CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


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11 entries this month

New Year's Eve

20:04 Dec 31 2010
Times Read: 682

Finally, a quiet work day to wind up the work week and year. Two funny things happened. Our front window faces the city parking lot across the street, which is next to a family-style restaurant. My boss and I watched as a truck pulled in and a guy got out. Immediately he pulls out his cell phone and starts diddling with it.

Now, mind you, there still is snow and ice on the ground in the parking lot. We were watching the guy walk and mess with his cell phone...when out of the truck comes two little boys, one just a toddler, the other a little older. They go scampering after dad, who isn't even looking at them.

The little kids start slipping and falling, and down they go, right on their bottoms, sliding down the slight incline that goes into the street. And dad is still walking away! My boss couldn't stand this any more and went out the front door and shouted across the street "Hey you, look behind you, your kids fell down!" The guy looks back at his kids like "why are you on the ground?" and doesn't even say thank you or whatever. He just walked back and picked them up and set them on their feet. Then went straight back to his cell phone. Sheesh.

Boss left awhile later, and it was pretty quiet the rest of the morning. I had a sudden desire to hear some Ozzy, so I called up the local metal station to get in a request. The dj got me on the air and said "so what you up to?"

Me: "I'm at work."

DJ: "Boss there too?"

Me: "Nope, boss left."

DJ: "Wow, that sucks, being at work on the holiday by yourself. But that's what us wage slaves are, right? Little peons who bend over and take it RIGHT UP THE TAILPIPE on holidays."

I started laughing so hard I snorted. Live on the air. Dayum. But I got my request in and got to hear "Bark at the Moon", so that was all right.




20:48 Dec 31 2010


Happy New Year.



01:44 Dec 31 2010
Times Read: 708

A couple entries back, I mentioned that my boss' wife had put together a Christmas basket for me. Upon closer inspection recently, I have discovered that the foodstuffs were ALL past their expiration dates (even the bottle of booze, dammit!) two other items had pieces missing, and the bowl it all came in has a huge crack running across the bottom.

What the hell? Gorgeous decadent chocolates....sell by date: July 2010. Hot chocolate...best by: August 2010. Baileys Irish Cream....use by: Sept. 2010.

I have the distinct impression that this was thrown together with stuff that was just around, or else no one paid any attention to what they were buying. Either way, it's wasteful and tacky.

Okay, the candle smells nice. I can go with that. But the rest?

What would you do if you got a bunch of stuff like that? I'm not afraid to speak up, because one thing I can see missing the expiry date on..but a whole bunch of things? Shouldn't the giver want to know that? Or should I just pitch the lot and shut up about it?

Baffled. Totally.



01:48 Dec 31 2010

Now that was TACKY!

It would have been better if she didn't bother giving you a gift at all!

01:52 Dec 31 2010

I had the same thing happen to me..... I found it pointless to say anything to the 'giver' since the 'giver' was just as 'dumb'

02:50 Dec 31 2010

Wowzers... very little attention went into that one.

04:42 Dec 31 2010

"Money is related to class only in the minds of people who have too much of the former, too little of the latter or none of either."

~ Doug Robarchek

To answer your question, don't waste your time. Just file that away for future reference when the need arises.

07:30 Dec 31 2010

I'm with Justin on this one. The bailey's is still good, it's ALCOHOL for crying out loud. Unless it is 10 years old, it should be fine.

Now here is what I recommend.

Make a big pot of hot chocolate with milk, not water. It'll help, alot.

Pour Bailey's into the hot chocolate.

Light the candle, get hammered, and toss the chocolates to the birds or else grate them over the hot chocolate.

And while it does seem a little tacky remember that they did feed you well, and as my momma always told me, it's the thought that counts.

08:54 Dec 31 2010

LOL...you could always regift it to them next year

12:02 Dec 31 2010

I already tossed everything edible/drinkable. I was not taking any chances, having had a sample of food poisoning before....not fun. Everything else, aside from the candle, went in the garbage.


Now Hear This

01:03 Dec 30 2010
Times Read: 719

A selection of messages from our business after-hours answering machine, all these were left on Christmas Day.

"Y'all better get yo asses down here and open the sto', I need mah clothes, I'm goin' outta town!"

"I don't think anyone is there. I will call back in a few minutes."

"I know it's Christmas, but I need my clothes! You should have someone there for emergencies!"

"I need my shirt cleaned right away!"

"I just called the police on you. I need my suit and I didn't know you would be closed."

"F*****s open up. I need my shoes."

Can you believe it? People actually thought we should stay open on Christmas, "just in case" someone might need something. We have been reminding people since before Thanksgiving of our holiday hours, and they do this stuff every year.




02:19 Dec 30 2010

Nice to know the rudeness doth abound south of the border as well as north...

02:29 Dec 30 2010

Remember.. the Customer is Always right!!!!

sorry couldnt resist ;)

01:50 Dec 31 2010

OMG - your customers are as stupid and rude as many of the students I get at work...

Like the whole world revolves around them...and of course, you guys are suppose to be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays...jeesh.


Christmas stuff

00:14 Dec 27 2010
Times Read: 743

Had a quiet Christmas, mostly. Spent most of the day by myself, sleeping in and goofing around. My boss had invited me to his house for a big party and though I was feeling distinctly anti-festive I went anyway. The food there is always amazing because his wife is Italian and she makes everything from scratch. Amazing.

This year, I didn't know her family were coming too. Her parents, sister and brother in law and their two girls, plus an aunt. All from Chicago, all very Italian. Dad is a retired cop and he looked exactly like John Gotti. I was a little nervous, because these folks are loud and rowdy and don't hold anything back. But once they figured out I was just a little noob they soon went back to picking on each other, and I got to sit back and watch.

The dining room table was groaning with appetizers, there was a huge platter of taco dip, shrimp and crab with seafood sauce, crackers, different meats, and as many cookies and candies as you could shake a stick at. There was wine, pop, coffee, hot cocoa, whatever you wanted to drink. In the oven? A huge spiral ham, green bean salad, mac and cheese (!!), candied yams, homemade mostaccioli and meatballs (in homemade sauce), mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls and butter. I was smelling everything and drooling.

Italian dad was anxious to dig in. "When's the food gonna be done? I wanna EAT!" he would bellow, and people would anxiously check the ovens and crock pots and consult watches to see when everything would be done. Mom sat next to me and offered a running commentary on who needed to loose weight. She also noticed my boss' middle daughter got a ring from her boyfriend for Christmas. "You think she's sleeping with him yet?" she asked me, but before I could answer she went on "she better not be. I will cut her right out of the will."

Middle daughter held up the festivities for about an hour while she went out to fetch boyfriend (and boyfriend's mom). When they all got back, Italian mama called out "What did you need to get them for? Don't they have Christmas at their house?" Then seeing boyfriend's mama's kind of poochy tummy, she asked "Are you pregnant? At your age?"

I was having hysterics. Almost farting from trying not to laugh. Italian dad noticed I was kind of staring at his jewelry (heavy gold chains and one hell of a gold ring on his right hand) and he motioned me over to get a better look. He obviously enjoyed showing them off and took the ring off so I could try it on. "Bet you can't afford that on your salary!" he chirped, and I agreed that I couldn't.

Food was finally co-ordinated and served and everything was quiet for a bit while we ate. One of the neices threw a fit because she ate one of the cloves that was used to flavor the ham ("I didn't know what it was! I thought it was a cherry") and we had to endure gagging sounds for a half hour or so before her mother told her to shut the hell up.

Then the presents came out. Honestly, you never saw such stuff. I mean it was obvious the stuff came from high end stores...one of the girls got a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes and I had never seen those outside of a pic in a magazine. Six inch heels. Dayum. Cashmere sweaters. Coach purses. Nice silver jewelry.

One of the girls announced "There's a box under the tree with no name on it." My boss said "Give that to Patty. That's hers." I was knocked out. I wasn't expecting anything. My boss' brother's wife put together a little basket for me. I got a bottle of Baileys Irish cream, a nice smelly candle, small box of chocolates, a christmassy towel,, some gourmet hot chocolate and some hair care stuff.

The Chicago nieces were impressed, especially by the bottle of Baileys. "WHO are you again?" one asked, trying to figure out how I could get a gift but not be related. Pfft.

Boss' daughter's boyfriend made out like a bandit. He got some tickets to a Chicago Bulls game and all sorts of sports paraphernalia. Even his mother was given things. I remember back when I was in high school, and I happened to have a boyfriend at holiday time. Not only was he not invited over at Christmas (nor was I to his house, and I wasn't expecting to be) I would have fallen over if my parents had given him anything other than a card. Times have changed.

Boss had just gotten a huge screen TV, I mean it must have been 60 inches. Took up a whole end of the front room and he flipped the channels so we could watch some stuff on the big screen.

We all started to fall asleep shortly thereafter and the party broke up and I was chauffered home. "Bye bye, you're a nice girl, you'll get a nice man one day," Italian mom said as I went out the door. "Even if your ass is a little big."




02:04 Dec 27 2010

Brings back memories of my childhood with all the Italians on my dad's side. Food, food food! Wine and more wine. Talking in both Italian and English. The gifts then were as saucy as what you described - expensive and lots of them. Even down to the last comment from the Italian mom - this is typical of an Italian family get-together. I am so glad you went and had fun!

02:35 Dec 27 2010

Glad you had fun. :)

12:23 Dec 27 2010

That ... That sounds like my family. ♥ I don't remember seeing you at my brother's house, though. :P

But damn, the Choos would have been nice to look at. Extremely impractical for anything but visuals ... but nice. heh.

01:54 Dec 31 2010

Too funny!

Somtimes, families - yours or not - can make you laugh and get on your nerves at the same time.

Love it how you and your big ass still got a chance in the catch-a-man lottery!



05:10 Dec 25 2010
Times Read: 757

According to NORAD, Santa is in Madison, Wisconsin right now. Gonna go peek out the window and see if I can see him go by.



05:44 Dec 25 2010


I SAW that on Yahoo!

Merry Merry!



01:45 Dec 18 2010
Times Read: 779

Talk about your freaky Fridays. This was one for the books. As if going through the week with a head-shattering sinus infection wasn't enough, working through a miasma of clogged sinuses and headfog...we have to add to the mix....the bridal barf situation. Epic.

Shortly after noon we got a frantic phone call from the pastor of the church just up the street. The bride had a fit of nerves in the anteroom and threw up all over herself. Two of the bridesmaids were trying to help her out of her dress and she barfed AGAIN, this time on the bridesmaids. And the wedding was in less than an hour. Could we help?

Well, golly. Here was a crisis! We could hear the bride wailing in the background ("awww FUCKITALLCHRIST.....FUCK FUCK FUCK") We told the pastor to hold tight, we would come collect the clothes, run them on a short cycle, press them and bring them back. The wedding would probably be delayed an hour or so, but we could get the clothes cleaned for the wedding party. This was agreed on. Boss A and I get in the van and go tearing up the street, leaving Boss B to hold down the fort till we got back.

We get to the church and make our way to the back where the changing rooms are. The pastor waylaid us...um...there was a complication. The bride's mother had collected all the dirty clothes and took them to HER cleaner (not us), who was not called and goodness knows if he could clean all that stuff in a short time. The bride was screaming at her mother over the cell phone ("get BACK here NOW, mother or I SWEAR I wil kick your ASS you are RUINING my day the CLEANERS are HERE to take the clothes and where the hell are YOU?")

We had to wait for mummy to come back, which added another 20 minutes onto the already-tight schedule. When she arrived, we all but snatched the stuff away from her, shoved it in the van and peeled out of the parking lot. I couldn't resist shouting "To the batpoles!" as we roared up the street. :P

The clothes were not as bad as we anticipated, the majority of the puke had gone onto the floor and only a splash or two went onto the bridal gown. One bridesmaid's dress got a direct hit though, and the other one got some splashback, but nothing too major. We were in constant contact with the bride via cellphone, reassuring her every step of the way.

Believe it or not, the dresses were cleaned, pressed and ready to go in just about an hour. We actually got a round of applause when we came back with the clothes! The bride was happy, mom was no where to be seen (presumably seated in one of the pews away from the festivities in the back room) and the pastor was relieved. As we were leaving he said "Now all I have to worry about is getting the carpet cleaned back there."

My boss patted his back. "We had the same problem not long ago, except it was a man and it was, erm....poop." The pastor's eyes popped. "What did you do?" he asked. "Cleaned it up," my boss shrugged. "What else?"

We found out later that we got a shout-out at the ceremony and the wedding reception...and several people called from the reception asking about getting clothes cleaned, lol.

Drama and Fridays seem to go hand in hand. HELLO, WEEKEND!



02:11 Dec 18 2010

OH MY GOD!!!!!!! I needed that laugh!


Amazing story.

19:09 Dec 18 2010

Well, I feel better now- all I had was a puking flower girl, and all it hit was out floor, but what is it with you and me and conjoined problems at work these days???lol

01:58 Dec 31 2010

Now - this WAS epic...

This would've made a great episode on a bridzilla show! lol!


How warm is it?

00:03 Dec 12 2010
Times Read: 796

The local tv weatherman just said it's 37degrees outside. He also said it is "snowing, mixing with freezing rain and sleet."

Okay, freezing rain IS sleet. And how can it be snowing when it's almost 40 degrees out there?

Oh wait a minute, there is another front pushing through. That would explain it. :P




Winter Woes

23:17 Dec 11 2010
Times Read: 811

It's never a good thing when you and your boss arrive to open the store and find it already open. We both looked at each other and for just a sec we thought we had gone off and forgot to close it the night before...but nooo...that doesn't happen. THEN we saw his dad sitting contentedly in the front window reading the paper, surrounded by piles of clothes.

We ripped in there so fast we scared him. He said the phone was ringing early in the morning, some customer insisting he was leaving real early to avoid the storm that was on its way, and he wanted his clothes. Before we were open. So what does papa do? He opens up and gives the guy his clothes. One thing...he can't remember the guys' name, all he did remember was that the guy wanted to pay by credit card and papa couldn't get the swiper to work. Soo...he left without paying.

I thought my boss would explode. Bad enough that papa answered the phone downstairs, which he is forbidden to do, but to open the store early without either of us there....we had clothes with scraps of paper attached to them where papa had tried to write the customers' name....the customers were driving by and saw the store open earlier than usual and took the opportunity to drop off and pick up orders. There was no starting bank in the till, so papa had nothing to make change with, so....yes....he let everyone pick up their orders without paying. Luckily for us, "everyone" turned out to be only 5 people, and we quickly tracked down who they were (after cleaning their clothes for years and years, we recognized some and just phoned the customer to see if they had indeed been in.)

The guy who started it all was one of the ripest assholes we have as a customer. (We figured out who he was by going thru the call history on the phone.) This guy will block the drive up sitting on his cell phone yakking and not letting anyone else in, or come in, throw his clothes at us and yell that he wants them right away and "not to fuck the order like you did last time." Oy!

We had his cell phone number on file so my boss made a phone call. Almost immediately it turned into a shouting match, my boss put it on speakerphone so I could hear this piece of work insult my boss, insult the business, insult ME (How I got into the mix I will never know, but he ranted about "that fat woman behind the counter is way too slow").

I went and got coffee and when I got back my boss had calmed down, papa was banished upstairs (with newspaper). My boss was so upset, this stuff with his dad just keeps happening and we never know what to expect next. Last week one of our salesmen brought us a two pound box of Godiva chocolates to thank us for our patronage over the past year. We each had a piece and the box was closed. Later, my boss said "where's that chocolate?" and I went to where I put it, but it wasn't there. I figured he had gotten into it, or his brother had, and put it somewhere else, but we couldn't find it anyplace in the shop. Then my boss had a lightbulb moment and went upstairs to his parents' apartment.

I heard the explosion all the way downstairs. Not only had his folks eaten over a pound of the candy, but the rest of the pieces had been squeezed and bitten into to see what they were inside. And the lid was left off the box, and the candy was all mushy from having been left close to the heat grate. OY.

Well, at least the rest of the day was quiet. The 4-10 inch snowfall that has been predicted hasn't happened yet but the weatherman assures me that it's coming. It seems to be confined to the upper half of the state, which is fine by me.

Onward and upward!



23:25 Dec 11 2010

Holy crapoli.

I don't know how I'd put up with so many tests of patience. You, are a saint. You know that?

23:59 Dec 11 2010


04:20 Dec 12 2010

Holy cow. I just don't know what else to say. Your poor boss. I know he takes off hunting and fishing with his brothers all the time, but I think I am beginning to understand why. Between his dad, who undoubtedly has ALzheimer's, to his daughter who needs a swift kick in the ass, that poor man is under it all.

You're probably the only sane voice he has....

But he needs to do something about his dad. This was minor, but one of these days he is going to do something major, and he or someone else is going to get hurt.

02:01 Dec 31 2010

I know that this is going to sound horrible, but after reading this, I am inclined to believe that meddling old people should be put to sleep...


Work Update

00:18 Dec 09 2010
Times Read: 833

All you guys who have been out there salivating, waiting for me to dish the dirt on training my boss' daughter....well, poop, I have some sad news to report.

She won't be working with me after all.

All together now...."AWWWWWWWWWWW."

And now....drumroll please....she had another fender-bender. Bitch, please. On her way to school, she rear-ended another car...this one had a young mother driving and a baby in a car seat in back. (Calm yourself, gentle reader, the baby was unharmed.) Once again, Little Miss Thang was going too fast, not paying attention to what she was doing...this time reaching down to grab a cd that had fallen on the floor. Like that is way more important than keeping your eyes on the road!

And, in what can only be classified as the mother of all coincidences...the cop who wrote her the citiation was the same cop she rear-ended the other day. Uh-huh.

She didn't have her cell phone, so the cop called her dad and told him what happened. My boss flipped his lid. He left work and was gone a couple hours, and when he got back he told me he and his wife went through his daughter's bedroom and stripped it almost bare. No TV, no movies, no video games, no Ipod, no cd player, no electronic toys at all. They left her clothes and some jewelry, some books and pens and things like that...but everything else gone.

The license is gone, too. So is the car. My boss was so mad he sold the car in something like three hours, to a friend of his who had wanted it before. The car is fine, just a little dented fender. No more license, no more car, another ticket, and this time she has to ride the bus to school and take driver's license classes. The cost of fixing the two cars she hit, and the costs of the tickets, are coming out of her savings.

Once this went viral on Facebook, all sorts of other stuff happened. She had been promised a shopping trip before Christmas by an aunt who lived in Chicago, they were going to Michigan avenue and shop all the trendy places down there. That went out the window. Another aunt was going to take her to California for Easter, that trip is gone. Also on hold, a set of expensive jewelry her grandparents promised her for Christmas.

The kid is more put out over having to take the bus than anything else. I don't know what I would have done in my boss' place. His 3 girls are so spoiled that nothing really seems to touch them. They just don't "get" how they are supposed to behave, follow rules, obey the law. They just do whatever they like and daddy will fix it if something goes wrong. Well, this time daddy ain't fixing it.

So she isn't working with me. After school she comes home on the bus, goes to her room and studies till dinner, then back to her room till bedtime. No outings, no friends coming over, no fun till after the holidays. Just as I was breathing a sigh of relief my boss hit me with a bigger bomb....

If she wants her car back, after she pays off her fines, she has to earn the money herself. And how will she do that? Why, work with me, of course.

But hey, at least I have the holidays to enjoy.



00:35 Dec 09 2010

Ahhhhhhhhh.... a break till after Christmas. But then he will give in by then so....

So glad my parents made me work after school days.

00:47 Dec 09 2010

She doesn't sound like someone who would actually work for what they want. You may yet be safe.

08:05 Dec 09 2010

Working with my dad was one of the best learning experiences I had growing up. It taught me to be a much better employee than most of these spoiled rotten brats we got today (do I sound like an old fart??)

I feel for you sugar, cause I have a feeling that no matter what, she is going otmake your life miserable in a hundred different ways when she does get there.

Just remember, we all read with awe, and I'm looking forward to reading about it, if not actually being glad you have to go through it.

02:04 Dec 31 2010

Driving while texting...looking for a CD on the floor...what the fuck is wrong with this spoiled brat?


Slow Down!

00:50 Dec 07 2010
Times Read: 865

My boss' middle daughter hit the trifecta of traffic citations over the weekend. This was the little miss, you recall, who bitched about not wanting a white car because it got dirty too quickly..she just got her license this past summer, and daddy had to shell out and buy her a late model car..turned out to be white. Aww well.

Anyway, this past weekend we got our first blizzard of the season, and as usual, people forget how to drive when the first snow falls. This happened to be a rather nasty blizzard and the city asked people to stay off the streets in certain places while they were cleared. Well, wouldn't you know my boss' daughter just HAD to go shopping in the middle of all that mess, she insisted she HAD to go, so daddy let her go. She wasn't gone long before she phoned home in tears.

Going too fast + not watching where you are going + snow and ice + TEXTING WHILE DRIVING.....equal her car hitting another car's rear end. And not just any car....A COP CAR. And OF COURSE she is holding her cell phone when the cop came round to the car. And OF COURSE her friend, whom she had just texted, texted her back. The cop asked to see the phone, and when he saw the text that was something like "OMG DID U JST HT A COP"....well he wasn't too happy. You see, our state's no texting while driving law just went into effect December 1st.

Little miss gotta go to the mall got a $200 ticket and points off her licence. When daddy found this out he went ballistic, because her being a new driver and getting a ticket may make his insurance go up. These girls don't pay for anything..well they didn't up till now. Daddy took her cell phone away, and for good measure took her laptop. The car is used to go back and forth to school with only. And, until she can pay off the ticket by working at the store, her cell phone stays in dad's locked cabinet.

Yes, dear readers, now I have the undiluted joy of working with this plastic princess for the next couple months or however long it takes her to pay off that ticket. After school and on weekends she will be filling in at the store. I can just imagine how pouty and sullen she will be, and I told my boss I won't take it. She's not going to sit on her ass and say "gross" and "that's gay" and other stupid teen-age slang.

Boss went into his office and in a few minutes had printed out a set of work rules for his kid that he was going to make her read and sign in my presence. They are pretty straightforward, she is there to work and not sit, and if everything is done and there is absolutely nothing else to do she can go home. There will be no sitting around. There will be no smart alecky talk. If there is, she leaves. And she can kiss that cell phone goodbye.

She doesn't seem to realize what a close call she had. She didn't damage her car or the cop car very much, but that's not the point. She could have hit a kid or an elderly person when she was distracted while texting. And driving too damn fast in a blizzard is stupid. If you don't have to go out, DON'T GO OUT.

Oh hell. I'm going to need all the comfort and joy I can get, putting up with her over the holidays.



01:06 Dec 07 2010

Ahhh.... it sucks that you have to pay for her being stupid. I see bathroom cleaning, trash taking out, and all kinds of dirty jobs going her way. :)

01:15 Dec 07 2010

Yes. The texting while driving definitely hits a nerve with me.

NOTHING IN THE WORLD, is so goddamn important that you need to text while driving. In a snowstorm, no less. and if it is that important, pull the fuck over.

Dumbasses. Every one. All your common sense will fly out the window before you can say to yourself, "Oh yeah, I definitely need to text right now."

01:20 Dec 07 2010

*howls with laughter*

But I am NOT laughing at her actions. I hope daddy stays true to his rules and doesn't slack off. She needs to be taught a good hard lesson.

Let me know when you're ready and I'll send you my recipe for hot toddies LOL

03:39 Dec 07 2010

And if nothing else, I'll send you the RUM.

Bitch- I'm with Rat on this one- hand her every nasty job that comes through. And lord help us ALL if we read another pooped in the changing room story...ROFLMAO

04:08 Dec 07 2010

Well, for what it's worth, I bet we're gonna get some awesome reading for a couple of months!

14:39 Dec 07 2010

How old is she? I remember having a job before I got my license... Not that I was forced to. My parents just gently informed me that I could get whatever I wanted, as soon as I could pay for it ;)



01:39 Dec 01 2010
Times Read: 706

Wow, the closer it gets to the holidays the ruder people get. They must think because it's the season, that gives them leave to lose all control and treat people however they want, blaming it on holiday stress.

A lady came in right before closing and told me to "get on the phone and tell the seamstress to get her ass back here RIGHT NOW for a fitting". Even though the seamstress hours were clearly posted, she didn't care. I went to the phone and after the seamstress answered I hit the speakerphone button, so the answer would be clearly audible..."Tell that jackwagon to make an appointment next time!" (Seamstress loves that commercial.)

We also get people come in who only get one thing cleaned a year, and that is their winter coat. You can imagine the state of the coat after sitting dirty in the closet all spring summer and fall and now here it is December and they take it to the cleaners. THEY REEK. Some of them have been feasted on by insects, leaving a trail of little holes all over the coat. Some people let their coats fall to the floor in the closet and their pets used them for a bed and/or toilet. Yuck.

I have had such garments thrown at me this week, one JUST missing my mouth. Had a guy throw his credit card through the drive up window and it went cartwheeling into the corner. Boss finally got a sign put up by the window: DO NOT THROW ANYTHING THROUGH THIS WINDOW. You'd think people would know better, wouldn't ya?

My boss said look on the bright side. No one else has pooped in the fitting room. :P



01:53 Dec 01 2010

That's it. I'm going to be a bouncer. 'Nother one of these wastes of space and air comes in and bothers my lady I am going to throw them out by something more creative than the scruff of their neck.

03:14 Dec 01 2010

LOL..I will never fully understand how a person can mistake a fitting room for a bathroom stall. People are like this in Florida. As soon as it gets cold they all rush in to get thier coats cleaned.

23:08 Dec 01 2010

You KNOW how the people I have to deal with are. And if you get Morri for a bouncer, I want Birra to play muscle for MY shifts...

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