October 16-18 is Camp Wildcat Civil war event for me. The next few weeks will be absolutely CRAZY.
If you want to see what we do....(and no I do not know how to do the linky thing)
go to
Oh stop complaining and copy paste already. :)
Ramblings of my mind tonight......
Mom is having a procedure tomorrow. They are putting her to sleep and going down and stretching her esophagus and looking at her stomach and doing a biposy of the lining. It has me worried. She has been so sick as of late....nausea, vomiting, diareha or however the hell you spell it.
My Aunt who had blood clots in her lungs is better but doesn't seem willing to say no to her kids and take care of herself more. It is a trait of the sisters but when it is that serious....take care of yourself damn it.
Let the grown, married kids cook for themselves.
Some of my friends are having issues...and all I can do is pray for them. I wish I could do more. But I can't.
I am on day 6 of being off my arthritis meds for another test. My knees killed me last night. Sigh.
Now? Really? NOW you tell me? Makes me want to cry or slap the snot out of you or hug you. Maybe all three.
I spent time with "my boys" I love those kids as if they were my own. Perhaps more so because I know I will not have any of my own. That makes my heart hurt.
But it makes my heart so warm when they come running to hug me and get some "Nita lovin' ".
I still need the break from my own mind, body and soul. Or any one of the three for a bit would help.
Sleep is a good escape and tomorrow will be another opportunity.....what to do with it? hmmmmm (besides going to be with my Mom)
Perhaps I did need to write some of it down. Just a smidgen calmer...
You know I love ya honey. I will always remember that the first hug I got was form you, and it keeps me warm when things get bad here. So if it helps any, keep the thought of me hugging you back and laughing in your ear. And I love you.
I wish I could wave a magic wand and make the worry and pain just disappear but we both know I don't have near enough umph to make that happen. That "nita lovin" has to be some powerful stuff :) You're in my thoughts and I'm just a phone call away if you need me.
Hope you are feeling better about things sooner rather than later.
It will pass *hugs*
*hugs* And hell yeah on the break from yourself.
*rattling birdy branch with paw*
but but but I miss you! you can't take a break, I just got BACK!
00:06 Sep 23 2009
I am one of those lazy people who generally have a problem with copy and paste situations, but well you have the term "wildcat" and it made me go the extra few mouse clicks to see what it was all about.
I just have one question- are any of the 2008 reinactment pictures of you? =)
02:44 Sep 23 2009
:) Ladies' Tea Photos- the picture on top on the right... is her.
18:09 Sep 23 2009
I'll linky dink it for you here sugar
Click Wildcat In the twilight pictures at the barn, Top right is Birdy and her Momma :)