LadyChordewa's Journal

LadyChordewa's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


17 entries this month

22:38 Dec 26 2008
Times Read: 811

Our Christmas was simple and a bit bittersweet.

LordV and I opened our stockings, Christmas eve. He gave me a memory card for my phone, so I can put music on it. I got the orginial Miracle on 34th street, starring Maureen O'Hara and Natalie Wood. It included both the colorized 1947 version and black and white version. I got the Rascal Flatts Greatest Hits CD and some M&M candy. (Private Joke between LordV and I.)

Christmas morning, we woke, cuddled and giggled, as we eached were nudging each other, because we were like kids in a candy store. I need to explain.

Our ex's didn't necessarily celebrate Christmas the way we did. His ex would get everyone else presents, to the point of them being bankrupt, leaving no presents for him, or his parents. Mine would take me to Walmart on Christmas eve and tell me to get what I wanted. He would go through check out and then throw me the bag with, "Merry Christmas."

After years of this for both of us, Christmas didn't mean that much. The first year together, we went all out, but we went through the motions. We were too scared of being disappointed, of hoping that our Christmas' would be different. Last year was our first Christmas together and it was as special as it was suppose to be.

This year, we were tired, stressed and not in the mood to go through all the motions. We didn't put a tree up, we instead, used our mantel as our christmas tree. We put lights on the mantel and our presents in front of the fireplace on the floor. We hung our stocking off my book rack, since they were too heavy for the stocking holders. We made a Star in the front window, bought a ornament, that looked like Harley, the yellow lab we lost this year and put it on the top of the mantel. We were done decorating.

Yesterday, we decided to go see Marley and me. It is a movie about a man and his yellow lab, called Marley. We felt it was a fitting tribute, to remember Harley, it seemed like it was going to be a uplifting story, about the joys of having a yellow lab. It was a cute film, LordV and I giggled and laughed through the whole thing, as we could see aspects of Harley in each scene. I could have done without the last 10 minutes, where Marley is put down. Remind me that spending Christmas in a dark theater, crying like a baby, because you lost your best friend, is not the way to have a Merry Christmas. But....

It was good to remember her, as a pup. How she would lay on her side and chew on the kitchen furniture...How she would jump up, barking, when she was excited. I have pictures, of her looking so innocent, with all the shredded shoes laid out hehind her. To know that she was extremely trainable and was a joy to have around, even though she would pee when she got excited to see people. She was a pretty dog. We truly do miss her.

So, Christmas was bitter sweet for us, as someone was missing from our household. I know its the same for others that have lost loved ones, where the holidays, will just make you miss them all the more. Our love and condolescences go out to Rat and Cat, as I know they are going through the same thing. I know she was just a dog, but she was part of our family all the same.

I can't help but long to hear this in my house again.



22:50 Dec 26 2008

I understand.... It's wonderful that you experience the good. We can't help but miss our friends.

07:05 Dec 30 2008

Having been blessed with the experience of Harly I understand how you feel.

Let me tell you that Harly was truely a jewel. Playing with her, watching her lay on the boy, while playing.

Running up and down your hall and wagging that tail. OMG she could knock people over with that thing, I think she nearly did a few times. She made us all smile.

I was glad to have her come visit my home with you and Lord V and Maddy.

She is watching over you, never forget that. Your guard dog always and forever.

21:48 Dec 30 2008

she was well loved and she knew this take heart in the knowlege she is better now and she misses you as well


06:22 Dec 24 2008
Times Read: 837

I was asked by the Coven of Monomacy, to help them by creating a crest. (see below) It was my first time attempting something like this. The idea was mine, I just asked for help from LordV on how to do things in photoshop. Its basic, but I'm glad that they like it.

I got a message from the Master, Stikki. He asked me to click here.

I am told that Kyriele recommended me and that I am the first for this page.

Thank you Monomacy. I am very truly honored.



06:37 Dec 24 2008

We...thank YOU :)


18:36 Dec 23 2008
Times Read: 863

Taking to Stikki, attempting to help them with their coven crest and I was asked to see what I could come up with.

*Cringes* Its my first crest....but apparently Stikki and crew love it.



18:52 Dec 23 2008

We totally dig it and we dig you for digging us enough to dig this out of yourself :) I can't thank you quite enough!!

19:47 Dec 23 2008

I like it.

21:48 Dec 23 2008

Bad ass! Nice work....

17:16 Dec 24 2008

Nice work hun......


23:05 Dec 22 2008
Times Read: 868

I noticed you rated me a 6 and I sent a message simply asking why. Not asking you to change it, but simply curious to why. You came back and rated me yet again, with a 7 this time and the reason you gave.... "You could have more personal info..."

Hmmmm, I do believe that someone didn't read my profile, or portfolio, or journal. In those, I tell you what state i'm in, my age, the fact that I am in a committed relationship, who that relationship is with, what I do on this site and what I have accomplished. My portfolio, shows you real pictures of myself and my loved ones. My journal will tell you the kind of person I am and what others think of what I have stated.

I believe that I have given enough information to start a conversation. But as I try to teach my coven members, not to give out too much information, I tend to follow my own rules.

Sorry you believe that I need to bare my soul, to get a 10 and technically, I have in my journal. I really don't need your 10 that badly.





06:40 Dec 21 2008
Times Read: 901

About a week ago, Lord V and I got the chance to meet Kitsuna, our 16 year old Forum and News Master, from our Coven. With the permission of her mother, while she was on a school trip, in a bowling alley, being watched by teachers. We met.

LordV and I stood in front of the Bowling alley, waiting for the bus to unload. We then heard a shreak and a high pitched squeal. As we watched a girl came around the corner, almost taking out a 4 year old in her rush to get to us. I was tackled in a bear hug, the high pitched squeal continuing. Hopefully sometime my hearing will come back.

We hugged and sat down to chat for about an hour. Prior to leaving, we took some pictures. All of us did.

I believe my favorite, is one of the pictures that Kit took of Josh and I.

It wasn't until I saw this picture, that I could honestly understand what people mean when they say, "You look so in love."



09:19 Dec 21 2008

Awww ... you two do make a great couple .. and Kits looks great too.

It's always wonderful when you can put a name to a face..... or even a face to a name .. lol

14:21 Dec 21 2008

Ahh great stuff.

19:16 Dec 21 2008

ha ha hope kit loved it.

23:47 Dec 21 2008

You guys do look so in love....and I know you all had fun. They have bowling alleys on the EAST COAST too. HINT HINT. lol.

21:43 Dec 23 2008


It's funny that I'm an Alto and not a sorprano. xD

*Huggles Wolfbite and CN*

There's always next year!!

17:12 Dec 24 2008

Awesome pics. glad that you got to meet up. Its really nice to be able to put a face and a name together. Helps when talking to someone. Yes, you do look so in love.


05:44 Dec 21 2008
Times Read: 905

Its been snowing here in Vancouver, WA. Generally, we have green Christmas' but I think this year, LordV and I get reminded of our home towns, Chicago and Rochester, NY respectively.

So...to show you some progression....

This is our backyard, around 4pm. When we took Maddie outside, you can see her footprints.

This is our backyard, around 9pm. Maddie attempting to get through the snow.

Front yard, around 6pm.

Front yard, around 9pm.

Forecast is calling for the snow to stop and for the rain to start in the morning, with another drop in temp. So, all this wonderful snow, covered with a layer of ice. *Grins* Just like at home.

We are currently watching "White Christmas" and listening to them sing about the snow.

LordV and I are going to spend Yule, opening a couple presents, snuggled with each other, drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies.

Happy Yule to all that celebrate it.



19:18 Dec 21 2008

awwwwwwwwwwww maddie looks so cute

17:03 Dec 24 2008

Maddie is just cute roaming around in the snow. Oh man how I miss the snow...... could you send some to me.....


02:51 Dec 20 2008
Times Read: 912

This is dedicated to Silverbow's friend Cam. For those of you who haven't been following Silverbow's journal, I will explain.

Cam is a new friend of hers, that has recently been diagnosed with inoperable Cancer. When Silverbow found out, she decided to befriend Cam and her family and vowed to do her best to help them through this difficult time.

Silverbow has told me about Cam and her family. She spoke of the difficult time coming up, as Cam's husband will be deployed. She spoke of going to chemotherapy with Cam every morning, how hard it was for her, how it tears at her heart, to slowly watch this sweet girl fight for her life. Sil does her best to make her laugh, playing with her wig and just trying to get Cam to forget about pain. SIl then she speaks about Cam's son, that comes into Cam's room, every morning, just to make sure she is still alive.

I was driving along, when this song came on. I love Christmas songs and always look forward to new renditions and songs, to capture the Yule time spirit. I had to pull the car over, as I was crying, knowing that this song, could very easily be Cam's son.

So, this is dedicated to Cam and her son. I can't wait to meet you, as any friend of Silverbow's is a sister of mine.

For Silverbow. I am proud to call you a sister of my heart, as you have put your heart on the line, for a perfect stranger and her family. I love you sis and I can't wait to give you a big hug, that I know you so desperately need. You represent the true meaning of this time of year. I'm proud of you.

The Christmas Shoes - NewSong

It was almost Christmas time

There I stood in another line

Trying to buy that last gift or two

Not really in the Christmas mood

Standing right in front of me

Was a little boy waiting anxiously

Pacing around like little boys do

And in his hands he held

A pair of shoes

And his clothes were worn and old

He was dirty from head to toe

And when it came his time to pay

I couldn't believe what I heard him say

Sir I wanna buy these shoes for my Momma please

It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size

Could you hurry Sir?

Daddy says there's not much time

You see, she's been sick for quite a while

And I know these shoes will make her smile

And I want her to look beautiful

If Momma meets Jesus, tonight.

He counted pennies for what seem like years

And cashier says son there's not enough here

He searched his pockets franticly

And he turned and he looked at me

He said Momma made Christmas good at our house

Though most years she just did without

Tell me Sir

What am I gonna do?

Some how I’ve got to buy her these Christmas shoes

So I layed the money down

I just had to help him out

And I'll never forget

The look on his face

When he said Momma's gonna look so great.

Sir I wanna buy these shoes, for my Momma please

It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size

Could you hurry Sir?

Daddy says there's not much time

You see, she's been sick for quite a while

And I know these shoes will make her smile

And I want her to look beautiful,

If Momma meets Jesus tonight.

I knew I caught a glimpse of heavens love as he thanked me and ran out.

I know that God had sent that little boy to remind me

What Christmas is all about

Sir I wanna buy these shoes for my Momma please

It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size

Could you hurry Sir?

Daddy says there's not much time

You see she's been sick for quite a while

And I know these shoes will make her smile

And I want her to look beautiful

If Momma meets Jesus tonight

I want her to look beautiful

If Momma meets Jesus tonight



07:34 Dec 20 2008

: hugs: I will make sure that Cam sees this.

And a minor correction, its Radiation that she is going through right now. The first round of Chemo is done, the second is being postponed for more results.


05:56 Dec 19 2008
Times Read: 937

In regards to Dominoe and her rating everyone a "1".

She is not breaking TOS, she is not breaking any rules, she is just doing this, to be annoying. Check her journal, she gives reasons for this. If she gave you a 1, deal with it. If you don't want to talk to her, block her. But she is not doing anything against TOS, by rating you a 1.

The VR Manual - Chapter 400 - Page 43; Profiles: Profile Rating and Comments:

"A valid rating is between 1 and 10 with 1 being the lowest score and 10 being the highest. How you choose to rate a profile is totally up to you. Different members will have different criteria for profile rating."



06:02 Dec 19 2008

that is so true,but she is very anoying indeed,she needs a good spanking from her parents is all i can say LOL!

06:02 Dec 19 2008

I never felt like any rules were being broken personally. In fact, I stood up for the right to do so. I just think its beating a dead horse.

I'm actually having a civil conversation with her right now and she clearly says that her whole motive is just to "piss people off." At least the goal was accomplished.

The rate itself doesn't bother me one bit. I just think the reasoning behind it is a bit crude.

06:07 Dec 19 2008

The rumor is that others have been suspended for rating ones....and this is untrue. More than likely, when someone gets suspended in regards to ratings, its more because of an offensive ratings stamp or wording that was left in the ratings comment area.

07:02 Dec 19 2008

She is not the first to do this and will not be the last . And like it has been said a 1 is a valid rate.

07:32 Dec 19 2008

Is it she, or he? The profile says her name is, Frank. O.o


19:44 Dec 17 2008
Times Read: 955

For those of you, who I have done profiles, portfolios or coven pages for, please check. I have been rearranging my photobucket and might have made some of your pictures disappear.

I usually put all the pictures into a seperate folder, but sometimes I miss one or two. Sorry. Contact me if something is missing, I will send you the new link.




07:23 Dec 17 2008
Times Read: 978

Just posted in the Main Forum, "Veiled Mockery on VR."

Ok, I have read through the thread and a lot of you make good points. If you would permit me, let me give a couple points that I give to my Coven.

As I tell the teens in my coven, this is a test for the rest of your life. While online, you are going to meet all different kind of people. These are the same people that you are going to have to deal with in your school or work situations. I tell the kids, best to learn here, how to deal with them, that will give you a leg up, in dealing with them in real life.

Yes, here you have the option of deleting the person from your life. But I see online life as a learning tool. Simply, you learn from every interaction with every person. You learn who you can trust and who you can't. You learn about rumors and how to deal with them.

But online life is a different entity all together. These words that I write, you can't hear the tone of my voice or the facial expression that I am wearing. Also online, its very easy to say one thing and mean another. Most the problems on here, are misconceptions, mis-interpretations.

So, some hints, from someone who has been there and back:

If you hear a rumor that this person trashed you, or said this or that about you. ASK TO SEE THE LOGS! Then, if they can't produce them, then it might be someone attempting to start to stir trouble.

If you get the logs, go to the person who said it and TALK to them. Say, "ummm this was sent to me, is this what you said?" Make sure you try not to say it with attitude, keep an open mind. Its online, remember misconceptions are paramount online. Find out if this is what was said, or if someone copied and pasted ALTERED conversations to you. It has happened and has been used more than once to "turn" friends against one another. Trust me, it is done.

Please keep it in private and out of your journals. The only thing that can be accomplished with posting it in your journal, is to continue the drama and have other people people jump into the fray without knowing the whole story.

If someone can't see reason...if they just want to continue to fight, simply block. Currently blocking has been updated, so if you block someone and they change their name, they will still be blocked. If they create another account to harass you, tell a Admin. If they start harassing in your profile or portfolio ratings box, simply let an Admin know. Since it is in a public place, something can be done.

So, to sum up. Misconception and mis-interpretation is the enemy online. Take the time to read everything with an open mind and with the consideration, that maybe the person just phrased it wrong, before attacking.

The Block button is your friend.


When in doubt, ask a Admin for advice.




08:15 Dec 17 2008

Yes, good advice indeed.

12:52 Dec 17 2008

Also if I can add...don't worry about words on a screen. If someone slams you on VR, as long as it doesn't affect your family, friends or job in real life, then what does it matter really? This is an online realm and shouldn't affect our real lives...just saying ;)

03:02 Dec 18 2008

Very good advice to everyone that reads it.


02:38 Dec 12 2008
Times Read: 1,004

So, since I wasn't feeling well and needed to stay on course, with filling the cookie tins for family and friends. Today I did a very quick, very easy recipe.

Easy Peanut Butter Fudge

1 tub of Cream Cheese Frosting

18oz of Peanut Butter (crunchy or smooth)

Microwave Peanut Butter for 1 minute in bowl. Microwave Frosting for 30 seconds. Mix well and put in 8 x 8’ pan. Chill.

Its delicious and its easy for kids to make. The birdy, Kitty and Rat will have to vouch for its taste when they get the package.



18:08 Dec 12 2008

Am gonna have to let my boys try this one. They would love it and thinking that hubby would as well.

23:13 Dec 12 2008

*mouth watering*

You are mailing them out soon, right? ;)


19:40 Dec 11 2008
Times Read: 1,007

Ok some really strange dreams that I had this morning....I figure they mean different things.

First, I had a dream that my ex husband had died. On his deathbed, he blamed me for his condition and his dying wish to his best friend, was to avenge his death. Manning, his best friend showed up at my front door, with a gun. I tried and did my best to convince him, to tell him of the life I suffered, the neglect I suffered at the hand of his friend....I woke up at the shot.

Next, I had a dream of kids as vampires. I loved these kids but I was in torment because I could see how pale they were, with their fangs, I felt I had failed to keep them safe in some way. I remember reaching out to one and telling her, "I love you." She changed back to human with that.

I remember sitting in a car with someone, not sure who. It was daytime, green, springtime and we were being chased. I watched as it changed to nighttime and winter in the flick of an eye and someone approached the back of a car, with a baseball bat.

Lastly, not sure how many of you are going to remember this. Remember those cartoons called Schoolhouse Rock? I had a dream, I was sitting on the steps in my house, working my way down the steps, singing a parady of the Schoolhouse Rock song, "I am a bill."

I'm having an attack, Its only an attack and if I don't be careful I will fall down this stack. I know that I don't have to panic because its only an attack.

(When I have an MS attack, I generally loose feeling from midback down. I can usually move my legs, but not feel or balance on them. I tend to crawl around, or if faced with stairs. Go down one stair at a time, on my butt.)

I woke up this morning, shaky and hurting. I took a hot shower, hoping that would relieve some of the pain. I got dressed to go shopping, came downstairs, put out Maddie, clean up after her and sat down. I'm exhausted. I am nauseous, tired and almost asleep on the couch. I have been up 1 hour.

Now I understand what my mother meant, when she would scream. "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR AN ATTACK!!!" I don't know if I am, but IF I am....I really don't have time for this shit.




19:15 Dec 05 2008
Times Read: 1,059

Well today started off awesome *wink wink*....

LordV and I got up at 7am to go and get his car from the mechanic. A credit card maxed out and we have his vehicle back. I can only hope with all the word done on both our vehicles, they will last another year.

So, LordV went off to work. His frustration is hitting an all time high, as his boss had decided to sell off the old computers. So, they have to be reformatted right? How many out there, has reformatted your harddrive. Its simple right. You place the disk into the computer and turn it on and follow the prompts. This idiot (LordV's boss) got stuck at the prompt of, "Hit any key to format this harddrive."

Ok, the bosses title is IT Manager. Yet on the first day, she asked one of the techs, to come down and change her resolution because the font was too tiny for her and now, she doesn't even know how to do a basic format of a harddrive? *Shakes her head* Well I digress.

I stopped home, cleaned the kitchen and the litter box and then went to the Vets office and was eventually going to go grocery shopping. I picked up a prescription for Maddie. As I was standing there, waiting for the prescription, I took my glasses off and cleaned them on my shirt. I felt a snap and found my lens in my hand. The frame of my glasses had broke. Oh joyful. I don't have extra money right now to go through getting a new frame and glasses.

So, carefully I went to Walmart, to drop off the prescription and stopped at the Walmart eye center. They refused to touch it but gave me the name and directions of a jeweler that does sodering. So, I shopped a bit and finally got dizzy trying to walk around with one lens in. So, I went to the jeweler and he fixed my glasses for $20. That's cool, won't have to think about glasses right now.

So, I decided to come home. Figured if my day was starting to go to crap like this, I would prefer to be at home, than out in public, where vehicles and people were involved. So, I'm home and I'm going back to bed. Maybe I will get the shopping done this afternoon.



03:01 Dec 09 2008

Ugh... bad news bears... I recomend taking naps whenever you have a day like that. Whenever I so it, it seems to trick my Karma into thinking it's a new day. :D


20:26 Dec 04 2008
Times Read: 1,078


According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December. Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl. We should've known... ONLY women would be able to drag a fat-old man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost.



21:29 Dec 04 2008

Wow, that is really something.

But we must also keep in mind--Santa and his reindeer are fiction. Because male or female, it just can't be done. Haha.

00:50 Dec 05 2008

lol Yep, we should have known only a woman could get such an unbelievable feat accomplished. Just goes to show that women are da bomb! ;)

That's actually a very interesting little tid bit. I never knew that about reindeer. Actually, were any of them supposed to be girls???


02:58 Dec 03 2008
Times Read: 1,101

In one of our Coven threads, we were having a discussion about whether to trust or not, after being hurt. This is part of what was posted by one of my 19 year old members, but it is the best Christmas present I have gotten so far this month.

To have someone tell me, that the very concept of my coven is working, the very reason for the coven, is helping her with her life, is a heady feelings. Thanks hon.

G.o.D has provided me with a place I can vent. I love it here. It has provided me with a family-albiet, an internet one-but a family is still a family. I may never meet over half of the people here in person, but it doesn't change the fact that I've come to consider this my home.

You see, I've always believed that home is where the heart is. It can be in a person, or a figurative place, such as here. If you like it, if you love it, and if your heart is in it, then it's your home. I know that here, I will always have people to help me through my troubles, here I will always find someone to connect with, or someone who has gone through something or something similar to what I've been through, and here I will always find someone willing to give me some insight as to how I can handle a situation, or how I can start to heal.

In the 9 months I've been here, this place has grown on me. I've been through so much, and I don't think that I would be the same person if I hadn't have found the people here to help me through it.



03:03 Dec 03 2008

That is a wonderful present:)

12:46 Dec 03 2008

a truly wonderful gift. You have given back what everyone else has tried to take away. Thumbs up LadyC & LordV awesome job.


00:03 Dec 03 2008
Times Read: 1,111

Ok, Profile is updated for Christmas. I started off with a code from a myspace pimper, but changed the font, the borders, the background, the colors. I added the fireplace and snowflakes.

I figured that was easier....considering I had to go and change my profile, that I host off site.

Sighs. What do you think?




20:29 Dec 01 2008
Times Read: 1,151

LordV just called. At work there has been some shuffling around. About a month ago, he was made Network Administrator, leaving only one IT tech for the whole company.

They recently hired Wanda, to Manage the technical aspect of this company. Those of you, that have any computer sense will understand what I am about to say.

For 25 years, Wanda was a software instructor at IBM. Namely, she taught people how to use, different IBM software. But since she had spent $70,000 to get a Management degree, she was hired to be LordV's boss.

In the first week she was there, she had a meeting with LordV and the other IT tech, Mike. The whole week, was them, teaching her, about hardware, networking, common problems of their jobs and even basic terminology of what things were.

Do you understand? Someone that only taught software. Someone that has never taken a computer apart to fix it, has never done a diagnostic on a computer. Someone that has never networked a computer, let alone over 300+ computers, both laptops used by Nurse going out to hospice patients, in their homes and the computers at the two seperate offices. This person was put in charge of a division.

To overcome the fact that she doesn't know shit, she schedules meetings galore and schedules both Mike and LordV to work at the other office for a couple hours a day.

So, 3 days a week, LordV sits and twiddles his thumbs at the local office for 3 hours, in case they need a tech. He then drives the 45 minutes into the second office, where he is in meetings all day. Then he gets yelled at for not getting his work done. He is a Network administrator, the network is in the second office. He can only do so much by remote. LordV has discovered, that to get his work done, he has to do it when Wanda isn't around. Namely, after she leaves or on weekends. Its overtime, but to get his work done, it has to be done.

Now for the rotten part. Mike, is the other tech. He has been assigned to sit in the different departments, for 90 minutes, in case they have problems. When the 90 minutes are up, he moves to another department for 90 minutes.

Anyone else starting to get the feel here. Instead of having techs in a centralized location, with one tech assigned each office. She is making it hard for the techs to not only do their job, but for people to find them when there is something wrong.

Back to Mike. The other day, he was sitting in his assigned department, twiddling his thumbs, when he got a call down in day care, where their computer was down and they couldn't log in any of the kids. This is a priority, since someone can't work. Mike left the department he was in, to go and fix that computer. Wanda, his boss came in and the person that Mike was waiting for, that had an issue with their computer, finally showed up and asked where Mike was.

Can you guess what happen next?

Yup. Mike was written up, for not being in the department, when assigned. Even though, he wasn't doing anything there and a problem arose that he felt, needed attention.

Today, LordV sent me a message, stating, "Fucked again!!"

Apparently, Mike was being fired.

So, Josh is back to being the only IT tech for the company. Remember, that is over 300+ computers, a network, 2 seperate offices and a boss that is oblivious of her job. For those of you wondering, why Josh isn't the Manager? He was told that since he didn't have the BA in Management, he wasn't eligible.

Please keep Mike and his family, in your thoughts. Getting canned, the first day of December, in this economy, is not a good thing. Also, keep LordV in your thoughts, as I know this month is going to be extremely stressful for him.



22:25 Dec 01 2008

*Slides a wedge of cheese over* :)

23:37 Dec 01 2008

How insane..

05:34 Dec 02 2008

Reminds me of that Avenue Q song, "What do you do, with a BA in Management?" Oh wait... it's english.

I wish LordV good luck at his job... since his boss seems like a jerk. I hope Mike and his family will find some way to make it through.

19:19 Dec 02 2008

its just absolutely wrong and to think that she is supposed to be the one in charge but everyone else is being blamed for her down fall.

I wish LordV the best of luck with this person. Prayers go out for both of you.Hopefully he can talk some sense into his boss or something.

I will keep Mike and his family in my prayers. This is not the time of year for things like this to happen that is for sure.

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