Fallenme87's Journal


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15 entries this month

The Young Die First

22:40 Apr 13 2007
Times Read: 496

Leavin their wounded hearts unseen

The pain...the hurt...the misery


People wonder "why the fuck"

Teens overdose

Slit their wrists

Or even run and hide

Battles raging on in their minds

Can't they just get some sleep tonight

Triggers are pulled...young girls fall

The screams of a broken heart

Unhealed scars behind one's eyes

Take a minute to reconize

That boy's life ain't so bad untill you go inside

Behind closed doors...in front of their very eyes

Look inside...inside a true heart

Those tears they have been cried

That mind it has been lost

Those cuts...they all have a story

A reason...a secret...what truly lies

Behind sad eyes

Behind sucide

Frightening words

Shattering souls

Bleeding hearts

All have stories left untold

This is still not finished!!!




Stolen By Death

22:22 Apr 13 2007
Times Read: 497

Blood streams around me

Pulse weakens with every drop

I start to wonder... should I stop

It's too late now...body just dropped

To the floor I go...my heart so cold

If only everyone knew

What this young girl kept untold

Would her life still be slipping?

Would her soul still let go?

Tears of ice start to fall

For all who scorned and broke her heart

Pulse fades in the echoes of her screams

Every memory she wish she didn't see

Time is slowly catching up

Goodbye cruel world

Goodbye sweet doubt

Seconds of her last breath

Reveals a smile

A girl who fought for so long

A loving friend and selfless soul

In just one night....

In which death stole!




The Voices...

07:56 Apr 12 2007
Times Read: 506



Make them stop speakin

They’re drivin me crazy

What do you do when the whole world is sleepin?

And you’re wide awake cryin

Eyes swollen

Heart racin

Just tremblin

Fears shakin



Stop this damn world from spinnin?

Can’t see straight

Tears streamin

Wrists achin

Please tell me I’m dreamin

Nightmares revealin

Deep inside screamin

All these words deep inside

Alcohol is pleasin

Can’t turn back now



Just want these tears to stop fallin

This pain to stop burnin

Head to stop achin



Outside my head

Stay quiet

While inside consistent



Just whisperin

Gettin louder

Everytime I listen

Tellin me all this information

Waitin for just one explosion

No where to hide

No where to run

It’s all around you

No one to help you



It’s only you




This is a song i wrote...Without You

02:20 Apr 08 2007
Times Read: 519

Look at me

Look at what I’ve become

Look what you did

You stole my heart

Now I sit

Look out the window

Searching for that star

The one that showed me

Everything in just one night

*I can’t believe how

My body is so lost without you

Don’t know what to do

Don’t know where to go

Can’t you see I’m so helpless

Without you

Without you

Without you I am not me

Without you I can’t even seem to breathe*

Lyin here

Prayin you’ll walk through my door

It’s not over, I need more

I fall asleep burning my pillow every night

So sad as it seems; these tears have no end

They will rain and rain until darkness is all you can swallow

Death will fill this empty heart which no one seems to notice

Leaving nothing but the piercing pain of acid rain

*I can’t believe how

My body is so lost without you

Don’t know what to do

Don’t know where to go

Can’t you see I’m so helpless?

Without you

Without you

Without you I am not me

Without you I can’t even seem to breathe*

Without you

Without you I am nothing

Without you I am not me

Baby, without you I am incomplete




Getting Through The Days (This is acually a song i wrote not a poem)

02:15 Apr 08 2007
Times Read: 520

Getting through the days

Cryin tears that fall from my face

Lifes so hard you just must embrace

But here you are standing in my place

I told you once, I’ve told you a dozen times

But here you are after all that time

You wanna be more than just my friend boy and that’s fine

But you must see, every now and than

It gets so hard to let truth unbend

I just wanna say

Thank you

You never gave up

You never stood down

You we’re always there

Even when I didn’t want you around

Can’t you see babe that I think I’m in love with you now

And through it all I wouldn’t mind keeping you around

You’re all I need and I can’t believe you took this long to be found

Before it was so hard

Never thought I’d love again

Always got hurt by every single end

You knew just what to say

To make this world come to an end

Leavin you and me, I’m so glad

You’re my best friend

Thank you

You never gave up

You never stood down

You we’re always there

Even when I didn’t want you around

Can’t you see babe that I think I’m in love with you now

And through it all I wouldn’t mind keeping you around

You’re all I need and I can’t believe you took this long to be found

Late night talks watchin TV on the other end

Still it’s me you’d rather talk to than your friends

It means a lot every word that you say

Why couldn’t I see it before I need you more each and every day?

But now I see I’m where I am today because of you

You opened up brand new faith in the words of love

Nobody else could ever seem to replace that day

But you knew how to just make it fade away

And I’m so glad I found you now

It took so long for me to figure things out

It’s still a little hard to say my feelings

Especially right now, there’s still that doubt

That I wish would just go away

And in time I hope I can stand up

And say my heart has healed but I can’t

Do it by myself I had some help along the way

It was you who made things ok

And because of you I must thank you

Each and every day for everything you ever said

Thank you

You never gave up

You never stood down

You we’re always there

Even when I didn’t want you around

Can’t you see babe that I think I’m in love with you now

And through it all I wouldn’t mind keeping you around

You’re all I need and I can’t believe you took this long to be found

Because of you

It was all you baby

Thank you

Because of you

I can finally say I’m more than ok




Eternal Life

17:48 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 529

Close the doors of this heart of mine

Forget it all and just leave behind

The darkness aching and burning my soul

Where to turn from here, I just don’t know

Feeling every pain as sharp as blades

Going through and through each and every part of me

Lights dimming, screams fading

Only those among the dead survive

Where will you turn when you know you’re the only one?

Secrets whispered in the wind of a girl who lost everything

Gave up on everyone and took her own life

Guess death did its part, gave her what she wanted

Fighting with the darkness that captures lost souls

With her herself indeed a true lost soul

But will she decide to be a dark angel or have a second chance at life

Return all pain given to her and seek revenge

By joining eternal life




The Past And All It Reveals (By: Me and my best friend, Jen)

17:47 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 530

The moon light shining up above covers you entirely with what seems more than close to love, with tears streaming down my face where other loves took place you say to leave them behind and show you my true side while the pain still trembles leaving my breath on the other side you take my hand and walk me to my very last open cry and tell me that this cruel, dark world my eyes have seen is only half of what is truly beneath and that deep inside its own evil eyes turn around and start to cry so you say that it will get better on the other side but it could just as easily release the demon inside that I hold onto with every tear that falls from these sad eyes and every painful breath that I’m struggling to find if only you knew of the unforgettable pain these eyes have seen you wouldn’t make the promise of something that’s too unreachable for someone like me It doesn’t mean I don’t care cause I do and you may never know how much you healed my broken soul though you say you love me I just don’t know for this fragile heart has seriously been through hell!





02:15 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 537

Days running by

Everyone expects so much

Can’t let them down

Must do what’s right

Even though I know I can’t

Gotta be someone I’m not

Just to please her every day

I made mistakes

Days I would take back in one single heart beat

About to turn 17

Nothings changing

Except for me

Why do I got to be held for such damn responsibility

Me, my life

That’s all it seems but sometimes it feels like

My family’s out to just get me

I’m not quite sure when I’ll be ok

I’m just more and more lost every single day

Almost an adult

But here’s my heart

Already broken and torn

Almost completely turned to stone

All I do is cry

Tear myself down

And close my sad brown eyes

I almost lost my faith

All in one night

My heart was bleeding

Thoughts racing

Voices saying

Let me go, let me go

Don’t hold on, no more

I’ve had enough of this house

I call a home

I’m scared of what I must hide

Never let my mom know

What I tried, the day I thought

I’d never see myself turn 17

Til now I made it; but how much more can a young girl take

10 years…It all started when I was 8

10 years of nothing but mistakes

When will it ever end?




Nothing But Tears And Pain

02:14 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 538

She thinks I don’t know what goes on in that head of hers but she’s so wrong

She thinks if she lies that it would never faze me but guess what it does

I know exactly what she says or thinks about me; she says I’m stupid and I’m not good enough, she thinks I won’t make it; she’s never been so wrong; so I’m not fuckin perfect please tell me who the hell is; she says I’m a mistake and I’m the reason her life is so fucked up well let me tell you somethin else

This shit hurts; I laugh when really deep inside the tears are fallin down

I lie when I don’t want her to know that I’m upset, angry, or just so

God damn frustrated; Sometimes I lie awake when darkness falls and

Show my softer side to the world, I start to wonder about things and

Other times I just lay their and cry; I wonder why she even had me if I’m such a mistake and why she hasn’t just kicked my ass to the curb if she doesn’t want me; that would be so much better then living in this shit hole everyday watchin her slowly killing me from the inside; she takes every piece of fuckin hope that I seem to have left and she will shred it with her very hands and make sure theres absolutely nothin left for me to pick up and leaves me on the ground with absolutely nothin left

If I’m happy I swear that’s a crime too; I can’t even say a word without bein

Criticized or hated; just knock me out bitch so I can get the fuck outta here

I fuckin hate you; I wish you would burn in fuckin hell, take a minute to realize

What the hell you’re thinkin: I’m the mistake; I’m the one who hates well open

Up your eyes mom and look for yourself; look who you’re slowly killing than

Ask yourself who’s the mistake, who’s the fuckin crazy one it aint me its you

Tell yourself that its not you, go ahead do it but one day you will make a mistake

And just throw your god damn life away; than would you finally realize that all

Along it was you or would you still try and somehow blame it on me

Without you here I’d be able to breathe and just be fuckin me; keep tellin yourself you’re

A mom because you won’t have to deal with a broken girl any more but I wasn’t

Always this way first I had to be broken but you knew how to do that and you didn’t care

Who you brought down with you but the truth is mom no matter how many times

I tried to fuckin end my life; but I’m still here! This young girl who’s supposed

To be your daughter doesn’t fuckin care anymore theres not much left you can do to her

She lost her faith and every last hope; her dreams were shattered and her heart is broken oh hey look you’ve even killed her soul so I hope you’re happy and achieved what you wanted but one day it will all come back to you and karma will bite you; I hope than

You feel exactly what I feel and have felt for 10 years, nothin but tears and pain!




Secrets Hidden By Yourself

02:13 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 539

Sitting here wishing the pain would just leave my fragile broken body behind

So much love almost never found how can neglecting change everything

The way you think, move, and live life with your feet always off the ledge

Open a bottle of vodka, screw the glasses I’m going in; each sip dulls the pain until finally there is no pain at least for a little while anyway

Your mind isn’t racing and your conscious isn’t screaming but alcohol doesn’t last forever and leaving behind is the guilt of doing wrong and that pain returns reminding you that it’s not over, it will never be over

Slipping the knife into your skin feeling every inch of blood running down

The pain intensifies with each cut; the want, the need running through and through

Your veins, everything they ever said racing faster and faster, your mind takes over

You know what you want, the pain, the control of it all; you have it

It’s addicting satisfaction carries you through the next day you know it’s bad but just feels so right almost perfect how every inner pain fades leaving the outside healing pain of one’s own

Depression is all you think, Neglection is all you feel

Pain is all you need, and Revenge is all you want

Too long taking it all, the beating, and the words that cut deeper than knives

The wishes, the prayers that was never given a chance, sick of feeling ashamed of what is true; wanna scream its all because of you, Can’t

I just can’t, I wanna fight; don’t know how

Always fought for the one’s I love never just for myself

Wanna change; want this all to end

Just wanna go to sleep without dreaming of the night and its precious deadly moments

Wanna let my past go, wanna tell myself I’m beautiful

Want someone to just listen, just listen

Need to be heard, Feelings always ignored

Never good enough; never doing the right always falling on the wrong

The cutting, the drinking

Just don’t seem to be working anymore

What can a girl do when she’s right on the edge?

And her friends are holding her from her end

Been locked up way too long; just need to feel at home

And forget the pain, the tears, and the heartbreak

Will I ever be set Free!!!!





02:12 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 541

Night falls, I Call

For someone, anyone to

Just listen, I cry

You smile not knowing

What lies behind these?

Acting eyes, my heart

Slowly dies, my soul

Bleeds inside, want to

Just sleep, nothing makes

It all seem better

Even one precious dream

Could hold a memory

Where everything lasts forever

How it used to be

Yet, after all

I still love you

With whatever’s left of

This heart of mine

Though that isn’t much

I promise you this

I will hold on

For you, that is

Until the end hits




Over You

02:11 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 542

Shattered like glass

Cold at its last

My heart lies

No single disguise

Stole the pieces

Left me bleedin

Not believing

I’m just dreamin

Reality changin

And you’re no longer here

Eyes are cryin

Pillow is burnin

Rain is fallin

Soul is forgotten

Poems are written

Mind is spinin

World is fadin

Behind I’m left

Love was never meant

Tryin to get over you!




A Passionate Almost Unreal Night

02:10 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 543

Falling asleep

Lost in a dream

Woke up on a bed

Red satin filling all around me

Midnight is calling

At the final stroke

I heard a voice from the shadows

I looked up finding nothing

Called out hoping for a response

Voices in my head breaking lose

Than out of nowhere

Someone appears in front of me

This someone had impressed me

Dark, mysterious eyes that sank right into mine

That edge of the unknown drew me closer

He takes my hand as I sit up

He gently brushes my cheek

Almost reassuring me that everything’s alright

I lean over and his lips touch mine

He slowly takes ahold of me and takes more and more of me

His body is devouring mine

The pain, the brutal yet satisfying pain

Just releases my inner passions

You stop just give me time to catch my breath

Your face is no longer the same

I looked at you through eyes of fear

I knew what you were

What you were capable of

So why did I not try to run

Was it because I knew it was over

My life, the world

Or was it because I felt something real with you, for you

Before I had a chance to even stop my mind

I looked up and you were gone

The alarm sound woke me

I slowly sat up, looked around

Was it all a dream?

It couldn’t have been

Got up looked in the mirror

Only to find those deep passionate memories

Left by him, the vampire that granted all that was left untold




The Perfect Night

02:08 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 546

I was outside thinking about what life could be like and closed my eyes for a second, than opened them to find pure darkness! A minute later I felt my heart sink and the rain started to fall! I turned around without a sound and saw what seemed like a black shadow, I thought about running than realized I had no chance of escaping! I looked up and there he was standing right in front of me! The deepness in his eyes drew me closer; I stepped back knowing in my mind what his life had been like! I looked at the face of dead and knew for sure that this was it! He held my hand, oh so tight and kissed my pink lips which turned immediately white! Just as I felt my soul leaving, he stopped and left me there breathing!




My Whole Life

02:07 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 547

My heart has never been through much

My eyes have never seen myself so lost

My ears have never heard what you have said

So please tell me why, why do I keep this up?

Why am I not just giving up?

Letting go of that fire… those sparks that light my heart

That same familiar light breaking through the darkness

That left me in purity of innocence

I saw a whole new world through those pretty eyes of yours

I was blinded by all your sweet words

You turned around and killed my soul

You made me whole than just broke me down

So tell me why my poor broken heart still wants you

So tell me how I am still talking to you

My mind is more than just confused

My heart is more than just broken

And my soul is more than just dead

All is cold and completely numb

I cry these tears that cause my blood to run

My heart just stops and it’s like I can’t breathe

Anger strikes through me

Revenge crosses my mind

But guess what

I just can’t do it

I can’t hurt you

No matter how hard I try

I can’t forget you

Cuz in order to do that I’d have to forget my whole life!!!!!



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