I'm having major issues with my computer - with my Microsoft Outlook Suite and Dell. Plus, I think there is a virus in my email...this is affecting my online studies, which majorly suck ass. (I can't print out some info and documents that I need for insurance and training). Fuck it all!
Will try to be here as much as I can.
Some good news: I start work tomorrow!
By 8am yesterday, it was 85 degrees (95 in my apartment). I had errands to do, especially in anticipation of work, so I visited my mom first, across the bay. The bus rides to the peninsula on the bridge buses are usually nice. Air-conditioned, reclining seats, wi-fi, etc...except for one wierdo. I noticed that while waiting for the bus to show up, he kept staring. I moved to one side of the bus stop in order to be partially hidden from view. The wierdo comes around it, to keep on staring.
When I get on the bus, I take a seat, placing my huge handbag next to me. I'm still jamming to music from my iPod, looking out of the window. I feel a presence near me...it's the wierdo, which I will now refer to as the asshole.
The asshole is standing there, waiting for me to move my purse, so he could sit down...nevermind that there are plenty of empty seats everywhere. I pretended to make a fuss over my iPod, avoiding eye contact. He finally gets the hint, and finds a seat - right behind me.
I could have sworn that he was near the nape of my neck breathing - WTF? I took a magazine from my bag, fanned myself with it, and made sure to fan/swat about my neck with it...he backed the fuck off, since I hit him somewhere in the face...the asshole.
I tried to do my few errands before it got really hot...no such luck, as I had to wait approxiamately 30 -45 minutes for each of the buses I had to catch. The transit system here is cutting back on runs and stuff. Many of the buses now run every hour, which really suck...
Anyway, while on one bus - finally on my way home around 3 pm, when it was as hot as Hell - I get on a bus that happened to be air-conditioned...Ahhh...nice! My butt even felt cool on the upholstered seat...until I noticed that it was cool due to it being damp. What the fuck did I sit in? I touched one butt cheek, then slowly brought my fingers to my nose...did I smell piss?
It was a light pissy smell, so I think that maybe a lil' kid was in the seat before me, and their diaper leaked or something.
So here I am, on a bus, with pissy jeans and fingers. I was praying to just get home ASAP, and not offend anyone I happen to be next too. Needless to say, I was pissed off - pun intended.
As soon as I got home, I stripped and jumped into the shower. Damn.
OMG! That is awful!! Nothing like trying to get stuff done and have a normal day. Eww on the piss! A day gone chaotic, so to speak.
Wow lol, what a day for you! I thought you were going to say the wierdo was going to attempt to bite your neck for a moment.
Ugh, you are due some freakin' awesome karma!
was it like THAT scene in the crying game when you got in the shower? lol...
Im sorry dude, that sucks soooo much. *hugs*
So, things are chugging along finally - a whole month wasted, but still...I should FINALLY start working next week.
It sucks that I didn't work as soon as I got hired, since I'd have the rent for next month. I swear, large entities like the gov't, school systems, hospitals, etc, take forever to get their shit together.
I received a surprise call from my oldest nephew yesterday afternoon (He's the one who works for Apple). He said that he was doing great, and will be getting yet another promotion soon. Good news! He was always a serious kid when it came to school and work. But, he does have a great sense of humor as well.
Anyway, He just wanted to say hello, and tell me that out of the few teachers he had growing up, along with other people who impacted his life in a positive way, that I was the best...!
I didn't know what to say, I was so touched. I finally said 'Dammit kid - that was sweet! Now I'm gonna' cry...dammit." He laughed. Tears welled up in my eyes.
He reminded me of the crazy art projects I use to do with him, the museum trips, history lessons, and eating at MacDonalds - lol!
His call made my day, as I was - and still am - stressing over life right now.
Wow - that must have had you glowing the rest of the day!
That is awesome! I had that happen one time too, so I know how you feel. :)
All my teachers never understood what I wanted from them and were never able to satisfy my hunger and curiosity for knowledge and truth. At 13 I started not going and hanging around with blokes and girls alot older than me and quickly lost all interest in school.
I then stumbled through school until I left at 16.
I've been running around like a headless chicken - again.
Visited mom on Monday - she's doing okay. Went to the school district offices to get finger-printed for my new job yesterday, then back to campus (up the street) to get a mandatory TB test. I was told that they were out of the serum, so I had to go to another junior college within the system to get it...good grief.
I took a short train ride and a bus to the other college. Got my TB test - in which I have to go back tomorrow or Friday for the reading.
Then I get a call this morning telling me that the State Department rejected my fingerprints...what the fuck? It was later clarified that the prints didn't read well, so I have to go back tomorrow to have them re-done. Shit - heifer scared the shit out of me with that call.
I was so tired yestrday. When I got home, I took another shower, and was in bed by 8pm...slept through most of the night. At least my feet and lower back aren't hurting anymore.
Moonie just made me an assistant coven master...I asked her if she was sure, as I'm such a computard.
She said that I wouldn't have to do any page stuff, so it's all good. I'd end up fucking up all of her lovely work if that was the case...anyway,
I'll continue to chatter away and try to keep the forums busy!
Cool. Congrats! And having people talking is worth more then any fancy page, I think.
But then it is Moonie's pages... maybe a tie. ;)
And good luck to you also on your Educational Journey!
: )
You are a wonderful person. And you just have this 'thing' about you. You are a part of why Existere is still around. So I thank you for that and just being you. xoxo =]
Congrats hun, I'm sure you will do them proud :)
moonies is right and congrat's! ^.^
Congratulations hun , You,ll do just fine
Congrats on making ACM! Very cool and I hope you have alot of fun keeping the forum busy in your coven :P
Well done!
This morning - after an awesome date last night (in which I will not divulge the details), I find myself in a beautiful loft, sitting in the kitchen drinking a very good cup of Kona. A gorgeous man is making me breakfast...mmmm - pancakes and Canadian bacon.
I'm thinking - damn, this is so cool! I had to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn't dreaming...I asked myself: How did I get here?
I was dreaming. Dammit. That was not my beautiful loft. That was not my gorgeous man. I wasn't even drinking Kona coffee.
Awwww...: (
Not even Kona Coffee, talk about burst your bubble.
Dam it, for a moment I was taken in!
Me too, Theban...me too.
Odd video lol
No offense....but dude....
Im gonna have nightmares now. Fucking wow. Thanks lol.
Um. What?
Watching bits of news on 9/11. The event is still raw for so many of us.
I can't watch that sometimes. It's just too ... idk, it brings back memories.
I am from that area, I knew people in there.
It's like a bad dream
I should be having an ovary burn-out by now...but nooooo. That time of the month hit me like a Katrina flood once I got home yesterday.
Go away already...!
*absolutley dying over here* ROFL...just......wow lol.
I dispise moontime. My whole personality changes.
I only need to worry about that when my pile comes back ^^
I hope it's over soon for you X
As it's a Friday, I'm gonna' go visit my mom. Fortunately, I won't be going in the direction of San Francisco.
I should finally start work next week. Apparently, one woman in the HR dept neglected to do my paperwork...she opted to call in sick for one week, then go on vacation this week. Of course, no one took up her slack while she's gone. I swear, some people should NOT be employed...!!!
I've been glued to my local news here; an apparent natural gas explosion has destroyed a neighborhood in San Bruno (just south of San Francisco). 55 houses have exploded and/or burned down. So far, 4 people are dead - the death toll is expected to rise, as it is hard for firefighters and rescue workers to get through the debris. Buildings and trees/brush is still burning. It is a hellish mess.
PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electric) stated that they are still investigating and cooperating with the authorities...yet the locals state that they have been complaining for weeks of a strong gas odor.
I feel so terrible for the folks in San Bruno - it is a cute lil' town. Well, it was.
...I DON'T drink blood, folks. Blood taste like old nails. Now - if it tasted like a nice Chianti...
I don't like the smell of blood. but if it tasted and smelled like Chianti. I with you. I know you don't drink blood. lol
or if it tasted like Coke Zero... man, I'd drink 3 or 4 people per day. At least.
...and favabeans?
Old nails.....hmmm.
You're right. Gross, dude. way gross lol.
What about drink wee. Some people do ^^
You know...some of you are disgusting...lol!
I just read a journal where a few folks were discussing acceptable ways to drink blood. Some of it was pretty disgusting, as it involved menstrual blood and the like.
All I have to add is this:
Fresh blood from a fresh cut/wound...vampire.
Old clots of blood with discarded tissue...nasty ass ghoul.
I vomitted a little bit into my mouth -- It contained blood, so I gulped it down again
Your blood, or someone else's?
I don't think it counts if it's your own.
Well, that is the easiest way to drink it, isn't it?
Straight from the source, once a month?
Hey, it can be a lot of fun for the donor, too...
uh, what about the tampon entry?
that about made me hurl what little food i had in my body.
what you havent heard of tampons being vampire teabags?
I always wonder, how many people on here who state that they drink blood...how many actually do. Maybe they think hey, it's a vampire site, so I'm going to say I drink blood. I think those who actually do, don't mention it much. If I did, I certainly wouldn't be commenting on it in a public blog.
roflmao. I love your comment. I don't drink blood , so I am not judging ,but ewwwwwwww.
Well this is ONE way to generate a ton of commentary on your journal!
I find myself staying silent! lol
I DON"T drink blood. I saw the wierdness in another's journal, and had to comment on it, that's all.
And I am familiar with the tampon/teabag correlation...it's still YUCK!
Do they actually take the tampon, and suck the blood from it? Or do they wring the tampon into a glass? Just sounds really disgusting.
LOL I had the "pleasure " of being in on that convo.I said it then and say it now NASTAE.
Btw,When I saw the nasty ass goul comment,I LMAO! good one Isis ,and soooo true.
While I'm chomping at the bit to start work, I do feel somewhat at ease...before the temperature rises today, anyway - lol!
It is going to be another hot one, after about 2 days of a cool-down.
I'll study, then maybe write a lil', if the heat doesn't make me bonkers.
23:58 Sep 30 2010
Im sorry to hear about your computer troubles :(
17:33 Oct 02 2010
Dam Virus sucks!