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11 entries this month
15:14 Jan 31 2012
Times Read: 552
Tonight is my big banquet I host. I got in bed at 2 but did not go to sleep until 3:30. The alarm and the cat went off at 7:15.
Heaven help me.
Mental Upchucking
03:38 Jan 30 2012
Times Read: 559
A lot happened this week. Or maybe it is just a lot on my mind. Not sure which.
Anyway, been recovering from a cough that has kicked my butt. It went to my chest and I sometimes still wheeze when I breathe and am still on meds.
Got a big banquet that I am in charge of coming up on Tuesday. Not really looking forward to that. Lots of local big wigs and I have to be the one on the microphone doing the hosting. Bleh.
The hubby is taking classes in his major but it is very different for him than the Phoenix classes that followed a formula. The academic freedom of the professors is driving him crazy. Been trying to help him without doing all of it. A fine line.
My Uncle Emery who has prostate cancer has a new medication that has dropped his PSA level from 3000 down to 35. AMAZING. Prayer at work there. The cost though is outrageous. $5000 for a 30 day supply. On top of the good news of the medicine working though was bad news. His business of storage units caught fire and burned more than 7 units. No one was hurt thankfully but the estimated cost was $200,000 with content at another $100,000. but in the end, the good news of medicine working outweighs everything.
My hubby was elected treasurer of the civil war group I am in. I know that he is not always detail oriented. Which means that I will have to double check most things. Sigh. I SUCKED in accounting class. Took me half a semester to figure out the difference in a debit and a credit. GRRR......sigh.
I feel like everyone in my world has taken to heart the "first year" of marriage and stopped calling and asking me to do things. I do need some heads up to check my calendar but that is more about my calendar usually than the hubby. When I call, they seem to have other things to do. Maybe it is more about me. Nah....I don' t think I have changed THAT much. I also know that the hubby is open to me going out, he would like some time alone I think. Will have to ponder that one more.
The other thing that has been bugging me lately is how much I miss working at the hospital with the patients. Sigh.....I need to find something to fill that void. I would go back in a heartbeat if not for the current boss. She is a sick individual who needs treatment. Truly...not just my dislike becuase she can at times be likeable. But she has some personality disorders that make it extremely difficult to work with her or to like her for long.
But I do miss the work with the patients. A LOT. I even dreamed about it on several occasions.
Ok. Enough of the outpouring. My mental upchuck needs to end.
If you made it this far....thanks. And here is the towel to wipe the upchuck off ya.
14:22 Jan 17 2012
Times Read: 583
The wee kitty is off to surgery today. We are getting him fixed. I hope he does ok.
I made the hubby take him but I will be picking him up.
04:18 Jan 14 2012
Times Read: 601
Worked on stuff for work the first half the day. Then we painted the kitchen a lovely lemon twist yellow. It has a purple glazed accent wall.
Then I made bbq beef ribs, baked potato, salad, and brownies.
I think.....today was a very productive day overall.
yeah me!
01:18 Jan 13 2012
Times Read: 609
Went with hubby to buy his text books today. That was expensive...and he bought mostly USED ones.
Then went to check out a weight loss program. Hubby went also. The program they offered us was 6 months for me and 5 months for him. We would drink 4 protien shakes a day and have one meal of a peice of chicken and two veggies a day.
All for a little over $6,000.
I could not see me drinking 4 shakes a day for 6 months. They taste horrid. And to pay for that torture. I think not. I think I will return to the program in Lexington. It is further but I chose what I ate while maintaining accountability to them. For much cheaper as well.
The positive side....hubby is supportive of me and will be doing whatever I do to lose weight. He wants to lose some as well.
Then we stopped in at Office Depot and I got a printer that would work with my new laptop. It was on sale, I had a $25 gift card so that left me getting $130 dollar printer for $74. Yeah me!
On the way home, snow started. It was pouring the snow when we got home but was not sticking as of yet. So Rat, gets her snow!
Level 112
18:29 Jan 10 2012
Times Read: 620
WOOT!! I went up another level!! 112 is now where I am. :)
22:13 Jan 09 2012
Times Read: 633
today was difficult as most first day of semesters are. Two classes down today and a whole list of things I need to do........and it is only day one.
On the bright side.....I am employed. I normally like my job. I am just feeling a little drained at the moment.
Tomorrow.......is another day to knock things off that to do list. :)
Right after dinner, headache meds, and perhaps a glass of wine. Then some couch snuggling with hubby and the pet cat Biscuit. :)
04:19 Jan 08 2012
Times Read: 647
The washer, has died. The move was hard on it. We thought it was fixed but apparently not.
May it rest in peace.
The new washer and dryer arrive tomorrow.:)
18:49 Jan 06 2012
Times Read: 658
Lovely Friday, sun is shining, friends coming for dinner, and family and friends are well and healthy for today. All is good.
Just something homey about it.......
01:55 Jan 06 2012
Times Read: 681
With our new home came a new cat. I have never had an animal in the house....always outside.
I will say, there is something homey and comforting about being alone with a cat asleep beside me on the couch all nestled in against my leg.
I would have never guessed it or given an indoor animal a thought over a year ago. Wow. Things do change.
15:11 Jan 05 2012
Times Read: 692
I hope to make more entries this year......maybe even recap some of the whirlwind of 2011.
I want to put things down....to remember.
So....today is Thursday, Jan 5, 2012. And the sun is shining. For now, I am a blessed gal!
15:21 Jan 31 2012
You are lucky. My cats usually go off between 5:30 and 6.