I just had my entire home email wiped out......so.
No addresses, no information that I needed,
no way to let anyone know that it happened as I don't have their email addies anymore.
Great shots! Very much like New Orleans ;) I was able to spend a lot of time there back in 1992... it's good to look at these pictures and remember.
I did look like the blue berry girl! lol
Well I think your point and shoot is holding it's own just fine! Thanks for posting these! Still bummed I couldn't be there.
You see it differently so it's great to see these "finally" :)
sigh........hey there..........i think I might maybe have survived my first day of classes......i think...maybe...
falls down exhausted.......
while sitting at her desk still working......
*looks at the snow outside, starting to cover the road* Oh oh.... uhh sis... you might want to get home.
Get home and batten down your hatches
Flunk 'em all for making you so exhausted :P
Ok all but two students placed now....
Still colder than wiz.....
Neighbor is bringing pork roast for dinner :)
And I have a cake in the oven.
Looks like I am set for the night. WOOT
now.....back to work. dang it.
Does that mean the heat pad showed up? :)
Nope not yet.....i just pulled the heater closer!!
I find that the radiator makes an excellent foot rest.
LOVED that movie! and probably am one of the few who will actually lay claim to having seen it in the theaters....
Nope I was right there in the theater watching too Puppy
*smiles from her nice cool house, laying in her warm bed* It is winter... you know?
When in doubt, blame the Rat ~runs~
I think you are a great deal of content, wrapped in in a warm, loving, playful personality that just begs to be squeezed. And if I remember correctly, I did just that at the front door...lol
You forgot sex goddess. ;)
*smacks head* Now How could I forget sex goddess?
Puppy....you did and it was a great hug..:)
It was the best way to bring in a new year! You are also an inspiration beyond all the other things you listed, that merely touch on the great person you are at heart.
17:48 Jan 31 2010
And snow creme is ? I hate to thing I'm missing something good lol
20:49 Jan 31 2010
Snow Creme is made of
Milk, sugar, vanilla flavoring and snow
say 2 cups milk, maybe a third cup sugar, tablespoon vanilla flavoring and enough snow to give it a consistency of soft ice cream... (sugar and flavor are to taste..and is the consistency but I like it sweet and a bit stiff so more sugar and snow for me!)
19:17 Feb 02 2010
and why wasn't I invited?