Added a Flash Menu to my took alot of time to figure out what i was doing wrong with the coding. Tell me what you think.
I have always had a great respect for photographers and the work that they do. I am always amazed at some of the angles, clarity and incredible sight for clicking a picture, just at that moment to make an amazing picture.
I have always respected Lord Vlkodlak's ability to catch a firefighter attacking a fire or to capture the strength of one of the many animals he has photographed. Please check out his Professional Portfolio to see some of these pictures.
Another Professional photographer that I respect, is known as Morrigon on this site. By simply looking at her journal, her profile and her portfolio, I love how she uses shading, shadows and lighting to show the allure and beauty in her subjects. I wish I had a link to her Professional portfolio, it must be incredible.
What brought this on was a email that LordV received this morning...with these pictures. Please take a moment to look at each and every one of these.....Again, WOW!!!!
Those are the sort of pictures you capture and then are tempted to spend the next twenty minutes screaming "YES!!! LIFE IS AWESOME!!" But then you're humbled to silence by how beautiful and moving things are around you.
It's a great feeling to be able to share images with people all over the world.
Today my coven had a visitor. Anann asked for sanctuary with us, until she found another coven that she wished to go to. This was the note I just recieved from her.
MsSanguinarius came by and rated me. I went to her profile...and waited....and waited....and waited.....and waited.
Between the two gif backgrounds, the gif cursor, all the gif pictures and borders and computer froze. So, I tried it again, with modzilla, as it usually takes graphics better than IE....I was able to view her profile, but no background came up at all and the cursor didn't work.
So, I left the note upon rating her, that it was too gif heavy and rated her a 5.
She came back and rated me a 5.
Yep, some people go overboard and it looks terrible.
isnt this where you are supposed to stamp your foot, and go back and rate her a ONE??
maybe one day she will grow up :)
Hate when that happens, was just rated a 7 bc it froze her comp. All I've got are a few pics in scroll boxes...oh the humanity! lol
Talking with LordV, as I noticed him answering a invitation to lunch next week.
ME: So, sneaking off to have lunch with another woman behind my back huh?
LordV: Well techincally there will be seven other women there...
MR: So, this is why you are so tired when you come home at night...
Most of you think that I go hunting down people to suspend but I don't. Sometimes I rate the covens and houses, because people are always coming and going in there. But you want to know a secret????
Most the people I suspend, come to me and rate me first. I just go to rate them and find them in arrears of the TOS. So.....a little hint? If you don' t want to be suspended and don't know if you are in compliance....don't go rating Sentorans.
Then again, if you wish to live dangerously, please feel free to come and rate me. I will check out your profile for you...*Evil Grin*
Maybe it was a Secret that shouldn't be told.. LOL
Thanks for all the Help you gave me..
LOL, I've found several that way too! ;P
Ohhh lol
LOL. Quite scary.
see see I knew there was a mean streak in you somewhere! lol
Indeed it should have been kept a secret :)
You KNOW I will :P
My head is always near the chopping block anyways...lmao!!!
Well good luck on that one hon x
Have... fun?
I didn't even know you spoke russian.
I am taking a Water Safety Instructor course, which is normally a 2 month course....they are squeezing it into 32 hours. We had a swim test the first day, to tell us which strokes we passed or failed. I passed all my strokes with no problem. So, I don't have to worry about that. The others in the class, need to bring their strokes up to basically perfect, before Wednesday. We have 3 books to read, all 100+ pages. We are allowed an open NOTE test, so, I have been doing my damnest to type in some pertinent information, to print it off, to take to the final exam.
I feel for the kids (and I mean 18 year olds) in this class. They have never taught before, there is alot of information being thrown at them, along with having to beg for help from the other members of the class to teach them how to do all the strokes, along with all the homework and trying to study. I at least have 20 years experience behind me, with having perfected my stroke over those years. I have the knowledge of how to write lesson plans, how to break strokes down and understanding hydrodynamics of swimming. These kids are learning this all in 32 hours....I wish them luck.
But someone up there doesn't like me. I didn't have enough stress in my life, lets throw in the woman's monthly curse and a bout of Bronchitis on top of it all. Hopefully I will be able to kick the bronchitis and mother nature this weekend in time for my birthday on Monday and the final exam on Wednesday.
Wish me luck.
Good luck!
You can do it!
And Happy Birthday a wee bit early in case I accidentally forget on Monday!!
*aww sissy you be ok" *hugs*
falls to floor.
ty so much.i so needed this ty.
rolls....i love josh's sense of humor.....yay!
He fetchs? Damn... good man are so hard to find these days.
*smiles...and runs from LordV"
![]() | Just hold me. Oh! Hold me true love forever! Your simple embrace comforts my heart. Your every smile my time treasured joy. Look in my eyes. It is us that lives this moment. Hold me now dearest love. Rest easy in my heart. Time is fleeting. And shall someday rip us apart. But here now in your arms I rest. So true, so real, so precious to me. For in your heart I found I belong. A fairy tale dream once upon a time come true. Here in your arms is where I wish to be. This now and place with you. |
A dedication from Ladyofdragonrose. To me and Lady Harlequinn (Harley). To go with her previous dedication, the Rainbow bridge.
Well, please feel to check the Previous Journal Entry about darkdementedvampie
At the time of the Journal entry, he was a level 4. it has been 2 weeks and he is now a level 8. He has been on VR for 1 month. Now I know that others have made progress fast, (I was reminded of Master Vampire Imagesinwords, became sire in 4 months.) But with his telling me he was going to create a software, makes me suspicious. Hmmmmmmmmm. Anyone else feel this is fishy?
fishy? I love fish.....with lemon and a dash of taste great...add a glass of orange juice and voilà!
Yet another friend, sending me her condolences. VampireWitch39 posted this in her journal. Thank you sis, it depicts Harley perfectly.
Awww...I'm sorry for your loss. I know how much you loved that doggie.
a beautiful but truthful and hearfelt poem vw... amen to that...
One day, Rainbow Bridge came to me, touched me right in my heart, and I felt the joy and love of my Dargo surround me and go through me. It was an estastic moment :)
This Morning was a morning like any other. I got up at about 6am, to let the dogs out, then went back upstairs to go back to bed. At around 8, I cam back downstairs with LordV and we planned our day. I needed to leave at 8:30 to go to work. Harley, my 11 year old, yellow lab, was walking around. She grabbed a large donut shaped toy and began playing with it. She brought it to me, I threw it and she ran after it. After awhile, she put it down and was trying to convince me to feed her early (she doesn’t get fed until 9am.)
It was similar to this video.
I want to cry. Harley was a cool dog to play with at ur house. I wish she was still alive.
Leaves a *hug* x
It's amazing to get to see a dog as lucky as Harley live their life with a doggy smile and be allowed to go so peacefully. Then to be remembered so fondly, these are just a few more of our blessings.
She's a beautiful girl.
saddens me greatly, my heart goes out to you and maddie, and lord in peace harley you deserve it....*hugs* much love girl....
My deepest condolences to You and LordV at this time.
I hope that you can find some comfort knowing that you'll see her again.
I'm so, so sorry for your loss. Our little guys bring us nothing less than all of their hearts. God bless you.
I just read of your loss and I am so sorry to hear it. The picture tribute was wonderful.
She was loved and cared for- you can not ask for more for a doggy. She knew you loved her, that you both did. Blessings shared.
Never having heard of the singer or song...that's an interesting story and a great song.
Wow, I didn't really know there was a background to this song. It just made all that more awesome and patriotic.
I'm not really a fan, but this song always gave me goosebumps for some reason...I got to see him perform it live in Baghdad in was his 9th concert that day...he looked exhausted.
He is a helluva travel to hostile areas and play shows for homesick soldiers until he is ready to pass out.
I salute him.
07:14 Jul 28 2008
You bet your bottom it took a while!
It looks great :)
07:56 Jul 28 2008
Looks damn good :-)
I can't believe there are only 7 Sentorans though! How do you guys cope?
11:46 Jul 28 2008
*Goes to look*