Honor: 12 [ Give / Take ]
16 entries this month
09:59 Nov 30 2010
Times Read: 1,076
I'm soooo tired. I stayed up late to cam for about an hour with my wc. It was worth it though. I was on cam for about an hour.. all you fuckers missed it. ;p
I prefer it that way. I don't want anyone to see me anyway.
I did it for him. Because I know how much I like seeing him. I figure he might actually want to look at me. Flaws and all.
mmmmmm smells good!
20:02 Nov 29 2010
Times Read: 1,084
I've got two loaves of banana bread in the oven. I suppose I should go run myself through the shower, and round up a suit. Considering I'm working an afternoon/evening shift today I'd better put on the war paint. =/ Damn that's a lot of work. Haha.
somedays I just want to scream
11:05 Nov 27 2010
Times Read: 1,103
today would be a classic example
05:04 Nov 26 2010
Times Read: 1,112
Happy... something or other...
17:45 Nov 23 2010
Times Read: 1,124
I couldn't take it anymore.
I plugged in the electric blanket.
Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh! Warm.
16:47 Nov 23 2010
Times Read: 1,128
Turkey, mayo, cheddar cheese, pickles, and avacado = the. shiznit.
I did a shot of pickle juice too. Haha
I still have leftover kielbasa, kraut, and potatoes. I think that will be breakfast when I wake up tonight.
18:05 Nov 22 2010
Times Read: 1,138
signed on to one of my social networking sights I haven't been on in over a year.. only to find out my idiot nephew is in prison.. again
Dumbass.. takes after his parents.
what motivation?
05:25 Nov 22 2010
Times Read: 1,147
motivation is MIA today, like so many other things
To the coffee machine with me, so I may brew some false enthusiasm.
Good thing at work I actually know what I'm doing, unlike the rest of this facade.
20:08 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 1,162
Don't get used to the profile pic.. I get tired of looking at myself very quickly.
10:24 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 1,169
I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.
Driving through the middle of bum fuck nowhere, in dense fog. Can't even see fifty yards out in any direction. If it weren't for the fact that I still have a signal on my cell, I'd be worried that the rest of the world might not exist beyond this endless night.
Perhaps it too is an illusion, and I will not wake up.
13:51 Nov 20 2010
Times Read: 1,194
I was out running errands either late or early depending on how you look at it. It was dark, and foggy. Beautifully eerie.. all of the leafless trees and the dark night enveloped in fog.
I'm driving along, enjoying my serenely somber environment, and the song playing now comes on the radio.
Sometimes... things just hit you. And it did. It hit me like a freight train.
We don't always get along perfectly.
But I miss him.
I really do.
23:52 Nov 14 2010
Times Read: 1,209
05:07 Nov 12 2010
Times Read: 1,222
only 2 more nights
04:11 Nov 12 2010
Times Read: 1,229
I made a butternut squash, cranberry hazelnut cake, with cream cheese rum frosting.. tonight.
Not too shabby. Guess it's a keeper.
19:51 Nov 06 2010
Times Read: 1,252
I'm wearing my headband today. The one my supervisor/coworker told me I should wear because it would give the illusion of me being innocent. To which I promply replied 'what the fuck is that supposed to mean!?!'.
I almost see her point. -.-
Sometimes they ask me 'who raised you?' I tell them my mom did, but don't expect her to claim responsibility for me. I'm an adult and responsible for what flies out of my mouth, not her. In fact, I taught her about half of the bad words, and phrases she knows. Hahah.
23:30 Nov 01 2010
Times Read: 1,274
I woke up having no idea where the clothes I had on were.
It's one of those days huh?
10:02 Nov 30 2010
I bet that was lots of fun for you ♥
10:40 Nov 30 2010
01:19 Dec 01 2010
It would have been fun to say hey =)
12:57 Dec 01 2010
what flaw's?.....when ya gonna webcam again?