It's been a very busy week with lots of apts and other stuff to have to do. I feel like I've ran my butt off but I checked in the mirror and the darned thing is still hanging on. :(
Got two apts today to take my nephew to 1st to a nearby town about 25 miles away whose hospital has an excellent occupational therapy dept then a couple of hours later he has to be in Lexington to see his doctor there. I'm on my own with him today since my sister couldn't get off work.
Now for the fun part he began running a fever during the night and while Tylenol is managing it, he's cross as an old bear. Plus if it's a virus I'm so screwed since I've been on predinsone eye drops for a week and a half and it's just like taking the pills, virtually no immune system... lol guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens now, but I'm afraid to go out with my girlfriends tonight :(
I went ahead and saw the ophthalmologist Friday for my eye problem and 55 bucks later I'm using 6 eye drops a day and taking advil like a maniac. I go back Monday and I suspect he'll give me an antibiotic since it's not cleared up at all and the drainage has increased.
On the other hand had a fun weekend so far, went out with the girls Friday night to dinner (which wasn't that good but the company was) then we watched some tv and talked our heads off as usual. Saturday night we had a role play game (vampire) of course and decided to start a new game so we drew up new characters that we got homework on to write up our backgrounds and flesh out the characters before we start in a couple of weeks.
Tonight if all goes well we'll get together to celebrate Ostara, a little late but better than never! lol Have to wait and see if the other girl's schedules permit it anyway.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day with the doc apt and bills to run around and pay plus a bit of grocery shopping to do since we didn't do it this weekend. Just perishables so not a big deal if it just won't rain for a while. I hate carrying in bags in the rain. lol
Awww, well I hope you have a great week.
I am glad you had fun this weekend. :) I hope you get well soon.
And Monday. :)
Oh my - good luck with your eyes. I sympathize and can relate.
Its amazing the amount doctors will charge take advil advice. I hope your eye gets better.
I've got this weird reoccurring eye condition that flares up once or twice a year where usually my right eyeball will swell with fluid until it causes the nerves around it to go absolutely nuts which brings on some serious pain. It hits with very little warning and I often confuse it with a sinus headache at least until the next day when I can no longer shift my eye in it's socket without sharp pains shooting in my head. So I'm on the steriod eye drops again which work very slowly to ease it and itch the dickens out of me. So I'm popping Advil and have a tissue to dab at it instead of scratching at it like I want to do. lol
If it were no weird I think it'd miss me by. Even my regular doctor has decided something about me attracts weird things and will send me on for tests or to a specialist over little things since too many times they've turned into the strange and weird. He makes me laugh these days.
Was out with the girls last night and they took good care of me as usual. Let me talk about Mom and all the family stuff that dwells on my mind even the angry parts. Didn't make me feel silly for being a selfish ass either. *hugs* Love you wonderful women :)
*runs in front of birdy for her hug* Ahhhh.... we luvs ya too. :)
I'm thinking strange and weird are now compliments to you lol
Dear friend, you are not weird just unique. Remember, friends always want to hear what is going on in you both good and bad. :)
I feel bad since I've not written in here in a bit but life has been incrediably busy of late. Not all good nor all bad just busy. lol I haven't talked to the girls in nearly a week and I'm having withdrawal pains too. Worse it doesn't seem to be slowing either I've got to run to Lexington tomorrow and can only hope I can walk to get to go out with them Friday. It's a standing date to it our favorite restaurant and I really don't want to miss it.
So I guess I'd better get some housework done today or I'll be stuck at home for sure tomorrow night.
Hey! I am going to Lexington in the morning too. Are you leaving at 6:00am like me? No?....darn, we could of ate at McD together.
Hope to be back for dinner- but expect it to be a Looooonnnnggg day for us.
I came through and stopped in Lexington today.....that count? lol
I miss Lexington :/
Good luck with the housework and enjoy your day trip.
Lexington was a great place to drive
PLease be so kind as to send me some food from that special place you guys go to- and please tell Danna I said
We had those tonight sugar :)
Drove to Cinn Ohio today to the childrens hospital to meet with the head doctor who has gathered all my nephew Adam's test results and gave us the final word on what's wrong.
Even though we've had time to get used to the ideal since all this started just a few weeks after my mom died it was still very hard to take it when they said he is has Autism and not just fitting in the autism sprectum or ADHD but will require a whole change in how we deal with him and how he's educated.
While he's in preschool and has speech and occupational thearpy there the doctors want him to also have both privately so we're on the hunt for where we can get this done. Not locally that's for sure. He will also have to attend school all summer or he will backslide on the progress that's been made.
We didn't cry about it since we knew it was coming but somehow hearing it so final is hard to take. He's really smart at 4 and a half he knows the alphabet to say and also recognizes the letters on paper too. Somehow it's so hard to equate this really smart little boy with all the problems he has socially. :(
The drive up was good although an awful lot of cops were out writting tickets but the drive back was exhausting since the traffic was heavy and the winds had picked up something awful. It was a two handed grip all the way home. I will take a muscle relaxer soon and just go right to bed.
We cannot choose what abilities we are born with, nor do we get to select the people in our lives we call family. He is lucky to be surrounded by people who are willing to go the extra miles to ensure he is treated and taken care of.
I just went to walmart to pick up some papertowels and cleaning stuff and found the new Kim Harrison book out :) White Witch Black Curse and it's so hard not to grab it and rip into the pages right away.
But those cleaning supplies and laundry stuff are giving me awfully dirty looks and I think they just might be going to tell on me!
White Witch Dirty Laundry ... lol
I miss the American Walmart.. you got some real keen bargains there!
Give ME the book then if you are going to wait THAT long..... Cleaning....bleh!!
Enjoy the book, dear friend. Cleaning can wait a while.
I am not a quiet person "like that's a shock" but I was looking at a society today that had over 50 members and yet they all talk so little in their society that I alone, have many more posts than their whole group. I cannot imagine being in a society and not talking, joking, laughing and teasing each other.
Now my housemates will assure you I talk too much and they cannot shut me up most of the time. lol That's okay though since I can at least be polite about it.
Just imagine if I suddenly found myself among those folks.... *snickerng* They'd run in fear!
Dead society?
Run in fear?? No way!
You're housemates would help bar them in so they'd have to listen to you and all your glory :)
what are housemates for?
I have to wonder sometimes why such societies don't just disband, whats the purpose really?
I bet if you were part of their group you would have them talking, joking, laughing and teasing each other just have that magic about you...with your polite, gentle way you'd win them over...just as you've done here on VR...and I'm not just saying that cause my birthdays coming up...:-D
That society sounds like a waste of your precious time and verbal humor ability, dear friend.
Puppy's on her way to the Airport since our weather sucks so bad this morning... dang ice and snow could have waited one more day before screwing with us. But we did have one hell of a few days to enjoy.
It seems like we've just been dealing with day by day stuff since about this time last year when so much tragedy started for us. Since then Birdy has been fighting an uphill battle to drag the two of us out of the dumps.
A few days ago she got the ultimate in backup when a wild red puppy rolled into town. Birdy and I were waiting at Rat's house because she had gotten stuck on a job site. We're sitting there chit-chatting when a knock come on the door, Birdy peeks out the curtain and gives a one finger wave then throws open the door and the hugs begin...about 10 seconds later so does the laughter.
Since Wednesday evening we've done little more than laugh and talk and play. Great memories we've made with a woman who fit in with us like a long lost sister. Hey you know it's the truth when she can talk as much as the 3 of us. :)
She's had to leave now to finish up the business that brought her our way and has been making her miserable for the last year or so herself. So I hope we were able to make her have as good a time as we did and that the rest of her trip goes smooth and easy.
Now we just have to figure out how to get Rat on a plane so we can take that Alaska cruise together. Starts plotting...
Love you Puppy, come back really soon.
That is wonderful that you had some joy my friend. you definitely need it with all that life has thrown at you.
You know ... those Alaska cruises - they leave from Vancouver (BC). Y'all could take a 2 day train ride to Vancouver (WA) and LadyC and I could accompany you across the border =)
I will miss the puppy as well. She is a lot of fun. she felt like family. :)
Train? Do they have bigger seats than a dang airplane??
I second that
It was an absolute JOY to come down and play with you guys- you are everything I knew you would be and MORE-
But lord, Nita SO needs to be more quiet, and you need to open up MORE...
13:44 Mar 27 2009
Well I don't want what he has.... Ewww.
*seals cat up in a plastic bag*
17:24 Mar 29 2009
I hope life lightens up for you and that you dodge the virus from your nephew.
It will get better soon.