There are currently six people online and out of that six four of us belong to the same house, lol. I don't know, I just appreciated that.
I've updated the main page of my house, it looks so much better on my iPad than it does on this computer...what do you think?
Please check it out and let me know.
It's so perfect! FALSExCure blew anything I could do away, like I told you he would. I'm in love with how utterly gorgeous it looks.
Me too, but do t sell yourself short you are an amazing artist as well. You both are super talented.
I'm glad you both like it and like he says don't sell yourself short, you have made some very beautiful crests yourself. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with since our styles differ so much.
So, I’m beginning to love the house. The forum is active, and that is a major achievement. Now we just need new graphics and to update the main page.
I love the House too. :)
I’m so glad to hear that.
I really wish I had photoshop, it would make updating the house so much easier, but ugh, I don’t have it anymore. I don’t even have my laptop right now, it’s broken.
There is a program called Gimp that is free. No one in your house can make graphics?
Not right now, no, but we are hoping Hisfelina will be able to soon.
I've used Gimp and I'm really not a fan, and thus, haven't worked to learn it like I have for Photoshop. But I'm getting photoshop back next weekend, so yay.
Yay! I can’t wait!
I can’t wait to have new graphics for the house, it’s so exciting. :)
Well, I disbanded Euphoria. I hated to do it, but it just makes sense. I need to focus on the house and the house alone, euphoria was just a distraction. Besides, we needed those active members in the house. I’m kind of upset about this.
I know it was hard, but it was necessary for now. As I said, we can always bring it back later. And if you do, you know I've always got an account to put into it to help you out. In the meantime, we'll make Caomhnõir-an-Eolas amazing.
Thanks for the support. :)
Here’s the thing, even though my coven hasn’t been around that long….I love it. The coven of euphoria. The thing is, I’m now a master of a house. I’m thinking of disbanding my coven and moving everything to the house but I don’t necessarily want to do that. I don’t know what to do.
Unfortunately, I just got more bad news. My uncle just passed and now my aunt is being life flighted to a hospital with a massive brain bleed. I can’t keep watching my mother go through this.
Well, I am now a master vampire. It has been a goal of mine for years. I’m excited.
Congrats to you on your achievement.
Thank you.
Thanks guys, I’m really happy about this.
Congrats! I am excited for you!
Thank you!
01:51 Dec 31 2022
We all appreciate you and the house we're part of. hugs you lots :D
17:50 Dec 31 2022
I appreciate you as well.