Honor: 12 [ Give / Take ]
39 entries this month
The fourth kind..
20:59 Apr 30 2011
Times Read: 1,122
WC says to me when I get home this morning you should watch this movie. So I did. O_O wtf dude.
I have a super over active imagination. I've woken up from dreams that were so realistic they scared me awake. Lol creepy movies right before bed when I'm sleep deprived and uber tired isn't the best idea.
I washed it out of my head by watching the beginning of the karate kid. The old '84 one. Hahaha at least I was successful.
Good thing that movie wasn't real, I might rethink my trip to Alaska if it were.
01:17 Apr 30 2011
Times Read: 1,117
He's so brutal.
It's so entertaining to hear him talk about people that are pissing him off. Lol
No wonder I've gotten slightly more aggressive over the last few years. I think he's rubbing off on me.
If I actually get the job...
05:37 Apr 29 2011
Times Read: 1,127
Is there anything worth seeing/doing in upper-ish Utah? Or should I stop to crash, and continue on?
23:59 Apr 27 2011
Times Read: 1,143
We've now got potato salad, and deviled eggs chilling in the fridge. I'm going to snack on a few left overs instead of filling up on a late lunch.
If my brain doesn't quiet down soon, I'm going to start baking.
I lack stimulation.
21:10 Apr 27 2011
Times Read: 1,154
In various different aspects of my life.
day dreaming
09:41 Apr 27 2011
Times Read: 1,162
I could go for a soak in a warm tub (yes warm tub as opposed to hot tub, I would kick the temperature down at least 5 degrees on most hot tubs.), for about an hour. Followed by being rubbed head to toe with warm oils for another hour.
I have caviar tastes on a ramen budget. O_o
I'm going to just go to sleep. Maybe something fabulous will happen in my dream today.
02:32 Apr 27 2011
Times Read: 1,169
I'm entirely too tired.
4-5 hours of sleep the last 2 days in a row, and today I pulled a morning shift. A little weird for a graveyarder.
01:57 Apr 26 2011
Times Read: 1,194
I swear I'm part animal. There are many reasons behind that thought, but one of them is my habit of stashing things.
I can't really help it. It's something I've always done. If I have things that are particularly eye catching, or important I stash it away. Every now and then I'll stash a treat for a rainy day too. Yeah yeah I know dog/bone = pd/sweets. Get the giggling out of the way now.
So I was stashing something important a little bit ago, and I found something I stashed previously. Swiss chocolate. Hooray! I'm not really a chocolate bar fan, but swiss chocolate is the shiznit! Mmmmm melt in your mouth milk chocolaty goodness. Well, if Im not going to get my bananas foster tonight, this will have to do. ;)
Note to self: pick up more swiss chocolate to replenish stash.
23:42 Apr 25 2011
Times Read: 1,204
Lookie here phone. I'm trying to type emo.
NOT ego.
NOT emu.
E M fucking O!
Stupid new phone. I need to figure out how to turn this shit off.
17:01 Apr 25 2011
Times Read: 1,210
I'm at the dentists office again.
Oh how I dislike going to the dentist. =/
mmmmmmmm head
09:43 Apr 25 2011
Times Read: 1,221
That is all.
Apparently turn about is not fair play :p
04:12 Apr 25 2011
Times Read: 1,235
WC is always preaching two does one buck. I think he likes it that way provided one of them doesn't have rabies.
I suggested two bucks one doe. Wouldn't you know he isn't having any part of that. :P
Well I suppose if he can keep trying, I can suggest it every now and then too. hahaha ;)
09:23 Apr 23 2011
Times Read: 1,244
I wonder..
how old I'm going to be when I die.
02:59 Apr 23 2011
Times Read: 1,248
Wow. The two of us are both having a shitty day.
Hope tomorrow is better, if not for me, then at least for him.
I don't get it.
14:24 Apr 21 2011
Times Read: 1,265
My coworker/employee asks me last night if I like jack. Jack what? Jack Daniels is apparently what he meant. I tell him no, I'm more of a tequila drinker. He says 'yeah, you look like a tequila girl'. When I asked my butch security guard what he meant by that, all she did was laugh and agree with him.
O_o wtf are they talking about?
01:49 Apr 21 2011
Times Read: 1,269
I'm off to work. Yaaay work. =/
Seriously Jackass?01:43 Apr 21 2011
Times Read: 1,273
I absolutely despise drunk driving. If you want to kill yourself go right ahead, but don't drive around like a drunk moron and take other peoples lives in your hands as well. That's what taxi's are for.
This douchebag who had been drinking drops his car keys off with my employee lasy night. "I need you to valet my car, and call a tire repair guy, the tire is getting pretty low". Never mind the fact that no one will actually come fix a tire in the middle of the night, but my employee tells the guy that he will need to make the call because information will be needed that we can not provide (what happened, payment, etc.). Guy shrugs my employee off and proceeds upstairs to his room muttering something about the morning.
We send the security guard out to assess the car to see it can at least be moved out of our red zone until the morning. Security comes back in and says "uh, I don't think you can park that car he's driving on the rim". My employee thinks he's going to move the car anyway just to get it out of the way. I told him not to even think about driving that car. If he'd damaged it, he'd surely try to blame us for the damage. At this point the security guard mentions that we need to actually look at the car. Ok. This must be good right?
We take a short field trip out to see this car. WTF. Dude had been driving on the rim alright. Literally. No tire on this damned thing what so ever, and it looked like he'd been grinding that rim down for a couple of miles. Did I mention that he left a trail? Grooves in the asphalt and pavement where he had been. The cops followed his little trail all over the place, into oncoming traffic, and over to another hotel near ours. It seems dude had no clue where he was. The damage he did at the other hotel was extensive enough that the police impounded his car. Not surprising.
The part that really got me was the fact that someone from his Automobile Club showed up in the morning to come fix his car. Really? Did you really think someone would be able to change your tire buddy? Uh, no man. There's nothing for you to fix here, you can go away. He really must be oblivious to what he did. Luckily I'm not the one who had to deal with him this morning to explain where his car his. I can't wait to find out how it went.

It was a rental. Do you think he bought the insurance?
16:34 Apr 20 2011
Times Read: 1,281
Holy shit what a night.
Its been a while since I had one of those.
Nap time now, story later
Once unpon a time, PD used to be religious...
23:23 Apr 19 2011
Times Read: 1,296
..so much so that I wanted to dedicate my life to it. A combination of things changed my mind.
The hypocrisy I found in the church members lead me to have disdain for them. I was wrong on that count. You shouldn't turn your back on your beliefs because humans are inherently flawed. These days I opt instead to disassociate with people who are too flawed to be helped, or too closed minded to change.
I also have problems being told that somethings I was not meant to understand. I was told that quite a few times as a child. If you as an adult don't know the answer, just admit it. Telling a child somethings are not meant to be known or thought about is asinine. Being told to be quiet when I question why I'm given a brain that ponders such things I'm 'not meant to understand' also rubs me the wrong way.
Sometimes I wonder if abandoning my faith was the correct answer. If the path I'm on now, is the correct path. I suppose if I want to, I could always adopt faith again. I just don't think I will be doing so with any organized religion.
21:25 Apr 19 2011
Times Read: 1,307
Some things will be a part of our entire lives.
And yet, some of them I will never get used to.
04:26 Apr 19 2011
Times Read: 1,327
I miss hanging out with real people. The internet is full of catty pretentious people. =/ Much like a goth club. Or maybe it's just this website. There are a handful of people who are exceptions, but not many.
There are just so many people here willing to talk shit about others as soon as their back is turned. I sincerely hope I'm not viewed as one of those people. I try to limit my trash talking to those who have wronged me personally. Trust me, they've earned it.
I by no means agree with everyones actions. People do plenty online and offline that makes no damn sense at all. You can't post provocative pics, and get mad when people call you a hussy. You can't make shit choices when it comes to your career and finances, then wonder why your life sucks. But sometimes people don't deserve what is said about them.
Some people are too quick to be negative and judgemental. Does their real life suck bad enough that they really have to point a finger of shame at strangers online? Surely there must be something more productive they could be doing. It's not like the world couldn't use the improvement.
12:09 Apr 17 2011
Times Read: 1,342
Money money money.
I could use about $1000 to get some new suits and bras.
07:46 Apr 17 2011
Times Read: 1,348
I need to stop sticking things in my bra when I wear suits to work that don't have pockets.
Andrew Jackson just tried to scratch my nipple off. >_< That bastard!
Over it!
15:06 Apr 16 2011
Times Read: 1,366
I'm done picking up slack for people.
Good luck fuckers!
02:45 Apr 16 2011
Times Read: 1,382
My loose end is tied up.
As much as I hate to admit being wrong, G was right. Apparently I scored really well today despite falling asleep repeatedly during the test.
I just wait for the offer now, and attempt to negotiate my salary when it comes.
Time to get some things done on the car, it'll be a hell of a haul. I'm not looking forward to the stop in Utah on the way, but it is what it is.
00:08 Apr 15 2011
Times Read: 1,390
I keep telling myself. The sleep deprivation, and my zombie like state today and tomorrow will soon pay off.
Suffering a little right now, will benefit me greatly in the future.
05:46 Apr 14 2011
Times Read: 1,415
I gave you the benefit of the doubt when I was told you were nothing more than a pissy overgrown child, and nothing more than a pawn. Funny. I actually do see some of that in you now.
You're a pretty judgemental fuck. Especially for someone who doesn't bother to get to know a person for judging them.
04:49 Apr 11 2011
Times Read: 1,442
hahaha I love this picture.
It totally looks like he's going down. ;)
01:07 Apr 11 2011
Times Read: 1,465
Because I had a request to see my new sparkly, here's a couple of pics. It looks way better in person though.
Pay no attention to my cracker white glow.

We picked up a cake today too. Mmm Lemon Berry cake.
00:43 Apr 11 2011
Times Read: 1,474
If ever Moonie had a lesbian lover of a soul mate, I think WC and I saw her today.
We were driving down the road, out doing a little bit of shopping when we spotted her. At the same time. Instinctively we both thought of Moonie.
She was the cutest black midget I've seen yet. =)
Sparkle! Sparkle!
09:42 Apr 09 2011
Times Read: 1,498
My sister sent me a pretty Vera Wang sterling and sapphire ring. She knows how I love the sparklies.
It's far too dainty for my rough, scarred hand. However, that won't stop me from wearing it. =)
23:24 Apr 08 2011
Times Read: 1,509
I keep looking for my flowers every time I go to the store. It's too soon. I guess you just get them earlier in the year in AZ.
>_< Ouch! >_<
20:48 Apr 08 2011
Times Read: 1,526
Mother fletcher!
I woke up to a muscle cramp. In. My. Neck.
It shot down my shoulder too.
I haven't had one of these for years. When I was 13, I had a muscle cramp in my neck that was so bad I couldn't go to school. My sister also had to stay home and watch me lay on the couch and yell every time the muscle cramped up again. That one was higher up on my neck so it jerked my head to the side. It kept recramping off and on for about four hours.
This one isn't so bad. Either that or my pain tolerance is different now that I'm older. Probably both. My mom used to call shit like this growing pains. I wonder what it's called when you're an adult?
I would ask her, but she had better be sleeping. She worked an 18 hour shift from noon yesterday until six this morning. =(
I need to get my shit together so I can pay off some things for her. Those kind of hours are rediculous. It's going to kill her.
16:44 Apr 08 2011
Times Read: 1,539
It's not duck season.
It's not wabbit season.
It's mating season. =/
Stupid hormones.
Number of redeeming qualities to date.
01:30 Apr 08 2011
Times Read: 1,564
It just keeps getting better and better doesn't it?
16:23 Apr 03 2011
Times Read: 1,580
I ♥ plants and flowers.
My cacti

My mini roses

My columbines

It'll be nice when I have a house again someday. I miss having flowerbeds, and vegetable gardens.
01:45 Apr 03 2011
Times Read: 1,591
Omf stomach. Well, after feeling like absolute shit for 24 hours (so far) it's time for me to gtf up and gtf over it.
I may not feel any better, but this place isn't going to clean itself.
Laundry, dishes, animals, vacuum, shower... in that order. Isn't my Saturday night exciting?
20:40 Apr 02 2011
Times Read: 1,594
I feel like hell today.
He's happy.
04:45 Apr 01 2011
Times Read: 1,214
I like that.
00:13 May 01 2011
haha - O.0 Alaska when are you going there ?
01:11 May 01 2011
just the preview of it wigged my mom out... I thought it was a badass flick ;)
01:21 May 01 2011
I haven't planned the Alaska trip yet, it's just something I want to do.
It was a good movie, but not particularly something I want embedded in my brain before I attempt to sleep.