TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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9 entries this month

19:31 Aug 20 2014
Times Read: 1,026

I can't wait to buy Amanda Palmer's book, The Art of Asking. That Ted talk literally saved my life.




00:55 Aug 14 2014
Times Read: 1,038

We finally moved over the weekend. I meant to write an entry sooner but I kept getting logged out. It was a lot of hard work. I purposely bulked myself up in order to be the strong person I once was.

Anyway, we ordered movers, with only a limited amount of time to move out. They cancelled out on us and left us stranded. A lot of our stuff was left behind.

Our friends helped us cause they have a car. Thank god for friends. I feel kinda bad though. For years I sorta hated them. The husband always said rude things, like how I was a vampire and I scare away the kids. But a few years later, he saw how much I struggled to help the fam and I guess he was much nicer. I still got an ear full of, "Get that nose ring out!", but meh. "What do you call that anyway?" A septum piercing. "A septic? What?" That actually made me giggle, lol.

"Your mom is such a hippie to name you two after flowers. If you had a kid, would it be called Ukulele?" I held my tongue... Cause I totally would have said, not a bad idea, lol.

I've been in such a forgiving mood lately. It's almost odd of me.

I'm covered in black 'n blues from all the furniture moving. Of what's left anyway. My money is totally wiped.

Now I'm stuck unpacking. Next week I'll call up to inform my work of my move and blah, tons of paperwork. It's almost been two months since I haven't had a steady case.

I'm in love with the neighborhood. It's my old hometown.

I snicker at something I stupidly did years ago. I once ran away from home. I won't get into the details. Just- heh, who knew that years later I'd be living in the same area I ran off to. Haha.



00:59 Aug 14 2014

Ukelele actually wouldn't be that bad a name.



23:09 Aug 07 2014
Times Read: 1,043




15:51 Aug 06 2014
Times Read: 1,050



22:20 Aug 05 2014
Times Read: 1,063

I'm so proud of the new changes all around. My new crest, a re-vamping of my coven. Myth was a major help. I can't thank him enough. I hope he's feeling better. :(

I've been trying to correct the past a bit and mend bridges. I think I've made progress. I apologized a bunch to someone yesterday. They didn't have to hear me out but they did. I don't think it's ever too late to say I'm sorry. Here goes my public apology anyway, if they read this or not, I feel they deserve it. I'm sorry bandnrd.




18:01 Aug 03 2014
Times Read: 1,077

I forgot how fun it was to make polls for covens. Lol

"How retarded are you from a scale of one to potato?

BABYRUTH! 1 100 %

One potato, two potato, three potato, more 0 0 %

Eleven should be onedy one. 0 0 %

My coven master must be really bored... 0 0 %

Total Votes: 1

Poll Started By: TheArtistRose

Poll Created On: Aug 03 2014

You've voted!



18:31 Aug 03 2014

Eleven isn't onedy one??? >:O


02:12 Aug 03 2014
Times Read: 1,100

I'm so dyslexic that I always read "Venerable sire" at the side of my screen as, "vulnerable sire", which makes no sense.



02:31 Aug 03 2014

Awww, the sire is open and sensitive. Lol!

02:35 Aug 03 2014

Am not! (Shhh, don't tell everyone! Lol) jk

02:36 Aug 03 2014

I read it that way too. >.>

09:04 Aug 03 2014

lol don't worry, the furbies will comfort you.... well thats if I remember to feed them before opening the basement door... otherwise well... sorry for your lost fingers :p

17:53 Aug 03 2014

I like vulnerable sire! I think we should start a poll and ask for a new level!


01:20 Aug 02 2014
Times Read: 1,107

Sorry that I didn't have enough time to post more of an explication with my pictures. For those of you who have me added on Facebook, you already saw these fresh.

The ones with Amanda Palmer and the uke were taken when I went to the concert. Can my dimples get any bigger in that one? Haha.

The marquee and Ripley's museum pictures are there too. And see the picture where I'm in a black shirt? That was taken last Monday when I went to pick up my ice cream from Max and Mina's. The agreement was that if I picked up the ice cream, all the way from Queens, I'd get two free cones. Let me tell you, their ice cream is the best I've ever had. Seriously. I decided to get one odd flavor and the other as something fun. So my adult pick was beer ice cream and my inner child picked cookie monster. Which is blue dyed vanilla ice cream with bits of cookie dough and Oreo cookie pieces.

The video, I feel bad that I didn't have the time to post more. But at least I got one up for you guys. :)

Today I got a lot of boxes for our move. I'm going to pack stuff up like a mad woman.

I haven't had work in a month. I'm broke as hell. But at least I know I'm getting somewhere.

I had to go into my office yesterday to take care of a mistake they made. It gave me such anxiety. But it's okay!

Monday I start a temp job while I'm in the middle of moving. I want to get as much done as I can.

After I'm all settled, I'll be asking them for harder work and more hours.

Oh! I also wanted to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. I kept it simple. I decided to use all those freebie coupons people get when they sign up for crappy spam e-mails lol. So far I got a free krispy kream donut with coffee, a free cinnamon roll from Cinnabon, my monthly free truffle from the Godiva club, and multiple free ice creams from Baskin Robbin. LOL Don't question my multiples... LOL

We ate at TGI Fridays. Mom bought a Fire Orchard for me.Which is Angry Orchard with a short of Fireball. We used coupons for the rest of the meal.

I don't really care about Fridays but I wanted to force them to sing happy birthday to me cause I'm a bitch like that.

The waiter is a class A bastard. He takes forever to bring anything out. They get my salad order wrong more than once. Putting heaps of nasty ass dressing in. I HATE all dressings. They take it back and give me the salad, without all the toppings that I do want. What?! I never said I don't want the bread. Pftt.

Fast forward to the end, my mom had told him at least 15 times that it was my birthday. He brings the dessert we ordered, nutless, and not the way we ordered and my mom asks, so where's the singing? He says.. Uh, its her birthday? He had no intention of doing his job. Even though he sang for a ton of other people. And to me that was the whole point of going there. So by the time he comes back with people to sing with, we're almost done with the "cake"? Pftt.

Mom calls over the manager and they redo the whole thing. But hell, it sucked. They only brought over two singers and everyone else seemed to have way more. Morons.

By the time we got back it was pouring and the buses stopped running. But at least we had a fun time at the mall. I wanted it simple anyway, cause I don't like people ruining it.

The lesson I've learned in life is that the best things are free. Don't expect anything from anyone. Sign up for free shit! Woohoo! Lol

Besides that, I'll make a more people friendly party for my moms birthday coming up. I couldn't do it for mine cause of the move.

Also, here's the more relevant news to VR. Myth and I are re-vamping my coven. :D Since I expect to be on more often after I finish moving, it'll be awesome! He even made my crest pretty! Myth is such a talented dude with amazing graphic skills. If you haven't checked out his work, I recommend it!

Also when revamping my coven, I promoted him and unblinded a few people. :) Most people should get second chances, don't you agree?

That's all for now! Love you guys! ♥




20:25 Aug 01 2014
Times Read: 1,130

I'm at the library and I wanted to share some photos and videos! :D

Video link- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10202521163255898&l=7546301292779834782

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23:09 Aug 01 2014

Very cool! >:D

23:51 Aug 01 2014

Cool, fun pics! Looks like you're havin' a blast! :)

23:52 Aug 01 2014

And...the pic of you under the marquee is too cool!

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