3 entries this month
Relationship status update....
00:19 Aug 07 2010
Times Read: 681
Life is picking up the pace in relationship status. BF has accepted a job offer in the area and will be moved into the area by the 22nd of this month. Wow...this is REALLY happening.
It has been a long haul. We started dating a little over 6 years ago. We met online. Well actually, he answered an ad I had placed. We then dated regularly for about 4 years. The 5th year.....he started backing off...and then he went a whole year with virtually no contact.
I went through the grief process and had started dating again. Then I get a call and a request for dinner. Since I had not gotten the opportunity to say things in person...I said yes.
We met about two months ago. He comes out with "I have decided that I want us to be together and will move here so we can". You could have knocked me over with a feather.
The whole break up had been because neither of us would move....he lives 3 hours away in TN.
I looked at him and said " I do not know what to say to that. I would have jumped at the chance a year ago but I have worked on letting go and moving on."
He admitted he had been an ass and apologized. I said I didn't know how things would turn out but he could "fight" for me if he wanted to do so. But that I wanted my door key back. He gave it up.
I went on to tell him that he couldn't live with me. But that I wanted the whole 9 yards of romantic proposal, ring, marriage and house. He didn't run.
Since then....he has been attentive and here every week but one. He calls and texts several times a day and agrees to pretty much anything I want.
He has taken boxes to start packing.
I never stopped loving him but the love had changed when it looked as if it was not going to be returned.
Now that it feelings are all over the place.
ECSTATIC and yet......scared to death too. I am sure that is fairly normal. Especially for someone who has lived alone for 25 plus years and for someone who has been hurt by the person who is now back.
Luckily for me..I have had an excellent role model in my life for forgiveness. I have pretty much been able to put the issue aside and let it go.
Excitement that this is REALLY HAPPENING is the biggest emotion these days.
Oh my....less than 3 weeks and he will be here in the area......EEK!.....YIPEEEEE!!!!!
72 days......only took 4 years......14:53 Aug 03 2010
Times Read: 695
Welcome Elemental
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WOW a bit over two months of my life spent here...
Wow...I didn't realize.....I promise to do some better!!
01:50 Aug 02 2010
Times Read: 700
I had not realized it has been over two months since I wrote anything here until Emmy's comment I read today. Thanks for bringing that to my attention!!
Anyway....the last two months have been quite eventful. I have bought a brand new living room suit and entertainment center AND tv. It all looks awesome!!
I have ended one relationship and restarted an old one that seems to be leading to coupledom......which is both scary and wonderful. He is even moving here from another state as soon as he finds a job. has been a whirlwind for me of late...but I will try to do better in the journal department. If only for a few of the folks that really do come over and read my journal addition to the Cat and Rat's journals.
Grins. I sort of figured that Rat especially writes about us so I was covered.....guess I figured wrong. Sorry folks!
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01:25 Aug 07 2010
As long as you're happy, I'm tickled pink for you.
01:53 Aug 07 2010
He best keep her happy or I see target shooting. Center of his body, center area. ;)
03:10 Aug 07 2010
Hmm....if he does it my guest....I will even tell you where to find him....grins.....Love you best friends....EVERRRRRR....
05:28 Aug 07 2010
Soooo HAPPY for you! Sometimes they just need to miss us to come to their senses. :)
05:45 Aug 07 2010
I hope that you have found the man of your dreams.
01:03 Aug 10 2010
We love you
We want you to be happy, and if this is it, so be it.
If he hurts you, he's going to have at least 3 southern women gunning for his ass, and whatever parts present themselves.
And I for one am a great shot, plus I have SWORDS