I don't understand why when good people join this Website, some troll has to cause them nothing but problems.
The bullshit here is getting redundant. It takes a certain type of sociopath to go the lengths that you do to stir the shit. Making fake female profiles to bash members and using negative honor to cause non existent drama with other people for no real reason. Can you really not handle rejection that bad that you have to spend all day trying to guess someones password by constantly locking them out of their account by a means to control them because they won't go along with the "Bow down to me I am your Sire bullshit"?
I know it's you on that Rubyloves profile since, It seems that you're using a females profile to do your dirty work. Or so maybe you've become a Transgender now? No worries Tabby, We don't judge here on VR. ;)
Now you Listen here you fucking prick. Leave my Coven members alone. I'm tired of your bullshit. You can't handle rejection. Then maybe don't live in your fucking Mommy's basement. As far as Threatening to hack a members profile.
It's just shows what kinda of pathetic fucking troglodyte you are.
Typical goddam sociopath behavior. Why don't you grow the fuck up and quit harassing women on this site. And trying to isolate then while you play Victim. Maybe you should try posting real pictures of yourself Tabby.
And not creating fake female profiles to boost your own ego. I think there's a lot of people here that are tired of your shit. It takes a certain type of sociopath to go the extent that you do just to cause your typical fuckery. But If you think you can threaten to hack someones profile it might not go very well for you in the latter. Just Grow up motherfucker there's a whole world out there, outside of your Mommy's basement.
It's really sad , when a female joins this site , looking to meet friends and you decide "me want" and you have to bully, threaten to just get them to talk to to ..geez dude that's really pathetic ..and then you go and make a second , third fourth profile just to keep a fake ass relationship . You have fake pictures on your profile ..why?
This guy even pretends ..brags to use heroin which is a crock ...any addict would never admit to that ..and besides that hes on vr way too much ..or maybe he orders it from Amazon.
He takes illnesses ..recently he claimed to have stage4 lung cancer .
Hes nothing more than a liar .
Thank you both so much. Atleast I know there are a few real people on here who I can count on. Bless you both.
Tabby will never change he gets his thrills causing problems and sucking the life out of people who tried being his friend. Of course he has to hide behind fake photo's, and create numerous profiles. Thats the only way he thinks he can control and hurt others. I'm sick of his shit !
He has one of my dearest friends brainwashed by quilt tripping her into believing she was the one that wronged him. I will never forgive him for the crap he has caused her. Man up Tabby !! It's not hard being a decent human being. Drays right leave our members the fuck alone !!
Yes please come on my profile hide your Username and give me more negative honor Lizardlips.
But this is really just free entertainment for me.
So just don't expect me to not rate you another one.
The second I see you do another name change. Oh I'm so sorry sweetie were you not ready yet?
Trust me Lizardlips you don't want to play this little game with me.
If you don't like having to not delete that little profile again. ;)
Happy Halloween 🎃
15:32 Nov 13 2018
I'm real jerk
15:54 Nov 13 2018
https://www.vampirerave.com/blank.php?title=No such user!
16:38 Nov 13 2018
I'm so tired of this Drayton. I've been locked out of my account constantly for the past two hours. FUCK
20:45 Nov 13 2018
I was locked out this morning. Maybe if we ignore them, and laugh like I just said something funny, they’ll go away. HAHAHA!!
22:01 Nov 13 2018
I just use a generated password from my VPN.......nobody is going to get that shit. A little extra out of pocket but oh soooo worth it