KCRC's Journal

KCRC's Journal


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13 entries this month

Plumbing SUCKS!

03:04 Sep 28 2008
Times Read: 711

So Gina and I were cleaning the house...Not much else to do today as it was crappy rainy all day.

Gina went to go get some cleaning supplies from the cabinet under the kitchen sink..And it smelled yucky and everything was wet.

So she pulled everything out and dried out the cabinet and left it for me to check out.

I turned on teh water and saw a slight drip from the trap of the drain. I go get some pliers to tighten up the fittings. As soon as I touched the pipe it fell apart! Apparently the only thing holding it together was the chrome plating! So I took it all apart and headed to the hardware store. Got the parts I needed, except the one piece only came in one length so I had to cut a piece off with a hacksaw.

Put it all together, turned on the water...And it was like a cartoon...Water spraying everywhere! It turns out I left out one of the seals when I put it together. Took it all apart again, put it together WITH the seal and viola! No more leak.

I hate doing plumbing!



23:03 Sep 28 2008

14:52 Sep 30 2008

LMAO!!! I can just imaging you under the sink with your ass crack showing.......HE HE HE

Or Gina having the hots for the plumber...;)


Catching up

17:03 Sep 24 2008
Times Read: 735

Some photos from Sunday's trip to the NASCAR race at Dover, DE

On the way in to the grounds of the track.

"The Monster"

An old car on display..Once driven by "The King" Richard Petty.

Our view of the track from our seats in Turn 4.

The U.S. Army "Golden Knights" Paracute team dropped in before the race.

The final "Pace Lap" before the race start.

Green, Green, Green...Go, Go, Go!

150,000 people head to their cars and busses all at once!



01:58 Sep 25 2008

sitting by Turn 1? those are good seats.

13:54 Sep 26 2008

I HATE YOU...I Wanted TO GO!!

04:18 Sep 28 2008

Man, I haven't been to a race in years. Man, I need to go I wanna see my man, Tony "the Tiger" Stewart.


OK...Y'all were right!

01:59 Sep 23 2008
Times Read: 760

So, I went to the Doctor today at noon to get my cough checked out.

All those who warned me (Particularly Gina) can say "I told you so!" and get on my case.

I have pneumonia! I'm on antibiotics and have to stay home from work until he checks me out again on Thursday morning!



03:01 Sep 23 2008

OUCH hope you feel better soon.

07:41 Sep 23 2008

Awwwww hope you are allowed chook soup on your diet ... get better soon

12:11 Sep 23 2008

Thinking of you.

17:21 Sep 23 2008

That's awful, get well soon :)

22:26 Sep 23 2008

I told you so! :p Just kidding hon. I hope you feel better soon. RELAX and take it easy. *best nurse voice* Drink plenty of fluids and watch your sugars.

21:34 Sep 27 2008

O.o You been ill? Sorry I have lost track of things....

*rat pulls blanket over your shoulders and snuggles to your neck*

Sleep and rest bull.


Busy, Busy, Busy!

18:15 Sep 20 2008
Times Read: 776

I won't be on VR much the rest of the weekend.

Dave and I have to head out in about an hour for the End of Summer Picnic / Court of Honor for his Boy Scout Troop. They invite a bunch of local Cub Scout packs to try to recruit them to pick their troop when it's time to cross over. We then have some awesome Eats, then once it gets dark have a big bonfire and outdoor Court of Honor to recognize all the advancements and merit badges earned over the Summer.

Tomorrow Dave, Allie's Boyfriend Zack and I are going to the NASCAR race in Dover, DE. There is a trip planned by the "Special Events Committe" where I work. We have to meet at the parking lot at work at 5:00 AM! We take a bus to the track, stopping for breakfast along the way. Once we get to the track we set up a big "tailgate party" with Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, salads etc. People bring their own beverages. We then have plenty of time to shop the souvineir trailers and check out the atmosphere around the track.

The race starts around 1:30 and usually lasts about 4 hours. We should be home around 8:00 PM.

I have to go find my scanner radio and headsets and make sure they have new batteries.

Y'All have a great balance of your weekends!



18:28 Sep 20 2008

So much for a QUIET weekend. Have great fun in spite of feeling yucky.

20:30 Sep 20 2008

Hope you have a wonderful time and that the antifreeze drops clear up enough for you to taste a hot dog!


Damn I feel like CRAP!

02:36 Sep 20 2008
Times Read: 792

My nose is all clogged up, I have a horrendous sore throat and I'm coughing up globs of stuff the color of anti-freeze!




02:44 Sep 20 2008

Ummmm, if its green, you need an antibiotic. Seriously.

02:48 Sep 20 2008

Of course...but it will have to wait for monday. I was "a little sick" yesterday. Woke up feeling like crap this morning, went into work and figured I would call the doctor, go in and get checked out. Well, when I called he had decided to take today off! And I am NOT going to stand around the ER for hours for a stinking sinus infection.

I'll survive...I promise!

05:06 Sep 20 2008

ACK take it easy and baby yourself this weekend :)

05:27 Sep 20 2008

dude, that's how my man's started..

now he has walking pneumonia and a 101 degree fever.

take care of yourself!

10:15 Sep 20 2008

I hope you feel better soon.


It's been a while!

17:58 Sep 18 2008
Times Read: 806

Since I was made a Sentoran I have spent the majority of my time on VR looking at Profiles, Portfolios and Journals. It used to be that once a week I would go through the various database catagories to see what was new. Well, it seems it has been well over a month since I last strolled through the Vampire Database and I have missed quite a bit!

I really enjoy checking out the stuff in the database, particularly the books, bands and music sections. It always surprises me how few people rate the database items. It is also quite interesting the number of people who place there silly satmps on database items...."You been rated by the Grand and Amazing 'XXXX'...Please return the favor". Do you really expect a book, a piece of jewlery, a CD or a Bat resin figurine to come along and rate you?

Anyway...Art, Mori and the rest of the Procurators...AND those who make suggestions to the database...Thank you!

I'll try to come back sooner next time!



18:12 Sep 18 2008

We've been getting some awesome submissions.

the VR Database RULES!

20:01 Sep 18 2008

Yes yes it does ....




02:10 Sep 14 2008
Times Read: 834

Sometimes life just sucks.

It is difficult to know a friend is hurting and you have no way to be there for them.

We make connections to people here, and im many cases we do not even know their real name, or anyway to get in touch with them other than a VR message. We then learn of an event in their life and we know they need all the love and support that is possible. Sadly, in this case all you can do is send a message and keep them in your prayers.

Love you Rat.



05:40 Sep 14 2008

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Rat.

01:07 Sep 19 2008

And that meant a lot to me Bull.

Now slide me over some good cheese and I will give you a cold nose kiss.



I will always remember

15:22 Sep 11 2008
Times Read: 849


What a horrible day for America and for the world.

The sensless acts of hatred and violence changed the world forever.

I remember and honor the innocent victims who lost their lives simply by living them, the heroic fire fighters and police who rushed into harms way to enable so many to escape.

I am also saddend that our country "took our eye off the ball" in the fight against those who caused these horrendous acts. We were falsly lead into a war against an "enemy" who had nothing to do with the acts of 9/11 at the expense of the fight against our true enemies. Our country and the world continues to suffer divisivness, hatred and acts of cruelty all in the name of "The War Against Terror".

I hope the memories of that fateful day seven years ago, rather that further stirring the lust for war, cause people to stop and think and see the fruits of hatred.



15:56 Sep 11 2008

Yes, it s something we shall never forget ad the lives we lost that chose to defend us against these cowards . I lost family fighting in this war against terror and will be forever changed by it

22:02 Sep 11 2008

Well said.


Please note:

16:20 Sep 10 2008
Times Read: 874

"To", "Too" and "Two" are different words!

Each has it's own meaning, seperate from it's homophonic triplets. THINK first....THEN choose the one with the meaning you desire.

Thank You.



16:24 Sep 10 2008

It's to bad I don't know how too do that two.

16:32 Sep 10 2008

Two good pieces of advice to follow, too! Sadly, too many members who need the two-part "think, then choose" advice are too lazy to read and apply this to their lives.

16:39 Sep 10 2008

i haIt 2 tYpE aNyWAy@

16:50 Sep 10 2008

Thank you!

16:58 Sep 10 2008

To be or not two bees...


22:01 Sep 11 2008

Two for the price of....too. ;)

23:48 Sep 11 2008

Did you find my tu-tu?


"Picture Day"

14:16 Sep 09 2008
Times Read: 887

On Saturday we had an appointment to have our phot taken for a new Pictoral Directory for our church. The photographer was really cool. He was an older guy - Late 50's I would guess, with white hair, wearing a black T-shirt, black Jeans with a studded belt and many interesting Tattoos.

As he was getting us posed he saw the tattoo Gina has on her shoulder, then the Tattoo Our aughter Chrissy has on her ankle and asked "Where's Dad's Tattoo?". So after the photo session I had to take off my shirt to show him my Tattoo! Our friends Connie and Harry were also there getting there photos done, and Gina drug Connie over and she had to show HER tattoos!

Can you picture this, A bunch of people showing tattoos in the middle of the Presbyterian Church Social Hall! A couple of the older members of the congregation were there waiting and were pretty aghast at the display!

I hope we don't get in hot water at tonights joint Deacon Elder meeting!



15:43 Sep 09 2008

We have had similar incidents at the Episcopal Church :) It's always the elderly that are the stick in the muds... what's up with that crapola? :P

05:15 Sep 10 2008

HA!!!!! That's Funny As Shit........


Tomorrow, a new start

04:00 Sep 02 2008
Times Read: 907

Gina and I are starting a new diet tomorrow. We know we have been eating in an unhealthy manner, and thus are overweight and unenergetic.

We did some research and decided to give the "South Beach Diet" a shot. It is designed to change what and how you eat permanently. The first two weeks will be the most difficult as there are very few carbs in what is permitted. The good thing is that what you eat is restricted, but not how much. After the first two weeks many carbs are reintroduced into the diet, but only "good" carbs, those with a low gycemic index. So, sadly, no more white bread, normal pasta, cakes, cookies etc for quite some time!

But if the result is shedding the excess weight, having more energy and being healthier....I think it will be worth it.



08:19 Sep 02 2008

Definitely worth it, I'd say. =)

Goodluck with it all! ^.^


Drac Ball Part II

02:29 Sep 02 2008
Times Read: 913

Just a few photos from Saturday's Dracula's Ball.

1) Gina and Allie just before we left for the ball.

2) Gina at the Ball.

3 & 4) Anders Manga

I was too far from the stage for KHz's set to get any photos.....And FM ran away before I could get a shot of her!




Drac Ball After Action Report.

02:04 Sep 01 2008
Times Read: 770

We had a very good time!

We met up with Faeriemoon who looked great in a blue corset, black skirt, fishnet stockings and high boots. Anders Manga started up soon after her arrival.

I thought Anders Maga was good...But not as good as the first time I saw him. His new stuff isn't as strong as the older pieces, and in the past he just sang, leaving the Bass duties to another. He seemed distraced with playing and I think it detracted from the intensity of his vocals. Of course David had to get a CD and have it autographed by the members of the band. He told us afterwards that "Anders Manag is his friend now". LOL

I remembered liking KHz VERY much last time I saw them. This time...NOT so much. The lead singer was screaming more than singing. Last time she did some screaming...Which she is very good at and it does have it's place..But I think it was just way overdone this set. David had to get the CD and have it signed....And I think he was a bit infatuated by the singer...Who, quite frankly, is SMOKING hot!

Gina and Allie disappeared sometime in the middle of KHz's set. So afterwards Zack and I went looking for them as David went to buy the CD. We found them talking with our friend Candace. We hadn't seen her since last Haloween's Dracula's ball when she was with a handsome tuxedoed vampire named Brian (more on Brian in a moment). We had a great talk, catching up on life, etc.

During the KHz set Faeriemoon was talking to a fellow who was deressed in a tuxedo. At a break she introduced me to....Brian! I acted like I hadn't met him before so as not to cause embarassment. But Candace was cool with him, had nothing but good to say of him, and was still friendly wih him. I was worried about what I would do if I found out he was a creep as I wouldn't want Faeriemoon to be hurt in any way by my inaction. Luckily it all seemed on the up and up so things were cool!

We went to go find David as he had been a long time getting the autographs ad we walked by Faeriemoon and Brian on the way. When we found David OK (though somewhat goo-goo eyed at the singer from KHz) we went back to talk with FM, but she was no longer there.

Gina and I then went on a search for her to check in and say goodnight, but though we searched every room, we didn't find her.

We all headed home around 1:30AM and had a fairly quick trip home.

Everyone had a good time and survived the night!



22:47 Sep 03 2008

Love the pictures, and glad you guys had fun.

FM hooked up? Way to go FM!!


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