TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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28 entries this month

08:17 Jun 30 2010
Times Read: 1,242

had to go. beaten. shit happened. bye.



12:57 Jun 30 2010

What is wrong Miss Rose??

Is there anything I can do???


04:31 Jul 01 2010

)I hope everything's ok, girl. :)



05:36 Jun 30 2010
Times Read: 1,258

did i ever care about it before? no. do i care about it now? yes. my spidey senses are telling me, some shits about to hit the fan. lol, better listen to them. my 6th sense is a good one. I knew this day would come. The day I learned to trust nobody again. Your friends are saying things behind your back. I can hear them. I have no idea how, but I can hear them. I always hear them.

I have gone into my animal ways. I will sniff you out, humans. *yawols* I can smell your bullshit. I have thousands of lives. It might take me a while to recover but I still make my mark in the end. I am who I am. Accept it or don't. You can't change me. I tasted love. It wasn't real. I knew that. I recover fast. I don't believe in false hopes. I just enjoy how I survive. I survive once more.

Alucard's laughing bloody face Pictures, Images and Photos

Thats right, laugh now. I'm laughing along with you.

alucard 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

... backstabbers...





04:54 Jun 30 2010
Times Read: 1,259



I am queen corruption, manipulitive.

22:50 Jun 29 2010
Times Read: 1,265

hmm. rotflmao. i love other peoples pain. as a sadist someone just got hurt and i enjoy life once more. Ahhh, yes, so i'm crazy. deal with it. I am back to being a social butterfly.




fuck it.

19:38 Jun 29 2010
Times Read: 1,289

i will now unblock someone. i think the have learned their lesson. If they talk to me I will block them again.

Now about my life. Its very confusing. How do I love family if they fuck me over. I want a job, yet their like "only if its off the books" FUCKKkkkk. how am I supposed to do that shit? I don't want a fucked up job where its not even good for americas shit. I don't want to deal with that. Plus its where the bums get their jobs. Do I really want to work with the people I know. :p Yes I know bums, lol.

I was never rich. Those fuck ups are people I grew up knowing. Which I think is sad. I wish my life was more than comic books. All I did in life to escape life was read and draw comics. I guess thats why I'm a sad clown. I have a lot of hope in life so I never gave up. I just give up on speaking to people sometimes. I wonder if thats a bad thing? Well ever hear of tarzan with the apes? I'm Rose with her cats. yes i know, so I've talked to creatures or the t.v. since i was 4. Guess i'm fucked up. well getting kicked from the computer now, bye.



20:36 Jun 29 2010

that is like seriously depressing!

20:54 Jun 29 2010

You could always draw and write your own story, and then sell it to people like disney? Having a creative mind in a world where everything is taken for granted will place you in the history books.

20:56 Jun 29 2010

duh. i love you , LOL. seriously. i hate disney, but yeah my whole plan is to write about my life. ^^ its called peaceful revenge.

20:58 Jun 29 2010

on another thought. tcp did you read my mind? O.0


03:28 Jun 30 2010

oh the guy unblocked is anglus. just saying incause others thought it was them.

07:23 Jun 30 2010

What's with all this depressing bullshit?

Get your head out of your ass girl. Damn.

You going emo on me now? Why don't you go join the emo gang next. *laughs*


People. gahh

18:18 Jun 29 2010
Times Read: 1,297

I wish to become isolated for some time. no talking to me please. thanks.




sorry america

18:17 Jun 29 2010
Times Read: 1,298

A good American is one who gets a ticket and enjoys how the system works. I have to say I do love how I have been helped by vr's higher up's. thats all, congrats on a job well done.





23:28 Jun 28 2010
Times Read: 1,313

i know i'm in trouble. i respect you. no need for name calling. what more do you want? a slave? a brown noser? well i have nothing else to say except, have a good summer sweetie. ^_^ enjoy! *E-hugs for everyone*





23:25 Jun 28 2010
Times Read: 1,315

good boy





22:32 Jun 28 2010
Times Read: 1,318

don't look at me. XD your faces are scaring me. the system works, the system works!!





21:46 Jun 28 2010
Times Read: 1,325

i never said anything about that guy. however i didn't know he was banned. so i yimed him and he said stuff about coming back. i wish you guys the best. i am not going to get into your battles. hopefuly the system pays am i right?




my thoughts

13:26 Jun 28 2010
Times Read: 1,370

" Is it really funny? You can be in a position where you lose posting rights forever. I wouldn't make light of it."

its only funny that i got in trouble for talking about blood on a vampire site. Oh wait period blood isn't blood. Oh, how sexist. i'm sorry. Guess woman have no bragging rights? Damn me for trying to change the wrold. Bad gril, very bad girl, rose!

" Don't forget to follow the rules on ALL of your profiles."

oh great, well trying to scare me from the box? Well eh, I do follow rules. great.. lucky i'm such a goddy 2 shoes. whats unfortunate is how there is so much corruption on vr. Do you think i'm happy watching my levels slip because the higher ups are power hogs? :o well i'm not that happy with it. I just wish people got more respect around here. hmmm, Well my spirit says never give up. so my level droped a lot, well that just means i better try HARDER! HARDER HARDER HARDER , dang it! lol



13:30 Jun 28 2010

*sigh* god dammit rose your not making things easier on yourself, but it made me giggle :P

16:05 Jun 28 2010


18:49 Jun 28 2010

well it was said best when it was said fuck the police now i am going to make it better

fuck the admin

im tired of people who talk about sicker shit getting to the point people have to make a potion to get them banned,getting off scoot free.

i made a comment not directed at any one and well you know what happens

cancer needs to take a look at who his admins

ill probably be banned of suspended for posting this

so much for a free and open fourm

19:20 Jun 28 2010

The petition had ZERO to do with Invidia getting suspended. I am the one who suspended him and for a different reason. We would never consider a petition such as the one made in determining someone's membership here.

19:36 Jun 28 2010

huh...idk what to say

i also agree with eb..lol

20:11 Jun 28 2010

ah, thanks for the info imagesinwords. very interesting.

20:24 Jun 28 2010

you know i had no idea about any of that untill you told me. so thanks. as for loki, you should respect the law even if it is corrupt sometimes.


00:08 Jun 28 2010
Times Read: 1,404

fine look at my journal. i have yim you know. just wanted to tell my friends.





23:59 Jun 27 2010
Times Read: 1,417

I will miss you guys. but eh, its only a day.

Your Posting Rights were suspended on 21:36:22 Jun 26 2010 by WallFlower for 2 days.

You can post again after 21:36:22 Jun 28 2010.

sorry can't post in chat. >;P



00:02 Jun 28 2010

Don't break the rules and you won't be suspended. ;)

00:08 Jun 28 2010

Is it really funny? You can be in a position where you lose posting rights forever. I wouldn't make light of it.

00:13 Jun 28 2010

Don't forget to follow the rules on ALL of your profiles.

00:15 Jun 28 2010

silly wallflower. i wasn't bitching i was telling my friends, hence my new entry. i still love you man! :p

00:21 Jun 28 2010

LOLOLOL!!! Wow xD ^5 Rose ;P

00:27 Jun 28 2010

*gives everyone hugs and flowers* want some suger with that gods and goddesses?

04:43 Jun 28 2010

ahahhaah naww poor rosiepoo :P suckahhh

18:53 Jun 28 2010

Your Posting Rights were suspended on 21:42:38 Jun 26 2010 by LadyKrystalynDarkstar for 3 days.

You can post again after 21:42:38 Jun 29 2010.

00:50 Mar 04 2011



ok.. i'll admit it i'm sick

11:04 Jun 25 2010
Times Read: 1,431

my ankles are swolen and i think i should rest before i feel the urge to cut off my feet. and no i'm not having a kid. :P i stayed up in the box - story thus far-----------

[05:43:45] TheArtistRose : i've been here

[05:44:02] QueenOfFAIL : Lol

[05:44:10] DeathsEmbrace : lol

[05:44:12] QueenOfFAIL : (hugs Rose)

[05:44:40] TheGreenKnight : This is interesting, it's not something I can do but I like hearing of your lives

[05:44:53] TheArtistRose : hey i have a question. why would someones ankles swell?

[05:45:06] TheArtistRose : (hugs back)

[05:45:09] QueenOfFAIL : Broken?

[05:45:13] DeathsEmbrace : too much sodium

[05:45:16] TheArtistRose : nope

[05:45:20] QueenOfFAIL : OMFGOTH!!!! ROSE HUGGED ME!!! :o

[05:45:23] QueenOfFAIL : BACK*

[05:45:32] QueenOfFAIL : Strain?

[05:45:40] TheArtistRose : trying to learn how to love...

[05:45:43] TheArtistRose : lol

[05:45:49] TheGreenKnight : Because you are unwell or pregnant or the blood serum is not being pumped properly

[05:45:49] TheArtistRose : strain mabey

[05:45:56] QueenOfFAIL : Lol awwww I feelz the lovez :P

[05:46:09] QueenOfFAIL : yip yip

[05:46:12] TheArtistRose : lol, he said pregnant XD

[05:46:25] QueenOfFAIL : Lol

[05:46:27] TheArtistRose : vrigin mary huh?

[05:46:28] TheGreenKnight : why not put your feet up

[05:46:29] TheArtistRose : :p

[05:46:38] QueenOfFAIL : She's having my baby :P

[05:46:49] TheGreenKnight : ?

[05:46:54] QueenOfFAIL : Lol

[05:46:56] TheArtistRose : i'll name the kid jesus crist

[05:47:04] QueenOfFAIL : Nice

[05:47:09] TheArtistRose : i'm a virgin, lol

[05:47:12] TheArtistRose : XD

[05:47:29] QueenOfFAIL : Lol

[05:47:34] DeathsEmbrace : i'll slay the kid like they had slain my beliefs. :)

[05:47:46] TheArtistRose : lol

[05:47:46] DeathsEmbrace : >.>

[05:47:53] TheArtistRose : brb

[05:47:55] QueenOfFAIL : Lol

[05:48:00] TheGreenKnight : I do not think he will be here anytime soon...more like a passover for the wretched

[05:48:13] DeathsEmbrace : agreed

[05:48:25] QueenOfFAIL : Yip :P

[05:48:50] DeathsEmbrace : should make some holy tacos sam

[05:48:52] TheGreenKnight : if you look skyward andread you will understand what is coming

[05:49:03] QueenOfFAIL : Lol I already have :P

[05:49:27] TheGreenKnight : save yr taco's u may need them

[05:49:39] TheArtistRose : hey if i had a kid and was a virgin then the kid would be jewish. :p

[05:49:41] QueenOfFAIL : Lol I'll do that :P

[05:49:49] QueenOfFAIL : :o

[05:49:53] TheArtistRose : just like the way crist started

[05:49:57] TheArtistRose : :p

[05:50:03] DeathsEmbrace : wtf tar

[05:50:11] DeathsEmbrace : lol

[05:50:18] TheArtistRose : just kidding

[05:50:21] TheArtistRose : XD

[05:50:57] DeathsEmbrace : XD

[05:51:18] TheArtistRose : knight i am on the rag and have stayed up 4 nights in a row. now my ankles hurt like hell. wtf? its because of the blood?

[05:51:43] TheArtistRose : mabey i should sleep? :p

[05:51:51] TheArtistRose : but i don't wanna

[05:52:10] DeathsEmbrace : XD

[05:52:11] TheGreenKnight : Pack a lil taco bag in a yearand 3 months, it's been...enlightening! farewell!p.s blood can help

[05:52:17] QueenOfFAIL : Lol yes sleep would be a good idea

[05:52:26] QueenOfFAIL : Lol byes

[05:52:38] TheGreenKnight : goodknight all

[05:52:57] QueenOfFAIL : Nighty

[05:52:59] DeathsEmbrace : guten nacht

[05:53:16] TheArtistRose : yeah i should get some blood. but from where. damn no fresh meat. bye knight

[05:54:14] DeathsEmbrace : lol

[05:54:29] QueenOfFAIL : o.O

[05:54:31] TheArtistRose : hey sam did i show you my grad pics?

[05:54:40] QueenOfFAIL : No

[05:54:48] DeathsEmbrace : brb

[05:54:55] QueenOfFAIL : NO

[05:54:56] TheArtistRose : k, to your yim then, lol

[05:55:18] QueenOfFAIL : Lol okk

[05:55:26] TheArtistRose : sent it

[05:56:03] TheArtistRose : look at my sis, lol

[05:56:08] TheArtistRose : so blonde

[05:56:22] QueenOfFAIL : Nice lol You look intresting all gothed out in white xD

[05:56:30] QueenOfFAIL : Indeed she is pretty

[05:56:54] TheArtistRose : XD i am not goth

[05:57:13] QueenOfFAIL : Lol oh sorry hippie punk

[05:57:19] TheArtistRose : yea!

[05:57:22] TheArtistRose : :p

[05:57:40] QueenOfFAIL : Lol :P

[05:58:01] TheArtistRose : i look like such a weirdo. :p

[05:58:01] SYSTEM : TheGreenKnight has left the room.

[05:58:17] QueenOfFAIL : Lol

[05:58:35] TheArtistRose : look at those half assed smiles. XD

[05:58:52] QueenOfFAIL : xD

[05:58:54] QueenOfFAIL : brb

[05:58:59] TheArtistRose : k




a bloody mess

13:32 Jun 23 2010
Times Read: 1,461

i am going to take a day vacation at least. please understand. i haven't slept in 2 days and have been a bloody mess. my graduation in on the 24th. i hope everything goes well. i just went through another pair of pants. that makes 3 ruined so far in one day.... i still love my period with all my heart but i want to keep my clothes nice not ruin them. shit i haven't ever over bleed myself like this. i hope i'm alright. and no, don't tell me to get a tampon because seriously i'm just too shy to use it. understand? the weird part is that i went through the thick pad this time. could this be a stress thing or am i somehow just bleeding too much because i'm older? no, i don't have cramps or feel like shit, i'm just bleeding too much.

well i hope the best for myself. and nobody suggest i take iron because i can't. thanks.



14:35 Jun 23 2010

I bet you it is stress. Many things can make you over bleed. Environmental factors, food, weight loss/gain ... pretty much you name it, it affects your period.

14:45 Jun 23 2010


14:48 Jun 23 2010

thanks ebey.... was trying for serious here though. its all good boy, you wouldn't understand.

16:46 Jun 23 2010

haha sorry rose :{ hope your insides are okay

20:38 Jun 23 2010

yeah i should be good. just really really really tired. plus graduation most of the outfit is white great... i would have been asleep by now but someone had to wake me up... typical.


2nd mother's day

03:36 Jun 21 2010
Times Read: 1,464

These days people don't stay together. I just wanted to say happy 2nd mother's day to all the moms who were walked out on by the guys they once loved. I wish you the best and hope that the children have fun. It hasn't been fun for me. I hope your mom's have been as good a dad/mom as mine has. Have a good one pissed off spawn, i'm there being pissy with you!




fathers day.. :/

00:22 Jun 21 2010
Times Read: 1,469

I can't say I like the day but I wish you the best. Please no one talk to me about the subject. I don't want a reminder.

I just have to leave this journal with those words or it will get too personal. sorry...




coney island

20:08 Jun 17 2010
Times Read: 1,482

plans for friday : do paper work.

do bullshit for people.

go to fireworks, or try not to go.

plans for saturday: go to mirmade perade.

if not sulk at home like a bitch.

the end.




Passed my Ass

02:04 Jun 17 2010
Times Read: 1,488

my mom called up to see if i passed everything. yeah i passed what i needed. one class i didn't pass, art history. its not that i didn't care, i just wasn't up for another heart break.....

i failed with purpose. i fucking hate my teachers guts. she hates me too. yes i failed, but i did it in style. if you can't understand that then don't bother reading this. not that anyone reads this anyway. just fuck off......

i didn't want to try just to have her loose my stuff or say i don't raise my hand enough. i tryed when i first started the class. i just saw how i was treated like shit. i hate it.

i remember how i was in my art school. i won the place with my talet. however when it came down to it i know what the head of the department was looking for. typical, white , rich, mahatten types. one look at me and you see the village. she judged me along with others. every year a good chunk of the art kids don't go to the classes anymore. i had survived untill i had her as a teacher. its very sad that i'm not 'white' or 'rich'

one thing i won't do is sell my soul to the devil. in fact the devil should beware the black rose, for she is bent on revenge. peaceful revenge i might add. one quote that brings tears of joy to my eyes- "free at last, free at last, thank God all mighty, we are free at last" - martin luther king jr.

thank god i am free from high school. i hope to get a good job and become someone important in life. i hate corruption in schools. i want to influence the young with comic books. i want my dreams to come true and help others who have lived in hell like i. :) if i can do that then i know it was all worth living for.





05:13 Jun 16 2010
Times Read: 1,496

On another note though, the last day of art history was interesting. she talked about how Queen Elizabeth the first had a journal.

in ther she read about how nobody weathy bathed for weeks. they also had dogs that would eat the bugs that came off of their hair. Water was a hard thing to get back then. with the pain of taking off all the make up and the wigs, people just didn't like taking a shower.

hmmm, could you really deal with that? i think mabey i could. however i just wonder about the people who envy the style and art of the time. I love how in beauty there is dirtyness. I just hope more people knew about it. I think i might check out that book. thats a big mabey though.





04:58 Jun 16 2010
Times Read: 1,498

As i try to tell most people i am in no way goth. I am a proud 2nd generation hippie/punk.

for the last day of art history we saw a slide show of gothic are. I did like this on e church. however at the end of the slide the teacher had a few jokes. one showed the classic picture of the farmer and his wife holding a pitch fork. that she said was american goth, as a joke. then she showed a picture of a womans face and it was labeled british goth. I just wanted to roll my eyes, and i hardly roll my eyes at things.

I fucking hate that teacher for many reasons. I did notice however that she want through that joke fast. I bet its cause she didn't want anything to do with me. I respect that cause as i said, "I FUCKING HATE HER GUTS". UGGHHH I AM NOT GOTH!!!!!!!!!!




:D Bromance!

21:22 Jun 15 2010
Times Read: 1,506

my last school newspaper came out the last day. I think i might keep this bromance article. for every 3 girls there was one guy. then out of every few guys some guy was gay. sure thats all great but it leaves just a few guys to flirt with. well thats all gone now. no more high school for me. college here i come. yikes, lol. under is the article on bromance.


Embed Article Print Article Share Article Bromance Is In the Air

Are You Man Enough To Say It? - bro[ArticleMedia]

Sunday, April 26, 2009 By Sasha Brigante


Real-life “bromances” are everywhere! A bromance is a friendship between men who share the same interests. Some may argue that the original bromance was between Lewis and Clark. But the word “bromance” was first used in the 1990s in a skating magazine, Big Brother, to describe skateboarders who spend a lot of time together. In the movie, I Love You Man, Paul Rudd plays Peter Klaven who is engaged to Zooey (Rashida Jones). He chooses as his best man someone that he finds while at an open house, and soon he is involved in a full-fledged bromance. MTV also had a television show called Bromance, which featured guy contestants who competed in various group and individual activities that tested their trust, reliability, and compatibility with actor Brody Jenner in hopes of joining The Hills’ star’s entourage. In the end of the show, Brody chose Luke to become the fourth member of his VIP entourage.

Another bromance is in Seinfeld between Jerry Seinfeld and George Costanza. No matter what kind of shenanigans George managed to create, Jerry provided the level-headedness to understand it. Other possible bromances? Caesar and Antony in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar? What about Fred and Barney from The Flinstones? Even though Fred had the craziest ideas, Barney went along with them because that’s what friends yabba-dabba-do!

A Seattle Times article, called “Bromances aren’t uncommon as guys delay marriage,” points out that popular culture is filled with examples of straight guy love. Some additional examples are Turk and J.D. in Scrubs, Joey and Chandler in Friends, and Jeremy Grey (Vince Vaughn) and John Beckwith (Owen Wilson) in Wedding Crashers.

One of Hollywood’s most famous bromances is between Brad Pitt and George Clooney. These Ocean’s 11 costars have great chemistry on screen. Although they are seen often together, when questioned about their bromance, Clooney said that his pal Brad Pitt is “very handsome.” They also spend some of their time together giving back with their charity Not on Our Watch. Their organization helps disaster-hit areas of the world and they have raised $7 million dollars so far.

Bromances aren’t only in the media, but in politics, as well. An ABC article, called “McCain-Lieberman ‘Bro-mance’ a Two-Way Street,” states John McCain and Joe Lieberman are in a bromance, and it is very obvious. In response to their bromance, McCain says, “Always, my affection for him begins with my respect for him.” Lieberman says he supports McCain so much because “he has consistently on Iraq and everything else done what’s right for the country.”

Ado Stimamiglio, a Senior here at MCDS, says, “I’m pretty sure every boy has gone out with his buddies. Calling it bromance is a little crazy, and more of a joke.” But the fact of the matter, is, that if the personalities mesh well, you can have a bromance. Best friends do everything together and it is basically the same for men in bromances. They have been around forever - the media just made a name for it.

Here at MCDS, we have some of our own bromances. Two members of a bromance, Alex Knight and Sam Villodo, do not like the word “bromace,” but say that their favorite fictional bromance is between Timon and Pumba. Sam Halpern, in a bromance with Jonathan Tannehill, says the word bromance is another word for a best friend. Parker is his best friend and “I love him like a brother,” he says. Sam says his bromance was nominated because “it’s the best, there’s no question about it.” His favorite bromance in a movie is Talladega Nights with Will Ferrell (Ricky Bobby) and John C. Reilly (Cal Naughton Jr). Jonathan Tannehill doesn’t like the word “bromance” because “it gives real bromances a bad reputation.” He thinks his bromance with Sam Halpern was nominated because they’re always joking around together. They are always getting in trouble together and he says, “The morning of the orientation in 9th grade, Sam and I got sent to Mr. Oronoz’s office and got kicked out in front of the whole grade.” But getting in trouble together is part of it all—that’s a real bromance




i think

04:50 Jun 13 2010
Times Read: 1,517

christina's are a breed of smart people. word.

or khristina's, lol, whichever way you spell it.




HA! step one complete in revenge.

01:03 Jun 12 2010
Times Read: 1,536

this is from my yahooim. i hope you can find the fun in this. oh how i love revenge. :D

Friday, June 11, 2010

monday we empty out the lockers. k? 7:41 PM


Menoara Mazid

yupps 7:42 PM

i'll get my papers and gym pants 7:42 PM

yup 7:42 PM

and i'll take my key from you k? 7:42 PM


Menoara Mazid

yeah 7:43 PM

better have it ok 7:43 PM

no games 7:43 PM


Menoara Mazid

haha don't worry 7:43 PM

worry now why would i do that? 7:44 PM


Menoara Mazid

ok worry then when i don't bring it 7:44 PM

XD 7:44 PM

wtf?...... 7:45 PM

you better 7:45 PM


Menoara Mazid

i willll 7:45 PM

i'm serious 7:45 PM


Menoara Mazid

i know i am too 7:45 PM

^_^ 7:45 PM

how did yesterday go? 7:46 PM

forget about that. i'm just talking about monday. 7:46 PM

so when can we meet? 7:47 PM


Menoara Mazid

/ 7:47 PM

hmmm 7:47 PM

you got h band opta? 7:47 PM

what do you have in the morning? 7:47 PM


Menoara Mazid

b band art 7:48 PM

what about a? wait is there a? i forgot 7:49 PM


Menoara Mazid

yeahtheres a band i have opta 7:49 PM

but i don't wanna carry my stuff around all day 7:49 PM

can we meet up at the end of the day 7:50 PM

nope 7:50 PM

sorry if you do that i will just have to leave your stuff therr 7:51 PM

*there 7:51 PM


Menoara Mazid

well i don't usually make it to school b-band 7:53 PM

i mean a band 7:53 PM

so? and? 7:53 PM


Menoara Mazid

if i'm not in school a band how will you get your key 7:53 PM

i'll just see you c band 7:55 PM

by then 7:55 PM


Menoara Mazid

no c-band 7:55 PM

on monday 7:55 PM

no c band? 7:55 PM

how? 7:55 PM


Menoara Mazid

monday there is no c-band 7:56 PM

is it a half a day? 7:57 PM


Menoara Mazid

no thats the schedule 7:57 PM

oh oh 7:57 PM

NEVER M9IND!!! 7:57 PM


MY BAD 7:58 PM

XD 7:58 PM

don't take me for a fool 7:58 PM

ok 7:58 PM

all joking aside 7:58 PM


Menoara Mazid

ok yeah i know 7:58 PM

;] 7:59 PM

i will meet you in the morning. if your not there its not my fault. at c band you can give me the key. thanks, bye 7:59 PM


Menoara Mazid

kk 8:00 PM

bye 8:00 PM



02:34 Jun 12 2010

F.Y.I, bands = periods. abc's not 123's :)

yes my school is weird like that.

00:10 Jun 14 2010

umm ok then rose...lol


lifes weird like that

00:33 Jun 11 2010
Times Read: 1,549

so the bitch friend is a bitch. she ditched me. we had planed the fake prom. she never invited people and always changed plans on me. just when i walked out i decided to call her. "my parents said i should sleep" she basicaly ditched me. noboday ditches the rose. she is now on my dead friends list. that means shes dead to me. no more talking, because that would lead to me knocking her block off. i don't plan to go to jail for her. the word "kill" has been going through my head though. she is simply ignored now. that is all.

jason, as for him, we are no longer a pair. i am single. good thing for rebounds though. so what if i have an army of zombies. another pointless relationship isn't that bad is it? rebounds are fun. hmmm, but who should i choose. i think the guy who starts with the letter "R". :P not to name names, lol.

now vr is a great place. i have meet many cool people here. some better than my social life friends. i have been talking to Christina on here and realized I should call Kristina and see whats up with the bitch. I think life points out clues sometimes as to who to talk to in a funny way.. Kristina is fucking awesome. I asked her what the fuck happened to that bitch girl who called me a whore and had the nerve to ditch me. she listened to my story and was like, "you know what? i don't usualy talk about people but yeah she has been acting weird" and now we are so totaly going to have fun without the bitch. YEA! i think she might turn out to be a best friend. we did so many similar things that i didn't notice. freaking awesome man!!

yea to friends and yea to loyalty! oh, and thanks for everyone on vr who helped cheer me up. you know who you are!! love you!



20:55 Jun 11 2010

Glad you have someone to be you best friend rose :) you deserve it

Love ya to Rosey, everyone loves rosey!

02:16 Jun 12 2010

very entertaining


Crazy in love or love sick?

18:51 Jun 04 2010
Times Read: 1,589

So i'm at one of my bullshit classes and the teacher tells everyone to work on something. so i get board reading the newspaper and i take out a piece of paper. i doodled and then i wrote a poem.

If hell were to freeze over i would die

Thinning blood, so chilled in the heat

What can make ivory turn rouge?

Too much loath for love

Feeling like a pyro with no light

Waiting for the right flame

Could you start the fire for me?

The one hidden in these black eyes?

The one that infests my brain with maggots?

Does he beware the black rose?

and then the time for that class was up and i walked into the hallway. I walked and felt him behind my back. gently holding me. i turned and gave him a big bear hug. holding him very close for a while. "i haven't seen you in a while. i missed you.", i say. he tells me that he might have to take some summer school and won't graduate on time. but its ok i love his ass!!! and then we had to leave for our classes so i reached out to him for on more good bye. and then when he was out of sight, i had the biggest toothy smile. :) i had felt so dead the whole day and one second with him and i have all the energy in the world. LOL

and then when schools out for the day i put my walkman on and hear love songs from the beatles. and i walk down the street floating on my love sick mind. and for once it finnaly did feel a little hot outside. oh, and i listened to some heart too, lol. :) xD I'm in LOVE!! MEOW!!!



19:10 Jun 04 2010

awww that's so sweet...:)

21:38 Jun 04 2010

Uhhh...I have a headache...so I can't give you much advice on that poem...but it needs work.

The first line was the best...then it requires some tweaking.

04:46 Jun 18 2010

Haha, that's sweet. That's really sweet. I love getting that feeling...

05:06 Jun 18 2010

nice for the late comment. funny thing, i'm not in love anymore. must be the black heart. :)


whore.... what?

19:55 Jun 03 2010
Times Read: 1,612

anywho,, at school i talked to my so called best friend and.. :( i asked if shes going to invite anyone to the fake prom that we were planing cause we are poor asses. and she said what? like i was crazy. :0 and i said well i might be inviting a guy. and shes like seriously? and then she says no shes not inviting anyone. and then she calls me a hoe. and a whore and she says it jokingly but What? so i'm out from school a few times and thats what people think of me? i'm a whore? i was sick, jeeezz... god people miss me that much that they think i sleep around? i'm a freaking virgin. !!! why do people call me a whore? :( is it because i've broken many hearts? god i didn't know i was a whore? mabey my friends pissed cause she wants a man? please anwser!!!

thus my kimset reads, "Are murderer's really THAT bad? :( I feel so unloved."



23:42 Jun 03 2010

Damn im sorry Rose :( I know how you feel its why im home schooled now i cant stand people like that :P

00:44 Jun 04 2010

Artistrose,,I am sorry some times people are spitful due to many reasons. I learned though it is jealously alot of tiimes...... Do not let these vermins affect you. We here in Vr know better than that:)

04:58 Jun 04 2010

Thats just wrong. I'm a virgin also. People are going to be people and judge and say things that aren't right.

21:18 Jun 04 2010

wow people at my school call me a whore and a slut all the time! Yeah i only slept with two guys and the one im definitely with now is the only one i am ever going to fuck for the rest of my life! People are so stupid in schools sometimes.

04:09 Jun 06 2010

It's just a joke because you said you were going to invite a guy :) Sort of like when people call my oldest son "playa"....he actually is 21 and has been with ONE girl :)

But...makes me think a bit: my friend and I call each other crack whores on the days we don't have time to put on make up or do our hair and stuff. Sort of like: Wow!! Rough night, crack whore??

We both laugh about it...but we're BOTH saying it :) Sometimes it's best to remember the duck and its proverbial back :)

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