It's Friday night. I've had a few beers. I'm feeling much better after a really, really hard and long week. I've been paid today.
I have the latest in Dutch trance loud on the stereo. Hearing new tunes and mixes. Some good stuff. Turned the bass up.
Fuck me, do I want to go out to a nightclub and dance my ass off.
Well, isn't that just fucking great. What is the world coming to? I ask you!? It's a crazy situation. To crazy to understand.
I actually passed an exam...
Yeah. Server 2003 60-290. First step complete.
Yipee!! It's a countdown like launching a rocked :)
that's..uh...70-290. And I made a typo 'too'. Goddam it.
Better than a kidney stone... WAY better.
Though I believe that you might be the only one surpised by this.
Well done you :)
Step closer to your goals... that is great. :)
SO proud of you :)
Congratulations on your continuing awesomeness.
Thank you for the kind wishes. Vista 70-620 next...
Did you really have any doubts? Well done!
That's great Stabb ! And just think it will all be so worth it when your done and all things you can add to your resume !
Advertising in public places will always remain a sensitive business regardless of what message the advertisers have.
I prefer to choose what I read not have it placarded infront of me.
I wonder if TFL have really though this through in light of the recent religious unrest.
I guess the cost of cleaning the graffiti and replacing broken bus windows will be passed on to the public ... regardless of religion.
A good bit to think through. Probably not surprising, then, that my favorite part was: "This campaign to put alternative slogans on London buses will make people think - and thinking is anathema to religion." (To religion perhaps, but not necessarily to Faith. A critical difference)
It would appear that the protected status religion has held from open and honest contemplation is at an end. I can't see this as anything but positive. When people feel prohibited from discussing any concept, there must be some reason the concept requires protection. At any rate, some very interesting information. Thank you.
Loving God has never caused me any worry, nor has it stopped me enjoying life.
How many have died for loving the wrong god for their particular region?
*Eye Roll*
This is why some Atheists annoy me just as much as some religious people do.
"When you do it, it's brainwashing. When I do it, It's just me bringing you the truth!"
Preaching is preaching, and I think it requires just as much smugness to say "I know without a doubt that there is no God." as to say "I know without a doubt that there is a God."
I just want to go out and not be force-fed somebody else's agenda, be it religious or anti-religious.
I'm more or less with Flannery on this. I'm tired of all the religion pushing. It's not just Christianity and atheists where I'm from though. We also get things like "My Goddess can kick your God's ass" and such for numerous relgious views. Being proud of and displaying your religion is ok but one person's views can no more be proven right than another's. When is enough going to be enough?
There is nothing within chaos magick in general, or sigilisation specifically which dictates that the object of desire cannot be used to infuence those in our societal groupings, and their subsequent actions.
Consider if you would, that if you know a person well enough and understand the buttons to push, then the non-concious is also aware of this and more.
As a result, if the intent is the manipulation of the action of others, then the necessary functions are already in place.
The problem with conciously affecting change in this manner, is that we are unable to hold more than five (or perhaps seven) actualities in place in order to manage them.
The non-concious is however, free of the restrictions which we (unknowingly) have upon ourselves. From morality, to distraction, there is always an external factor which precludes our ability to act to the best advantage in a group environment. We cannot predict accurately the behaviours of others, but we have hypotheses based on the best available information, which is memory of past behaviours and the influences upon those others' lives.
Non-conciously, we can piece all of this information together, for more than one individual and hence, affect external change if the correct sigil is invoked, commited to memory and forgotten.
In theory.
For the past year or so, it's been a pretty interesting ride, being me.
Online, I've not really been feeling as though I have a motivation, in terms of creative expression. I wasn't sure what it was that was off about myself.
Thats not to say that I've not had moments of exhiliration, usually shared and there is some wonderful input to my life online.
No, it was something else I'd been missing and although there has been a good reason for it, it hasn't really become apparent until this evening.
The weekends are precious to me. I spend the vast majority of my waking life working, so I rarely get 'me time'. And when that time comes, I try to share it with people whom I care about.
Which leaves not a lot of time for the self-reflective states that I used to find so often.
But tonight, I've had to time to just sit. And consider, and think a little. And then it hit me.
My laptop packed up a while back and all of my mp3's are on it. My stereo has been sat too far away from it for the cable to reach before that.
For the past year, I've not had music on while I've been online.
That may not sound like anything significant to you, dear reader, voyeur or peeping tom that you are.
But to me, it's as though I were a fish trying to swim on land, or a track athlete trying to run underwater.
Music has been a huge part of my life for more than a decade. From early teans with my old vinyl, through my club years, and then I started moving around and gradually, everything that I had built up, got lost, or broken, or given away.
An odd state of affairs, really. It's an evolution of character and desires, I suppose, but it's apparent that I respond well to sound, to music, to that reminiscent feeling.
And so I finally got around to rectifying some of that tonight. Copying over mp3's to the desktop now and adding them to my playlist as I find tracks I haven't listened to for years.
And there it is. A lift, an inspiriation. And clarity, but still lost, subsumed in the melody. A trance. Flowing, easy and real. And suddenly, it all comes back.
It's like standing under a waterfall after working in the dust and heat for a very long time.
Hello there, it's been a while. What say we have
Something wonderful happened to me last night.
Another door opened, and it wasn't forced. It was unlocked and led to a place which gave a deeper understanding of who I am.
All the boxes ticked, all the lights are green. Euphemisms a many and smiles a plenty.
Six months seems like a long time, but when it comes, it will seem like there's still a lifetime to wait.
I'm glad to hear you have finally located your box.
It's such a revelation when the lights come on and self knowledge is obtained. I like it when it's good but too often find mine to be of a negative slant. :) Glad you're having good news.
I must agree it is always nice when things just fall into order
Stumbled across these sounds while looking for the sounds that planets make.
Consciousness Expansion
Awakening Intuition
There are many, many more, as well as a number of the planets. These are more musical and although less 'natural' sounding than the planets, they are still kinda spooky.
The last few weeks of being offline and away from VR have been good times in my life.
I've been able to make arrangements to get to New Orleans for next year. Got my vacation time at work booked and we've decided that we'll get a few weeks to start making more concrete plans for work and living arrangements.
To assist with this, I will get a small pay rise in November, after I take my Server 2k3 exam, which I think I'll pass with no trouble.
Work has been really easy, but I'm still waiting for my Security Clearance to come through. It's actually a little boring, but they pay me, so hey.
The gym is working out really, really well. I'm down at 186lbs now and starting the switch over to muscle build. I should be down to one 182lbs soon, then I'll really start seeing the definition coming out.
The only issue that's troubling me right now, is travel to work. I spend an hour and a half each way, every day. But that does give me time to read, or listen to E-books. I've just finished a 20 lecture course of Free Will and Determinism, which actually validates much of the position I held in a recent forum discussion.
Nearly finished Crime and Punishment, which is a very intense experience and sheds a lot of light on the nature of a man. It's very relevant even today and it speaks about some of the eternal and universal dilemmas which we deal with as self-concious people. Moral conscience and the ethical boundries which we and society set, are the main thrust of it and it is beautifully written.
I've also listened to Homer's Odyssey, but the readers were so bad, it kind of spolied it for me. Still, it was good to firm up that whole story in my mind.
Next for me, is a French course on audio. Should be worth a shot. Would be kinda cool to talk with someone in another language, and one so flowing too. Maybe we might even go Groundhog Day and get the 17th century French poetry out...
I've also started on the political history of Europe from 1500, and a Brief History of the World, which are both quite slow paced. I try to put them on when I go to bed, if there isn't someone special there to read me to sleep with some Eliot.
All in all, the future is a very bright and happy place for us. I'm looking forward to so many things and this next year will bring about a whole new meaning to life. I'm very glad to have someone to share that with.
It's been awesome seeing you all relaxed and working toward your goals. The Crime and Punishment discussions have been amazing. You're the best!
Awesome, I'm glad things are coming together.
Your comute time sounds like an excellent oppurtunity to delve into audio books on a host of subject matters. I'm glad you putting the time to good use :)
I'm happy for you. :)
Now this is a journal entry to bring a smile to my face. It's wonderful that you've got things working so well, sugar.
It's good to have you back, but even better to know your real life is improving.
Well I will be the sappy one and say it....
I missed ya!
*hugs tight*
00:59 Nov 01 2008
If you do, for goodness sake have someone post the video :) Have a great time!