Triple Fudge Chocolate Cake with Butter Cream frosting for my munching pleasure... orgasmic!
Damn I feel good! For the first time in a long time I'm finally at a place where I can set a budget that does not rely on my less than reliable child support! You have no idea the relief it is to get rid of this stupid ball of stress that I've been carrying around in my belly.
Happy Day!
The wheels are turning and squeaking... life is good and as the prozac levels slowly decrease in my system I can feel the creativity returning. Fingers crossed and prayers to God that i can go off prozac for good finally.
I fucking hate selfish assholes who think it's just fine to shirk their financial responsibilities to their children in favor of their immediate gratification!
So glad my baby daddy has a brand new car, a fancy new apartment, and money to take out his girlfriend and her kid to dinner every night, while his own kid lives on ramen noodles and hot dogs because his father can't "afford" to make his child support payments this month.
What a fucking loser!!!!
Yes he is. I think you need some state involvement here or something. That child support is a debt that he owes for whatever reason and if he isn't going to pay out of pocket then the money needs to come out of his check.
I hate this situation for you so bad, I hope something can be done.
Hugs her frline friend. Yes that is very selfish of him and I agree with Moonkissed. I would be on the phone and making the state take over, if she can afford all of those luxeries then he can afford to take care of his child. That just pisses me off.
Thanks for the support guys! You guys rock!
I agree, I thought it was extremely selfish of him to not come and pick up the gifts we have for your son when he was right here in town. He knows us, nothing to fear here... the only thing to come of it is that he would have had a nice visit and been able to bring back some really cool things his son would have appreciated having after losing all in a fire. But he just couldn't seem to swing by. He was even on base- this teeny tiny base... not cool :(
Yep, that one really chapped my ass too... I guess all I can do is keep on keeping on.
I love that it's snowing in Mississippi!!! Years ago when I lived in New Orleans I never would have guessed that it would snow in Mississippi! I must go catch a snow flake on my tongue.
I'm nothing if not consistently inconsistent. I find people's confidence in me flattering... but if they only really knew...
Keep 'em guessing. You have an uncanny ability to change your mind at will and you are so witty :)
Enjoy and wallow in your inconsistencies!
your looking like you swallowed a canary lol ;>
So the kid talked me into substituting macaroni noodles for rice and black beans in the chicken enchilada casserole I was making... weird, but edible.
stretching my web skills and attempting to build my father a web page for his construction business. thank god for freewebs
Thinking about priorities and goals. Thinking about the way instant gratification can sabotage long term satisfaction. Just thinking in general... don't mind the smoke coming out of my ears.
I've been spoiled for months, because my lupus hasn't flared... well today it flared with a vengeance. Fuck! I forgot how much this hurts!
Good gracious! Do you have any idea how far you can make a turkey stretch if you just put some time and effort into it. I have the fixings and staples for at least 20 or so meals after cutting off the meat and boiling down the carcass of a turkey.
Soup stock galore!!!!
I imagined I was going to read that your Christmas turkey was still feeding you LMAO!
best journal of the day!
lmao! It's actually not the Christmas turkey, I was given two. This one was just made last night.
Again with a to do list a mile long on my day off, why the hell do I do this to myself? I'm going back to bed.
no matter what I've given up for my son it can never compare to what I've received through the experience of being a mother.
I have to completely agree with that one.
No matter the sacrifices we make, our children will always top whatever we put aside for them.
They are our own precious little miracles. :)
I feel like picking up and heading out again. I love my child, I really do and I'd do anything for him, but I'm a gypsy at heart and I want/need to go somewhere else. I hate staying in the same place I want to run away and join the circus.
... I want to join the circus, too.
We could try being clowns *shudder* or tightrope walking comedy relief!
I know that feeling... Very well.
I'm feeling a bit torn here. I moved to the area where my son's father lives and now they have a relationship. My son loves his Dad, but his Dad is honestly a bit of a slacker when it comes to parenting and holding up his end of things. I miss Montana, I'm not sure I like the South all that much and the only thing keeping me here is my son's desire for a relationship with his Dad, but shit I want I to cut bait and run.
Through out my life I've heard the comment "Of course, SHE likes them, SHE lies everyone." Referring to me with a derogatory tone... I'm confused, is liking people a bad thing? I just don't see it. I find something likable in most people and i don't think there's anything wrong with that, so I'm not sure why I should be hurt when people point that out with a sneer.
Oh well, to each their own I suppose.
Huh. I get that all the time too. I genuinely find people interesting. There is always something about a person that I can like, and the rare times that I really don't like folk, I can put it down to my ability to find a common point of interest with them.
Keep on being a nice person those who find fault with that are just, well, not nice :P
I'm so freakin' tired! Is it nap time yet?
Some people just suck... that's all.
Every time someone says "that is all", I think of The Devil Wears Prada .
I wholeheartedly agree
I had a dirty comment to put here and thought better of it. ;)
*hugs you*
uggg, somebody come motivate me to get the cooking, cleaning and baking done. Not to mentions some exercise, grooming and crafting. Why does my day off to do list have to be so looooooong, and who the hell forgot to put sleep all day on there?
Screw it... I say its nap time. ;)
Do it all on webcam - that will get you moving!
I'm so proud of my kid! He tested at a sophomore in college on the reading portion of his testing and at an 11th grade math level. What a smarty pants!!!!
Congratulations! You are right, he is smart! Just like his mama! :D
AND he's only in fifth grade. I know i'm bragging, but I just can't help it!
He is amazing! :D