Just got back from seeing The Hunger Games with my son Justin and my friend Cathy and her grandson Hunter. It was really good but the ending kinda fell short for me, of course you know there will be more seeing as it is a series of books and they left it open. Great story line :)
Grrrrrr, I so want to choke that damned chicken right about now! 2:30 a.m is NOT sunrise. I didn't get to sleep till about 6 and I'm feeling like poo.
Thinking about cock, already! ;P
Always ;)
Chickens can't tell time.
I think he was an owl in a previous life lol
cock a doodle doooooo
Next time I go for my walking I need to remember my camera and my pepper spray. One for the pretties and one for the creepers. Yep.
How can a person gain 3 lbs. in one day? Ugggh. With that being said I'm going to head out and do 5 miles. Damn.
Don't over do yourself. :P
You can't overdo a bunny!
You meant "do" in another way...
The Energizer Bunny! Goes on and on and.. Lol, I don't need to know if you lose weight from that.. xD
Naughteh naughteh lol
WATER. Our water weight can fluctuate up to 10lbs in a day.
So...dont be so hard on yourself ,Pandy,Pandy.:D
Oh, that's good to know, thanks pretty mermaid :D
You're very welcome.:D And just remember,less salt intake,means less water retention.
And dont weigh yourself all the time!Muscle is heavier than fat,so its all in the tone ..Weight itself means nothing when it comes to being healthy and fit.
Well,unless you want to be a jockey...They arent all that healthy tho, sometiems.:/
I know about the salt. Mainly because I love it so much lol..
Next time weigh yourself after you take a big poo! ;p
LMAO! But....but....I don't do that thing you are talking about
Tired and a lot on my mind and thinking that I really need to pull myself together. Plenty I could be doing but it is so hard to get motivated when my heart is so heavy.
aaaww...I hope your burden is lightened soon.
Thanks hun
i hope things get better for you.
miss you
Walking Dead season finale' tonight, excited and yet bummed. Arrrgh.
Rub it in why don't ya. I have to find it online in the morning. :(
Hehe. That would suck, hope you have a big computer screen.
It was a cool episode, at least we know season 3 is on it's way. The FX channel say Autumn (Fall) in the UK. At least the slot is being filled by Dexter, not sure how far behind we are in Europe though...
Can't wait for it! I don't watch Dexter...
I had a surprisingly nice visit with my family today but it is still a big sigh of relief when everybody goes home. Ya know..
Family coming over from Montana today, it's a strange situation. My son and his wife have an on again off again relationship, that is, when she can keep her pants on. I have a feeling that my son isn't exactly innocent in that arena either. But they always travel together when coming here. I look forward to seeing my granddaughters Natalie and Kaliah but I really, really hope their is no drama coming along for the ride.
I hope so too!
We're also gathering this evening for my mom's 82nd B-Day, and my sis and her husband are separated, yet coming together tonight. They always act civilized, but I'm sure that there is going to be an undercurrent of discomfort somewhere. Sigh.
oh that's easy, meet them at the door , lay down the rules, no fussing,no fighting, no drama or else.
While on the path today I came across one dead raven, three dead ducks and one dead opossum :(
Stick them in the freezer?
I might be from Idaho but I'm not a redneck :P
LOL After the comments here I now have that Christmas tune playing in my head.. xD One dead raven, three dead ducks and a dead opossum in a pear tree...
Baby, we could have had road kill barbeque!!!!!
I used to live near Couer d' alaine and some people ate possum but we lived way out in the sticks.
I had a dream about an opossum last night. O.o
Well you do have a master chef so it could have been the road kill cafe fro dinner for you tonight lol- you would never have known what it was if he made it into stew lol
Ah - sad. I always get really bummed when I see dead stray cats alongside and in the middle of the street.
Oh My Fuckerama! *Gags* Go away Pinja! You stinky. Damn you and your play dates with your foul stench pukable nasty vile disgusting cigarette smoking friend. Now my house smells. Thank God for Bath & Body candles.
I think I know what we are getting your little friend for Christmas, one of those smokeless ashtray thingamajigs, or better yet, some nicorrette patches.
DY'am ...
I deal with Myth still smoking and I quit back in September. He smokes outside though.
I don't see many people smoking when they raise the prices on them. Helping people quit is good for their health.
Oh Gawds. I fell off the wagon, that's right folks, I am sitting here in shame and white powdery goodness all over my face and shirt as I cradle my box of hostess donuts.
I was so good for so long :(
All you're missing is some chocolate and cupcakes. Then it's a damn good way to fall. :P
Uhm...You aren't alone! ~hides her speckled egg easter candy behind her back~ I blame...The Easter Bunny!
it was just one box, I am sure it felt sooo good and you will regret it when you feel the sugar carb hangover tomorrow.
Pinja, Justin and I just got home from watching Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close at the theater. Wow. I haven't seen a film that moved me that much in a long time. You could hear people crying all around us. There was even applause at the end.
I had wanted to see this film for several reasons, Tom Hanks being one of them, the promise of a lesson to be learned and aspergers syndrome, we had my son Justin tested for it a few years ago.
Go see this film, it is incredibly moving.
Mmmmm Pinja made me delicious french toast for brunch with boysenberry syrup. I'm in heaven ♥ So nice having a professional cook in the house. I detest cooking and only go in the kitchen to clean up after him. It's a fair trade :)
Yes i also hate cooking
but don't mind the cleaning up O.o
The french toast sounds wonderful :-)
That sounds so yummy..but boysenberry, whots you doing crushing young boys on your Frenchie toast fer anyway... Hmm >>
Mmm that does sound yummy As you know I love to cook - I just don't like doing the clean up lol I figure if i spent all the time cooking he can do all the clean up. It will be nice not to have to cook anything for a few days. Sure hope the hospital food is yummy lol
LOL! My ex was the cook...I made a few desserts, like cookies. And I did all of the clean up too.
That french toast with boysenberry syrup sounds absolutely delicious!
Atleast you were in the kitchen....cleaning!
I was going to set up a pedicure appt. for my friends and I when I discovered a huge blood blister on my big toe. FUCK. I've never had one before but I know it is from the marathon walking I have been doing daily.
I have heard different stories on what to do about it. Some say don't pop it as infection will set in and it will hurt. Others say pop it with a sterile needle. It is unattractive as hell and I am afraid it will burst on its own regardless. What to do?
Try soaking that foot in warm water. Maybe it will pop on its own.
I've never had a blister get infected before. Sometimes when you pop them they become more painful, so if it's going to be akward to walk on I wouldn't dick with it.
I usually lance the blister with a sterile needle to drain it. I let the outer layer of skin dry up, and the raw under layer harden and become less painful before I take off the dead skin. Once that under layer is exposed to air it gets really tender.
I used to walk on the pavement barefoot in AZ summers. I've had more than a fair share of blisters. Hahah
Good luck with it lady.
It's a BLOOD blister, totally different scenario I'm afraid.
That's gotta be a pain.. hope it heals well after it does pop. >.o
I've lanced blisters full of blood before too.
Good lord, there is no escaping the woman! There I was, perspiration dripping down the sides of my face and forehead, my shirt sticking to my back, sans make-up, straight hair and old comfy spacious clothes booking it down the levee along the river. There must be a gabillion walking paths to choose from but there she was...my ex-husbands wife. Now don't get me wrong, she isn't too bad lol, but damn, every time I turn around they are up here on our property, several times a damned day! We have no privacy I swear. I know they have heard us in our "intimate" moments and probably a few spats to boot. Jeebus go the hell away...I should of listened to everyone when they told me not to rent from her.
And yes, I'm still a little vain. -_-
Just not feeling it today.
Looking forward to tonight, it's my friend Helen's birthday and a bunch of us girls are going out to meet for dinner and drinks, sans drinks for me. I just love that feeling of camaraderie I get when I'm with these special ladies, they are all so witty and diverse. Can't wait to catch up, yay!
I think there is a pervy ghost that haunts the bike path. I'm telling you, I was bent over at the water fountain and I had my mp3 up pretty loud when I felt someone or something grab my ass cheeks near the sides. I about jumped out of my skin! I kid you not, I literally jumped back a few feet, my heart pounding out of my chest, I haven't moved that fast in ages lol. I looked around me and noticed a guy several feet up on the path jogging and another guy just approaching me jogging who nodded at me. I must of looked like some crazy woman as I'm sure he saw the whole performance. Ugggh. If I were him I would of taken a wide berth around me lol.
Still freaked.
Haha, damn woman that would have freaked me out as well lol
Nah I just ninja'd your ass while you were out.
haha..... maybe he has a thing for butts. ;)
Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters.. lol Wait. Booty call? Haha. Sorry, I made it more pervy.
What was you doing bending over at the water fountain for?
12:36 Mar 31 2012
What is it about?