PhoenicianDream's Journal
8 entries this month
07:29 Apr 30 2012
Times Read: 984
I was always told as a kid "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all".
Well, what the hell do I do with all of the not nice things that are floating around in my head not being said? Does it count if I just rant them out on here speaking in a general sense, and not to the particular person? Or am I supposed to just stuff the thoughts away until they implode?
18:57 Apr 27 2012
Times Read: 1,012
My pathology results came back. They found pre cancerous cells which they believe they removed all of them. No melanoma found, which is a relief. I'm glad I didn't wait any longer to get checked out. It could have been bad.
11:10 Apr 26 2012
Times Read: 1,028
My b day came and went. It was nothing spectacular. I didn't go anywhere, or do anything, or get anything other than the $ that my mom always gives me. I worked that night, got a free meal that was ok and a card that my coworkers signed a week later. Most days I don't feel 32, but today I feel a bit run down.
I went to the doctor today and got carved on in 3 different places. I have a total of 10 stitches, 5 in two different places, and the third location was just cauterized shut. I'm a little more sore than I expected, and I lack strength in my arm right now.
Now we wait for the pathology results.
05:37 Apr 22 2012
Times Read: 1,051
I had a dream today that basically suggested I should get my final affairs in order. The timing is odd considering I've been having some weird symptoms lately. I'm going to my doctor this week to get carved on anyway, I'll discuss the symptoms with her then.
They know they missed me anyway...
08:26 Apr 13 2012
Times Read: 1,072
Well, they've apparently had a whole two months to forget about my mouth. Uh, just because I wasn't at work doesn't mean I've changed any.
I just looked at one of my coworkers who was across the room and yelled "Hey! Did you hear that North Korea couldn't get it up?!"
I received a couple of shocked looks.
Yeah yeah, just because I'm a mom now, doesn't mean I'm Mister fucking Rogers. :p
I'm still me.
15:45 Apr 10 2012
Times Read: 1,080
Music goes through my head all of the time. And when I'm not thinking about songs I already know... my brain is making shit up. Oh boy.
Scrounger (4)
09:58 - March 27 2025

Curmudgeon (11)
02:14 - March 27 2025

Leech (2)
22:53 - March 25 2025
Vampire Rave is a member of
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17:58 Apr 30 2012
I was always told not to say anything if I am unable to say it nicely, but then once my Nana pulled me aside and told me that doesn't count for actually writing and then proceeding to give it to the person it's meant for.
She had a way with things. ;)
20:08 Apr 30 2012
I was too. And I still don't listen ;)
23:55 May 01 2012
I rant in my journal. They don't see it, it's off my chest... and fuck them- it makes me feel better.