Honor: 12 [ Give / Take ]
34 entries this month
dinner is yum01:49 Jan 31 2011
Times Read: 996
Three cheese tortellini, tossed in EVOO, artichoke hearts and Parmesan Romano.
17:53 Jan 30 2011
Times Read: 1,009
Meatball sub, prortebello ravioli, beef stew, buffalo chili, ablt (that's a blt with avacado), veggie fritata, popcorn, italian four cheese cheese its, gelato, sun dried tomatoes, broccoli and cheddar bread bowl, spinach and artichoke white pizza, a big juicy hamburger, salmon, crab cakes, crawfish bisque, chicken chimichangas .... just some of the random cravings I've been having off and on.
And now grits cause I read Khayman's journal. Lol
kudos to you
14:38 Jan 30 2011
Times Read: 1,019
I don't know how you can maintain a relationship with someone so hurtful, and untrustworthy.
I hope things work out better for you than they did for me with the last person who made me feel that way. The only thing I can tell you is, I was mad at myself when it was over for wasting so much of my valueable time on someone who obviously did not deserve it.
May peace and happiness be a gift that is yours my friend. ♥ if not now, then some day soon.
14:07 Jan 30 2011
Times Read: 1,020
Mmmm banana pancake and marionberry syrup.
02:40 Jan 30 2011
Times Read: 1,043
I've consumed 3 liters of water today, and I still feel really thirsty.
That just seems not right to me.
food food food food... hungry hungry hungry hungry
17:03 Jan 28 2011
Times Read: 1,058
Oh man I'm starving, and I've already eaten 3 times since midnight. My eating habits are crazy. Sometimes I don't eat, sometimes I don't want much to eat, and every now and then.. like now... I want to eat all the time.
08:22 Jan 28 2011
Times Read: 1,068
I made a comment, and the butch lesbian I work with looked at my coworker and said 'oh my god, she's diiirty'.
I wonder if it's a bad thing.
22:06 Jan 26 2011
Times Read: 1,078
I'm not sleeping well. When I actually do sleep I'm having weird dreams.
Like yesterday I dreamed that I saw a toddler who was playing on the roof of a four story building and it fell off and died.
23:17 Jan 23 2011
Times Read: 1,087
I'm doing some hooking, and watching some Hitchcock. It's a bit difficult to multitask these because some of the movies are silent films. When I'm watching one, I'm not looking at the other. So far, so good though.
23:31 Jan 22 2011
Times Read: 1,098
I'm moving 1900 items off of my phone.
That's going to take a while.
caw caw caw
17:14 Jan 22 2011
Times Read: 1,106
It seems everywhere I go lately there are crows cawing.
Are they following me?
They're even outside my home now.
*caw caw caw*
*caw caw caw*
They always speak in 3's too.
17:04 Jan 22 2011
Times Read: 1,108
14:01 Jan 22 2011
Times Read: 1,117
I've been on antibiotics for two days, and no relief from this crap yet. The nausea sucks, I get it even if I eat. Another side effect listed is diarrhea, and the warning label says to contact your doctor if it becomes severe. O_o do I even want to know what severe diarrhea is? Dehydration isn't listed as a side effect, but I'm feeling it. Fun crap.
The nurse at the doctors office was impressed that I've lost weight since last year. I reminded her that for the first few days of this year I wasn't eating solid food. I'm sure I'll get stressed out and put it back on eventually.
My hair is at an awkward length. Its somewhere between my collar bone, and my boobs. I'd get it cut, but I'm growing it out again so I can donate it this year too.
I'm getting excited for the latest trip I've planned. One of my work friends is going to watch the the fur demons and the scaley bunch while I'm out of town. I have so much work to do around the house until then. Oh boy. I have a work project I need to tackle and, I should probably start packing soon so I'm not doing it at the last minute like I always do. Hooray procrastination!
17:30 Jan 19 2011
Times Read: 1,128
I went to the dr's and came out with antiboitics, a referral to a chiropractor, and a request for an mri.
Fun shit.
-twitch-01:47 Jan 19 2011
Times Read: 1,146
This is the thanks I get for buying a trashcan the little demons can't raid like dogs.

I've been putting a lot of thought into life now that I'm getting older. I've come to the decision that my priorities have changed, and parts of my life need to be purged. I need to make better decisions. I need to decide what I want out of life and start directing my energy toward that.
I hope it works out.
16:49 Jan 17 2011
Times Read: 1,163
I made a dr's appointment for later in the week. I blew my nose last night and it felt like someone stabbed an ice pick up my nostril and all the way up into my frontal lobe. Not to mention my eye feels weird.
I'm going to go call WC and then lay down and watch fraggle rock until I pass out. I'm hoping I wake up in time to make dinner, I bought stuff to make tacos. Mmmmm. I didn't keep my dinner down last night, anf I didn't eat again until just now. If this doesn't say down, I'll have to do tacos another night. =(
body says fuck you
07:46 Jan 17 2011
Times Read: 1,170
I horked my dinner back up tonight. That was fun.
It seems that the 'no reason' my right eye wanted to dribble uncontrollably earlier was the sinus infection on the right side of my face that has now made itself very apparent. It seems to want to take my right eye with it. Bastard.
Good to know I'm not completely crazy with emotions.
the joys of being female
01:38 Jan 17 2011
Times Read: 1,183
I had random fits of being overly emotional today. It sucked. =/ I was walking through target and tearing up, for NO REASON. WTF?! My body just decides that my right eye needs to spring a slow leak I guess.
I'm sure is just crazy pms shit. Both of my hips hurt, and my knees are working on joining them, and all of the muscles in between feel fatigued when they have no reason to be. And they seriously have no reason to. I slept and painted on my days off, that's about all. And it was 75% sleeping. I was well not really dealing with the depression thing this weekend. Considering how much I slept I guess it won this round. I started up on my celexa again today. Maybe it'll bugger off again for a while.
Be glad all of you Y chromosomes out there, glad that you don't have to deal with this monthy bullshit! (Though some months aren't nearly this bad.) Lucky mutant fucking bastards! >;p
kiki says HI!22:02 Jan 16 2011
Times Read: 1,196

Don't look at me like that, I'm sure she doesn't mind as long as I'm petting her.
fucking dreams
06:56 Jan 16 2011
Times Read: 1,205
I refuse to believe I'm smarter than this many of you...
10:19 Jan 14 2011
Times Read: 1,215
picking up the slack for others at work is starting to irk me a bit.
=O wtf?
03:28 Jan 12 2011
Times Read: 1,227
I don't get it. My friends mother (of all people) who I might mention is one of those god is great, and praise jesus folks... is trying to convince me that having sex with random strangers is something I should do. O_o
What. The. Hell.
I attempted to have a 'fling' once, and it still turned into a relationship. *waves to WildChild* Hi honey. =)
The funny part about it is, even though it was not a love or sex based relationship, a combination of his wifes unfounded accusations, her getting busted cheating, and her acting bat shit crazy only drove us closer together. In hindsight, she ruined her marriage being paranoid that he and I were in love, and being a tyrant when her paranoia consumed her.
Fun shit.
So yeah. I'm totally not getting involved with 'open' relationships again. And I have absolutely no interest in random weiner.
I don't see what is so wrong about that.
09:03 Jan 10 2011
Times Read: 1,241
I'm in need of tums. That pizza and movie theater popcorn is fighting back. =/
09:03 Jan 10 2011
Times Read: 1,241
I'm in need of tums. That pizza and movie theater popcorn is fighting back. =/
04:03 Jan 08 2011
Times Read: 1,255
Dinner came out not too shabby. I still say WildChild's would have been better.
I have to say though, it takes a hell of a lot of effort to hand squeeze 30 oz of juice. Probably because most of it was tangerines though.
02:50 Jan 08 2011
Times Read: 1,260
I'm attempting to cook prime rib hash.
I don't think it's going to taste as good as WC's.
In my ♥
06:38 Jan 06 2011
Times Read: 1,269
WC needs to move over and make room for the metropolitan opera.
If I ever go to New York I'll be sure to go, even if I have to sit in the nosebleeds. (Balcony and pit tickets are expensive)
I've never understood what the people I've worked with were yammering on about when they've talked about their 'bucket lists'. I think I understand now. I'd really like to see the opera in person before I die.
Time for me to go sleep off a migrane. =l Woohoo!
21:05 Jan 05 2011
Times Read: 1,283
I feel discontent, and detached.
03:20 Jan 04 2011
Times Read: 1,306
I've graduated to soup. Bless the Chinese for delivering soup!
On a much crappier note, it's a good thing I called and checked my schedule. I was going to take a sick day tomorrow night, instead I'm scheduled to work at two in the afternoon. No calling off sick for that one. Oh well. If I hadn't called, I would have just shown up at 11pm like I normally do. Fun shit.
Time for another nap. What a waste of a 3 day weekend. =/
18:09 Jan 03 2011
Times Read: 1,322
blargh -.o
18:08 Jan 03 2011
Times Read: 1,323
I'm being fucked with in my sleep again. If I see the sandman face to face we're going to have it out.
I'm going to go off of the fact that I know for sure if you die in your dreams you don't actually die. I'm hoping the same can be said for seizures. Not that I've ever had a seizure. I don't even think that I dreamed I had a seizure. =l
It's hard to explain. It was like my brain was interrupted by something, similar to an electrical current. (Bad electricution, for those of us who have experienced the difference.) It was oddly disorienting, and it straight up disrupted the dream I was having. I felt somewhere between consciousness and unconscious. I remember trying to wake up, looking up at the ceiling, and closing my eyes and falling back out. It was too hazy for me to stay awake.
Odd to say the least.
sickness = delirium
19:06 Jan 02 2011
Times Read: 1,336
There's not a soup in the house that's not expired. =/ I think I need to drag my ass to the store. Good thing we're not experiencing fallout, I'd be fucked.
I tried to make mac and cheese. I figured that was as close to soup as I have. I was standing at the stove stirring it chanting 'mac and cheesey, if it won't stay down it will come up easy'. Sad, but true.
I only made it 3 bites in before my stomach issued a warning lurch. The rest of it is now hiding in the fridge. =/ Damnit. Maybe I'll go to the store later. For now I'm going to lay back down and return to my saltines and gatoraide when my damn stomach calms down.
Happy Birthday WildChild
17:45 Jan 02 2011
Times Read: 1,345
I'm sorry we can't be together today. I still love you lots though. I hope today is a good day for you.
I'm counting down the days until I can see you again.
mother fucking flu
01:52 Jan 02 2011
Times Read: 1,359
How does PD get out of working a 12-14 hour shift on the NYE?
Violently ill with the flu.
I wasn't able to sleep before work yesterday. It probably had something to do with my heat being out the night before. I spent an hour at work yesterday morning prepping credit card lines for the party. I ate brunch in the cafeteria with my boss at 11am before going home. At 630pm while putting on makeup for my shift.. I hugged the porcelain bowl. Everything I ate almost 8 hours earlier was still in there apparently. I'm not freaked out by the lack of digestion. I've had issues with not digesting food since they removed my gallbladder. It's been an interesting ride as far as that goes. I felt pretty relieved after expelling the brunch. Par for the course when I have a digestion fail. So I finished getting ready and went to work.
That was a mistake. In the three hours I was there I horked seven more times. Then once while walking to my car, and once when I parked my car at home. It only got worse from there. I think during the 13 hours I spent horking I must have thrown up 30+ times. The flu this year is horrible. Avoid it if you can. I got it from my boss. I tried to make her feel better telling her it could have been anyone, but I'm going through exactly what she did a week ago. Thanks for the germs bosslady. My back hurts, and I barely had enough energy to stand up long enough to shower. I'm finally able to keep gatoraide down, and I had a couple of crackers. The crackers are pushing it.
I would rather be feeling well, and dealing with work stress. I heard a chandelier fell on someone, and some bimbo got trapped in airwalls for two hours. When I feel better I'll pull up my work email and read the incident reports for fun.
I can't wait for this fever to go away. Time for PD to go pass out again. Fun stuff.
01:57 Jan 31 2011
Damn.Was expecting photos.
02:19 Jan 31 2011
=o sorry, I ate it all.
Haha I'll drop a pic next time.