Bald 'N Ugly
What a terrible combination -- bNd -- Short for Bald AND Ugly; stands for something extremely complex when it comes to how people (In general) react towards you (In person or 'out' (Read: Online or otherwise elsewhere!)). One ponders what drives such a man (Or heavens forbid, woman) to continue its wretched existence, which brings the foci onto another question entirely!
Why -- IF -- You -- Are suffering from BOTH of these ailments (Let us (For a moment) call them that, as they ARE curable (Though with some effort on X-'s part), would you NOT (With emphasis on the NEGATIVE) take some time out of your (-Most probably not-) schedule and fix it?
That's the real question!
Though some people just seem to lack the drive to actually accomplish things Everymen succeed at accomplishing in short-order (Education, romance, experience-when-it-comes-to-job-related-issues (Phew, that was a long-ass-shit-sentence structure wasn't it!) und so weiter ...).
Sad is the day when folken refuse to take action and better themselves; when men and women who are bald AND ugly chose to settle; when they give up their right to be free men, to fight for what's true -- To take up arms against injustice and immoral actions alike!
To vindicate and mortificate where needed ...
To become ... A gladiator of the just!
Like yours truly ...
// Vidja
There are several truely bad combos..the one you mentioend and how about short,ugly and fat,with a bad sense of humor.THAT must really suck too.
Add bald to that and the poor bastard doesnt have a chance.
Hey - there are plenty of hot bald guys!
And if one is ugly on the outside, hopefully their inner beauty will shine through!
You got it right Isis.
shame that there are so many who do not look beyond the ugly though.
That was horrible. If you want to end bald and ugly and stuff you got to sing loud. I've been singing this song now for six years. I could sing it for another six years. I'm not proud... or tired.
So we'll wait till it comes around again, and this time with four part harmony and feeling.
We're just waitin' for it to come around is what we're doing.
All right now.
There's a wig that'll fit so snugly if ya bald'n'ugly
There's a wig that'll fit so snugly if ya bald'n'ugly
Grab your wig its around the back
Baldness is curable, lets get back on track
There's a wig that'll fit so snugly if ya bald'n'ugly
Yesterday someone must've flipped the switch on the weather around here, in merry Sweden ... It went from sunny and beautiful weather to getting your face pissed upon with the wind howling in your ears; feels bad man, especially since I haven't really upgraded my clothes for Autumn
I've got like, summer clothes and winter clothes and that's it -- Shit sux ballsack, I'll just endure though!
So they're doing a re-make on Stephen King's "IT", but not as a miniseries this time around (No Tim Curry, so that sucks nutsauce), but as a one-hour-thirty-minute movie; call me a chipper but I'm looking forward to it A LOT (Then again, ANY horror is good horror, except for the craptastical J-horror stuff that's out there ... Blood of the Wolf, I'm looking at you)
Not sure if I've mentioned it in a prior entry, but I've been playing a lot of "Amnesia - The Dark Descent" and its goddamn scary ... Its not Doom 3 / Skeleton jumping out at you from the closet-scary, but Silent Hill 2 scary -- As in it creates a sense of impending doom and THICK (u no wut im sayen lul) dread -- Running around in an empty (Mostly) castle, will do that to you
Randomly going insane, doesn't exactly help either
The same weather attacked Irelan yesterday! And it is still howling around my door:( still it's better than bloody rain!
I'd assume ANY bad weather is better than bloody rain
wonder if it's like in the movie ghostbusters 2 ?
...giant hailstones in Scotland :P
wow , man That tough, hope you got lots of blankets, the game sounds great , have not heard of it though . gonna have to go look it up .AS for going Randomly insane ? aren't we all ? its just a matter of how fast you get there.
08:30 AM
Fale wakes up
09:00 AM
Fale checks the Auction-House on World of Warcraft
09:15 AM
Fale goes for a run
10:00 AM
Fale returns from run and commences general fitness exercises
10:30 AM
Fale completes the general fitness and checks the Auction-House again, also plays some World of Warcraft cause he's cool like that!
12:00 PM
Fale decides to do stuff, like go outside for a couple of hours / hang out with people / bother family!
16:30 PM
Fale drinks some Pepsi Max
17:30 PM
Fale checks Auction-House fand pwns some noobs cause he likes to gank retards! (u mongoloid brah?)
19:30 PM
Fale goes for another run (With Biceps / Trapezoid exercises afterwards)
20:00 PM
Fale showers and might go to the store to re-stock his ample supply of Pepsi Max
20:30 PM
Fale does random stuff
22:00 PM
Fale begins to get tired and checks his messages and the Auction-House one last time
22:30 PM
Fale hits the snooze button and listens to some audio-books until he falls into a deep slumber where only death may die
I love when people rate me super duper low cause my profile isn't filled with gibberish, bullshit and random fucking images (Read: Spamsauce) then rile themselves up when I rate them 1 cause they're obvious fucking sheeptards; who typically go insane over something so little as a "bad rate omg!"
Just ... Please piss yourselves
They probably do bra. Thats why they couldn't think of something as awesome as your profile.
They just don't understand you. The LOLZ you put out are well worth it. I say leave them with their 1's and panties in a wad.
Your creativity is beyond words....and images. lol
Its why they pay me the big bux u no bruv
You're da bomb, bra. Da rest? sheeps.
More like miniature ponies
Some pictures of my most recent attire and awesome Scooter ... U mad bruv? Fot so cuzzz!
~giggles~ Really?? Aww yer sooo cuuute!
More lyke fukken amazin'
True dat. Only real men can wear pink.
Gee and you match even.
VR mad I'm stylin' on 99.9% of the malez on this site -- I'm both effeminate and masculine at the same time, that can hardly be said about the emo-twink-scene phaggotz
Awesome I think the word was.
Never expected you to be a man purse kind of guy.
aaahhh OK, now I get it.
Epic awesome, you want my Cheshire black and pink scarf come winter time?
We call them "Satchels" in Sweden
Or "Indiana Jones bag of holdings"
D: no gif the scarff to meee
Nice "murse" Fale...lookin' good...
Awesome bro.
I got a 24 hour suspension from my life in WoW for being TOO good at the economical aspect of the game; see, in EU-WoW (As opposed to US-WoW, which does not frown upon smart Capitalism), you get a slap on the wrist if you monopolize the auction house; something I've been doing for the past couple of days ...
The end result was thousands of gold earned, the ability to pretty much lock out everybody else and force them into my price-range on every item I had interest in and price gouging whenever the opportunity arose!
By owning the auction house in such a manner, I earned myself a 24 hour suspension! Yay! Not that I care TOO much, considering the only thing I ever bother doing in WoW right now's (While I'm gymming again) hitting the auction house and getting my twink on (In a non-gay way, bro)
He looks like a certain someone I know on this site
u mad mush?
naw, bra, i good cuz i gotz candy. u mad like the cows bra?
more liek mad like de bulls if u no wut i men ha a
bullz taste goodz. corny develz
pls just go ralph
aw nawz man. me thinks i might stays.
k lol
I got the reaction I was looking for keep getting banned but bring your ass back for more...go away already.
Its funny cause the higher-ups are the ones that keep wanting me to come back bro
Shouldn't you be, pretendin' to be married or summin' cuzzz?
No, you're not going to the faggot ass Coven.
You're mine, V.
Yeah -- I've been spoken for by a lot of them there coven masters, so I'm not even sure why this fat soppycock even felt the urge to send me something like this; I mean really, I've got a billion zillion drillion people waiting to snatch me up, and even IF some fat pigfaced fucker takes me, I don't give a god fucking damn because at least I have friends IRL which I doubt this tard does lulz
Dylan.. please refrain from calling my coven "Faggot Ass" We are "Queer Posterior" and proud to be.
And thank you V for once again reminding me of my WOW wedding. We are actually thinking of having a Medal of Honor event next week. If you are on, let me know and I will send you an evite. :)
Can you tell me about the higher ups who keep asking you back? Im just curious. Is Cancer asking you so that you can stir up shit? Do you make him laugh? Does one of the higher ups have a child you're interested in? Consider it a wedding gift.
Higher-Ups = Everybody
G'night now!
No, Juny, I will not.
You're the biggest ass kisser on VR I've seen; not to mention that whole Juny Christ shit is laughable - your ego is bigger than you're worth. I'm waiting for your stupid ass to get banned from this website.
Also, yes, higher ups = everybody who matters. If you actually payed attention you'd realize that a lot of people like having Fale around here, aside from the whiny faggots who think he's just a trouble maker.
Also, still lol at Jay's "threat".
(No, Juny, I will not.) Ah.. Thats too bad.. someone told me once that you had a sense of humor. I guess they were wrong.
(You're the biggest ass kisser on VR I've seen; not to mention that whole Juny Christ shit is laughable -your ego is bigger than you're worth. I'm waiting for your stupid ass to get banned from this website.) I am an ass kisser and I am good at it thank you. No shame in it. Yes.. My EGO is HUGE!!
(Also, yes, higher ups = everbody who matters. If you actually payed attention you'd realize that a lot of people like having Fale around here, aside from the whiny faggots who think he's just a trouble maker.) I love it when you call a spade a spade Dyl.
(Also, still lol at Jay's "threat". ) It wasnt a threat. It was an email welcoming him back.. how is "Morning Sunshine" threatening.
And your answers are hilariously pathetic, easily identifiable with someone who can't think of anything better to say.
You're pathetic.
Thank you Dylan, its what I was going for. :)
Ah Dylan, how I have missed having you on my nuts!
wate wat
Jag hörde att er den person som går och fraktsatser människor till en och sedan block människor. Är det vad ni gör alla få njuta men har de rykten inte sant? Ni alla kan förefalla en lustig person och jag hoppas att detta kanske sanningen din vistelse med men kommer bli bättre.
Fet kuk mannen lul?
Jag använder en online översättare. Jag har ingen aning vad jag skriver. Vad vet jag Google translate säger jag stor stor åsna penisar.
That was fucking random and made like 90% sense
Oh mi gosh, the comments here are making laugh so hard I am tearing up! XD
Wow! I can't believe i never stopped by to see the real behind the vr scenes! lol
Don't you want to know the ending? Jay and Juny are gone. Their coven? Gone.
I expected you to loose more brah! what happened?
Are you implying dropping 40 pounds of chub in like 2½ months is bad or something, cause ... Its not, especially if you're keeping your muscle mass ... Lolz, strongbad knowledge of how the body composition, macro-nutrients, weight lifting (Even though you claim to know / do it) works (I lost 25% of my base lifting power going down this much in weight, but gained the ability to sprint 100 meters in under 15 seconds)
Might I politely ask who you were back in the day?
I just recently came back also.
I know who you are!
You're someone people laugh at apparently!
Alrighty then, I wasn't expecting any other answer than the type of answer you give people.
congrats on the 40lb weight loss! ^_^
Made me lol. :P
I miss you. =(
its good to have you back!
17:48 Sep 20 2010
looking good! :D
18:17 Sep 20 2010
Congratulations. That's hard as hell, I know.
08:10 Sep 21 2010
Congrats! Not easy - I am embarking on a similar path myself.