Still getting up at 4:45 and dragging my ass to the Y!
Gina got up and came along this morning.
We were super busy this weekend and didn't get to the Y at all, and i felt it in my energy level and especially my back. It's odd, my back had been bugging me for a couple months. I started working out and it has been great. 2 days off and it was killing me this morning. I guess i can't take any time off with NO workout at all, I will at least do treadmill, bike, swimming or SOMETHING from now on!
Tomorrow will be just cardio, then alternate the rest of the week.
OMG it's 90 friggin' degrees outside!
This is just bizzare-O. Global warming I guess.
It snowed here last night =P.
No cursing the capri, tank top, flip flop weather sir! I happen to like the heat....
Why the hell am I moving to Buffalo again? Oh yeah, for school. :p
Winter to summer here also. Spring was...two weeks? lol
Keeping up with the workouts, alternating 1 day of cardio + resistance, then 1 day cardio only. Mixing in some time in the pool in the evening as well.
It's been less than a week ,but I'm suprised that getting up at O dark Thirty and working out is actually causing me to feel LESS tired.
Gina has started doing water aerobics in the mornings. She says she the youngest person there by far, but the old ladies are kicking her ass!
About a month ago Gina and I cancelled our Fitness Center membership, as we hadn't gone there in over a year. This place offered a discount through my employer, but every time you walked through the door they were trying to sell you something. If you had a quation about a piece of equipment or a technique they would try to tell you you should hire them as a personal trainer, they had extra fees for everything immaginable.
At Gina's suggestion we looked into a membership at the local YMCA. Yeah I know...You're singing the Village People song now, aren't you? Anyway. We decided to join and the membership fee for the whole family (Gina & I, David & Chrissy) was WAY less than we were paying for just the two of us with the discount at the old place.
So we went in for a fitness consultation on Saturday. They set us each up with a workout routine tailored to our goals...Never once tried to sell us anything either!
So we did our routines on Saturday, Went in Sunday eveing to swim, so far, so good.
As my evenings are swammped (can't you tell from how often I get on VR?) I decided to try to get their early in the morning. I woke up at 4:45AM on Monday and got their just as they opened at 5, Did 1/2 hour on the treadmill, did my resistance work out then 1/2 hour on the bike. Monday evening we went swimming again!
Today I woke up at 5:15 and went in and just did some treadmill. Tomorrow I'm going to try again for the 4:45 wake up.
I'll try to keep up with this until it becomes a habit. Hopefully i can get to where I won't look like a beached White Whale by the time our beach vacation rolls around in August!
Whoa, extreme jumping in with both feet...
Talking of swamped ... hows the pond coming along ?
*rat tried to bend into the M shape of YMCA*
Go Bull! All of you are doing good.
The flight finally let at 8:50. I guess the US Air agent felt sorry for me. I never cheched my seat assignment until it was time to board. She put me in 1st class! Yeah free booze! But it was only an hour and a half flight so I just had 1 beer.
Got in to Toronto at about 10:20, then I had to convince the Canadian customs lady that I wasn't in Canada to take a job away from a Canadian. Then the adventure of finding the way to the off site Enterprise rental place. They have a little hut at the far end of the parking lot with a phone to call for the shuttle. Why couldn't they put the phone in an obvious place IN the airport? Finally got to Enterprise 3 minutes before it closed.
The I got to drive two hours to Trenton, Ontario. So here I sit in the hotel room, tired as hell but too strung out on the Tim Horton's coffe that I needed to make the drive to sleep.
Luckily the plant I am visiting is visable from my hotel so I can cut it to the last minute in the AM.
Take some pictures dang it... I want to see Canada too.
yes yes pictures
Next time fly into Buffalo and drive to Canada. Border crossing is easier and you can visit some friends too. :)
Good idea Birra.
Given the delay at PHL I could have driven from home in less time than it took me to fly!
Welcome to MY world- I got turned away because the girl at the border thought that not only was I taking away someone's job, but someon's MAN at the same time- I felt like telling her that if he could have found someone THERE, he wouldn't have HAD to look online-
And Tim Horton's ROX- even though I don't do
I know how Birra feels now.
My filght to Toronto was scheduled for 3:45pm. I got to the airport around 1:45, went to the Usless Air kiosk to check in, put in my frequent flyer number and got the following message . "Your flight has been cancelled, please see a U.S. Airways Agent for assistance".
So, I go wait in line and they have another flight at 4:50, so the agent puts me on that, 10 min. later, before I even got through security THAT flight was cancelled! So she put me on another flight at 8:30pm. That looks like the only flight today that might actually go to Toronto. It gets in around 10:00pm then I have a 2 hour drive to my hotel for the night.
I already called my boss to ask "What if the 8:30 gets cancelled too? How late tomorrow can I get there before it makes no sense for me to bother?"
So I sit here in this boring ass airport going stir crazy until 8:30 when I find out if I'm really flying to Toronto or not!
My phone rang around 10:00 this morning...It was my boss on the line. "What do you have going on this week?" As if he has no clue what I do all week. "ummmm The usual stuff...Writting a bunch of specifications...have a couple of trials, some meetings and I'm out of the office at Lean Champion training all day Friday......Why?" I replied.
"Well....We kind of need someone to go up to "Customer X" in Canada to help them work though some issues" I'm pretty much aware of "Customer X" and the issues they are having as the problems are all a result of the same douchebag who schedules trials and then takes vacation leaving me or my co-worker Alsion to do all his work. So I ask "Why isn't John going?". I get a loooong pause......."Well, they sort of asked that we no longer send him up there". GREAT! So now he's gotten the customer pissed off and I have to go up there and try to smooth things out. I'm more of a "Tell the whole brutal truth and fuck you if you don't like it" kind of guy than a "smooth things over" kind of guy. So The boss tells me to make travel arrangements to travel on Wednesday, be there all day Thursday and fly home Thursday night. EXCEPT, I find out from the Customer Service rep for "Customer X" that they are running the material Wednesday NOT Thursday...So at 2:30 I have go get a flight, car, hotel etc for tomorrow.
So I have to be at the Airport at 2:00pm for a 3:30 flight...Philly Traffic I better leave the plant at noon. I get into Toronto around 5:45...Get a car at the "off site" car rental place we use, then drive two hours to whatever God-forsaken frozen tundra town this plant is in. Hopefully I find somewhere to eat in there somewhere. Then up at 6:00am...into their plant by 7:00 watch them packing god knows what while trying to figure out how to fix there problem. They run until 4:00...Two hour ride back to Toronto, drop the car, land in Philly at 10:15 likely be home around 11:30 Wednesday night.
At least I know Birra can comiserate at the wonders of flying out of Philly.
When I get back I'm planning on kicking John in the nuts!
Last weekend David was away at a Scout trip to Washington, DC and Gina was away at a conferance "Down the Shore", so I was home all by my lonesome!
Friday evening I took Dave to Burger King for dinner - I haven't had a fast food burger in MONTHS, so that Whopper tasted pretty good! I dropped Dave off and headed home. Chilled Friday eveing, watched some tv, went to bed early.
Saturday morning I had practice for church band, as we were playing for the Palm Sunday service. Got out of practice around 10, went to the auto parts store, changed the oil in my car, straightened up the house and called in a lunch order to a local pizza shop. I got a Cheeseteak with "The Works" - sauce, peppers, onions and mushrooms, an order of fries and an order of onion rings. I picked up a 6-pack of Bass Ale at the pizza place, headed home and sat my ass on the couch.
First up was the NASCAR Nationwide series race then the NCAA basketball games. My Huskies went down in a heap to Michigan State, but at least UNC kicked Villlanova's ass.
Sunday morning I was up early and out to church. Palm Sunday at our church is a musical "event". Te band plays a prelude, an offetory a piece for when communion was served accompanyment for a hymn and 2 postludes. In addition the Children's choir sang, as well as the Youth Choir and Adult choir. On one piece we had a "Choir Wreck". We has a soloist and a trumpet on one side of the choir, the piano on the other and the Youth and Adult choirs standing on the steps to the chancel. No one could see the director. We go lost in the middle of a song...The pianist just stopped playing and said "I'm sorry...I'm lost"! OMG it was quite a mess!
Got home around 12:30 and Gina was home. We went out to lunch at Chilie's and got hom in time for her to head out to the Phillies home opener game with her best friend Connie. I watched the NASCAR Sprint cup race and then waited until David called to be picked up from his scout trip.
I ate too much, watched too much TV, drank too much beer....It was a nice weekend!