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5 entries this month
Relationships Update, Part 1
19:50 Dec 27 2007
Times Read: 721
New thoughts on Relationships
When dating (more so than marriage), you want draw the line somewhere. Do not continue carry out the relationship if its complete shit and your partner cannot be trusted to tell the truth
Previous Advice on Relationships
You know, men have the same emotional structures that women do, men are also conditioned to devalue their emotions, women are encouraged to express them, but the idea that they're different emotional creatures is mindbogglingly stupid. We ought to be focusing on our commonalities.
Just a few hours of counselling can help to temper any biological differences by focusing on "feelings, not facts"
The whole "Mars and Venus" thing is Bullshit.
Would-be husbands and wives must talk about things like sex, money, careers and kids before they walk down the aisle. People often do talk about these things, The problem is, we do not talk about them properly. To remove Relationship Political Correctness, actually talk about someone gaining weight, being sexually attracted to someone else. There's a whole long list of things that you're feel that you are not allowed to talk about.
The point is not to limit the range of what is talked about or start with pre-conceived ideas of how the conversation is going to go. So with have kids, we start with prenatalism. Couples often decide they both want kids, but not discussed is how many, couples often stop the conversation after they want "two or more" - That mean major details unaddressed like whatever to have that 3rd child and how they will cope with how their kids impact their careers and finances.
Old Quotes on Relationships
"I know I can not stay the same, but I lack the strength to change it. I have life figured out too, it is all about FEAR."
"Dogs always know how to wreck a perfectly bad mood."
"Having your period is not an excuse to be the ultimate asshole!"
"Learn to trust !"
"I am alive, created to strife for love. To soar on the wings of friendship"
Words to Live by ....
.... change begets change
.... you don’t change by beating yourself up
.... I am, my own worst enemy
.... a happy married couple praises the other to a friend
.... marriage is honesty, openness, and understanding. to be sensitive to each other's whims, weaknesses, idiosyncrasies and eccentrics
.... sometimes fear is not what is seems; it could be excitement
.... relaxation is the opposite of anxiety
.... i must never answer my own questions
.... never use the word “but … “
.... avoid using the word “should …” these you usually your believes, not those of others
.... learn to respect and accept change
.... in marriage treat all major "disasters" as incidents, and treat minor incidents as trivial. these are more or less daily events.
.... Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart!!!
.... Dreams live longer, then the dreamer ever will.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao-Tzu
Relationships Update, Part 2 of 2
19:49 Dec 27 2007
Times Read: 723
Neither Man Nor Woman Inexplicably Do Not Learn
Purest Insanity
03:41 Dec 22 2007
Times Read: 728
Purest Insanity today at work: 1000 customers in 12 hours and the discovery of (secret)
Hear the Words, See the Actions
11:38 Dec 19 2007
Times Read: 732
Hear the Words, See the Actions
by Mindelle Jacobs, Calgary Sun
In the fantasy land that is Middle Eastern politics, the Saudi foreign minister couldn't bear to shake hands with an Israeli this week but, presto, the Palestinians are on the verge of statehood.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Sixty years after Arab nations rejected the UN idea of partitioning British-ruled Palestine into Jewish and Arab entities, Arab countries are still playing tricks, to the detriment of Palestinians, Israelis and world stability.
At one time, Palestinians and Arab states were explicit in their rejection of Israel. Now, for the ears of the West, they pretend to want accommodation with Israel while, for domestic consumption, they continue their long-standing incitement against Jews.
Palestinian Media Watch, for instance, reported this week that despite the agreement between Israel and the Palestinians in Annapolis to negotiate a peace treaty by the end of 2008, the Palestinian Authority continues to encourage its citizens to envisage a world without Israel.
A PA broadcast shows a map of Israel covered in the colours of the Palestinian flag, indicating that the whole of Israel is to be swallowed up by a Palestinian state.
As recently as last month, according to Palestinian Media Watch, the PA broadcast a video clip suggesting that every Israeli city would be "liberated" for the Arabs.
This is no surprise to those who have followed Mideast politics over the years. The Arabs say one thing and do another. Whenever the prospects of peace draw near, Palestinian violence seems to increase.
(More than a dozen rockets and mortar shells were fired into Israel from Gaza on Wednesday.)
It's hard not to come to the conclusion that the Palestinians and Arab nations don't really want a Palestinian state. For the Palestinians, a two-state solution would mean they'd actually have to show the world they can build a stable, functioning country. As for the surrounding Arab countries, perhaps they're spooked by the prospect that Palestine might eventually evolve into a democracy.
But make no mistake. The main reason the Palestinians don't have a state is because the Arab world would rather see the Palestinians endlessly festering in a social, economic and political swamp than move an inch to recognize Israel.
There are 22 states in the Arab League and 57 countries in the wider Organization of the Islamic Conference. But God forbid that one tiny, successful Jewish state should exist in the Middle East.
Israel, a modern, vibrant democracy whose accomplishments in every area of human endeavour are astonishing for such a small population, is a poke in the eye for failed Arab states.
But this is somehow all Israel's fault.
Israel is not perfect, although the world expects it to be, judging by the disproportionate condemnations against it by UN bodies over the years. But at least Israel has modern courts. Many of the courts in Arab countries, in contrast, are hellholes of repression and injustice.
Witness the British teacher who was just jailed for 15 days and ordered deported from Sudan for letting her students name a teddy bear Muhammad.
That followed the appalling case of a Saudi woman who was sentenced to 200 lashes and six months in jail for being alone with an unmarried man while she was being gang-raped.
With their massive populations, the Arab countries could be an enormous force for good in the world if they quit blaming Jews for their problems, stopped their insane misogyny and embraced political reform.
Until then, Israelis, Palestinians and the world at large will suffer the consequences.
Time to get back on the Horse
16:20 Dec 10 2007
Times Read: 735
It has been a while now since I got angry at political events.
So now its Time to get back on the Horse
Okay, this is somewhat weird for me to say however: FUCK YOU TORONTO Protesters for your little rally and phone call to Stephen Harper to ratify the Kyoto Treaty.
Has it ever occurred to you that its impossible to fix the fuck ups of the Liberal Party and their DO NOTHING attitude regarding the environment and climate change that was going on for 13 or 14 years ???
Rape case ruling shocks Australia
The offenders were either placed on probation or given suspended sentences for the 2005 rape in the Aurukun settlement, in northern Queensland.
In her ruling, Judge Sarah Bradley told them that the victim "probably agreed to have sex with all of you".
A review of sexual abuse sentences in Aboriginal Queensland has been ordered.
Sentencing seven of the accused in Cairns in October, Judge Bradley told them that the girl involved was not forced into sex, according to a report in The Australian newspaper.
She placed six of the offenders, who were minors at the time of the rape, on probation for 12 months, local media said.
The three other defendants were handed suspended six-month prison sentences.
Judge Bradley later defended her sentencing, telling The Australian that the sentences were "appropriate" because they were the penalties sought by the prosecution.
But Australia's newly-elected Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has now spoken out against the ruling, saying he was "appalled" by the verdict.
"I am horrified by cases like this, involving sexual violence against women and children. My attitude is one of zero tolerance," he told reporters in Queensland, his home state
"There is nothing culturally, there is nothing morally, there is nothing socially and there is definitely nothing legally that would ever allow this sort of decision to be made," Anna Bligh
said (the Queensland Premier)
My comments: Would someone please really really hurt Judge Bradley and take her Judge title away RIGHT NOW !!!!!!
Go EU !!
You dumb fuck ups, you cant enforce your ban on Robert Mugabe ???
What is wrong with you ?
How can you meet with that piece of shit ??
WTF, how can Robert Pickton not be found guilty for murder in the FIRST ??
He killed atleast 26 women, shot some in the head and beheaded them afterwards; hang one woman up with a hook meant for cattle, among other things. Parts of two of the women's bodies were found in five-gallon buckets in Pickton's freezer, parts of the others were discovered in a dustbin, a pig pen, and buried in manure on the farm.
A videotape of Pickton's friend Scott Chubb saying Pickton had told him a good way to kill a female heroin addict was to inject her with windshield-washer fluid. A second tape was played for Pickton, in which an associate named Andrew Bellwood said Pickton mentioned killing prostitutes by handcuffing and strangling them, then bleeding and gutting them before feeding them to pigs.
Most of the women he murdered were prostitutes and drug addicts from a seedy Vancouver neighbourhood.