I'm comment raping everyone's journals! :D

04:33 Oct 17 2010

HAHAHA! Raping them is what I do every friday night. ;o



07:33 Oct 16 2010
Times Read: 1,225

Well done and done. Its hidden for now buts its funny. The buttons were pushed. Now to say THANK fucking GOD thats over with already. haha.

Okay this makes me wonder. Did they ever think that I had liked that guy? Hell no. lol Question #2, For real? hahaha Okay now seriously I really don't give a shit how you spend your life but that sounded really fake. If you do happen to do the deed then good , good. -coughs-

I will have to add it to my romance novel but not at the moment. That would be a spoiler.



10:41 Oct 16 2010

LMFAO! I love the title. "Whores".

Poor kids.

03:59 Oct 17 2010

HAhahaha! I know! Sad kids, for trying to trick people or really going through with that pimping thing. ROFL! Well I have my fun laughing.

06:52 Oct 17 2010

So true though, the title... >_>

07:18 Oct 17 2010

Yeah I know. I told ya so! Well man whores and normal whores, it doesn't matter, lets just hope that they are happy with themselves and they can keep out of other peoples hair.



07:07 Oct 16 2010
Times Read: 1,232

Pushing buttons.



07:09 Oct 16 2010

Is it a big bright red 'DO NOT PUSH' type of button?

07:14 Oct 16 2010

Its the good kind. The one that shows lies or character. Ether way its one that I enjoy pushing. -whistles innocently-



13:57 Oct 15 2010
Times Read: 1,235



Tina Fey

04:07 Oct 15 2010
Times Read: 1,242

Just a reminder to myself. I should make a mentorship page for Sarah Silverman and one for Tina fey. They are both my favorites and I just have to make those pages. A pupil and I already started a thread on Sarah and its off to a great start. Can't wait to have them up! :D

Another note. I've noticed some guys got all jealous because they had been stalking me in the box. Put up with it or STFU. Okay? And thats me asking nicly. ;D




Sire this sire that, bleah..

20:11 Oct 14 2010
Times Read: 1,274

So many people with that annoying (insert username here) please add, rate, bleah, blah , blah to sire. I know that there are a bunch of journal entries that are similar to this one too. it's all funny, who deserves to be sire?

Ugh, I'm such a noob still, I doubt that I do. November 10th is coming soon. It will be a year since I've been on VR. Not for this profile though. 0.0 Yes thats right, not for this profile. TheArtistRose has been here since April 6th, 2010. What happened since that date? Lets just say that that was the date that I became a VR addict. So although I won't really ever get to have my VR birthday on the right date, I can honestly say that I enjoy VR alot.

Time: 44.50 days and Level: 92.38, at least I'm not one of those classic level 5 profiles that say one year on it. lol I really can't picture TheArtistRose SIRE. That sounds so weird. I want to hit sire though. Just sneak up one day and become a sire but I want to do it my way. I want to do it the quiet way.

I also don't want to jump up and make some randomass coven. I really enjoy IS. Out of all the covens that I've been to this one takes the cake. its been here forever so there is no worry about it closing down. The CM knows how to handle himself and any drama bitches. Its peaceful and fun and there are no worries about posting. Its also active. Not as active as it could be but comfortably active. A good pace.

This is my safe haven... and I may never leave ..



20:36 Oct 14 2010


20:56 Oct 14 2010

lol, nice comment. I was looking through all my ratings. I saw something so funny. Looks like someone who wasn't here in the longest had rated my profile before. hahaha. I truly noticed this person in June. Fun stuff..

I looked through all my ratings, I noticed the asshole ones. I enjoyed those. Those ones that I got from telling cybering pricks to fuck off. I think that was rather nice. Then there are the bitches who gave me 8 or 7's. Then there was that rate from a stalker who had come from another social website to stalk me and I thought, ah good memories and a nice 5. :3 Nice because she has a one from me for trying to push my buttons. LOL, its funny she never really came back.


thingies to steal.

13:07 Oct 14 2010
Times Read: 1,284

[08:04:11] ebenezer : ♩

[08:04:19] ebenezer : ♭

[08:04:26] ebenezer : ♮

[08:04:33] ebenezer : ♯

[08:04:38] ebenezer : :D

[08:04:41] ebenezer : #

stolen, lol



13:09 Oct 14 2010


13:14 Oct 14 2010

Almost forgot this one too. ♫ and its funny DrCullen and I have similar entries. xD

02:26 Oct 15 2010

Those entries are 99% the same... :P

02:35 Oct 15 2010

It's not my fault. D: LOL! We can act so twiny sometimes. xD

12:07 Oct 16 2010


キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!


16:33 Oct 18 2010



18:39 Oct 13 2010
Times Read: 1,299

Damn... everything is the same but with diffrent words. xP Too bad you aren't here. I'd have had fun gloating. lol




VR :: What in the world DO I do?

14:18 Oct 13 2010
Times Read: 1,316

So my mom wakes up and says did you stay up all night? I pause and don't anwser. Then I grab a cup of coffee.

So I'm chilling trying up rate the database because I never really did it before. I'm fishing through VR making conversation with some people. Possibly telling them about that Sarah Silverman song that I've become obsessed with.

Then one of my vr friends IM's me on a chat.

Them:: so what do you do when everyone else is sleeping? lol

ME:: Hang out with Aussie people.

Them:: lmao

ME:: What?

Them:: nothing..i'm tired and Aussie just looked funny

ME:: lol. How so?

Them:: idk..i looked at it then laughed alittle

ME:: lol, what, don't use Aussie shampoo? :p

Them:: nope i don't..i use guy shampoo



So yeah I will admit, I have become an Aussie fan. lol, I stay up most of the night talking to diffrent people and some American's. Those who have insomia like me probably. lol So yes, people this is what I do at night. Got a problem with it? I'm just a vampire anyway. ;) JK! So I sleep during the day and live at night; is that so bad? lol -falls asleep- -__- ZZZZzzzzzzzz

Oh yeah my apt is full of these skull lights that go off and play this song. THIS is all I hear all day. -__- lol



14:33 Oct 13 2010



we got some of those lights too ;)

love the theme to this kick ass of a movie

i have it on my playlists of course!


Life always seems to be funny.

08:37 Oct 13 2010
Times Read: 1,325

I ... am so bad for laughing at people who make fools of themselves. I mean I hope some people are really happy but still FUNNY!! It's a good thing that I had fun when I had the chance.

Well I must say, grand show, lets HOPE you stay together because then you'd be out of the way for alooooot of things. ;)



08:49 Oct 13 2010

Ah, fuck it look at my horoscope. I'm bound to be evil. MUHHAHAHAHAH!!!

LEO [July 23–August 22] Helping your fellow humans can enhance your strength. A Harvard study proved that people who did good deeds or even visualized themselves doing good deeds had increased physical endurance. Unfortunately, the study showed that those who harbor nefarious intentions are also able to draw on extra fortitude. In other words, you can boost your energy by either being compassionate or evil. I highly recommend the former over the latter, Leo, especially now that you're entering a phase when it makes a lot of spiritual sense to build your courage, vigor, and tonicity.


Back! Yet everything has a black tint to it.

10:12 Oct 12 2010
Times Read: 1,331

I'm back , wet, cold, tired as hell but I feel much better. Now I'm just watching everything get painted black.



11:13 Oct 16 2010

love this song.



...Its been a blue day..

05:46 Oct 12 2010
Times Read: 1,346

My chest hurts from all this stress. Hell I'd rather have all of vr hate me then to watch this crazy shit happen with my mom and sister being assholes. ... I just don't know what to do anymore. ... Well stay safe everyone .. I'll miss you. This place has been good to me.

-walks out into the rain. -

P.S. A bit of advice for those who are having drama issues... will you please stop... heh, they probably won't read this. Fuck it though, I LOVE you all. I'd rather have you ALL hate me then to watch this go on any longer.

Good bye... :(



05:54 Oct 12 2010

Stop, or self delete? I don't know which sounds more tempting.

Be safe, Rose.


****Lurking ***

00:37 Oct 12 2010
Times Read: 1,355

o.o I'm lurking, because of the below entry. Don't know when I can and if I can return messages fast enough. Sorry about that.

It seems that no one is pissed at me though. I'm an angel. :D .. this time at least. >.>



00:40 Oct 12 2010

lol, I sware if any of my family (Sister or Mommy) ever join the rave... Block button or slef deleting indeed. ;D lol


I'm standing up for myself

21:02 Oct 11 2010
Times Read: 1,360

So I wanted to rest today because God knows I do enough for this family when I get told that I have to go shopping. What do I do? I still sleep in my bed. I don't give a a shit. So my sister has a fit like usual just because she's a brat. Then I find out that she punched a hole through the bedroom door. ... great. T.T

Its a glass door but its painted, don't know why but it just is so it was easy to break. So my mom has a fit along with my sister having a fit.

Then I say you know what? I'm just not going to the store, I'm tired as hell and I just feel too out of it to push you , furthermore I almost fell asleep while I was walking yesterday. I just can't do it. THEN I have to take you to that place tomorow??? No I'm not going.

We argue and I just tell mommy point blank that my sister breaking the door is not my fault and that I'm just not going to the store. I'M LEAVING. Yup I used the I'm running away thing again. ... I hate using that but it needs to be done to get my mom to understand that I'm only one woman and I'm human not a damn super hero. So yeah its sad that I'd say that I would want to be on the streets but if it gets her to stop fighting then so be it.





20:13 Oct 11 2010
Times Read: 1,362



15:15 Oct 11 2010
Times Read: 1,382

Sleep deprived wasting time writing half assed journal entries and puting them in privet. I just don't know what to say anymore. I have so much to offer in the world and I'm stuck here again. Just waiting on a few people trusting that they will come through with something. I write the letter to them and I pause at the send button in my e-mail. Will they really care enough? Ick what is family? I wish I knew them more. :/

I miss doing something educated. Passed high school last June and didn't get to go to college yet. As I've written here before, I will have to start in Febuary. That fucking sucks. I can't do anything about it though. At least I have my high school diploma, which is sadly alot these days. So many drop outs. It truly sadens me. I mean I don't live far from my old high school and I can tell that some people decided to choose the path of cutting and getting held over. Well they have till they reach 21 or they get kicked. I do somewhat miss them though. Why is it that people dumb themselves down these days?

I regret not passing art history, I regret not passing a bunch of things. Why did I let people intimidate me so much? Teachers are human, I should have figured that out.

Stuck writing my Zine last night. Fucking sounded like the main character has dementia. I'm way off, Way off, I just need some sleep and a fresh new start somewhere.



15:19 Oct 11 2010

Wow sounds like you have a few regrets.:(

Get some sleep and get a fresh look at all this tomorrow.

15:35 Oct 11 2010

Yeah but regrets that weren't so bad so to speak, they were just rather childish. I mean I always made sure that I would have enough credits to pass everything. The part I regret most was dumbing myself down because I could have done so much more. I could have been super smart but yet I don't do it. I wonder, but I think there are some people who go through this.

18:27 Oct 11 2010

I was the same way in high school - didn't think it mattered too much. I just made sure that I would be able to graduate, and didn't put forth much effort.

I probably could have been valedictorian...

But meh.

At least you are going to college - I never even made it that far...11 years later and I STILL don't know what I want to be when I grow up. LOL.



13:51 Oct 11 2010
Times Read: 1,385




00:53 Oct 11 2010
Times Read: 1,401

Seriously if the man can understand enough to see that I don't want to talk to him then why did he get enough balls to say that it was spam? I mean really I never return his messages. Its just not worth my time.



Wraith (46)


Oct 10 2010


Block User



To Saved

Email to Self

im send u hi spam



01:01 Oct 11 2010

Yeah, he just spammed my in-box.

01:59 Oct 11 2010

we've had in-depth Discussions in my Coven 'bout this young man and his excessive hi's.

it's notable to think that such a person can affect so many acrost the Rave as he has...

; )

15:39 Oct 11 2010

I'm telling you, he's a Turing Test gone horribly awry!

15:42 Oct 11 2010

LMFAO, Justin. LOL! Maybe its because he's human and the rest of vr are rave monsters!


ahhh, A breath of fresh air. O=]

03:41 Oct 10 2010
Times Read: 1,440

I can't say much but I did enjoy tonight. When people hate it makes me love. All I want to say is, 'I hate myself for loving you' and then I have the extra song on the bottom because hey, fuck it, I wanna party for that, I LOVE ROCK 'N ROLL!



03:50 Oct 10 2010

Lol I dont ride racehorses in real life for a living for nothing....Ohhhh goin to the rodeo...

05:54 Oct 10 2010

Do I hate horses that might buck when I break them? No,I just ride that son of a bitch until he stops bucking.

Actually though,horses arent SOBs like people can be.People act like that out of malice.Horses normally arent malicious.

07:14 Oct 10 2010

People can be the worst monsters in the world. Its like a nature of humans to start wars that are not needed. Although some of us see the light and ask to drop the dead subjects yet some monsters come back for more. War what is it good for? nothing.

09:29 Oct 10 2010

Joan Jett kicks ass! She's been one of my favorites for a long time.



18:10 Oct 09 2010
Times Read: 1,459




17:33 Oct 09 2010
Times Read: 1,466

o.o Ever see a profile that changes its name a million and one times and then you know that you've seen it before because the person ran out of things to say? Yeah it feels funny to rate them doesn't it.

So.. ding dong rate !

and yes if you never knew this I am a devil. DUH! "What do ya think I'm STOOOPID??"

-places hands on hips , projects chest , raises chin and bellows out a great big old evil laugh-



17:46 Oct 09 2010

Yep! I have seen this a few times.There are a couple of them who leave the profile the same too,while just changing their nick.

20:10 Oct 09 2010

hi, i want the HIGHEST ratings so i'll change my name every fucking day here...


22:14 Oct 09 2010

Heh, ummm, nope. Never heard of that

05:18 Oct 10 2010

It's pathetic.

07:05 Oct 10 2010

LOL Kat,you HAVE the highest rating! What are you gagging on about?

07:20 Oct 10 2010

I just wish that they would stop the name change because it makes me click on their profile when I don't want to see them at all. lol, it probably makes them think that I care enough about them to stalk them but the truth is that I can't stand name changers.

Hope they enjoy their new coven though, thats the only diffrence that I noticed about their profile. Its funny I bet I'm really hated there. LOL!



13:55 Oct 09 2010
Times Read: 1,472

Its so weird that I have a stalker from here who messaged me on face book and called me cute and all that bullshit. Then they rated me and I know who my stalker is. O_O

I have two words for this...






I AM hated. ;D

04:21 Oct 09 2010
Times Read: 1,492

Yeah I know some people hate my guts and I don't care, I have known that I'm just a hated person. Thats all. There is nothing to be done about the past. In fact he's the one who gave me the name 'Heartless Bitch'

You know what though, why is it that people have a fit when they are un-added? I mean c'mon, I'm always adding tons of people and I usualy don't give a shit but if you really REALLY get on my nerves then I un-add you. The only thing thats rare for me to do are adding journals and stalking. You have to be really loved by me for me to bother doing that.

[22:53:06] Laila696 : why would you unadd him?

[22:53:19] SYSTEM : yamato0koya has entered the room.

[22:53:23] drewlester : cause she hates me

[22:53:29] Laila696 : :o

[22:53:35] Laila696 : ohhhhh

[22:54:00] TheArtistRose : pfttt hate is such a strong word.

[22:54:22] drewlester : i try to stay out of the box when she is in

[22:54:25] Laila696 : yeah you say strongly dislike :p

[22:54:26] SYSTEM : Fale has entered the room.

[22:54:33] Fale : Why am I not surprised

[22:54:50] drewlester : n not it's not

[22:54:50] Laila696 : ohhh okies drew

[22:55:15] Laila696 : *cuddles drew*

[22:55:18] Laila696 : it's cold here :(

[22:55:25] drewlester : but i'm going to shut up now



06:58 Oct 09 2010

Might I add that Hate is a form of lost love? Just a book quote is all.

07:44 Oct 09 2010

it's also a rare form of affection lol

11:59 Oct 09 2010

At least you didn't get hate mail saying that you're "blinded by his cock" or whatever it was. I received THAT when I unadded someone. ;D


Story time.

07:14 Oct 06 2010
Times Read: 1,517

[23:45:56] TheArtistRose : So I'm in this waiting room and this woman asks "Is the person in the wheel chair your sister?" and I say no thats my mom. Then she points to my little sister and says, "okay so that's your chaild" So I say no THATS my sister. Then she says (because my sister and mom are dirty blondes people always are jerks about this) "So you die your hair right?" and I'm like no, this is my natural color. o.o

[23:46:14] TheArtistRose : *child

[23:46:33] TheTemptress : Some people are stupid

[23:46:54] AlabasterHarpie : Lol

[23:47:06] lordxofxwar : lmfao

[23:47:11] TheArtistRose : So she tells me that I look advanced for my age. -.-

[23:47:27] TheArtistRose : LOL, I knew lord would like that story.

[23:47:58] lordxofxwar : it was humorous to me :P

[23:48:19] TheArtistRose : Because I'm old. :p





23:06 Oct 02 2010
Times Read: 1,558

So I fell asleep in the morning because I have been having trouble sleeping for months. I mean anyone would with the situations and issues that I've had. So I ended up crashing.

Sleeping right on a livingroom chair I have this drea. Usualy my dreams are about cartoons or something sort of cool. However I was dreaming about these huge monster white rats with red eyes. They were just lunging at me and right onto my head. I felt as if I could breath and all I wanted to do was yell for help but nothing came out of my mouth because I was out of breath.

I ended up screaming "HELP!" while awaking. I worry sometimes. What does this all mean? :( How can I fix it? Then my last question is why ask for help? Who was I calling out to? Its not like anyone would help me. I'm here to take care of others. No one has my back. Tis life...

Ironicaly I won't be on tonight. I have to take my mother to her sleep apnea test. They say that she has it so they just have to test her again to make sure. After that she will get stuff to help her breath at night. Hmm looks like I'll be forced to sleep because I can't feed my VR addiction. Oh well.. I will be a little scared after my last sleep. Freddy has come for me I see. .. damn.



23:13 Oct 02 2010

Hugs gives you a shot of JoJo love

look after yourself...

23:37 Oct 02 2010

Yeah one spelling mistake, *Dream. Sorry I wrote that in a rush before I had left. I'm about to leave now. Thanks Jo.

03:25 Oct 03 2010

O.o nobody has your back.

ah, poo, i cry bullshit.

16:16 Oct 03 2010

Kat that made me laugh. I ment that in a diffrent way about some issues.


I rock and whoever is lucky enough to grab my attention will have to be one hell of a man.

12:52 Oct 02 2010
Times Read: 1,570



So what were you trying to say?


i was just being out right random. but the fitting in part was just on people not being themselves & always trying to make the "common folk" happy instead of themselves.


Yeah and?


& ..... the simple fact that it's hard to be yourself in days where every1 likes to follow the crowd instead of their own self...?


Oh, don't make me laugh.

Look who your talking to.


~grins~ i KNOW oh so well


People follow me. People say hi to me hoping that I'd say hi back. I'm a natural leader.


~nods~ i know oh too well. & like your style & also awkwardly just come up to us saying random things just to make us both laugh @ times lol


ha, when did this conversation turn into we?


just thinking back to the many times people done it to you while i was around haha


LOL, I get that all the time. It doesn't have to be when other people are around me.


oh yeah that's true too lol. some even envy you but i don't see why they should though lol


Oh really? Now whys that?


i personally feel they shouldn't more over praise you because you're your own person no matter what, which i'm proud of all the time too. like you're born to attract the most of positive people out of life. i'll not get into it lol


Oh but do tell. I think I might like where your going with this.


lol oh really now? i mean think about not really ever being in a place where you'd feel you'll regret, or even regretting anything in life really, or thinking twice about the people you've met & the times you had with 'em @ times. i mean anything you can say you wouldn't of liked @ all?


Memmories , eh? Well you do know that some people need a leader in life. The need direction and all that. People should envy me. I'm strong enough to lead some people after all.


~nods~ i'm more than strong enough to do the same, as i get the same, though also people look up to me, down on me, & try to put me down, but i never really let it get to me, reading my status, & ALL the comments i have put up, you'll see maybe why {partly} the convo came up, besides just thinking a lot, + the music i'm listening to right now.

Yeah but with power comes responsibility. How are you so sure that you are powerful enough to lead people into the right direction of which your mind whants them to? Or can you be lead at the right times in order to understand more? Will you take a path of trial and failure or do you have the balls to trust someone once in a while?


~grins~ i'm not a positive wise 1 for nothing you know Rose.



You didn't read my question right.

shows your brain strength, man. lol


lol. well i'm going to answer it the way i seen it to begin with, {that was a dumb answer. glad you caught it}:

responsibility i have much of, i'm sure i can lead people the right direction, not only from where i stand, from what i know & how i feel they should go. & even if i do mis step


mis step 'em @ times, i will not make the same mistake twice @ all. i wouldn't allow myself to. & as for failure, i've done my fails, but i also done my fair truths as well. & i must admit, i've always got the balls to trust some1, but the REAL question is, do they got the guts & the faith to trust me?


hmm Well let me anwser that for you.

First of all you never understoon the first question still. lol


You have made the same mistake twice. As for trust. You might have a few issues with that. But hey alls fair in love and war.


you're telling me that i've not gotten the question...?

~nods~ well over time, i've not been as giving as before, because i'm not as willing to do as much as before, though i'm a positive spirit, i'm more careful with it now.


Yes the first question was a trick question but fair enough, no need to explain.

As for that second mistake stuff.


well i knew that, hence i answered it the way i seen it.


being sexist and racist at times. I really can't say that I agree with that.

And don't bother telling me that its not true.


i wasn't going to, as i'm much more universal than meets the eye.




instead of limiting anything, i'd put a limitless poke @ everything, as i'm wiling to learn any & everything, but @ the same time, give every1 chances. though i can say i'd be skeptical about a lot, i'd give it a try if cool with it.

(this goes on to show just how sexist and racist this ex of mine is. He never had a chance. un-fuck him)




So just wondering..

12:34 Oct 02 2010
Times Read: 1,572

Do I tend to piss people off? :o LOL hate, loath, love , unconditionaly but do it well. That is all.

On another note I won't be here tonight. Sleep well people.



11:48 Oct 03 2010

...Love unconditionally is something few on here seem capable of doing. ;P

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