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14 entries this month

Ombladon-Daca pozele ar vorbi...

18:11 Nov 23 2005
Times Read: 569

Dimineata ma trezesc, nu pot sa zambesc

Intr-o oglinda veche, sparta in care ma privesc

Totul-i jegos, stau pe pat, afara-i innorat,

Detest tot ce am in jur, sunt incordat, viata-i un test

Ies grabit din casa iar in gura liftului

Dau cu piciorul cainelui din scara blocului

Da sa ma muste, ma feresc, ma gandesc

La multe intrebari pus in fatza oglinzii, nefiresc

Copii viseaza ca si noi cand

Stateam la cozi la unt cu pantalonii rupti in fund sperand

La mai bine visam...

Oricum n-avem nici jumatate din ce ne doream

Anii trec, anii repede trec

Si-au ramas tot mai putini cei care te-nteleg

Te tarasti cu greu prin viata, zilele le numeri si zbieri

Ca timpul trece greu atunci cand suferi.


Daca pozele-ar vorbi

Amintirile ar fi vii

Am stii iar ce gandeam cand eram copii

Probabil poza ta din rama ti-ar sopti :

'Stii, nu esti ce-mi doream sa fii.'


Alergam prin lume plini de spume

Nu ne arde nici de glume

Cand vine vorba de zile bune

Deja s-au dus la dracu' sperantele

Grijile ne naruiesc incet visele

Unu'-si face temele, unu'-si sparge venele

Unu' numara lovelele, altu' belele

Toate problomele puse cap la cap, de fapt

In nici un cap de om oricat ar fi de apt nu-ncap

Nu-ti place sa stai la mana altora, nici mie

Te-ai saturat sa scri C.V.-uri si totusi mana scrie

Ca n-o sa mearga nici acum esti convins

Incearca sa nu uiti cand erai copil ce ti-ai promis.



Inima se rupe, iti plange sufletul

Acum doar in poze iti mai vezi zambetul

Ai albit, esti nefericit, falit

Te uiti la poza in care ai remarcat primul rid

Greselile pe care le-ai facut in viata te costa

Fara riposta traiesti o viata anosta

Te ineci in alcool, toti banii in tine ii torni

Ai ajuns sa fii treaz doar atunci cand dormi

Esti exact ca tatal tau cand il priveai cu ochi rai

Cu aceeasi ochi te vad pe tine acuma copii tai

Esti multumit sau nu, asta o stii doar tu

Fii sincer cu tine macar acum

Ai multe de spus, as vrea sa te-ascult, tata

Dar am calcat si eu pe urmele tale inc-o data

Ureaza-mi noroc ca vreau sa fac ceva in viata

Te las linistit ïn lumea ta de gheatza.




Ombladon-Nici o lacrima...

18:07 Nov 23 2005
Times Read: 570

Ooohhh + my God

Trezeste-te, ridica-te

Incet respira

Du-te la munca

Munceste 12 ore


E o lume senila

Prea plina

De oameni ca tine

Care ar face orice

Pentru putere pai

Atunci tregeti de fiare.

Mi se pare mie

Sau chiar seamana

A comedie ?

Cand totul e lipsit

De oricefel de strategie

Ca-n puscarie

Nimic nu ma mai sperie

Si mor, am dintii stransi

Privirea rece, pentru ca

Aveti sufletul gol

Nu mai exista sentimente

Si doar false zambete

Si cantece

Nu mai exista oameni

Si doar dialovii in pantece

Nu exista regrete

Decat pietenatii analfabete

Nu mai exista cornete

Decat-n perete,

Lunete si baionete

Prea mici intr-o lume mare

Suntem, prea multe vrem

Si nu putem sa avem

Degeaba ne ferim

Cu mana intinsa tot cersim

Ce vad, ce simt

Tot ce ating

Ma umple de venin

Si ma doboara ac un robinet

Luat in dinti in plin

Refren: 2x

Privesc in urma mea

Vad oameni razand

Lacrimiele sunt parca

Spulberate de vant

Cand plang, ma rog

La Dumnezeu mereu

Si-L intrb: `Oare nu

Vezi ce vad si eu ?`

Traieste daca poti

Lipsit de sperante

E riscant ca o ruleta ruseasca

Jucata cu sase gloante

Mi se taie respiratia

Incep sa obosesc

Sa va vorbesc despre ce vad

In jurul meu, mai bine orbesc

Diferentele sociale,materiale

Creeaza antipatie

Nu-i nici macar

Un pas in viata

De la extaz la alcoolie

Ne pirdem intr-un ocean

Plin de rechini, si fierbem

Oricum in lupta noastra

Cu destinul pierdem

Iti intre in oase teama

Si fara sa-ti dai seama

Devii, la fel ca ceilati

Oameni fara suflet, inca vii

Calcati in picioare

Ca niste animale, frumosul

Si transformati totul in ploaie

Declansand atatea razboaie

Se intuneca totul

Vine potopul, dar nu ma asperie

Am vazut atatea razboiea,

Victime, 11 septembrie

Inchid ochii, ni-mi curg lacrimi

Ce-ar mai fi de spus

Cand tot noi, oameni fara suflet

L-am crucificat pe Iisus

Ooohhh + my God

Refren till end►

Privesc in urma mea

Vad oameni razand

Lacrimiele sunt parca

Spulberate de vant

Cand plang, ma rog

La Dumnezeu mereu

Si-L intrb: `Oare nu

Vezi ce vad sï eu ?`





00:55 Nov 23 2005
Times Read: 574

I am free at last...i am free...for i desire nothing,have nothing,need nothing but the immortal that shall never leave me...when god doesn't exist any more,everything is posible,right ? well,that is if he ever existed...why center our existence around the concept of any god?i'm not shure i belive in one that kills without remorse,that gives the good ones sickness,death and the bad ones health and keeps'em alive..is there a god that gave that 5years old child leuchemia?is there?r u shure that is the god that u desire2pray2 ? r u shure u want his help ?

My god,my real god,is my will...that's what lifts me back up if a slip,that's what pushes me down again...the only dirty god that is always by my side..it pleases me to know how much good a could do,what a great creature i could be,as long as i am not...yeah,im running away all the time...running from myself,mostly..and from everyone else around...there can never be seen the image of myself,just lil pieces of me,so many of them...and maybe by the time u will have put together all those lil pieces,u'll realise that one more piece has apeared...i am nothing...and i am building myself as the story goes,step by step...brick by brick i lifet to the sky my nothing...and it shall be the greates nothing that has ever been built..my nothing...me...





00:29 Nov 23 2005
Times Read: 578

i am proud of myself...i've realised that i am flawless...sounds funny,right?but it's the conclusion i came up with..i feel nothing,i desire nothing,i am nothing...just think about it.what's the only thing that nobody could ever distroy?the only thing that can not,and will not ever be destroied?the sweet,perfect nothing...that nothing that anyone can see in my eyes all the time,the one that caresses my soul every time i blink,the one that hugs my mind when i just dont feel like offering any more attention to whatever is going on around me...the first word that comes to mind when i think about myself is nothing...i have been and always will be a fighter,that is true...but i fight because that is what i can do,not because i'd desire to win something...shure,there are things that i feel like i wanna have sometimes,but...they mean nothing to me...i smile and laugh when i'm quite fallen,and i made a promise to myself that i will fall with a smile one my face,so i guess i try to always smile just to keep that promise of mine...

my immortal shall never leave me,but then if he would,i'd be less then nothing...his memories haunt my thoughts,my dreams,my nights...i wake up,look around,see only the cold darkness that sorounds me and then i go back to sleep,or at least i try to...i don't get much sleep,it's true...but then again,i don't want to sleep..i need my mind to be by my side,i need my thoughts,my ideas...because they are all that i truly have as my own...friends?yeah,sure,i have my girl,i have some other friends,but they are on the outside...on the inside,where i should be,there is only him...my immortal...my dream,my wish,my desire...my strenght...my weakness...

each and every time i close my eyes,he embraces me with all of his senses...i feel him,on my skin,in my mind,in my thoughts,in my memories...and he gives me the fury,the rage to go on for awhile...i need them to be powerfull...i need the pure pain that he inflicts..the agony,the coma that emerges from my soul...and i end up thankin him for hurting me time after time...





00:31 Nov 19 2005
Times Read: 586

i feel so damn tired all the time...tired of myself,tired of my parents,tired of my life...i'd enjoy like a 3week-sleep..and when i'd get up,i'd still be tired of it all...smtg has2change,i thought..ok,what,then?cause i aint got a chance..my life aint gonna change any time soon..what then?what could i change?the point of view?riiiiight..like that's eva gonna hapen..:)) well...ima go take my 5hours sleep now,i'll wake up even more tired and keep on dealin with this blind battle...oh,btw..just listenin2angie stone-wish i didnt miss u...now that gets me so damn sad,like i'd be the pink-kinna pers the rest of the time..

where the fuck did i endup?i was supposed2have such a nice life..smart up-goin social creature..i could of turn out so well..and instead i turned out like this...yeeey...joy2the world,the fuckup feary visited again...:))





16:02 Nov 15 2005
Times Read: 603

Wish I Didn't Miss You

by Angie Stone

Same old story is back again

She's not a lover, she's just a friend

I'm sick and tired for you to blame on me

Now you think it's funny

Now you wanna spend your money on girls

But you forgot when you were down

That I was around

Call my lover, hang up, call again

What in the world is happening

Listen in, but don't yell at me

Isn't it ironic all you wanna do is smoke chronic

Boy, you forgot when you were down

Who was around

I can't eat, I can't sleep anymore

Waiting for love to walk through the door

I wish I didn't miss you anymore

Memories don't live like people do

I'm sick for ever believing you

Wish you'd bring back the man I knew

Was good to me, oh Lord

Everytime you say you're coming

Boy, you disappoint me, honey

How well you forgot when you were down

And I was around

One of these days, it's gonna happen to you

Missing a love like I'm missing you, babe yeah yeah

One of these days, when your dreams come true

That's the one that's gonna do it to you

Oh oh oh, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah





15:02 Nov 14 2005
Times Read: 617

Julio Iglesias-Corazon de papel

Se que tu vas diciendo que no te quiero

Que el dia menos pensado te voy a dejar

Que me has querido siempre, que fui el primero

Que cuando me vaya me vas a extraa±ar

Esa historia que cuentas, puras mentiras

Porque yo he sido siempre, siempre el perdedor

Soy de los dos, seguro, quien mas ha querido

Y nunca olvido lo que he sufrido por tanto amor


Tu, corazon de papel,

Que no entiendes de amores, ni sabes querer

Que no lloras por nadie, sembrando desaires

Me maltratas la vida y por poco te olvidas

Que eres mi mujer,

Corazon de papel

Esa historia que cuentas, puras mentiras

Porque yo he sido siempre, siempre perdedor

Soy de los dos, seguro, quien mas ha querido

Y nunca olvido lo que he sufrido por tanto amor




This one is just4me...

22:10 Nov 13 2005
Times Read: 623

Taxi-Prea sus...


S-a intamplat asa ca orice altceva

Te-am asteptat pana zori

A doua zi au venit sa-mi spuna ca ai murit

Sunt niste prosti, ei nu stiu cat ai visat sa zbori

Nu-i nici un mister, te-ai ratacit in cer.


Si esti doar prea sus sa te mai aud,

Prea sus sa-ti simt parul ud

Mult prea sus sa te mai vad.

Dar esti doar prea sus sa iti mai zambesc

Prea sus sa te mai gasesc

Mult prea sus, dar nu de-ajuns

Sa nu te mai iubesc.


S-a intamplat de-ai pierdut

Nici nu-i greu de crezut

De cand te stiu esti cu capul in nori

Asa ca a fost usor de ghicit

Pur si simplu te-ai ratacit

Totusi de unde ai invatat sa zbori

Nu-i nici un mister, te-ai ratacit in cer.


Si esti doar prea sus sa te mai aud,

Prea sus sa-ti simt parul ud

Mult prea sus sa te mai vad.

Dar esti doar prea sus sa iti mai zambesc

Prea sus sa te mai gasesc

Mult prea sus, dar nu de-ajuns

Dar stiu ca esti prea sus sa te mai ajung

Prea sus sa incep sa plang...





21:41 Nov 13 2005
Times Read: 626

SEAL - Kiss From A Rose.

There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea.

You became the light on the dark side of me.

Love remained a drug that's the high and not the pill.

But did you know,

That when it snows,

My eyes become large and

The light that you shine can be seen.


I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey.


The more I get of you,

Stranger it feels, yeah.

And now that your rose is in bloom.

A light hits the gloom on the grave.

There is so much a man can tell you,

So much he can say.

You remain,

My power, my pleasure, my pain, baby

To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny.

Won't you tell me is that healthy, baby?

But did you know,

That when it snows,

My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen.


I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey.

Ooh, the more I get of you

Stranger it feels, yeah

Now that your rose is in bloom.

A light hits the gloom on the grave,

I've been kissed by a rose on the grave,

I've been kissed by a rose

I've been kissed by a rose on the grave,

...And if I should fall along the way

I've been kissed by a rose

...been kissed by a rose on the grave.

There is so much a man can tell you,

So much he can say.

You remain

My power, my pleasure, my pain.

To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny, yeah

Won't you tell me is that healthy, baby.

But did you know,

That when it snows,

My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen.


I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey.

Ooh, the more I get of you

Stranger it feels, yeah

Now that your rose is in bloom,

A light hits the gloom on the grave.

Yes I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey

Ooh, the more I get of you

Stranger it feels, yeah

And now that your rose is in bloom

A light hits the gloom on the grave

Now that your rose is in bloom,

A light hits the gloom on the grave.

{cry cry cry...u shall wish2dye dye dye..but u shall never get2as long as u wish it...nothing that u shall desire can ever be urs...}




beauty again...

21:34 Nov 13 2005
Times Read: 627

George Michael › Jesus to a Child

Kindness in your eyes

I guess you heard me cry

You smiled at me like

Jesus to a child

I’m blessed I know

Heaven sent and heaven stole

You smiled at me like

Jesus to a child

And what have I learned

From all this pain

I thought I’d never feel the same

About anyone or anything again

But now I know


When you find a love

When you know that it exists

Then the lover that you miss

Will come to you on those cold,

Cold nights

When you’ve been loved

When you know it holds such bliss

Then the lover that you kissed

Will comfort you when there’s

No hope in sight

Sadness in my eyes

No one guessed, well no one tryed

You smiled at me like

Jesus to a child

Loveless and cold

With your last breath you saved my soul

You smiled at me like

Jesus to a child

And what have I learned

From all those tears

I’ve waited for you all those years

And just when it began

He took your love away

But I still say


So the words you could no say

I’ll sing them for you

And the love we would have made

I’ll make it for two

For every single memory

Has become a part of me

You will always be...my love

Well I’ve been loved

So I know just what love is

And the lover that I kissed

Is always by my side

Oh the lover I still miss...

Was jesus to a child

{sensitive souls must feel caressed by thees lyrics...}





19:28 Nov 13 2005
Times Read: 632

sweetest thing ever...2hear a dear dear one talk bout the one they love...the way that every word is full of love..pure love...fills my heart with joy2c that someone i care bout has still so much light in theyr soul...and what a great soul it is...:)

this why it's all worth it...even if life is torture4me,i will not quit...even if my soul is damned,my happyness shall be2look at the light in the souls of the ones that i care about...




Marianne Faithfull › Who Will Take My Dreams Away ?

19:09 Nov 13 2005
Times Read: 634

I can’t give you all my dreams

Nor the life I live.

You and I won’t friendship miss,

That’s all we got to give.

Who will take your dreams away

Takes your soul another day.

What can never be lost is gone,

It’s stolen in a way.

Please, don’t stand too close to me,

Can you hear my heart ?

Take my woe and lean on me

When we’re not apart.

Now our mission is complete

And our friends are hid.

Evil things brought down by the light,

Life goes on until the end.

{ Plain beauty...}




. . .

09:58 Nov 13 2005
Times Read: 638

had a kinna fun night out,and things r the same..my mind is still frozen,as well as my feelings.maybe thats a good thing...i dunno...id like2go2sleep and wakeup in like 10years just2c how it would all look and feel like.i guess i cant feel the pain no more,so my str8 will fade away..its all downhill from now on...




. . .

19:05 Nov 09 2005
Times Read: 640

new days,same things...i dont even want anything new,so why am i so sad i do not know..maybe cause i am still alone...maybe cause i have the strong feelin that at the end of my road no one will be there2hold my candle in the wind...who knows?...i am just bored with myself,with my life,with everything..my mind went into some wierd frozen kinna faze..i feel like i can c my own image from the outside..even i have left myself...



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