Beforehand, let me state that I am not vain. I do believe in not going out in public looking like a hot mess though.
I have above average looks and a somewhat outgoing personality, which I could amplify if I needed or wanted to. I have above average intelligence. I could fit in most tiers of society, including the wealthy and powerful, when given the chance. Why am I declaring this? It is because I have noticed - over the years - that I frequently have the power to get what I want, and that power has not diminished, even as I am now in my fifties.
I've been told on several occasions that I have 'charisma' - a 'beautiful or striking appearance' - 'a winning personality', etc. My usual response is a quiet thank you, or some sort of self-effacing joke.
But...if I was an unscrupulous narcissistic woman, I could really work over people to get what I want.
I can tell which ones are needy for a little attention, and if I chose, I could give it to them, with the end result being them eating from the palm of my hand, and basically doing whatever I tell them. I could use my sexuality to get what I wanted out of a man...or a woman (and I'm straight). I could pretend like I really care for another's well-being, while really not giving a shit. I'm not bragging, as this kind of behavior is appalling at best. But I know that if I really wanted to, I could be a walking catastrophe for anyone I chose to use or destroy - just for the hell of it.
There is a part of me that is quite cold and distant...which could also be a defense mechanism...or the fact that I really DON'T give a shit.
Some of you here are capable of the same, you know...
Thank God that my mother raised me right, and taught me that pretty doesn't mean shit if you don't have true kindness and common sense to go along with it, which I actually think I have. (And it also explains why I am a hard-working grunt like everyone else - lol).
I am glad that I have the upbringing and morals to keep me from being a sociopathic user/abuser...even though I sometimes wonder how my life would be materially if I was.
And then I come back to my moral upbringing. It's better for me to be an honest hard-working woman instead of a greedy manipulative evil vixen whore.
*standing ovation* Love!!!
Very candid entry and I think I speak for everyone here when I say that you are a wonderful, warm and witty lady.
"A greedy manipulative evil vixen whore" ROTFLMAO...I found myself married to a few of those, but always came out on top... F*cking Winning!
I finished your washing ... what's next?
Ha! We're more alike than I realized lady. I've realized I had this same ability (and yes, have abused it on occasion) for awhile and been told that if I took advantage of it more, I might have gotten ahead more. But here's the God's honest truth. I just don't like people enough to want to put the effort in. I'd rather be left alone than busy myself engaging with people in order to manipulate them. What the hell is wrong with someone who can glamour people but doesn't WANT to, right?! LOL. I'm that guy who can be standing on the train platform, headphones in, nose in a magazine/book and still, STILL, people will come to me to ask questions. Le sigh....At least your reason is because you're a good person!
Two chicks are screaming and cussing each other out in the street near my building.
They are pissin' people off with all of the noise...nothing like having pain in one's ears by high shrill screechin' cussin'. While many are yelling things like 'Shut the fuck up' and the like, I decided to open my window and start clucking like a chicken. People are now laughing, and the two banshees have actually quieted down.
Yeah - I do crazy shit sometimes.
Wow Isis...I see you in a new light. hahahahaha
Oh Isis.. You are a hoot!
I love it! The expletives they would expect. They won't know what to think when they see you coming! *laughs*
Well, I was smart enough to open my window wider, yet keep the blinds closed...
Work was busy off and on. Nothing out of the ordinary...but then again, it's really at the point where everything is wierd where I work, so much of what use to shock me earlier has no affect on me now. Well...I'm also getting lazy with the entries..lol.
I usually have Fridays off, but I went in today for 5 hours, to help make up for me calling in sick on Wednesday (the stomach thing again). Boss #2 picked me up at 6:45 this morning. She and I completed 10 days of deposits, then I took all of that $$$ to the cashiers office. Funny how I always contrive different ways to take over thousands of dollars...today, I had almost $20,000! And yes, I'm careful!
After work, I went to the hospital's clinic to pick up some more arthritis pills - yay. The line at the pharmacy was long, and people were getting antsy. When I finally got to the window, I jokingly asked the pharm tech if they needed any help (they did seem overwhelmed). She smiled and said yes. I asked her if she knew of the hospital hiring...she said that they might. I then said that I'd go online to find out. I told her that I received my certification, but did not take the state exam yet. She replied that one could get a job there while working on getting the state certification...cool! She had me wait for a moment and came back with the head pharmacist's card - told me to look online and to contact the pharmacist.
I will - lol!
Once I got home, I did a little grocery shopping on my street for me and the kitties, came home to do a bit of cleaning (not much, as I'm a clean freak to begin with), and now, I can relax a bit after dinner. I'm looking forward to watching "Grimm" tonight.
My life is SO exciting!
I do hope the potential job pans out for you.
All about connections and Going For Yours...
Yay! My submission to the database was accepted. (As it should be - lol).
It's "Vampire Darcy's Desire"...for you Jane Austen fans, it's a re-telling of "Pride and Prejudice" with a vampire twist.
I read it 3 months ago, and I think that I may read it again, as I love it so much!
Ha. I read this book and hated it. But then I am not a Jane Austen fan to begin with. Her characters always seem so coy & manipulative. I find myself wishing that just once someone would come right out and say what they mean and what they want directly. But that is the Victorian era for you. I suppose it's somewhat preferable to the blunt, crude manner of speech in our own modern society.
...which is why I like it. :) People today - in general - have horrid manners.
Off to find that!
I want this gown. I'll take the bottle of perfume too.
I'll worry about when and where I'll wear it later!
Marchessa make perfume now!?
I am loving the gown! Very 300.
...and if it doesn't fit or suit you, you could cut it into squares and sell them as tea-towels! Nice smelling ones at that!!
Wow... Gorgeous, but you don't need a gown to be that. Now do you? Still.. Hmmm beautiful gown!
I haven't been here in a few days...I've been too tired after work to log on and sit in front of the monitor.
Anyway...work/life thus far:
* On Monday night, while I was drifting off into a peaceful sleep, I'm awakened by a man and woman arguing in the street. Right when I was about to open my window and tell them to shut the fuck up, another neighbor beat me to it, declaring to blow their fuckin' heads off. Thank you, neighbor...
* Stan - Boss #1 - has a creepy old-lady stalker. I'm not sure if she's a student or an employee. But she's been at the school for awhile. She started off coming in to inquire about food, then started asking the old guy personal questions. When she came in on Tuesday looking crazy, demanding to know where Stan was, that was it. Now whenever we see the old bat coming in - on a daily basis now - we alert Stan to go into hiding.
* There is a new student in the culinary program that I cannot stand. He's maybe in his 40's, and he is SOOOO low class...straight up ghetto. He's also one of those people who bitch about how high everything costs, nevermind that he usually gets a discount. (The food is really cheap, by the way). Anyway, one day while he was running his mouth - being especially loathsome - his teeth fell out. I had no idea that the dude had false teeth. I tried to hold in my laugh, but couldn't. He was kinda' pissed even though he tried to shrug it off. Tears were flowing from my eyes. Now, everyime I see him, I'm laughing. Fuck it...lol.
* One morning - around 6 am in the goddamn morning - I hear someone knocking and shouting, about two apartments away from mine. While I got ready for work, the person was still at it, getting on my nerves. When I finally walked out my front door, I saw a fucked up woman - crack head? - doing the knocking/shouting. She saw me and asked if I knew which apartment had the landlord, since she wasn't getting an answer...(?WTF)? I told her that I didn't know, then I asked her a question: "Why are you continuing to knock on a door, calling out names, keeping up all of this noise, when you haven't received an answer?" She just gave me a blank stare, and I told her that generally, if one doesn't get an answer, either the other party isn't at home, or doesn't want to be bothered by you. Jesus...
* And Big Momma...nothing about work is complete without her antics...Even though she's lost weight, she is still lazy, and eats crap, so she'll get back to her 450+ lbs in no time. Since I've been running myself ragged - especially in the mornings - I decided to do minimal work yesterday, to test Big Momma when it came to the coffee-making...which is suppose to be her section anyway. I could see the coffee cannisters piling up to the side, which is a clear indication that it isn't being made fast enough. We were accumulating a line (Mai was on a much needed break), so I asked Big Momma to tend to the coffee while I rung up the customers (I'm faster than her, and can get the line down quickly...too bad she was also slow with the coffee, as people were in a back-up line at that station as well). Anyway - I got the line down, Mai returned from her break, and Big Momma announced that she was going to lunch...even though she just had breakfast an hour earlier. I go check on the coffee...only one pot was brewing. Stuff - bags of coffee, filters, cups, etc - was scattered everywhere.
What the fuck was she doing during all of that time? Wait - I think that I actually saw her checking her cell...!!! When she finally returned - way over the 30 minute lunch break limit - I asked her why she didn't finish the task she started before she took off. She just said "Oops. Sorry!"
I swear - right when I think that she's getting better, she does some shit to make me want to beat her to a pulp. And the bosses don't really seem to care that Big Momma is a big mess...
I need to come for a visit! :D
I am usually here, but really studying/homework.
This is no good... we can't have you avoiding VR for real world activities!!
Intervention plan:
Phase one -
Become independently wealthy.
Phase two -
Acquire thralls to carry out your needs beyond the monitor.
Phase three -
Be on VR all the time while giving Severus all your daily "Honor" points for caring enough to intervene.
Is it any wonder you haven't been around. But always good to see you here ;-)
*laughs at the above post* Somehow I can not picture Ms. Isis all liquored up & indulging in a stogie but, you never know...
You know that you've lived in the 'hood for too long when you can begin to tell the difference between dog and crack ho' shit.
I.... I don't want to know.
Hahaha dirty ho's!
I too am glad you know the difference. lol
I just took it again - got a 78 out of 100. I'm still not remembering info as I should...(Well - this is better than my first try, when I only got 52% of it right).
I can only read and re-read so much...!
Reading is best. I'm sure you'll crack it in the end ;-)
Sounds like you are on the right path, good luck hun :)
Can I ask an odd question? Do you remember song lyrics really easily?
I just drank one. Not only will it give me wings, but the junky jitters as well.
Not too bright.
First week back after a two-week hiatus. Busy as hell too. And - I got another lil' raise. Every lil' bit helps!
I've been on buses freaking out young saggy-pants dudes with the loud hard rock from my iPod; I hid from Pimpdaddy, whom I saw on the bus on Friday, while on my way home from work. His flambouyant suit of the day: a whilte pinstriped suit, with a black satin shirt, black & white spectator wingtip shoes, and a huge black hat with black & white feathers blowing about everywhere...including going into the face of the lil' old lady he sat next to...lol.
lol, he's a character. Congrats on the raise :)
I don't know if I could keep a serious face if I saw Pimpdaddy! Ha! Sounds like a spectacular sight.
Congrats on the raise! :)
..Dog killed while saving owner from train
..By Mike Krumboltz, Yahoo! News
Mike Krumboltz
.PostsEmail .By Mike Krumboltz, Yahoo! News | The Lookout – 6 hrs ago....
Share23EmailPrint......A heartbreaking story out of Kazakhstan: According to reports, a dog was killed while trying to save its owner from an oncoming train.
The suicidal owner had passed out on the train tracks after drinking a bottle of alcohol. According to Russian news site Ria Novosti, the man told authorities that his dog dragged him to safety. The dog wasn't able to avoid being hit.
"Upon seeing the train, the dog started pulling its owner away," said Aida Muldashevam, who investigated the incident. "When train drivers saw the dog on the rail tracks, they used the emergency brake."
Unfortunately, it was too late. The dog was killed instantly, while the owner was taken to the hospital. He had two broken ribs and an injury to his shoulder.
Dogs have a well-deserved reputation for loyalty. At a funeral for a Navy SEAL who died in Afghanistan in 2011, dog Hawkeye lay by the casket during the memorial service. And in a small village in China last year, a dog remained at its owner's grave for weeks. When villagers took the dog back to town, the dog returned to the grave. Villagers eventually decided to build the dog a kennel near its departed friend.
:((( Poor puppy!
That really is sad, poor doggy.
Poor doggy :(
Brave and clever they are...
In the Sandbox section of the Forum, there is a thread entitled 'Name your favorite state' or something similar...
For starters, I'll say that in this current economic climate, all of the states in one degree or another are suffering. California has earthquakes, which - unlike other earth phenomenon - can't be predicted. The cost of living can be extremely high too. But still, I have to say that the best state - in my opinion, of course - is California. Being Californian, I am somewhat biased, but I think that I have facts to back up my claim:
* It's the most populous, but not over-crowded. The state is big, and the people are generally spaced out, outside of the larger cities
* The most ethnically diverse...which also means great food, and interesting cultures
* The birthplace and still current leader of the tech age, particularily the Bay Area ('Silicon Valley'). Hell - I grew up in the shadow of IBM and Hewlitt Packard. Facebook started in downtown Palo Alto, and is now located streets from the house where I grew up...lol. Not to mention, Apple, Twitter, Yahoo, Google...etc, etc, etc.
* Besides NYC, the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles are fashion and entertainment meccas
* Natural beauty everywhere...even in 'ghettos/barrios' - lol. As a child, I took a school trip to NYC; a guy we encounterd on the train laughed when we told him where we were from, saying "I've been there! You ain't from the ghetto...ya'll got palm trees, squirrels, and shit..."
* Speaking of natural beauty...what other state can claim to having desserts, snow-capped mountains, miles of beaches, and a valley which grows the bulk of the country's produce? And not to forget...we have some of the best wine in the world too!
* With the exception of the above varieties of natural beauty and weather, the majority of the state is 'Mediterranean', ie sunny and warm for the majority of the year, without extremes. Recently, while most of the country was suffering from an intense heatwave, we were fine.
(After extoling the virtues of my state, I should try to get a job with the state's tourist board - lol)
Sounds gorgeous, lemme come live with you, lmao.
It's great that you have enthusiasm about where you live, but I'm thinking you are right to be just a tad bias. Lol
I agree with Isis.....but then again I too am somewhat biased. However, I have lived in about 7 other states and still feel California is THE BEST!!! ;)
I have a favorite state too... it's called Altered!!
It was okay yesterday. Fridays are not as busy as the rest of the week. I was bummed to find out that Por - our food service worker - probably won't be back, thanks to the school board fucking her royally...they deleted the position (her job) and took the funds for it, all without notifying our boss and getting the okay from the president, who is a control freak to begin with. So, as it stands, the president is awaiting info from the board as to why they got rid of a position without her okay, and where the money went.
I swear - I work in a dumb-asssed place. And yet...I'm happy that I have a job.
I was so damn tired when I got home. After a bit of cleaning up (I'm anal rententive too, a bit), I took a shower and went to bed...at 7:30!
If I hear one more person say amazing, especially like 'aaah-maaazing' I'm going to puke spam and chips all over them.
It's worth saying the word again to see how accurately you spew!!!
Okay daaaarrr-liiiiiinng. *ducks*
that's awwwwesome, & that's another one :(
I got text messages and a call from the head boss...I'm back to work tomorrow! And although my off days are Fridays, am I complaining? Hell no...!
As I'm still not back to work yet, I may as well continue to study for the dreaded pharm tech state exam. I left my boss a voice mail inquiring about my job status yesterday, and I haven't heard back from him. This does not make me feel good, needless to say...
So, I'll study now, while keeping CNN on in the background. Drugs for psychiatric and mood disorders are fascinating...
You can't study with the T.V on, you know the drill, telly off and pop a pill!!
I hope things turn out hun..
I actually CAN study with the tv on, mainly as 'white noise'...
I'm one of those people who will sometimes go up to a person and ask to tuck in the tag at his/her collar.
I also felt the need to correct this mess:
i need power
i need an army
i need war
i worship lucfir,haties,anubis
i am wiccan
While there is artistic expression in using 'i' in its lowercase form like the poet e.e. cummings, the poem doesn't make a lot of sense to me in the fact that from what little I know, wiccans don't usually crave power and worship Lucifer...anyway, my corrections:
i need power
i need an army
i need war
i worship Lucifer, Hades, (and) Anubis
i am wiccan
The writer gets a C-, mainly due to the fact that he should know how to spell the names of the gods that he worships.
Lower case single "i", drives me insane! I don't think most of these ignoramus's are being artistic, just lazy. Just my opinion. Heh.
Because Mogy keeps presenting us with pictures of him wearing a crown...anyone over 45 remember this commercial?
Nice find ;-)
Really enjoyed this one. Thank You for sharing it. :)
As I am STILL awaiting the completion of my work contract, I decided to update my resume.
For some funky reason, the black ink isn't printing clearly from my printer, and I had to do a lot of tinkering with the damn thing to get a resume printed out that was only about 80% clear...*sigh*
I'll screw around with it tomorrow, as I try to concentrate on my pharm tech books again to refresh my mind (ie diminishing brain capacity - lol).
Old people make me laugh. They also drive me crazy.
I spent yesterday at my mom's. She has this awesome condo, and a lot of beautiful stuff, like art, furniture, and other decor. She still hasn't had any of her art hung, even though I've offered to do it on several occasions. She insists that her young neighbor next door will do it for her, even though it's been months already. The last time I was there, I straightened up the place - mainly doing creative and functional placement of items.
When I got to the condo yesterday, she had crap all over the place. She's a clean freak like me, but she has stuff in the way or where it shouldn't be, etc. Why she'd insist on having an easy chair back to back with one of the dining chairs is beyond me. She said that she didn't want 'people walking through that way...' I told her that she was crazy. Yes, I can talk to my mom like this. As a matter-of-fact, after I pointed out other oddities around the place, I then declared that she is suffering from 'the old people crazies'. She laughed. I laughed too - and I told her to leave things where I put them. She had to admit that my ideas made a lot more sense.
When her friend - boyfriend? - came over, he had a foot-long deli sandwhich. Listening to them go back and forth about whether it should be heated, cut in half or thirds, served with chips or not...well, you get the idea. Old people argue over the dumbest shit.
So - next Friday - or the Friday after - I will go back and continue my work. I have got to take down the liquor from the top of the fridge, and place it back on the counter next to the juicer/blender...and I'm sure that I'll need a drink or two after dealing with her, bless her soul.
But you know what? It's all about quality time spent with the old lady, when you really get down to it!
Oh Isis you control freak....jk LMAO! It's good that you spend time with your mom. How sweet! :)
:) What a wonderful journal.
And that last line sums up why even the things that make you roll your eyes are well worth the effort to tolerate or change them. You love her, & you still have her presence to enjoy. Lucky you. *smiles*
Just now getting my tv and internet back on after almost 2 days of no connection...
00:16 Oct 01 2012
Not another fart!
02:33 Oct 01 2012
LOL!...not quite.