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4 entries this month

Lots of fun

21:39 Nov 18 2011
Times Read: 712

My wireless router when kablooey 2 days ago which made for 4 very unhappy people in my house. At any given time we're all 4 on the pc at the same time. Never on the same thing either. lol My nephew loves Angry Birds, my neice is on youtube, my sister on facebook and I'm either on VR or playing a game.

Luckily I only had to unplug it and carry it to the local phone co office. I go in there each month to pay my bill so have a friendly relationship with the ladies that work there and when they learned of my trouble they just took it and brought a new one out for me to hook up. It took about 5 minutes of fixing the passcode in all our pc's but now it runs great.

Time to clean up a bit, Rat and I are having dinner, we wanted to check out Birdie's new house now that she's had time to find her feet but she's got something to do tonight so we'll find something else to do I guess. Wonder how much trouble we can get into in a few hours?



01:37 Nov 19 2011

Go see twlight lol.

02:20 Nov 19 2011

Who's holding onto your bail money? ;)

19:13 Nov 19 2011

Keep us updated on the debauchery.

20:57 Nov 19 2011

Plenty I'm sure, bet you had a blast :)

23:55 Nov 30 2011

You three are like a shamrock, united in all things..


Oooh wee....

23:20 Nov 15 2011
Times Read: 719

Been crazy busy this week, so many things I wanted to do but other things keep cropping up. Nothing bad this time, thank the Goddess but just things needing done that take precedence over my regular plans.

But today was moving day for Birdie so I'm sure her week has been much wilder than mine. Good luck sugar :)

Going up to Louisville this weekend to see a girlfriend there. She's done some major remodeling and is anxious to show it off. lol From her pictures it's a huge improvement. We'll have a nice dinner then come back home and she's coming with us for the weekend. It'll be her last chance before the holidays so we'll have a good weekend for sure. I plan on keeping the kids so Linda and my sister can sneak off to see Breaking Dawn as a surprise so cross your fingers I don't slip up and tell on myself. I have that short a memory these days.

I've been working on Yule and Christmas presents trying to come up with the prefect gift. lol Like that's ever going to happen! But at least with the little kids I have a better chance.




A sad day for my family

23:20 Nov 07 2011
Times Read: 738

Spent several hours yesterday at the local hospital visiting with my Uncle Bud and his family while we waited for the doctors report. It didn't take very long, Uncle Bud was 85 years old and had COPD. It was just a matter of time and his heart finally gave out at 8am this morning.

He was a Korean war vet and had supported his family as a truck driver all his life not stopping until he was well into his 70's and he made the call that it was getting to be too much for him. He hauled big construction equipment mostly his last years of working. He was my Mom's eldest brother from a family of 15 kids. His name was James Lester Lawson but was always known as Bud to everyone.

He left behind his wife of over 50 years and 6 kids 5 sons and 1 daughter and every single one of them was there with him at the end as well as grand kids and great grandkids and not a dry eye in the house.

He makes my second uncle lost in about a 2 month period and I fear the winter will be a bad one for us in more ways than just the weather. So many of my Mom's family are very old now with the oldest one right now 90 and I know they've all had good long lives but it doesn't make it easier loosing folks you love.

I've decided to bake a ham and glaze it tomorrow then take it down to their house so they won't need to cook for so large a family. It's one of the few things my mom made sure I knew how to do as her glaze is a bit tricky.

I've always wondered if it's just a southern thing or does everyone else always take food to the family that's lost a loved one?



23:32 Nov 07 2011

I am sorry for your loss :( Hugs you.

We've always taken food to people in this time of need. I think it is a nice gesture.

23:47 Nov 07 2011

*hugs* Birdy's mother bringing us food is still talked about in our family. Such a touch of class when people do this. And I remember her bringing food to your home.

I think it is a touch lost to most these days sis.

00:00 Nov 08 2011

Sorry for your loss. I know in my family, we dressed to go to funerals and we took food to the family, during their grieving.


00:11 Nov 08 2011

::hug:: I am so sorry.

We do, too. In times of upheaval of all sorts - we bring food. It's a tangible, useful way to say, "I love you; let me make this burden a little lighter, somehow."

14:30 Nov 08 2011

Sorry Cat, I know how much Uncles can be like Dads and be much loved.

Yes...food is comfort in my Mom's eyes. :)


How strange

17:56 Nov 03 2011
Times Read: 769

I was surfing facebook earlier and ran across a VR page so I clicked on it and was more than a little confused. It was pretty obvious right off that it wasn't being sponsored by Cancer as it had nothing cool on it and the posts were mostly just hateful comments about other members of VR.

But god love her heart, Morrigon had posted the truth there that it wasn't affiliated with our VampireRave at all. I would hate to think anyone looked at that page and thought it represented this site.

We've been working on clearing out the house to get ready for winter, I hate a crowded feeling from things instead of friends and family. lol So packing up some stuff for a trip to the storage building and other stuff that I've not used in a long time or ever for that matter heading to goodwill.

Been watching the store sales papers for good buys to stock up my deep freeze but they're a bit thin on the ground this year.

We have managed to get the kids christmas presents bought and most are wrapped and stacked up high to keep little hands and nosy teenagers from messing about :) They have to wait closer to the holiday for that sort of sneaking. lol

We are thinking about putting up the tree the week before Thanksgiving as that holiday isn't a big one here with most of my family either gone or unable to come for the dinner, not much use driving 300 miles, each way, when you have to be back at work on Friday. Heck I'm pushing for us to eat out this year instead of cooking the big meal, I'd rather make a couple of really nice desserts to have at home instead of a fridge full of leftovers that we won't want to eat the next day anyway. But maybe the weekend will bring friends or family in and we'll cook a nice meal then instead.

I do hope those that still have families together enjoy though as some of my favorite memories center around the kitchen as a kid with so many family and extended family members around you had to squeeze around to get anywhere. It was loud and full of laughter and great smells and stories and hugs and fun. lol

It's funny to remember but the home I remember the fondest would fit in most modern living rooms completely these days. It had a small kitchen, living room and a bedroom. My parents and 3 of us kids lived there and it had an outside bathroom and running water to the kitchen sink only, was heated by the fireplace in the living room with coal, but it was a wonderful place to live. I guess some would consider us poor but we sure didn't know it. lol

I remember Dad bringing in the live tree and shoving things around while Mom decided where it should be, the same place every year of course but not until she'd made him work for it. lol Then the big bulb lights went on as well as the old silver tinsel and then we kids got to stand back and throw icicles at it then Dad would do the top all the while Mom had the radio playing christmas songs and a big bowl of popcorn to snack on, made on the stovetop not a microwave lol

Come Christmas day she'd fix a big meal and family from both sides of our family would come by and a crowd would gather for sure. I remember a big turkey was the centerpiece of Mom's table as well as green beans and corn she'd canned and froze from our summer garden. One of my aunts was famous for her home made rolls and I still have the recipe for aunt Opal's rolls though I'm not sure I could even begin to make them today. They take at least overnight to make, can you imagine that in these days of instant gratification. Open the fridge and take out a can, pop in the oven and 10 minutes later you're ready to eat. lol

We never really celebrated New Year's around my home, everyone worked anyway so staying up half the night celebrating didn't make much sense to us.

Ah well not sure what we'll do but I hope we have some fun and make some of those type memories for the kids here to enjoy remembering.



16:53 Nov 05 2011

You sound so organised.. I bet Christmas is wonderful in your home :) we may be going out for dinner this Christmas too.. Depends how my health will be ( a lot of big things coming up :( so I may not feel much like cooking )

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