Shame? Let me check. Nope, sorry...I'm all out of that.
That moment when you're bantering back and forth with a friend, teasing and burning each other ruthlessly and mess around and get a really good one in not knowing they would take it personally, get a little offended and they go all quiet on you.
You're like damn, really? She's said worse to me. It's not like we mean anything we're joking about.
I mean I wouldn't really want her mom to sit on her face and blow sperm bubbles up her ass. They're just jokes! LMAO!
and........tell us about this
Not much to tell. I love movie props from different shows. The more unique, the better. I've only watched one series of the Power Rangers, but I enjoyed that series. This one is from another series, but I had to have it. It looks cool.
I feel like going to the antique stores today and just walk around.
8 SURPRISING Reasons Why Masturbation Is Necessary
#1 Learn What You Like
By masturbating you learn what you really works and can then direct your partner on how to get you off.
#2 Cleanses
Masturbating causes the cervix to contract and shed bacteria out of the vagina.
#3 Learn Control
For guys, they can learn how to control the urge to climax too soon. A lifesaver with a partner later on.
#4 Helps Relax And Destress You
Everyone can use some stress relief.
#5 Keeps Your Pelvic Muscles Strong
Think of it as exercise for your coochie.
#6 Relieves PMS And Cramps
Got PMS or menstrual cramps. Take some alone time and make it go away.
#7 Increases Libido
Masturbating sets off your libido. You just want more and more.
#8 No Strings Attached
You can have fun with no need to cuddle or call the next morning. Sounds good right?
Male Sexual Vampyres LOVE the Skene's Gland. It secretes the substance we thirst for.
A Male Sexual Vampyre is a man who crave and is addicted to female sexual fluid. Without regular consumption of the fluid, the Sexual Vampyre would experience feelings of depression, fatigue and even despair that are relieved when their body absorbs just a little sexual fluid from a female.
Meditation has been known to relieve some negative symptoms of not regularly feeding, but the thirst is always there. Just beneath the skin. Scratching at the door.
Today I celebrate the 2 Year Anniversary of my converting to Paganism.
Paganism is not a religion, but rather a Spiritual Path other than Christianity, Judaism or Islam.
My specific Path is MOGYOLOGY: The 5 Elements Of Warlock Awesomeness that focuses on obtaining or sustaining Serenity, Happiness, Love, Sex & Magick in my life.
The benefits I've experienced of being Pagan are as follows:
- Increase in Serenity.
- Increase in my Spiritual Growth.
- I'm Happier.
- I don't have to beg and plea to a deity for a prayer to be answered.
- No fear or concern for my soul upon dying.
- Increased curiosity in other beliefs.
- Increase in the appreciation I have for he wonders of Nature.
- More enjoy in the pleasures that life offers.
- Not blaming some devil every time things go wrong, but having a better understanding as to why things go wrong.
- No concern about breaking rules or sinning while just enjoying life an not harming anyone.
- No pressure to act a certain way to prove I'm Pagan.
- No pressure to convert others.
- No personal responsibility felt to try to save someone's soul from a hell I don't believe in.
- No requirement to go to some building to be closer to God or socialize with like minded people who say one thing and do another.
- More money in my bank account instead of some preacher's bank account.
- Less confusion when learning about my beliefs since I choose what to believe.
- Less judgmental of people's personal choices.
- I don't have to go around quoting memorized scriptures to make what should be my own personal point.
- I can be friends with anyone I wish regardless of their personal beliefs as long as they're not harming anyone.
- Never have to ask for forgiveness for just being me.
- No guilt in treating people the way they treat me.
- I do whatever I want and feel good doing it as long as I'm not harming anyone in the process.
- I've met more people who I consider to be less hypocritical.
I would say the only negative aspect I've encountered is the lack of people who are Pagan actually not hiding the fact that they are due to their professional careers or out of concern of what other people may think or how other people may treat them. I feel sad for those who can not live their life openly. That's one major blessing I have in my life being retired and all.
So now the decision I must make is in what way do I want to celebrate my Anniversary?
I need to come across something, a post, a picture, a song, something that will motivate me to just tolerate the shortness of breath and lower back pain and workout...One of my single female friends should send me a picture of their boobies or something....I mean help a friend out. ^_^
Do you think it's easy to live A Life Of Leisure? I mean, I have to decide what time to wake up....wait, ummm, no that pretty much just happens. Ummm, let me think, I have to, no...umm, no not that either...errr, ummm...Ok, yeah, it's pretty easy. ^_^