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7 entries this month
02:44 Mar 29 2012
Times Read: 558
Sniffs under arms....nope...deodorant is working.
Looks in mirror and sticks tongue out....nope...not sick.
Takes a closer look at face and body,....nope...no horns or any unusual growths.
Thinks....nope....no anger outbursts or overtly negative behavior lately.
Sigh......totally wondering how come I seem to be ignored lately.
03:00 Mar 07 2012
Times Read: 582
Sickness has plagued me most of the winter. Not severe illness, just cold/sinus/uti stuff that takes its toll eventually.
This time, hubby has a cold as well. So, both of us have been sick this vacation. We have done a lot of napping and going to bed early to sleep. I have had an ear stopped up this time and have been leary of getting too much wind/cold so have not spent any time on the beach.
But even with all that......we have enjoyed being away from the grind, being together, and seeing the beauty of the ocean from our window. We have eaten well, taken drives to see parks and area homes. It has been well worth the effort and money to get here...even if all we seem to actually do ......is nap.
My 48th birthday
03:21 Mar 06 2012
Times Read: 594
Today is my birthday. I have walked in the sunshine, sat in a hot tub, eaten at Outback, napped, watched the sun ripple on the ocean, heard the roar of the waves, and read all the lovely messages from people on facebook. To top the day off, hot Krispy Kremes and a lovely card from my hubby.
The only thing left, is to talk to my parents before bed. A good end to a perfect day.
Gratitude Challenge
02:06 Mar 05 2012
Times Read: 609
* That I and my hubby are at the beach, in a room on ocean side. It has a king size bed, kitchenette, and indoor hot tub and pool.
* That hubby and I spent the whole day lounging in the room, napping, snacking, napping, snacking, napping....and then we napped. We did motivate to go out for dinner though.:)
* That the hotel has wireless and it is working so I can stay in contact with the world.
Amazing Race
02:00 Mar 05 2012
Times Read: 610
I never watch things like Survivor or Amazing Race, but this time I have. Why?
Bopper and Mark on Amazing Race are from my home town. :)
I see the shirts that say Clay County and I smile.
I do not know if they will win or not, but they have proven their mettle so far. Country accent and all, I am proud of them. :)
Gratitude Challenge
04:06 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 621
* That the sun was shining wonderfully warm today.
* That my UTI is clearing up and it has been a long time since I had one...at least a long time for me.
* That we have found a facility to keep our Biscuit while we are on vacation. A friend recommended it, so I hope it lives up to her representation.
RIP DY Lyttle
14:46 Mar 01 2012
Times Read: 632
Woken up this morning by a call from Mom. A gentleman who made the special effort to come to my wedding last year, even though sick and on crutches as an amputee...passed away last night.
He was my Grandmother's first cousin but had always come to visit as I was growing up and stayed in contact with my Mom. I took Mom to visit a few times there as well.
I am sad that he has passed, but so very glad he came to the wedding and we were able to get a picture with him and Mom and her sisters.
Not sure I will be able to get to the funeral, we already have paid reservations and will lose them if we don't go. But I am sure Mom and the rest of the sisters will make the effort if at all possible to get there...it is in Louisville...a little over 3 hours to get there.
03:35 Mar 29 2012
That feeling sucks. I love ya Birdy! Keep your beak up. :P
12:50 Mar 29 2012
Your halo is even sparkling. ::hug::
13:32 Mar 29 2012
Halo? O.o Where did you steal that from? lol
03:11 Mar 31 2012
Did you check your socks? :p