KCRC's Journal

KCRC's Journal


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12 entries this month


00:44 Mar 31 2009
Times Read: 704

It turns out the thuderstorm that knocked our power out yesterday evening was actually a tornado the touched down 3 blocks from our house!




01:22 Mar 31 2009


02:22 Mar 31 2009

Oh wow! So glad you two was safe.


And this happy time as well

04:44 Mar 30 2009
Times Read: 712

As I said in the previous post we went grocery shopping this evening, while David was at Youth Group at church.

It was sunny when we left the house, by the time we got to the grocery store the sky was getting ominous. While we were in the store we hear big thumder booms and pouring rain, but by the time we got through checking out the rain had stopped.

I backed into the driveway, opened the trunk and we started to carry all the bags into the houe. I got inside and switched on the light...nothing...looked at the microwave, stove, coffee maker to see if the clocks were on...nothing. "Oh joy!" I said to Gina "$200.00 worth of groceries to go bad because the power is out!

Luckily it was back on by the time we got home from picking up David at church.




My wife Gina is amazing!

02:48 Mar 30 2009
Times Read: 727

We went grocery shopping this evening.

We were in the checkout line behind a young (to us!) woman, she was probably 24 or 25. She had a bunch of stuff, lined up in careful order on the conveyor. I was obliviously putting our stuff on the conveyor, waiting for it to move so I could finish putting stuff up. They cashier was talking with the woman and ended up finishing up the order and taking payment, but there was still quite a bit of the woman's stuff on the belt.

Gina says to me "Give me the ATM card", so I do. Gina goes up and says to the woman "Let us pay for this stuff for you". The woman say "What? you don't even know me". Gina said "So what, you need this stuff and we can afford to help you". So the cashier rang up the last items and the woman ended up with all she came to the store to get, but couldn't quite afford. She left crying tears of joy, Gina had a smile a mile wide and I realized what a great lady I married.



03:12 Mar 30 2009

What a totally awesome thing to do!!! Amazing things happen amongst strangers. *applauds*


I am an idiot sometimes!

14:27 Mar 28 2009
Times Read: 742

So I had an all day training class on becomming a "Lean Enterprise Champion" Friday in Philly. This is the first class of 9 day long sessions spread ove the next 2 months...Plus several 1/2 day plant "Muda walks" at different companies.

So my company spent around $8k for me to go through this training.

I rode down to Philly with a co-worker who did the driving. We met at a coffee shop near the turnpike entrance.

So we got out of there around 4:30, made great time and got back to my car around 5:15. I hop out of his truck and go to get into my car. My keys were in my jacket pocket, which I wasn't wearing as it had gotten warm during the day. So I put my binder with all of the information for the class on the roof of my car, got my keys, opened the car, put my jacket and backpack in the back seat, got in and drove off. As I turned out of the parking lot I heard an odd sound on the roof, looked out the rear view mirror and say the binder hit the road, get run over my and 18 wheeler and explode into a million pieces of paper!

So now I have to sheepishly call the training center and ask them to get me another binder!

You laugh when you see this crap in a commercial, but is sucks when you are stupid yourself!



15:16 Mar 28 2009

It's ok, I can't tell you how many coffee cups I've lost to the roof of my car. :p

16:13 Mar 28 2009

I can not count how many times I have locked myself out of my home. Simple thing- pick up your keys before you shut the locked door....

:) I understand.

21:56 Mar 28 2009

Aw rat!

It's a good thing our current house requires a key to lock the door both inside and out! You can't lock your keys in the house.

You can, however, loose them once you leave!


Life update

15:10 Mar 21 2009
Times Read: 759

I had the first interview with the HR Director for the position I am applying for at work. It went very well. Next step is in the hands of our Director of Operation who would be my Boss (He is my current boss's boss at this time.) I will keep you up to date as things progress.

Thursday I was at a customer's plant all day running a trial on thir equipment, that went very well!

Today we have a bunch of "stuff" to get done and then an early dinner and get ready for tonight's Dracula's Ball in Philly. Looking forward to that event, and I still don't know what to wear. I'll try to post some photos of the event tomorrow.



15:48 Mar 21 2009

Congrats- maybe they will see the great plus you are to the company and give you the job. :)

Have fun!! And remember to snag a picture of the little Hummingbird.

16:19 Mar 22 2009

Happy to hear the first step went well K, and good luck with the next! :)

22:52 Mar 22 2009

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and hope the ball is awesome. :)

19:48 Mar 23 2009

hmmm last time some had a trial didn't it start a huge fire ?

I will mail the Director of operations and tell him to be your boss if you want ?

Hope it all goes good :)


Sad, sad situation

03:07 Mar 18 2009
Times Read: 786

Gina's best friend has a daughter. She is 24 yrs old, has a 3 year old son, who she has no idea who the father is. She is a drug addict and has been in tons of trouble...Stolen money from her parents, as well as family heirloom jewlery which was sold to buy drugs.

A couple months ago she was stopped in her car, high as a kite with drugs in her possetion...With her son in the car. She has yet to go to court for that. She has been through rehab several times..all to no avail. This past weekend she got caught on a DUI in Philly. Her Mom went to court on Friday to try to get emergency custody of her Grandson, so that he isn't in cars with f-ed up people, hanging in crack houses, etc. She filed all sorts of forms with the court and had to mail copies to her daughter (who still lives at her house officially) and the court would not make a decision until today.

On Saturday the mail arrives, the girl sees the letter from the court, punches her mom in the face and runs out of the house. She spent the rest of the weekend with her boyfriend in Philly. Her boyfriend is a decent guy who is trying to set her straight. Today the boyfriend was supposed to pick her up at work at 4:00. When he got there, she had left at noon. Turns out she was down in Philly getting high. She showed up at the Mom's house. The Mom called Gina to help. The police were called by the daughter who told them the boyfriend hit her (a lie). Gina took the son for a walk to get him out of the situation. The police took the daughter away in handcuffs for a warrant from the first DUI incident as they could find no other immediate issue to arrest her, Hopefully they will do a tox screen and nail her for drug use as well.

The Court called just after this and the judge decided there was no cause to grant the Grandmother custody! WTF?



04:32 Mar 18 2009


12:21 Mar 18 2009

So many people talk about how strict the "system" is, what they do not see is the people and in this case children that it fails.

12:49 Mar 18 2009

Good lord... this woman needs to OD. Really- maybe then the court will see what she is and the baby can be taken care of by someone who wants and loves her.


05:20 Mar 19 2009

*Shakes her head*


Rough Week

00:28 Mar 14 2009
Times Read: 799

Had trial runs every day this week at work,

Monday and Tusday were both for new inks from seperate vendors, but both broght their "top Technic

al Expert" from Japan. No one, even the other people from their companies, had a clue of a word either of these guys said!

Got my review on Wednesday. Went really well, I got a raise! AND a bonus! (But not a big Wall Street style bonus!). I feel good that I'm "good" for the next year.

Gina came home on Tuesday, she got sunburn BAD in Fla. I kept calling her "peeley" as her face was peeling so bad...She did not appreciate that!

Went out to dinner at Ruby Tuesday this evening and it was very nice. Got there just before it got busy.

We are going to head down to Philly tomorrow to pick up our tickets for the Dracula's Ball and do some shopping on South Street. Should be fun.




Some people...

00:16 Mar 10 2009
Times Read: 814

Why is it that there is at least one total asshat no mater wherre you work or what you do.

This one guy in the R&D group is never around when his trial runs are scheduled. And what make matters worse is that he is always sending outlook meeting notices to a couple of us who he wants to"help" him with the run. Then, invariably, the day of the trial run he is "out of the office" and we are left doing his work. So today we get an outlook message scheduling a trial for tomorrow. So FIRST we go to the plant manager and explain what has been going on...Then HE calls the guy and tells him "If your ass isn't here at 7:00AM for this run, we are skipping over it and you won't get it scheduled again until you explain yourself". I can just see the little shit all pissed of because he will actually have to do his job!




Another busy week starts

12:07 Mar 09 2009
Times Read: 817

Today shouldn't be too bad, just have to think of something to make for dinner when I get home.

Tuesday Gina comes home from FLA, I have an Elder's meeting Tuesday night so I could be out until 11:00pm or so.

Wednesday, tons of meetings at work, hopefully they don't run into OT as one starts at 4:00pm. We have a soup supper at church then I have choir practice. Lots of work required on some of the pieces for Easter.

Thursday, experimental trials all day at work. Band and Brass Ensemble practice at church then picking up Dave at Boy Scouts.

Then it will be the weekend again, not a lot planned for Friday at work yet and we try to keep our personnal schedules clear.

I'll try to be proactive and check in here when I get a chance.




Wacky Weather

00:44 Mar 08 2009
Times Read: 836

The weather has been nuts here this week.

Monday the high was 23 F and we got 9" of snow. Heavy coat, hat, gloves, boots were mandtory to step out the door.

Today it was 73 F and mostly sunny. T-shirt, shorts, sneakers were the order of the day.

And Rita's Water Ice is open!!!!

The end of winter is neigh!



02:21 Mar 08 2009


03:57 Mar 08 2009

oy.. sounds like a good time to be sick from all the changes..


Just to clarify

20:33 Mar 07 2009
Times Read: 843

Some people seem concerned about the fact that I was interviewing for a different job. No need, I still have my other job, it was just a good opportunity. It was with a Multi-national chemical company that is a supplier to the industry I am in. I would have headed up a new Tech Services group and would have been traveling to Paris and Dusseldorf 4 times ayear. As a bonus it was very close to Salem, MA so Gina could have easily studied with Laurie Cabot.

On a good note, as they say...When one door closes another opens...They are reorganizing the Technical area where I currently work and I am up for the position of Technical Manager...So wish me luck.



16:07 Mar 08 2009

Good luck horny cow! :)


Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea MAXIMA Culpa!

23:47 Mar 06 2009
Times Read: 867

Ok, I've been MIA for God knows how long.

a beautiful little Faerie sent me a text today wondering where the hell I've been....So HERE I am!

I have my excuses, but I suppose I could have stolen a moment or two to check in, but the longer I was away the longer I knew once I logged on I would be blissfully stuck here for at least several hours.

So, my excuses...

3 good friends of our passed away over the past month or so and there was a lot of grieving!

The plumbing in our upstairs bathroom developed a leak which the plumber couldn't schedule the fix before the ceiling in the kitchen collapsed, which was quite dramatic!

Our Daughter Chrissy got engaged!

My piece of crap Dell Laptop acted up...The battery not charging, suddenly shutting off and multiple blue screens of death. In the great wisdom of our IS department they got me a new Dell! I've had it for a week and the keyboard squeeks like a mouse when typing.

I've been on three winter camping trips with Dave's Boy Scout Troop, as they couldn't get any other addition adult to go along.

I was interviewing for a job in the Boston area, with a couple trips for interviews. Just as they were putting together a proposal their corporate HQ in France put a hold on all new hires.

Oh well, I hope that catches you all up as to where I've been and what I've been up to.



23:57 Mar 06 2009

Sorry to hear about your friends.

Plumbing problems flat out suck.

OMG You're going to be a father-in-law! :p

I know someone who can hook you up with a really awesome Lenovo. ;) You know him too.

Brrr, winter camping, with teenagers, you're a brave man.

Nothing like getting your hopes up only to have them put on hold.

I wasn't the only one wondering where you were. Rat started it and Doe thought maybe I had your number. I'm glad it was just life that has kept you away. I think we are all very understanding of how that can happen. Just give us some warning next time, we need someone to cover the activities schedule. ;) Holy crap longest comment ever....

00:21 Mar 07 2009

Yes, sorry about your friends too Keith =( It is so sad when that happens.


Congratulations on your daughter's engagement! yea, one step closer to being a Grandaddy! heh

03:46 Mar 07 2009

Life has a way of happening whether we want it to or not. I am just glad to have you back as well.:)

05:21 Mar 07 2009

Hugs to you and Gina!

Life has a way of just taking over, and hope through all of this you are still able to make time for the two of you! So glad you are ok, and to see you around as you have been very missed!

09:45 Mar 07 2009


10:22 Mar 07 2009

*hugs to you both* Sorry about your loss.

O.o Married?? wow...

Are you looking for a new job?

Ceiling fell in? Wonderful.... not.

And we all missed you!! Never be gone so long again. Please.

15:42 Mar 07 2009

Very sorry for your loss, happy for the daughter, ugh about the ceiling and crappy computer too.

Good luck finding a truly awesome job if you're looking and thank goodness you've come back... we were all worried.

03:59 Mar 08 2009

ditto for all that has been said~ glad you are back :)

23:56 Mar 08 2009

*Hugs* for all your problems

I should have said not to try and put that pond in upstairs

I am only keeping you reading while someone is locking the door hehehe

22:06 Mar 15 2009

Wow you do have a lot of things on the go and sorry to hear about your friends.

Just remember life never throws more at you than you can handle.

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