Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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17 entries this month

Tax time again

20:47 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 949

Went to the mailbox a bit ago and woo hoo got my 1099R so I can file my taxes. I don't get a W2 since I live on my retirement income which is good and bad, I only pay federal taxes but then they keep over 3/4 of what they take. lol I never get those big bucks back other folks talk about using to buy cars or even down payments on houses. But when you're single with no dependents there's not much you can do about it. Uncle Sam taketh and he keepeth since you are in the lowest demographic and he don't need to make you happy. lol

It wasn't quite this bad when I was working since I invested in the market and a 401K and had a lot more deductions with travel expenses and uniforms for my job along with educational trips and such. With all that gone I just wave my tax money goodbye when I see my 1099R.

I always get a laugh though when the tax form asks me to designate a political party to give money to and I refuse because I'd rather fire them all and start over without the election being won by those who spend the most money. I know they'll get it whether I say yes or no but it's the principal of the thing. *sticks tongue out*



18:13 Jan 31 2010

Yep the best attack on a principal of this type is a sticky out tongue, maybe even a thumb on the nose and finger wiggle, I ususally keep that in reserve for serious stuff.

10:16 Feb 04 2010



I read it so I can speak my mind now.

21:04 Jan 28 2010
Times Read: 972

I've seen a lot of journal entries and nasty comments in the forum about how stupid the "sparkly" vampires are and the attitude is they give vampires a bad name or image.

So I read the series of books finishing Breaking Dawn early this morning.

Move past the sparkle folks there's some good stuff in the books. If you get with the story the "sparkle" wasn't the big point there, it was the diamond like hardness of the vampires skin that provide great protection from damage. Sure it forces them to stay out of the sun to keep the world from discovering them but that makes as much sense as a vampire being unable to ever be up in the day again.

In the last decade there have been dozens of vampire and supernatural books written and all try to add a little something to make their "world" unique from the vampires and werefolk being out in the open to the world to a people that only refer to their members as "vampires" when they loose their faith and begin to prey on humans killing them instead of just taking what they need. There are many many more twists that are out there so why does this one make everyone get so violently angry.

Does sparkly things scare you that much? Get over it and at least keep an open mind. Sure the series will never be my favorite, I like my vampires a lot darker and more violent (just my preference) but I sure have read a lot worse out there.

The series as I understand it was written with teen readers in mind, so trying to hold it to adult standards is silly. Hating it because the movies are so popular, makes little sense either. No one forces anyone to see it so let those that enjoy it have their fun. Let's face it the adult more serious vampires lots of us tend to favor will never make huge box office hits. Stop begrudging the ones that can!

I figure as long as vampires remain hot in the current market, then there's so much still possible to be written that we will get to enjoy. It's only when the bucks stop that we'll have to settle for the old stuff over and over again while we wait for our favorite monsters to become popular again.

So in the words of my momma, quit yer bitchin! I want to be able to go to the bookstore and have plenty of choices to read about my beloved vampires and werewolves, witches and all the other creatures of the night.



21:07 Jan 28 2010

You preach it sister

21:30 Jan 28 2010

LOL, Yes Momma

21:30 Jan 28 2010

*Nods* Exactly!

02:07 Jan 29 2010

Does that mean I Finally get to borrow the books?

04:18 Jan 29 2010

Complaining about the sparkling vampires, makes as much sense as, the pope decreeing that Harry Potter books is evil.

Its a book, get over it.

You preach it sister!!!


Can't help but laugh

14:02 Jan 27 2010
Times Read: 997

I was reading Sinora's journal (if you haven't you're missing a wicked sense of humor) and her latest entry got me to thinking of something in my own life that has been a perfect example of Karma as any I've ever seen.

See a couple of family members chose to lie and attack my sister and I and then treat us like dirt. Well being older I was able to sit on my sister until she calmed down instead of getting tossed in jail for stomping my nephews live in woman's ass into a tiny greasy spot. It was close but I finally convinced her to move on and just ignore them. It was hard at times as for about a month there was a really bad feeling around here. (We live in a duplex, they're in the other half so some contact is unavoidable)

But also since this has all happened it's been interesting to watch as first one of their cars developed problems, their heater went out and all kinds of problems with the repairs from drunken repairmen showing up to wrong or bad parts, and this when it's been colder here for longer than we've seen in years. Then their washer tore up and cost over 200 dollars to fix and just yesterday their alarm clock broke and they were late.

I swear I have not done one thing to make any of this happen, not even sugar in the gas tank!

It's pure Karmic justice in my opinion and I was telling my sister this yesterday and she started laughing then said she was darn glad I didn't let her start a fight, this was much more fun. (insert evil laughter)



14:32 Jan 27 2010

Well... what goes around comes around I say. ;)

17:00 Jan 27 2010

HAHAHA You Are Too Wicked ,You know you been hanging around ob and me too long we rubbed off on you , You wished it and karma bite.

17:16 Jan 27 2010

I am not alone lol

21:22 Jan 27 2010

What you put out.....comes back times three. :)

00:58 Jan 28 2010

Yeppers rat is right what goes around comes around.......

10:14 Feb 04 2010

Yeah Karmic justice keeps chasing me, if I could just run a little faster....


I'm getting confused

19:03 Jan 25 2010
Times Read: 1,016

Got up this morning about 5am and it was pouring Rain as it has for the last 4 days. When I left the house at 7:30 it was down to just a soft rain but the temperature had dropped 10 degrees and still falling. 2 hours later and it was sleet and snow that had everyone rushing inside. Now here it is 2 hours later and the wind is absolutely howling outside and it's cold as the dickens.

Wow I wonder what tomorrow will bring?



15:59 Jan 26 2010

Sounds like the UK!

03:17 Jan 27 2010

That is the wonder of Mother Nature we never know what she has in store for us. Hope you Kentucky ladies are fairing well with the weather. :)


As real Class Act!

16:33 Jan 22 2010
Times Read: 1,032

I just love it when the members of The Coven of Lux Aeterna, come rate. They have a wicked cool graphic on their rating stamp that just shouts out their pride in their society. They may not be the biggest coven on the site but these guys sure seem to have it together.




I'm so proud :)

20:01 Jan 21 2010
Times Read: 1,047

I went and picked my nephew up from school yesterday *he's 5 in preschool* and ran into one of the teachers that I know a bit but don't see much. She stopped me to tell me how amazing Adam was, she'd been in his classroom the day before and found Adam reading and sounding out phonetically, different words, she heard him work out the word frog and he got it exactly right.

The trick of it is in his preschool, they are not teaching the kids to read, they are working on things like coloring and cutting paper and using glue and while they have numbers they go over 1-10 and will also do the abc's if the kids want to, they sure haven't taught any of them to sound out words. lol

We haven't taught it at home either so he's probably picked it up off the computer. He loves to spend time on ZacBrowser which has all types of games and learning games on it. It's also made for Autistic kids because they cannot download anything from it.

His teacher was telling us she had some simple words on a board in the classroom and Adam was saying them like he was reading them but she thought it was he'd memorized the color of the construction paper they were printed on. So one day she changed the colors and put the words in different areas but he read them off just the same.

His verbal skills still need work but we're taking care of that, having found a really good speech therapist beyond what he gets at school.

He can still memorize much more than other kids and can hear a song once on the radio and will sing along the next time it plays, if he likes it. He's pretty into LadyGaga right now.

Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing how he develops, beyond the reading he's shown a real love for numbers, so it'll be interesting to see which one of those wins.




This has to be a joke!

17:51 Jan 21 2010
Times Read: 1,056

Was at the doctor Tuesday with a painful cough and short of breath, had a chest xray yesterday and was called back in this morning, it's pneumonia starting up in my right lung (the one that was deflated during surgery) Now I'm on antibiotics and breathing treatments for 2 weeks then back to the doc.

It's really strange other than getting short of breath and having a cough that feels like a hot knife being shoved in I'm not feeling all that bad. But since it's cool rainy weather here, I'm stuck staying inside for a while while I get over this stuff.

Now for the funny part I had the Pneumonia vaccine shot 2 years ago and it's supposed to last 5 years!~

Wonder if they give a refund?



18:18 Jan 21 2010

GRRRR get well damn it!

18:20 Jan 21 2010

I,m So sorry Sweetie I hope you,ll BE ok ,

20:02 Jan 21 2010

I'll be fine it's just annoying when I want to get back to my normal routine things keep popping up. lol

03:23 Jan 22 2010

*hugs* Get well soon sis!!!

06:57 Jan 22 2010

Hope you get to feeling better soon dear.

01:42 Jan 26 2010

So sorry to hear about you medical issue. I did not even know there was a Pheumonai vaccine. Hope you are feeling better now.



01:43 Jan 20 2010
Times Read: 1,066

Turned on the computer this afternoon and windows went crazy, screaming virus and wouldn't let me do diddly squat.

I spent 3 1/2 hours cleaning and repairing this thing and it's working fine now. But there were a couple of times I wanted to practice my punt kick on it. I'd also like to kick Microsoft in a soft spot since I suspect it was an update from them that shut down my McAfee and started it all anyway.

When I finally got it cleared up there was 1 trojan to remove but nothing like the 4 windows was screaming at me.

Either way I've got a headache from it that's for sure.



02:42 Jan 20 2010

Hmm sounds like one of the ones that we got last year. It was a butt to get rid of but we got rid of it. It had TrendMicro going crazy as well. Times like that is when you need a BFH.....yep that would do.

03:52 Jan 20 2010

Mine went crazy today as well...MUST be the update. Gah.

15:58 Jan 26 2010

I have a couple still on my system I think...going to wipe the lot and see if that sorts it...


Time to reflect

18:41 Jan 18 2010
Times Read: 1,089

Well it's finally here, the last year of my 40's and I''ve mixed feelings about it really. This decade has been full of so much in my life both good and bad.

It began with me getting promoted to telecommunications supervisor, the highest position I could attain. It brought with it a lot of responsibilities but also a lot of satisfaction, having worked there 20 years already I had time to think of ways I'd like to do things differently. While I was boss the state installed Enhanced 911 and CAD system (computer aided dispatch) it changed how we did our jobs drastically. There were 17 posts around the state doing this and according the the trainers, we were the only ones jumping at the bit to learn it and play with all the pretty buttons. lol Everyone else was complaining about the changes it was bringing. It made me odd but I think new technology is a blast to learn about and try out. Sure with some experience we discovered some parts of it that just didn't work for us and modified it to suit our needs. That was fun for me since the racks of computer eq was located in my "office" lol I climbed up and down those things like I was a crazed monkey, and in a person my size you can just imagine how insane that looked.

By midway thru the decade I was having to retire 4 years before I had planned due to an injury and subsquent health reasons. I had pulled my time so it was a full retirement but just a bit earlier than I had wanted. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I was able to spend 3 years caring for my Mom who had COPD before her death in 2007. This time is precious to me now.

I got to spend more time with my friends and family than I every had in my life and it's great. I have had several health problems but with luck and love from my family and friends I"ve made it through.

Now here I am turning 49 and it's bittersweet. Funny but no matter how old I get in numbers I still feel 18 inside even if my body refuses to let me act that way. Part of me wonders what this last year may hold in store for me. Great things I hope it's about time honestly and would be a wicked cool way to end my 40's.



21:02 Jan 18 2010

Happy Birthday! Pictures, Images and Photos

Happy Birthday dearest!!!! *huggles*

23:47 Jan 18 2010

Happy Birthday!

00:52 Jan 19 2010

Wow...I hope the next 49 years are filled with happiness and good health!

(And I'm right behind you - my birthday is next month).

19:26 Jan 19 2010

Sometimes blessings come in disguises. Here's to 49 more wonderful years in this life... and the 8 others you have as well!

02:10 Jan 28 2010

Please forgive my forgetfulness. :(



Not so politically correct

18:38 Jan 15 2010
Times Read: 1,106

The local school just called (a recording) letting us know that the kids would be bringing home their report cards today. It went on to say there would be no school on Monday "due" to Martin Luther King Day, not in honor of but due to... I couldn't help but laugh at that very non-politically correct way of putting it.

While I think MLK was a true gift to this country and we still have far to go to make his dream a reality I did and do not support MLK day as national holiday. He was never a president of this country and even they share one day as "presidents day" no other American citizen was singled out for such an honor.

Benjamin Franklin was never a president though he performed many services to this nation when it was trying to find it's feet. Does he have a specific day? No. Throughout this country's history there have been outstanding men and women who did great things but they have not been singled out for singular recognition. For this reason along I do not support this coming holiday. We are supposed to be trying to do away with racism, funny how this smacks of reverse racism instead.

MLK was a great speaker and humanitarian and I was lucky enough as a young kid to hear him speak on tv and radio. I was 7 when he was murdered and it was apparent when it happened that this nation had suffered a tremendous loss. Others tried to fill his shoes but they didn't have his vision of a truly fair future for all people.



22:05 Jan 15 2010

yeah there is a lot of reverse racism. For example, if whites had a WET (whites entertainment channel), we'd be called racist yet BET is allowed. Can't have a whites only college yet there are tons of only African American colleges. I agree that MLK shouldn't have a holiday and maybe someday his dream will be realized and there will be no racism period.

15:15 Jan 19 2010

I know- in GA they was all saying "It will be busy with the 3 day holiday weekend" "Monday the parade will start..." and I was like What?? What day are you talking about?

Gosh..our town does nothing for this day it seems.



18:36 Jan 14 2010
Times Read: 1,121

My sister asked me what type of cake I want for my birthday next Monday. I pondered for a minute then she hurried to add, do not ask for a pineapple upside down cake I can't do those! lol I didn't dare tell her the only other cake that sounds good to me right now is an apple stack cake and I know she cannot make that one!

So I'm guessing it'll be either an ice cream cake from DairyQueen or one from the local bakery. I'm leaning toward the baked one as I really haven't been impressed with ice cream cakes. Now I just have to tell her since she loves any excuse for one of those things! :p



18:39 Jan 14 2010

Applestack cake??? sounds evil and delicious... I think I must go google it now.

19:10 Jan 14 2010

MMMmmmm caaaaaaake.....



18:10 Jan 13 2010
Times Read: 1,135

Last night was not the most comfortable I've ever spent but it was worth it for the steristrips came off this morning and the disolving stitches with them. Now no stitches are left and I can move a lot more freely. Woo Hoo!

I reworked my profile over quite a lot changing the look and the text too. I've not made any major changes since the 1st year I joined the site so it was way overdue.

I'm still not perfectly happy with the font colors but it's the best I've been able to get to work for me.

I even posted a thread in the love me section asking for opinions and rates.

Of course what got me started on the revamp was another member who came over and said the profile was great and they gave it a 10 but really only gave it a 4. Their own profile was totally awesome artistically so I figure it was time to see if I could make mine better. Come on over and check it out if you would, I'd like to hear from folks on it.



22:59 Jan 13 2010

Glad the Stitches are out , them things can itch like crazy. as for your updated profile I think it looks great. the font could stand to be a little brighter but Love the Sexy Betty.


It's a crying shame!

14:41 Jan 10 2010
Times Read: 1,157

*drags out soapbox and climbs aboard*

I was reading through world news headlines when I came across this one:

"Pope gunman to consider book, film offers

AP – Sat Jan 9, 6:55 am ET

ANKARA, Turkey - The gunman who shot and wounded Pope John Paul II says he will begin considering book, film and television documentary offers after his release from a Turkish prison later this month."

Now that he's served his time, he plans on getting rich on the pain and fear he caused, which to me is just sick. But I'm sure they will be some who jump the chance to pay this criminal for "his" story.

Too bad that the people of the world won't refuse to support this sort of thing and make it financially irresponsible for any company to do this, by not buying the books or magazines or movies they produce from these people.

Personally I'd rather read about a strangers attempts to save an endangered species or the environment or heck even Brittany Spears newest tattoo than to make crime pay in this manner.

Okay off my soap box but it does irk me.



16:02 Jan 10 2010

Here,Here, I Agree Here,s a Cola To Congratulate you.

11:17 Jan 12 2010

I agree as well...dam him!! dam them lol!


Uh Oh

11:35 Jan 07 2010
Times Read: 1,180

Shhh Don't tell Rat but her snow dance failed and the white stuff still isn't here! She even got Birdie to agree to it falling. It's colder than a well diggers ass outside but clear so far. The snow is in the far western part of our state but moving this way. Hopefully I can get today's trip done before it gets here and be back snug in front of my window watching as it hits. I've got the hot cocoa ready and waiting anyway.



11:47 Jan 07 2010

Tell snake food to send one of jer trucks out here we have more than enough of that white shit to share..

16:08 Jan 07 2010

I am not snake food! Grrrr....

Yeap- no snow yet. Damn it! But I do wish you a safe trip... bringing the snow back with you. :)

17:30 Jan 07 2010

That's right I don't wanna give them indiegestion


Long boring stuff that won't interest you all

11:30 Jan 07 2010
Times Read: 1,181

The first time it happened I was a little shocked, the second time amused by the third time, it was just plain wicked fun to watch the doctors face when that first visit after surgery they pull out their prescription pad to write another pain medicine order and I refuse it. lol

This time my doctor just got this amazed look as I explained that the stuff he sent home with me was too strong and as soon as I came out of the morphine cloud left over from the hospital IV, I quit taking it. Stuff had me plain wacky so I switched to taking Advil every 4-8 hours.

It's funny but pitiful too that it's become so common for folks to want to stay on those type of drugs.

At one point I remember sitting in the chair and my hand was going from my lap to my mouth as if eating when it struck me I shouldn't be eating and hadn't done more than drink broth a few times in days but in my head I was eating french fries dipped in ketchup. My 12 year old neice was sitting nearby so I asked her if I was eating french fries.... there was a moment of confused silence then she said No you're not eating anything. I waited a minute then lifted my imaginary plate toward her and asked her to take it to the kitchen for me and watched as she almost stood up to come take it when she realized there wasn't one... it was so funny to see her watch her face.

*I know it was kind of mean but fun anyway*

I'm not objecting to the morphine drip I was on after the surgery I suspect I would have been screaming without it but it was strange that no one ever asked me if I needed additional pain meds in the hospital they just came in every 6 hours and injected more morphine into my regular IV. I remember almost nothing of the hospital stay that was good anyway. I remember an older woman they moved into my room that objected strongly to being moved from her private room to share with me (the hospital was doing remodeling and closed the part of the hospital she had been in)

She started yelling about the moment she got to the end of my bed and continued complaining and demanding stuff the rest of that night. I actually remember she demanded the nurse give her a bed bath about 3 times though after the 1st one the nurse refused.

I suspect I got even with her a little though in the middle of the night, another young nurse insisted on shifting the way I was laying and set my entire back into muscle spasms. *I sure could have used Faeriemoon, that's for sure* I remember screaming in pain for quite a while and crying too. The morphine apparently doesn't help that and finally they gave me a shot of strong muscle relaxer that stopped the pain. It was the only real pain I remember from the surgery.

It was a big relief to get released Christmas Eve to come home though they really drugged me up as I remember nothing of the hour long drive home at all.

My sister tells me Rat had come to see me and stayed with me while she brought her suv around to get me and then sit and talked to me while she stopped and got the prescriptions filled but I swear I could have promised her my firstborn and I'd have to just believe her. It's a complete and total blank for me. She then followed us home, bless her wonderful heart. She could easily have left us in the dust as my sister is a nervous interstate driver at the best of times and since it was dark and she's only got vision in one eye it messes her perception up awfully. Add that I was apparently grabbing at the gear shift while she drove it it must have been a heck of a trip for her too.

Being a born and raised Kentuckian, like most of us I thought of the University of Kentucky Medical Center as the very best hospital in our state, but I must admit I was quite disappointed overall. I kind of hate that really.

The newest discovery I made from it all is I am apparently allergic to the surgical tape they used on me, and have the blisters to prove it.

You don't know how good your friends are until they put up with you have crazy, barely moving and looking like you've been drug down a blacktop road behind a truck and they still come see you!

Thanks VW39 and Elemental, you guys were my twinkling lights in a very dark Christmas season.



00:16 Jan 08 2010

I am glad to have been someone's twinkle....and love you no matter what you look, smell , OR act like.

00:19 Jan 08 2010

*polish her shine* ;)



01:10 Jan 07 2010
Times Read: 1,194

Woo Hoo I'm allowed to drive again! Got the stitches out that were causing me pain every time I moved my right arm or side but the biggest number of them are the self desolving kind that just stay where they are until they're done.

The chest xray was clear, my lung looks good according to the doctor. He wants to see me in a month for another xray and hopefully that'll be the end of it all.

It was wicked cold but the snow was just flurries so no problems driving.

Thanks for the hug fest ya'll it was appreciated!



05:53 Jan 07 2010

Hugs to you. I am glad that you are healing fast and getting back into the swing of things.


oh well

14:04 Jan 06 2010
Times Read: 1,207

Did you ever both look forward to something and dread it as well? That's today for me, going back to see the surgeon this afternoon and first up is getting a chest xray done then waiting for him to come in the office after surgery to see me. Since I know my own surgery that was supposed to be 3 hours long but turned into 5 hours could happen to someone else it could be a long wait. :(

They're supposed to take out my stitches today.

Seems I've got a lot more than I even realized now that the drying up has started itching! lol It's the ones under my right arm that are actually causing me pain and trouble having been put in a very bad spot for wearing a bra and such! Guess I'll have to go for women's lib all over again and burn my bra. :p But as much as I want these particular stitches taken out I can tell from the soreness of the area around them it's going to hurt like the dickens :(

The contest was fun the other night though I only made it to stage 4 before a piece of classical music stumped me. But I'm not too upset since it was supposedly trying to prove I went to college and I didn't actually do that in real life! lol

The new contest is funny just to hear the folks that look and see they found a clue only to have completely missed it. lol I have 2 by accident and I caught them so if I can do it, anyone can!

I'm not really up to hunting page after page though with so much going on today. Schools out here and my aunt that would normally keep the kids for us is in the bed with the flu so they both have to come with us. Normally we could lock up the car with the kids inside watching the dvd player we put in the back seat for them. Amanda's almost 13 and can keep Adam happy with movies. But that's in outdoor parking lots where it's very visible if someone tried to break in on them and we can usually see the truck from inside the building. But going to UK Med Center/Gill Heart Institute today so have to park in a big covered parking garage then take a shuttle bus over to the hospital so that's way too far away to leave them alone in a car.

So they're going in with us too but if the wait turns into a really long one, I'm not sure how Adam will deal with it. Last time he was there he ended up loosing it and my sister had to leave and walk the sidewalk with him which it's way too cold for that today! So we're packing like for a trip with snacks and things to amuse him and this time we're remembering to take his meds with us too! lol I know the last time was our very own fault, not his.

Sorry to be so chatty but this seems to help me get in mind what all needs to be done and the order I need to do it in, so you're out of luck if you've read all this and hoped for some piece of humor or wisdom or even juicy gossip. Just me and my regular old crap. But if you made it this far cross your fingers for me that I don't cry in the office when they take out these stitches... it's hell on my "I'm tough" reputation and makes my nose red!

Good luck to all in the contest, seems it's really livened up folks after the downer of the holidays which is a good thing! Thanks Cancer for the fun even if I ended up feeling like a big dummy but I would have sworn that was Vivaldi! lol



16:28 Jan 06 2010


20:45 Jan 06 2010

Makes it a group hug. :)

00:10 Jan 07 2010

Oh this is going to be one huge group hug. We will be gentle though :)

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